Have you ever...?

yes! thats how i broke my nose...well someone headbutted me! :p

Have you ever worn an item of clothing inside out in public?

tooo....slow! haha
No...dont like my biscuits with milk :p & nope got all me teeth :D

Have you ever had your purse/wallet stolen?
No but my friend slipped on a banana once...I am absolutely serious! Was hilarious! :hysterical:
& no to the ball thing haha

Have you ever vacuumed up something valuable?
No, I don't think that is possible with my car. If it was then I probably would have, cause I'm terribly clumsy.. :lol:

Have you or anyone you know won the lottery?
If a $10 in the 'who knows what division'! counts...yes :p

Have you ever been in a black out which lasted for/longer than 24 hours?