Have you ever...?


Have you ever cut your hand while chopping food?

* that was yes to the cinema thing not recording a song! NO WAY! :s dont want to scar anyone for life tehehe
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Have you ever laughed and smiled so much your cheeks hurt? LOL
Yeh, many times :p

Have you ever seen a ghost!

Not in a ghastly form. But I did see something in form of my step father, telling me to get back in the apartment from the second floor window bedroom by nodding his head like "hey you! get in". Nothing verbal was said. And when I went in, no one was there. I was 5 years old. About few minutes after searching, i walked back out like a dimwit and this was around 1:00am and a police car drove up, they asked me where my mother or father was and well, i was left home alone that night (my mother was working late and my step father was in Japan). When I was in my 20s, I brought that memory up and my mom said "it couldnt have been him. I remember that was a huge nightmare dealing with the police, trying to bring you back home and your father was in Japan for the week. So it wasnt him. I dont know what you saw." .....gulp* 0_0

Have you ever seen a ghost?
No, but my mum has. Story is too long...but coming from someone who doesn't believe in ghosts, is quite cynical and doesn't believe anyone else when they say they saw a ghost, I suspect she's telling the truth :p

Have you ever broken something in a shop?