Goodbye Guys

Stargirl, in so many ways I feel like you do. I know your pain. This last week I have vomited and burst into tears in public and felt that there was no way I could go on. But I know Michael would want each and everyone of us to go on. Because now, we, his loyal fans and friends represent Michael here on earth. We are ambassadors for him and for his music.
He needs us to be strong so that we can show the world what a wonderful, loving person and great artist he was. And show the world that we believed in him and always will. He needs that now and we cannot let him down. Not any of us.
Keep strong, Stargirl for Michael, for us and for yourself. Luv. x
Good bye stargirl if you don't believe in God do it but one thing l will tell you ,you can not meet him there because you commit a crime ,you are going to the hell , beside Michael is in pradise because he is not stupid to suicide if we all suicide ,who will honor him in this f***** life?
Justin or Usher fans????
Stargirl, I think you were acknowledging your strong spirit when you said something is trapped inside your skin. That spirit is naturally strong - and then because of Michael it is EXTRA strong. Michael is like a galaxy that has given each one of us one of his stars to keep and hold on to forever. You have him in you, beside you. Talk to this "star" about how you feel, and listen back.

If you still need help, then please come in here to talk to us, and we'll act as your stars until you can feel Michael's again. xxxxxxx
We are all in pain girl,but we MUST be strong,stay with us,talk to us,we are family,share your feelings and look to the sky......Michael is an angel and he loves us from there....
This is so hard for all of us but we must live on and be strong.
Star girl please seek out help for yourself. Michael would want us to live. He was a kind, gentle spirit who love life and would in no way condone taking one's life. You are a beautiful person who deserves to live because you are a Michael Jackson fan and most importantly you are God's child. If you go you are allowing those who may have killed Michael to win. You are stronger than that. Just remember Michael was about living life to the fullest. He would want the same thing for his fans.
Girl I feel your pain:( but please don't hurt yourself. Imagine how Michael feel about it. I've been going through a lot of emotions ever since Michael passed away and one of them is anger. The haters, the media, the leeches, the fake, backstabbing friends....And I feel the anger is helping me a little becuz we should show them we're very very strong even when we're mourning.

Girl, you're a part of this big family and the rest of us need you.