Have you ever...?

Not that I know of...

Have you ever tripped in public?

ps thanks :) yours is better!

I have a tendency to NOT walk in a straight line, so i've tripped on the edge of the sidewalk, especially if i'm texting :lol: but I've never just fallen on my ass, just a subtle oops, damn type thing

have you ever had an animal attack/bite/scratch you?
Feel on one...wouldnt call it tripping haha

Have you ever talked to someone for ages & only at the end of the day realised you had something stuck between your front teeth?
I Don't think so actually. Yay :D ETA: Yes I have, poppy seeds! They get stuck everywhere!

Have you ever shoplifted?
Yes, and the other way around... :blush:

Have you ever stood overnight in line for something?
No. Thankfully & I hope it stays that way!

Have you ever lied about your age?
Yes of course :lol: hehe

Have you ever farted in public and had someone notice it?
tehehe no. I was waiting for that one to come up!

Have you ever lost your swimwear whilst swimming in the ocean?
Actually yes, I was caught in a huge wave and crawled my way up to the middle of the beach only to notice my bikini bottom was on my knees :blush:

Have you ever had an affair?
Never, I don't cheat.

Have you ever eaten chinese food and ended up hungry again 2 hours later, like what you ate was only air? :huh: lol
Not after chinese food. After chocolate on the other hand.. :lol:

Have you ever fallen asleep on the bus/subway and missed your stop?
No...I have just missed the my stop because I am an idiot though :p

Have you ever been on a ferris wheel?

Have you ever been gifted with something wonderful and failed to enjoy the moment?
Unfortunately, all too often. Gotta work on that!

Have you ever fallen off a boat?
Not really...broke my nose once :)

Have you ever gone a month without any form of chocolate? :p
yep. hurts like a motherf*****.

ever been told you look like a celebrity? (if so, who?) :ninja:

DAYUM you people are fast :lol:

edit: yes. i used to hate chocolate as a child, and only as a teenager started liking it. weird, huh?
yes actually(Christina Ricci)
I was asked when I was younger for an autograph
I was just eating pizza with my aunt in some pizza shop and was confused as to why someone wanted me to sign something for them, lol when they saw what I wrote they were as equally confused

You actually singed your own name! haha
Thats too funny!

Have you ever cooked with salt instead of sugar by accident?