Goodbye Guys

This is, by far, the best community of people I have seen.

I know the pain will always remain.... but so will Michael.....

I'm really gonna try harder her. I promise.
Michael's been through hell in his life we need to show him we are as strong as he was, the kind of loneliness we feel now must be the same loneliness he felt many times yet he still he found joy in simple things and the love for people never let him give up he had so much love for people, he used to call us his "army of love" we need to stay together like an army

I just wanted to share this with you:

Every day after his death I have had this song in my mind. I close my eyes and hear him sing in my mind.

Michael died knowing he was loved, both by close friends and family, and by millions all over the world. That is a blessing, and speaks about who he was both as a person and as an artist.
Its now time to celebrate him, and to take what he has said and taught us and go out and make this world a better place.

He is still here, embedded in our soul and in our hearts.

Go out, look at the world and see what a wonderful place this could be.
hun.. I want to let you know that I care. I love all MJ fans, they mean so much to me and are very special to my heart. I realize alot of us fans have so much in common. I admit felt like leaving at times too but its not my time yet.
As much as I hate the cruelness of this world and my world is empty now
I believe Michael would be so mad at me if I did that to myself
I really want to be with him when I die though, I love him so much hes my whole world.. I really hope we all get to be with him when we go. I really hope God keeps him safe. Im still shaking over everything. Its been the hardest experience of my life, I miss him so much, my Michael our poor Michael :( we can only get through this together, its much easier then alone. We are Michaels Army of Love always!
you know what helps?
Go to the beach ( or some place were you will be all alone), a place were you will be all alone and scream, scream all your pain away...cry and feel......
it,s not bad to feel the pain, it will heal you.
And while you will be screaming i,m sure michael is right by your side...
it will relieve you.....and do this as many times as you want.....
Good Girl Starlight. Day at a time luv, and just get through as best as you can. It is an old cliche but so true. Time Heals, I know that from when I lost my beloved father 5 years ago.

As I said before, Michael will be living it large up there with James Brown, Marlon Brando etc. god knows it will be one great big water balloon fight going on, he is in safe hands and nobody can ever hurt him again.

We go on and live our lives. You will smile again one day you know.
Dear Stargirl.. listen to all these post poeple have posted to you.
Michael wouldn't have never wanted us to harm ourselves. He loves us and he wants us to keep his legacy alive, keep doing what he can't do anymore - try to make this world a better place.
Only by staying alive and keeping the faith we will be able to keep doing what he tried to accomplish so hard.

Don't lose the faith! And we all feel your pain, we are in the same situation! You can always come here and share all of your thoughts. We are your friends :)
Stargirl, just remember that "WE" NEED you. Each and every one of us is a shining star to help each other out through this and be there for each other. We all love Michael, we're all hurting and so we all need every single person on here.

Stargirl, we really NEED and want you in our lives because you're helping us get through this.

Lots of love and hugs :better:
Do not stand at my grave and weep,
I am not there, I do not sleep.

I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints on snow.

I am the sunlight on ripened grain,
I am the gentle autumn rain.

When you awake in the morning's hush,
I am the swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds in circling flight,
I am the soft star-shine at night.

Do not stand at my gave and cry......
I am not there - I did not die.

A popular poem for the bereaved.
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....

I understand how you feel but if you kill yourself you will never see Michael again because your souls will be in two differant places. And if all his fans start leaving who will be here to keep his lagacy alive for his childern? And who will keep his memory alive for the rest of the world? and who will comfort the other fans left behing? suicide is a selfish act and Michael was an unselfish most giving person.
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....
I feel the same as you...
but I cant suicide cuz they told me if I do I'll go to hell so I know I cant see him if I do so:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I'm so desperate!! I hate everything now!! this world my life!! why would I exist??! I never get that!!!!!!!!
but I cant suicide cuz they told me if I do I'll go to hell so I know I cant see him if I do so:(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((
I'm so desperate!! I hate everything now!! this world my life!! why would I exist??! I never get that!!!!!!!!

We are here for you!
I've never seen MJ too! :( but I try to feel good! :)
Feel better plz!
Michael wouldn't want this!

Your letting your family and friend's down, including Michael!

Michael is your friend!
stay strong . we are all here to listern and talk . we all care
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I understand what you are saying. I have become disillusioned with the world in the last week. But DO NOT do anything please DON'T. Michael wouldn't want this PLEASE.

This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....
Please don't do it, we are in the middle of the darkest hour of our lifes and we will come out the other side. Maybe not to today ot the next few months but in time.
We must will spread michael's love and be strong for him. MJ is here in spirit.
i know what you guys are trying to say....

but i can't take it.

i've already decided im attempting it sometime this week.

with only his music in my hears. only his words.

surrounded by his pictures.

if i somehow survive i hope i'll have enough courage to come back here.
but i don't think i will.

ask MJ what he really wants u to do. ask the one person that u know loves u, what he really wants u to do. what is his voice saying? does the one that truly loves u want u to take ur life?

edit: i'm glad for the people that are here that u heard. and for me. i didn't want to come here. i'm glad to witness ur strength, Stargirl. i'm grateful God brought me back to see ur strength. I'm glad u heard from Michael, the one who loves u truly.

and ur right about those who assassinated MJ
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I agree with Stargirl......AND, I agree with all of u who are trying 2 stop her.....If someone is in this dark place & truely wants to do this then wot we say will not matter.....But.......remember it's too late to change your mind once its done....I wanted to do this & I still do some days, but I have children & a family who wud NEVER understand.....I cudn't put them threw the pain we are suffering right now.....NOT if I love them as I say I do......I have an awful feeling that its gonna get darker be4 it gets lighter & I 2 pray i will find the strength 2 go on....Lets just wait & see.....xoxoxo
hey stargirl. i know that place well, teetering on the edge of death. I have spent a lot of time there & made up my mind to do it some years ago. i was 100% sure. life was crap and so were certain people in it, and the pain & grief I was feeling was too overwhelming to live with. but every time i tried something or someone got in the way, and this happened so many times it was ridiculous, but i still planned to leave asap.

what i discovered eventually is that it is true what they say, time heals all wounds. i am still angry that i had to go thru certain things in my life, but looking back the only good thing about ending my life really would have been the guilt inflicted on the one who had hurt me. but then that person is a ****** and possibly wouldn't have had the decency to feel guilt LOL. it is better that i live and transcend the pain and not give them the satisfaction.

time does heal. sure we may be left with a little pain, and with scars. but those scars are what makes us stronger, better, and gives us the empathy to do good things in the world. since back then i have found things to really want to live for, and now I am worrying i won't have long enough to get them done. and now there is michael to live for, since it is up to us now to see that his messages and work and spirit are kept alive. i know it is f**ked we have to go through this, and i am still filled with grief. but we are needed more than ever now.

Stargirl you have made me smile 3 times today - actually i laughed !! i have seen your angry posts, in other threads, and i love the way you honestly express your anger and contempt for the idiocy of the crap we are seeing. i can talk & discuss forever but sometimes a few words of swearing are all that it needed and I forget that and you reminded me. thankyou so much.

please stick around for a bit. we need you to get thru this. and michael needs you to help the world to remember the truth and celebrate him and forget that crap.
..... its gonna get darker be4 it gets lighter .....xoxoxo

yes....that is usually the way with life. in the darkest moments try & remember that it's only part of the journey to the brighter bits, and we need to push on ahead and focus on that brightness. sigh. but we'll do it.
Why did this death have to happen now the whole world is grieving please Michael I hope you hear what we have to say about you
Don't hurt yourself please... That won't make anything better I'm afraid.
why does people have to die why is it part of life and he seemed so full of life 48 hours before he shouldn't have gone back to his house he shouldn't have because that is the death house oh god why did this have to happen