Give your grade for the project 'Michael' the album?

1. Album artwork: F (horrible. How could they do this?)
2. Album production: D (if it wasn't for BoJ, F)
3. Album promotion: C (I actually think they did an almost OK job on the promotion, Michael busses, Michael biggest edit: poster, lots of interviews, etc).
4. Song selection: F (you know why. It's still unreal to me).
5. Song quality: D (again, because of BoJ, it doesn't get an F)

Overall: D.
Overall Grade:
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Here is the lastest overall summary as of now:

1. Album artwork: C+
2. Album production: C
3. Album promotion: D-
4. Song selection: D+
5. Song quality: C+

Overall Grade: C
1. Album artwork: B++ ( I like it. Not that good as Dngerous, but it's interesting to watch and discover)
2. Album production: C
3. Album promotion: C (for none living person, i think they did same as for present artists. How many in different countries is another thing.)
4. Song selection: C++ (keeping the whole controversy aside)
5. Song quality: C+

Overall Grade: a good C+
1. Album artwork: A
2. Album production: B+
3. Album promotion: C++
4. Song selection: B
5. Song quality: A+

Overall Grade: A-
1. Album artwork: C
2. Album production: D
3. Album promotion: D
4. Song selection: D
5. Song quality: D

Overall Grade: D
Law grades really... uhmmm :ermm:
^ Yeah. The overall grades for the project as a whole are not very good so far. Perhaps, things will improve based on how the new singles from the cd are handled. Of course, they could also get worse. Time will tell
1. Album artwork: C
2. Album production: C-
3. Album promotion: D
4. Song selection: D
5. Song quality: C

Overall Grade: C
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Following, is my personal rating:

1. Album artwork: D
2. Album production: D-
3. Album promotion: F-
4. Song selection: C-
5. Song quality: C

Overall Grade: D+
1. Album artwork:B
2. Album production:B
3. Album promotion:U (very poor compared to The Experience, and TII)
4. Song selection:A
5. Song quality:A

Overall Grade:A-
1. Album artwork: A
2. Album production: B+
3. Album promotion: C
4. Song selection: A (the only song that I skip is Another Day)
5. Song quality: A

Overall Grade: A
Album Artwork: A+
Album Production: A
Album Promotion: C (By posthumous standards)
Song Selection: A+ (I love every song on this album)
Song Quality: A (It's very telling that some songs were unpolished before completion)

Overall Grade: A
Album Artwork: B+
Album Production: B+ (I like T. Riley's work)
Album Promotion: C
Song Selection: B
Song Quality: B+

Overall Grade: B+
1. Album Artwork: A+
2. Album Production: A
3. Album Promotion: C
4. Song Selection: A+
5. Song Quality: A

Overall Grade: A
1. Album artwork: - A
2. Album production: - A
3. Album promotion: - A
4. Song selection: - C
5. Song quality: - B
Subject (Grade: A,B,C,D,F, U 'Unclassified')

1. Album artwork U
2. Album production U
3. Album promotion U
4. Song selection U
5. Song quality U

Overall Grade: U
1. Album artwork: C
2. Album production: D
3. Album promotion: C
4. Song selection: D
5. Song quality: D

Overall Grade: D
I know everyon's opinion is valid etc.

But if Michael is an A overall, where does that put Dangerous or Bad?
I know everyon's opinion is valid etc.

But if Michael is an A overall, where does that put Dangerous or Bad?

That is AA++***** and more, over all.
Standard criteria ABC etc. aren't sufficient for evaluating Michael's best work!!!
1. Album artwork: B
2. Album production: D
3. Album promotion: D
4. Song selection: D
5. Song quality: D

note, this is if the grading is consistant with all of Michael's other works and albums.
No grade. Fails class due to cheating

Haha, That was hilarious!!

1. Album artwork: D

Not a fan of the album artwork, Hey Im happy they didn't use the generic Black Or White pose image, But I don't like the album artwork, Bonus points though for putting effort into it...

2. Album production:C

Copied and pasted adlibs, An entire bridge created after Michael died, with no permission or direction from Michael prior to his death, Three questionable songs with poor instrumentation, Lenny's deplorable new mix of Another Day, not very happy. The album production saves itself with a brilliant production of Best Of Joy, Thanks to Michael and Neff U, The added Saxophone evident in Behind The Mask, and added vocals by Michael in Hold My Hand, These four gem's definitely save the album production from hitting an F!

3. Album promotion: D

Terrible album promotion. We aren't asking Sony to build more statues of Michael and float them down the Thame's river, But at least some effort with extra advertisements reaching the TV, Radio, Extra Billboards and posters, Its no wonder in places like Australia, where promotion was almost non existent, that the album was slaughtered in the charts!

4. Song selection:C

The deciding factor that lead to me NOT buying the "Michael" album I was excitedly anticipating was the inclusion of the Cascio Tracks On Michael. I have my views on these songs, which has greatly diminished my love and admiration for project "Michael." Sure the Estate definitely got it right by including radio friendly tracks like Hold My Hand, and stellar incredible gems such as Behind The Mask, Best Of Joy and save for one, not releasing any all ready fully leaked tracks. In Theory, Another Day was an excellent choice for "Michael" had Lenny not changed the track. But with the inclusion of the already released "The Way You Love Me" and the Cascio Tracks, Instead of getting an A, Song Selection gets a C...

5. Song quality: C

Song Quality however is impressive with Best Of Joy, Behind The Mask, and even Hold My Hand, all in my Top 100 Greatest Michael Jackson songs, while the grade suffers with cringe inducing track's like Breaking News and Monster, and the below par recent Mix of Another Day

Overall Grade: C
As far as the music goes its gotta be an A+, love all the songs, as for as promotion and handling of the project goes, dont get me started. HMH shoulda been #1
1. Album artwork: b
2. Album production: b
3. Album promotion: d
4. Song selection: c
5. Song quality: b

over all - b