Have you ever...?

Emotionally or physically?
Either way no :)

Ever consumed 2 litres of Coke-Cola in one sitting?
No but that sounds pretty painful.

Have you ever heard a voice singing in your head over and over?
Ha too many times!

Have you ever got food stuck in your teeth that took you forever to get out?
Yes messy business!

Have you ever laughed so hard the liquid you were drinking came out your nose?
No :(

Have you ever talked to someone who you thought was next to you...but it wasnt them?
Nearly...wish I had though.

Have you ever left a cinema because the movie was SO bad?
Too many times, I'm terrible at keeping secrets :no:

Have you ever laughed loudly at a memory when you're by yourself?
haha yes like 10 minutes ago!

Have you ever been so drunk you vomited? Tasty question I know :)
Every time! :wild: (we've been together for a lot of years...lol)

Have you ever walked up to someone you think you know, and then when it's too late you see that it's not them?
haha no...but someone did that to me today :S awkward!

Have you ever eaten mouldy food?
I ate a mouldy m&m once.... I realized it way late :bad:

Have you ever gone skinny dipping?

Have you ever drunk texted/called someone you liked & made a complete fool of yourself?
No. TOUCH WOOD! :unsure:

Have you ever given someone wrong directions?

:lmao: yeah lots of times sooo embarrassing!!! at some stage of my life when I did that a lot I was like "I'm not talking to the next person asking me for directions, it's better for them if I don't say anything!!!"

Have you ever left a restaurant/cafe and forgot to pay?

PS Luci I love your avi!
Not that I know of...

Have you ever tripped in public?

ps thanks :) yours is better!