Goodbye Guys


Proud Member
Jul 25, 2011
Canada - ON
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....
you know what's even better than MJ? You. For you understood his music and personnality, and those who understand his music and personnality are the ones who made him live.

He'll stay alive if we do too.
you are not gunna do anything stupid stargirl,please,michael would not want this,if he was here now he would tell you to just ignore the tabloid garbage,and he would be extremely upset,
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....

Please STOP! im begging u. Michael Joseph Jackson dont want his fans and other people to take there lives because of him. Michael is gone but we still have his music , his beautiful voice .. we have rehearsals footage to look forward to .. and his new album ... He will always live forever in our hearts !!!!

To say u dont wanna live no more , its not the answer , please ..
I feel you pain, sweetheart. Just please keep talking to us, keep sharing your thoughts. I hope you can still find solace here, among your fellow fans. These are dark times, but let's be here for one-another, ok? We can't afford to lose anyone else.
Anger is a good thing. Hold onto it. Hold on to anything. But hold on to yourself. I certainly don't know the right things to say at a time like this because nothing seems to make sense.

But I will say that although I'm devastated over his passing, in the end, he's in a better place. No tabloid can bother him, no family pressures, he doesn't have to worry about tours, or records, or people using him, suing him ever again. While the world can go mad below him, he is literally above all that now.

That's how I cope.
(((hug))) stargirl... i know how you feel. almost everyone here can relate to what you are feeling. take it slow. when we hurt we look for something to take the pain away. don't do anything drastic. just try and slow yourself down. it is all too fast on you right now. if the forum isnt helping you, is ok to take a break, but if you are going to go for a while to make yourself get better, then let yourself take it slow where you are. don't worry about the world right now. someone else is watching over it all. right now just take care of you. be kind to yourself. sends you love. (((HUGS)))
please, don't hurt yourself hun.. Michael wouldn't want that and if you do you will never be with me... please hung on in there
Don't say goodbye. We love you Stargirl and you're needed on this earth. Live!
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....

Please be strong, learn how to be strong from Michael. He didn’t want to die, he even said he wants to live forever! He went through hell and survived his childhood, the allegations, media, etc… It was his time to go! And now he is in a better place, there is no more pain, no more sorrow, no more sadness, he is now an angle. Don’t be sad, please be strong.
we,ve all felt like that this week,but michael would not want this,his mother and children are grieving also,his mother would be even more distraught,i as michaels mother and sister believe in the jehovahs witness faith,we will come across terrible terrible people like this in the world,because it is satan that is behind them,we will see michael soon in paradise,i really believe this,he is just sleeping now
GET A HOLD ON YOURSELF!!!! Try to be strong!! MJ wants us to be strong!!
Please don't do anything stupid.
Too many people have already been lost due to the tragedy that occured last Friday. Michael Jackson would want everybody to celebrate his passing and he would be delighted by the scale of the positivity that has been emerging across the whole world! This man came from a small, poor community and took the world by storm. His influence is still there and you will always be able to celebrate in his music. People will always celebrate his music. Be happy that finally he is at rest. Be happy that his music is being so successful now - selling out across the world. Be happy that he is being given the attention and praise he deserves. Be proud of him and be proud of yourself. You deserve it. You're a wonderful person.
Please don't! Michael wouldn't want this.

This is hard for everyone but we need each other to make it through.
Michael, from his dimension of light, wants u to live for him!
1rst if you think that if you kill yourself you will go to Michael you just lying yourself!
I know his death HURT but DON'T do it's STUPID ! :(
This world...I fucking hate this place like hell. And these people, these fake...ignorant asswhole scum bag fucks...I hate them all too. I hate them with a damn passion man. And they killed him. They bloody murdered him. He was one of the only reasons I was alive. And now I feel like a dead nothing. I just think it's better to be completely dead then suspended in the damn middle. I just want to be with him. I can not fucking live in such an ugly world where he does not fucking exist anymore.

I's hard coming on here. This used to be a solace and now each time I come i'm scared and depressed.

I can't even....

I'm feeling the same.I dont know what to do.
Awww it makes me cry hearing this. Please dont do anything rash.

If Michael we're here, what would he want you to do? Michael wanted to live and he would have wanted you to live. You know that.

One more thing, please note that if you commit suicide you won’t go to heaven (in most religions) so don’t do it. Just like Michael said “Keep The Faith”. This life is a test for all of us.
This is too much, we gots to do something. We need to figure out this world out.
don't do it! we all need to be strong for Michael!!! he loved life and so should you. Michael would HATE for anyone to commit suicide for him!
Michael wants us to live and celebrate his life. We are his angels on earth now, while he is in a better place now. So please don't hurt yourself because that's not what Michael would have wanted. If anyone knows this girl or has her phonenumber please contact her!
Please don't do anything bad. Everyone here is having a hard time right now. Trying to take an easier way out should never even be an option. Sometimes life is really really hard. Look at everything Michael went through. Did he EVER give up because it got to hard??? He had more strength than I think he realized and you know what. SO DO YOU.
If I could give you a super huge hug right I would. Just go for a walk, take some really deep will get through this.
We all will.