Give your grade for the project 'Michael' the album?

I wrote a review and track-by-track breakdown on my blog - please check it out if you like:

I gave an overall verdict of 4/5, which I guess is comparable to "B" - there are some real gems on this album, but the cloud of controversy definately tarnishes certain songs and there simply aren't enough on there - 12 would have been more appropriate!!

Furthermore, Sony's promotion was NOWHERE near what we were told to expect ("D"), the second single is looooooooong overdue, and as much as I appreciate the effort that went into the cover, it just screams "GREATEST HITS" to me, as does the simple-but-generic title ("C")...
1. Album artwork B
2. Album production F
3. Album promotion D
4. Song selection E
5. Song quality D

Overall Grade: D-

Loved best of joy and behind the mask, that saved the album for me.
1. Album artwork: A ..........:swoon:
2. Album production: B ..............:tease:
3. Album promotion: C.......:doh:
4. Song selection: B........:punk:
5. Song quality: B ...........:scratch:

Overall Grade: B...:yes:
Subject (Grade: A,B,C,D,F)

1. Album artwork: B+ (Not half-bad, it could be better though)

2. Album production: B+ (Some tracks, like Another Day were actually made less good by the production update, while some others, like Behind The Mask turned out excellent, but i think the production trend relies a bit too heavily on a "mainstream" sound sometime retouching too much some songs, also the Auto-tune in HT (i bet this song's demo is actually better) is plainly disrepectful, also, the bridge was clearly intended to be just instrumental... The Way You Love Me is heavily improved by the updates, this finished version actually sounds like a finished MJ track)

3. Album promotion: F- (EPIC FAIL. Singles are nowhere to be heard. Not a single ad about the album here in Uruguay.)

4. Song selection: A- (It doesn't matter how convinced is Sony that the Cascio tracks are legit, if it wasn't for the inclusion of the tracks the sh*tstorm wouldn't have happened. Also it's sad that gems like DYKWYCA weren't included, and HMH is clearly an Akon song feat. MJ. (I Like) The Way You Love Me while sounding excellent, probably shouldn't have been included, Best Of Joy is a "meh" track, saved only by MJ's amazing vocals and it being the last song MJ ever recorded)

5. Song quality: A- (While none of the tracks is really bad, not even the Cascio ones strictly musically speaking, the only real gem is BTM.)

Overall Grade: B+ (Nice try, avoid including Cascio tracks in future albums, don't update already finished tracks anymore, and MAYBE, it will be better.)
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I know everyon's opinion is valid etc.

But if Michael is an A overall, where does that put Dangerous or Bad?

That's the problem..........

You can't review and rate something if it isn't relative..........

If you rate an album from 'A' to 'E' (and 'A' being the best you've ever listened to) then you would give an 'A' to OTW, Thriller, Bad, Dangerous, and HIStory............

If you then give the "Michael" album an 'A' then you are saying that it is as good as Michael's best..............

.........and even most people who love the album wouldn't say that it is as good as the albums that Michael himself completed and released!!!!