Have you ever...?

Yeah I've felt like that ALOT lately when I come here, like leaving and never coming back, it's starting to depress me and I don't like that feeling AT ALL.....

Have you ever dreamt something and it came true?
Yes, I do it all the time. But it's always weird things! I once dreamt I was down at the local park and saw a new post box being put in - two days later, a new post box was put up at the park, haha. Strange.

Have you ever seen a ghost?

Have you ever pushed yourself so hard when you exercised you thought you were going to pass out?
Have you ever been looking at yourself in the mirror and felt like it wasn't really you, like you see yourself touch your arm but don't feel the touch, a strange out of body almost ghostly experience? :mello:

Have you ever wondered what's the point when you read certain threads? :huh:
no my dancing was really crap and my singing :( well

have you ever sang in a kareoki?
will you ever fart in front of MICHAEL JACKSON???????
be honest
sorry but this question in my head all day long
Have you ever been so overwhelmed with thoughts you felt like you had to escape from it all to sort them all out?
of course!!!!!!!!!
i'll ask my question one more time
will you ever fart in front of MICHAEL JACKSON???????
Yes once in high school, and that was all it took to know that I was never doing that again. barf :puke:

Have you ever sat on a bench outside and taken in all the wonders of nature?
Yes. :wub:

Have you ever had romantic feelings for someone you became friends with online?