Goodbye Guys

Stargirl, if you read this please take our advice.
Talk to somebody who can help you. There are organisations that can do this and can help you cope.

Be warned that you will be going directly against Michael Jackson's wishes if you harm yourself in anyway.

Be strong. If you need to talk to people and don't want to talk to a professional organisation then I'm sure there are people here who would be happy to listen and discuss things with you. Please think about it.
PLease keep strong stargirl , i think you would break michaels heart if you considered "goodbye" .we are a unity ~we are here for everyone we too, are "jackson kids/brothers and sisters " we are just another part of him and we remain strong and intact for each other , .please msn me ? im on msn now
I hope nothing happened! :(

Michael would want all of us to stay alive! Each and every one of us! We are here to spread his word and to make the world a better place! Not a sadder place!
Stargirl, please, don't do this.. You are not a dead nothing, to us you are a friend, to Michael you ARE, not were, ARE a dearly beloved fan. He is still alive in all of us, including you, and I know he wouldn't want any of us to do anything like this.

I was suicidal in my teens and I pulled through it with the help of friends and family. Please talk to someone, anyone! Hell, pm ME!! I'm here for you, I will listen, and I would never judge. Please, stay with us. I know you're hurting, we all are, but it will get better. Time has a way of healing wounds. Trust me..... Please...


No, please. Your path to Michael would be so much longer and harder. I really understand your feelings, but you have to LIVE for Michael not die! You have all our love and support. God bless you and please, be with us!
Hi guys....

this is like teetering on the edge...

your words are much too strong and so loud and clear....

and each time i see his face my heart is broken but my spirit soars....

i wonder if what im trying to kill is really trapped inside the skin.


im really, really trying very hard to hang on here.......
oh stargirl, thank u so much for replying
u do care about us, u have love in ur heart
we love u stargirl, i know u think everyone in the world is fake but we desperately want to help u from the bottom of our hearts
every day u hang onto is a measure of ur strength and love. aim for a month! see how it goes from there
listen to the song "smile"
take care stargirl we love u so much
Hi guys....

this is like teetering on the edge...

your words are much too strong and so loud and clear....

and each time i see his face my heart is broken but my spirit soars....

i wonder if what im trying to kill is really trapped inside the skin.


im really, really trying very hard to hang on here.......
Hi Baby,

You know we all love you, don't you? You know there are people in your life that would not want to be without you, right?

We are still here and we need you. WE love you, Stargirl. There are a whole bunch of us here that would love to continue having you in our lives.

You hear me? I have always enjoyed reading the beatiful things that come from you. I think you are just as beautiful of a person as Michael Jackson.

One of the things that makes his fan base so special is that it is filled with beautiful people like you.

We would love for you to continue letting your beautiful light shine for us all and that can only happen if we are able to continue reading the wonderful things that you always like to say.

I've been crying on and off about MJ, but you know what? I would cry just as much about you too.

I love you, Stargirl. We all love you. Keep talking to us. We're all going to stick together, okay precious?
stargirl tell us more about ur feelings the hurt ur feeling,it helps to talk just let it rip,if u wanna shout swear kick just do it but dont do anything else,we mj fans r here for u sweety
It's important to take a moment and clear your head. We can't change anything that has happened. We can't bring Michael back. Accepting that is hard but the reality is there. But it doesn't mean he has to die. His body is no longer but his spirit will live inside each of us for an eternity. We have to honor Michael's spirit in our life. If we don't live to share that spirit with the future generations then how can Michael's message continue?

We need you. As our friend in our community and as Michael's messenger to those who never experienced the love that Michael could give to the world.

Find strength inside yourself and in Michael's voice. Life is too precious and Michael still needs us - all of us.
This is, by far, the best community of people I have seen.

I know the pain will always remain.... but so will Michael.....

I'm really gonna try harder her. I promise.
I'm so glad u respond and sayin' u will try harder. I liked that poem u did, keep doin' your thing!:cheeky:
I'm so glad u respond and sayin' u will try harder. I liked that poem u did, keep doin' your thing!:cheeky:

so did i
you are wonderful , and strong and your a beautiful friend stargirl and you have a wonderful talent there and you need to be here to share that .:angel::wub:
Guys, Hurting yourself will not get you closer to Mike, you may think your in pain now..... It's not worth it, what we NEED to do is be strong for his family, because they were true blood, they just lost a son, brother and father, think of how much agony and despair they are feeling/going through? it's hurtful to think about and my heart goes out to His dear Mother and his babies, it was so sudden. Any loving parent wouldn't want to see/witness their children going out before they do. I'm not a mother, yet I can really feel Mrs. Jackson's pain.

It's not worth taking your own life, Mike wouldn't be thrilled about it cause more than anything he loved his fans dearly and wanted them to be happy.

Keep your head up.
don't do this,Michael Jackson,wouldn't want from you to do this,he loves his fans,and will 4ever,his music will always stay with us,memories,and everything
Please remember we are all in this together. We will get through this terrible time. Remember Michael is still with us in Spirit.
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I'm sorry you are in such pain ... we are all in pain. And right now more than ever, we have to be here for each other, to support one another. Michael would want you to live and be happy. Please think about that.
Stargirl, I don't know you, but I love you. I was in the exact place you are 3 days ago. what kept me from dying with Michael was my children, my friends, and other fans who are grieving and I was able to talk to them because they understood my pain. Stay here on this board and read our post and talk to us. express your feelings. This is so hard. So so hard for everyone who loved Michael. He definitely made this world a better place. He was our beacon of light. With time and healing, he will get through this. We have to. just hold on to hope.
How dare you even contemplate taking such a cowardly way out and inflicting the sort of grief and pain on the people who care about you, as Michael's death has inflicted on his family and on you.

Michael had no choice, he didn't mean to die, you have a life and should be dammed grateful for it. Get professional help, get a grip and help us, we have work to do for Michael and that is to continue his legacy, in everyday life, consideration and respect for others, compassion, positive thinking and most of all keep Michael's music alive, how the hell would that happen if we all took the easy way out of this big black hole of dispair and grief we are in, and what would happen to his kids if Katherine thought like you.

No just bloody well buck your ideas up and do not throw your life away, how ungrateful.
Sweetie, dont do anything stupid or crazy!


You wont be with him if u kill urself...please stay here with us, share ur feelings...u are not alone in this!!

think about ur family and friends who love u deeply...they will feel exactly how ur feeling now if u u want them to suffer too??
Please stay with us darling, please.

Michael would hate that and i'm sure that if he's looking down, he'll hate to see how his family, friends and fans are suffering. Please don't, it'll hurt his soul.