Grammy discussion, Video links, Pictures..... [ Prince & Paris attend ] ALL threads merged.

Sorry for a little bit of offtopic - the last time

@ FunkeyJay
Now they have disabled the comment function - they know very well why!
Not reading the article either (don't speak German), but German fans should complain about it. I can't believe someone is criticising the children.
Grammy Awards 2010: Prince Michael and Paris in emotional Michael Jackson tribute

Michael Jackson's children, Prince Michael and Paris, took the stage at the Grammys to accept his lifetime achievement award.

By Anita Singh, Showbusiness Editor
Published: 12:57PM GMT 01 Feb 2010

Paris Jackson pays tribute to her father, flanked by brother Prince Michael and singer Lionel Richie Photo: AFP/GETTY

In their first public appearance since Jackson's memorial service, Prince, 12, and Paris, 11, dressed in black suits with red armbands, an outfit which Jackson often wore.
Although nervous, they spoke clearly and with great composure as they paid tribute to their father, who died last June.

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Prince said: "We are proud to be here to accept this award on behalf of our father, Michael Jackson.
"First of all, we would like to thank God for watching over us for these past seven months, and our grandma and grandpa for their love and support.
"We would also like to thank the fans - our father loved you so much because you were always there for him.
"Our father was always concerned about the planet and humanity. Through all his hard work and dedication he has helped many charities and donated to all of them.
"Through all his songs, his message was simple - love. We will continue to spread his message and help the world. Thank you."
The siblings were surrounded by their cousins on stage at the Staples Centre in Los Angeles, where Jackson was in final rehearsals for his tour when he died.
Paris followed her brother to the podium and said simply: "Daddy was supposed to be here. Daddy was going to perform this year. He couldn't perform last year.
"Thank you, we love you, Daddy."
An Earth Song video which Jackson intended to show during his tour was played at the awards as a backdrop to a tribute performance by Jennifer Hudson, Celine Dion, Smokey Robinson, Usher and Carrie Underwood.
I think the kids did very well. Prince and Paris held their composure nicely
for someone their age.

And their 3T cousins there for support. Sweet. :)

Spectacular: Beyoncé, Jay-Z and her nephew Juelz Knowles, Beyonce and Jay-Z wear 3-D glasses for the special film dedicated to Michael Jackson


Special event: Rihanna watched intently as she wore her 3D glasses

The children appeared after a rendition of Michael Jackson's Earth Song, performed live by Celine Dion, Usher, Carrie Underwood, Smokey Robinson and Jennifer Hudson.
A special 3-D video montage accompanied the rousing performance - the special film was made for the King Of Pop's This Is It series of London concerts.
Audience members, including the many celebrity guests, sported 3-D glasses to watch scenes of nature and children as the five singers sang the emotive Jackson hit.

Grammy Awards 2010: Michael Jackson's children Prince and Paris steal the show with an emotional speech

We're all MJ fans here, and we all share the bitterness with regards to those who may have turned their backs on Michael in the past, but we need to get passed this now.

You don't know that the kids were pressured into giving a speech, and you can only assume. I believe they would have certainly been asked, and with the advice and guidance of Kathrine they would have decided that they wanted to accept the award for their father.

I strongly doubt any ratings push, using the kids to somehow boost ratings. Besides us fans, I doubt the average Joe would tune in simply to catch a glimpse of the Jackson children. I think to believe this is a little silly, IMO.
Well, I love to stay brutally honest and no, we don't need to get passed that. There are some kind of sh*t you can never get over in life.
He's gone and now he gets love in the media in this way. Music industry is cold like that and I don't get easily moved by these industry events no matter how hard they try to move me. Real tributes have been done by the fans and his true friends.

I don't think their presence actually had much impact on ratings, either. What I'm trying to say is that kids can be used in the showbiz, period. So, I can never shake off the thoughts that Mike must have been sad about that possibility watching them on stage from heaven. Don't get me wrong, I think he also must have been proud of them doing that. And I admire their courage. But at the same time, I know it was a TV broadcast, it was showbiz, so there's always this scary feeling attached to the way it works.
this thread is too long to check all posts if something is already posted, sorry, but I hope you didn't have seen thoses ones, they are so beautiful!


Prince was very nervous you could tell when he spoke. lol. I'm so proud of them both; they did wonderful.

I had a quick question: what did Paris mean? She said 'daddy was supposed to perform this year, but he couldn't perform last year' ??? I was just a little confused what she meant lol
Sorry for a little bit of offtopic - the last time

@ FunkeyJay
Now they have disabled the comment function - they know very well why!

Oh geez, that's not true, is it? What a mature way to handle it. If they can't handle to be criticized they should write objective articles instead. :doh:
Sorry for a little bit of offtopic - the last time

@ FunkeyJay
Now they have disabled the comment function - they know very well why!

Just checked it again, they deleted the whole article. If some people would think first before they speak *sigh*
Well, I love to stay brutally honest and no, we don't need to get passed that. There are some kind of sh*t you can never get over in life.
He's gone and now he gets love in the media in this way. Music industry is cold like that and I don't get easily moved by these industry events no matter how hard they try to move me. Real tributes have been done by the fans and his true friends.

I don't think their presence actually had much impact on ratings, either. What I'm trying to say is that kids can be used in the showbiz, period. So, I can never shake off the thoughts that Mike must have been sad about that possibility watching them on stage from heaven. Don't get me wrong, I think he also must have been proud of them doing that. And I admire their courage. But at the same time, I know it was a TV broadcast, it was showbiz, so there's always this scary feeling attached to the way it works.

There is a perfect quote for this kind of situation.

"Those you hate either don't know or don't care."

So, who exactly are you hurting by always being bitter about the past? Not the people in question because they don't know that you hate them or even if they did, they really wouldn't care. Do you think most whites care that some blacks carry a chip on their shoulder about the past?

Yeah, you can say you can't get over it and you shouldn't, but in the end you only hurt yourself. Instead of spreading bitterness and angry about the past, think about creating a bright and hopeful future because nothing is done by getting mad. If they want to honor him in death, that is fine by me. It is human nature to only notice the beauty of something until its gone. Even some fans took him for granted, that is just how human nature is.

I also doubt they force the kids to do anything. Otherwise, it would had been done months ago. Give some credit to Michael's mom and we also don't know what Michael would or wouldn't done since he was becoming more lax wit his kids public appearances. We may had wanted them by his side as he took this award, but since he is no longer here, this point is moot.

This was their dad's special moment and they wanted to be their to honor him. This is something to be celebrated, not something to make into a PR issue.
I had a quick question: what did Paris mean? She said 'daddy was supposed to perform this year, but he couldn't perform last year' ??? I was just a little confused what she meant lol

I know, I think you could see her getting mixed up because she was nervous.

Just checked it again, they deleted the whole article. If some people would think first before they speak *sigh*

Oh they did? Good! Silly people..
Wow the pictures are so beautiful. Little Blanket! Bless him. :( His eyes are so much like Michael's.

I'm so proud of the 3 of them. And also 3T for being there with them, they are such lovely guys.
Lionel looks so protective of them too.
Back again and I knew it. Someone had to report negatively about it. Stupid people. It's a german article saying it was embarassing, their outfits looked like carneval and so on. She wrote that because in the end of the article, she's claiming Joe forced them like he forced everyone of his children. Ignorant. God thanks you can leave a comment there, I'll definitely register.
If someone speaks german, here's the link

did somebody copy the article somehow? i would like to read what they wrote since its deleted already...
I loved the pictures of Beyonce and Jay Z.

Thanks a lot for posting.
I do not believe there was a mix up on Paris' part. The producer for the Grammys also confirmed that Michael felt he was not ready to perform in 2009 but would do so in 2010.

And maybe he had those discussions before the dates for TII were confirmed and extended. And maybe the date for the Grammys was not set at that time either. I am sure that if Michael was still alive and still wanted to perform a date would have been set that would be mutually beneficial and convenient.
There is a perfect quote for this kind of situation.

"Those you hate either don't know or don't care."

So, who exactly are you hurting by always being bitter about the past? Not the people in question because they don't know that you hate them or even if they did, they really wouldn't care. Do you think most whites care that some blacks carry a chip on their shoulder about the past?

Yeah, you can say you can't get over it and you shouldn't, but in the end you only hurt yourself. Instead of spreading bitterness and angry about the past, think about creating a bright and hopeful future because nothing is done by getting mad. If they want to honor him in death, that is fine by me. It is human nature to only notice the beauty of something until its gone. Even some fans took him for granted, that is just how human nature is.

I also doubt they force the kids to do anything. Otherwise, it would had been done months ago. Give some credit to Michael's mom and we also don't know what Michael would or wouldn't done since he was becoming more lax wit his kids public appearances. We may had wanted them by his side as he took this award, but since he is no longer here, this point is moot.

This was their dad's special moment and they wanted to be their to honor him. This is something to be celebrated, not something to make into a PR issue.
It's just human nature in me to feel bitter but that anger is also what motivates me to spread the truth about Michael. Anger is not always a negative feeling to shake off. And I don't wanna hurt myself by pretending to feel all positive all the time. I let my feelings go where they wanna go and that's how it will be dealing with his passing. These industry events don't really give me any comfort, they only leave me cold. Rather, I like tributes from individual artists who really loved and respected him like the one R.Kelly did.

I wish I could completely celebrate this moment. I just can't. I loved seeing them there, but I also cry cuz I know they went through a lot to be on that stage and speak in front of all these people. It's a complex feeling that if you don't get it at once, you'd never completely get it the way I tried to show here.
I am SOOOOO Proud of those kids. They are BEAUTIFUL. Also, I'm sooooo happy the Grammy's did the tribute this way. It's nice to see MJ being remembered for something other then the 'Moonwalk' and 'Thriller'.
well i'm just alittle confused I know both of them were nervous & you can clearly see that with Prince but Paris said something about him performing last year but didn't - if Grammy's are held every Jan, he was busy doing something else. (???)
It really seemed they wanted to go and pick up the award. If they would have been pressured Blanket would have probably gone up as well.

Looking back I think it was good they got the award and they kept teh rest of the family out. When they are there, there's always drama....

totally agree here!
I feel awful after watching all of that. :boohoo:It is really emotional, Michael should be here, and I'll never forget that. The children made me cry. God bless them, they are truly Michael's legacy. They did wonderfully, I know Michael is proud, and I'm proud of them too. They are brave. Their father instilled strength and character into those kids. Michael was brave as well. He faced a constant onslaught of ridicule and negativity, and he did it with dignity, courage, and strength. These kids are a living testimonial of what a great father, no make that a great man, he was. It's said music is his legacy. I disagree. Those kids are his true legacy, and they'll be a force to reckoned with in the years to come because of the L.O.V.E. message their father instilled in them from birth.

And, Lionel's reaction to those kids is very touching as well. His embrace was genuine, supportive, and loving even, and IMO, it shows how much he cares for them. Michael would've been so happy to see the love others are showing for those that were the most precious to him. I am so glad they were received so warmly by the audience. I think Paris paved the road into everyone's hearts with her emotional speech at the memorial service for all of three of them.