Goodbye Guys

Dear Stargirl,
i know life seems tough, especially in these days
but you MUST keep the faith, someday this will actually be over
I am really sad about our loss too, but I always remember what incredible wonder it is to have 'known' someone like Michael. Please - remember him with pride, and even happiness, because that is what he would want us to do. I even smile when i think of him - because he was SO amazing and such a gift to this world. He still is, and we should all stay right where we are to remember that.
and you must remember - all this magic Michael created; it was actually made in ths world, right here. So stay here.
Please, please, please stay strong guys! We will find a way to get through!


I hope someone is talking to you on msn or webcam or something because I know a board can seem so impersonal but please fight this and stay strong. Find some other activity to keep your mind busy and perhaps not visit the board for a little bit while its still hard.
Please don't harm yourself or anything. Michael so strong he has passed his hard time himself .. you should see him as a role model. Why don't you stay with us and support his kids in the future together. When Michael say "I love you MORE" that means He love you more ... probably more than he love himself. FANS important to him and he important to us but Death can not seperate us. Keep him in your heart and stay strong

I hope someone is talking to you on msn or webcam or something because I know a board can seem so impersonal but please fight this and stay strong. Find some other activity to keep your mind busy and perhaps not visit the board for a little bit while its still hard.
yes stargirl say something you need to talk,
We love you stargirl and we need you here. every one of us needs each other. because this is the only way we can keep Michael's message alive. Because this is the only way we can make him proud. his body is dead but his spirit is ALIVE. Michael is a warrior, so we must follow his example

please dont do anytihng mike would be so upset to know fans were hurting themselves over him
Please don't kill yourself I wanted to kill myself the second I had heard the horrible news. But I knew Michael would not have want that and listening to him alot has really helped me from wanting to kill myself. Michael was my most greatest love and even though I still miss him like crazy. And I still want to be in the same place with him. But killing myself is not the answer. I am now trying very hard by remembering him in more happier times like watching his concerts and videos. I started doing that last night and it did helped some. But it still made me miss him though. But that one Billie Jean performance I had watched last night. Had actually made me forget of where he is now. I think I might go and watch that again.
Stargirl, please don't do anything to harm yourself. We all care about you, a fellow member of our close family. Sending you lots of love and hopefully some strength...... xxx
i know what you guys are trying to say....

but i can't take it.

i've already decided im attempting it sometime this week.

with only his music in my hears. only his words.

surrounded by his pictures.

if i somehow survive i hope i'll have enough courage to come back here.
but i don't think i will.
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....

Then who is going to continue Michael's message on peace, love and freedom, Stargirl? That man has been fighting for peace, love and harmony throughout his life without giving up.

Michael's death wasn't intentional. If Michael knows that his fans fall to grace one by one, wouldn't he be heartbroken?
even in the darkest hours of MJ's life, he still saw the goodness in people. The world is ugly, but Michael, Me, and you should believe in the world. Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Nelson Mandela, etc etc. didn't just give up, because like Michael, they saw what was inside us.

If you want to truly honour Michael, see the magic within the human and LIVE. Help michael heal the world, and bring happiness to LIFE.
i know what you guys are trying to say....

but i can't take it.

i've already decided im attempting it sometime this week.

with only his music in my hears. only his words.

surrounded by his pictures.

if i somehow survive i hope i'll have enough courage to come back here.
but i don't think i will.

But if you do this, it will go against everything that Michael has taught us? There have been too many of you dear ones gone already. Please dont be another. We all love you here you know that?
Please don't go and hurt yourself. It hurts the hell out of me. I really love and miss the hell out of him. But we need to live and keep his legacy alive. Every MJJ fan counts and is need. If we all give up now then who will keep his true memory alive. The world took our angel. Don't let them ta3ke us too
Please do NOT do anything foolish - and this goes for all of you. I lost my grandmother last year (she raised me), and now this - both were so connected - she loved his music and encouraged me to play the keyboards and produce music eventually.

I didn't get to tell her I love her, I was a day late in reaching by her bedside. For 28 years she cared for me and worked so hard for me.. and what did I do for her in return.. I contemplated suicide multiple times.. but my wife always told me "What would she have wanted you to do? Live or die?"

Yes, it is excruciatingly hard to go on, but think about what Michael had to go through. How do you think he felt when he was accused, when all the haters were ragging on him.. how do you think he felt? I bet he didn't feel like living either - to be sad all the time - it was so evident how miserable he felt - and yet, we, the fans and his family supported him and that kept him strong.

He performed till the last minute! He worked his fragile heart off to keep dancing and singing for us! Please return the favor - and continue to live and honor his life and legacy.

By ending your life you are not achieving anything - do something in Michael's name to keep yourself busy. Try writing a song, try working for a children's charity or be a big brother/sister to someone - anything, even volunteer work. And when someone asks you what inspired you to do this, tell them Michael inspired you.
If you do anything rash then you wont get to watch Michaels wonderful kids grow up and image what Michaels has taught them and the stories than can share with us.

What about the new music Michael has created for you and us. Dont you want to hear what message Michael is going to sing to us?
Stargirl, no.. please don't.
You're not alone. :( I feel alone physically but at least I have fans here to go to.
Don't do this... you have to stay strong and keep his spirit alive.. and live your life.
Come on, dont do it! Please, it doesnt help Michael. He wants us to carry on, so that his legacy and music will live on. If you're gonna commit suicide, you have to change your mind directly. Think about your friends and family. They would not like that. And you dont get to see the TII rehearsal, hear the new music by Michael or watch his kids grow up and share their stories about Michael. He's lives inside our hearts.
You have the strength, stargirl.
You have the ability to think differently here, and still feel the pain. That won't go away for some time, for many many many many many many of us. It sure is painful, but you're allowed to feel this, you are totally supposed to feel pain. And you are so not alone honey.

You understand and clearly love Michael, and by that you give him such a special gift. That's all he wanted - understanding and love. YOU GIVE HIM THAT. He still needs that. For every fan who takes their life, Michael gets scarred. Michael gets weaker, ,not stronger. It hurts him so much.

Can't you hear his sweet voice, his tone, his calmness, he is talking to his fans, he really is. But you have to open yourself to it, otherwise he can't get through. I can hear him.
Please try to hear his voice, he is so godamn alive!
What is Michael trying to tell all of us right now, knowing he has been taken from the earth? He knows he has but think - what is he saying to us now? I know you can hear him. He'll get through to you if you let him. Think hard about what he is saying to you personally. He LOVES you. You know Michael's nature - and I know you will be able to hear him, please try. Close your eyes and try. Hear Michael.
Please don't do anything stupid.
Too many people have already been lost due to the tragedy that occured last Friday. Michael Jackson would want everybody to celebrate his passing and he would be delighted by the scale of the positivity that has been emerging across the whole world! This man came from a small, poor community and took the world by storm. His influence is still there and you will always be able to celebrate in his music. People will always celebrate his music. Be happy that finally he is at rest. Be happy that his music is being so successful now - selling out across the world. Be happy that he is being given the attention and praise he deserves. Be proud of him and be proud of yourself. You deserve it. You're a wonderful person.

So true. Stargirl it's not gonna make anything better if u do this to yourself, you HAVE to stay strong, you HAVE to!!! Please...

EDIT: Does anyone know her personally??? Omg...
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....

Aww hun :better: :better: :better: