Get well soon, Michael

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also, comments like get better cuz we want more music is NOT acceptable. honestly, could people be more selfish?

the man has three small kids to look after and some people are worried about another damn cd...honestly, i hope the man doesn't record for a long ass time....some of y'all are a mess. be appropriate or don't post.

Thank you,you read my mind!:)
OMG! FEEL better Michael...I havent been watching the news or had internet connection...and ppl. were telling me that Michael is sick...and am like, no he's not...he just has a court case...but when i checkd this tread I felt the pain...He'll be fine, i know in my heart that he'll be...its just one of the things he has to go get where he has to be...God has a plan for him...and he's gonna finish it....I LOVE YOU MICHAEL!!!

And i hope the children are ok...God BLESS THEM AND us ALL!!!
i want this whole thing to end as quickly as possible. i feel like im living in a nightmare right now :cry: i just want to see him out and about perfectly healthy again smiling and waving.
i cant wait till tomorrow. his lawyers have scared the crap outta me
this whole situation is nerve-wrecking.

i understand that it is private,but God if only I knew what it was with him...this is killing me instead.
My kids hadn't heard you weren't feeling well till I prayed about it in our last nights prayers and they were all concerned. It was pretty sweet actually. So anyways, if my prayers didn't do it, their prayers surely must have.

That's very sweet! :) Aw.

I am always blessed when I hear of parents praying along with their children when some things come up that really can use prayer. It models a wonderful thing to them, and gives their little hearts an opportunity to enlarge and be more caring. Beautiful, Ape.

And it's these sweet things being shared to MJ, while he is feeling poorly, I would think touch his heart very much, and make him smile, even when he is having a bit of a hard time. But he'll get through this, too. God is with him.
Hopefully his sickness is that he is sick of so called friends turning on him when he doesn't give them what they want!

If he is ill, we all want to wish him a speedy recovery, I wouldn't be surprised if stress plays a big part in this, he must be afraid of anyone who makes a suggestion, if he dares even suggest that it sounds like a good idea they seem to take it as a comitment.
I'm sure that Mike will be back on his feet and moonwalking in no time.

Get well soon Mike.
Hopefully his sickness is that he is sick of so called friends turning on him when he doesn't give them what they want!

If he is ill, we all want to wish him a speedy recovery, I wouldn't be surprised if stress plays a big part in this, he must be afraid of anyone who makes a suggestion, if he dares even suggest that it sounds like a good idea they seem to take it as a comitment.

yep. that's right. and..when this is all over, people in media, and haters will say that 'awwww...all yall do is paint Michael as THE VICTIM..awwwww....get over it!'

I am continuing to send out positive and healing prayers and emanations to Michael. *****hugs****** :better:

You will be better soon applehead!
......................You are in my thoughts angel,I :wub: you!!!!!:wub:
Put your feet up on the ottomon, grab a book or some cartoons, get all snugly cozy, cuddle with the kids, grab some popcorn, turn out the lights, and get ready for...Larry Boy! The plunger-headed hero! Laugh your head off, Mike, and most of all, relax and get better! :) Hope this works!

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please get well soon, michael. take care of yourself. i am extending my well-wishes to you in the hope that you feel stronger soon. just keep your chin up and persevere. i hope you feel better soon.

i love you loads xxx
Get well soon,Michael! I really miss you
Every day I pray for you to recover!
You know what they say, "laughter is the BEST medicine!"

Don't need no sourpuss. MJ, hope you have a big ol' beautiful smile on your face and laughter from your lips even when times are tough and and even through the pain. It really makes you shine. :) Hope Larry Boy made you laugh, teehee.
Put your feet up on the ottomon, grab a book or some cartoons, get all snugly cozy, cuddle with the kids, grab some popcorn, turn out the lights, and get ready for...Larry Boy! The plunger-headed hero! Laugh your head off, Mike, and most of all, relax and get better! :) Hope this works!

hahah That is cute!!
Put your feet up on the ottomon, grab a book or some cartoons, get all snugly cozy, cuddle with the kids, grab some popcorn, turn out the lights, and get ready for...Larry Boy! The plunger-headed hero! Laugh your head off, Mike, and most of all, relax and get better! :) Hope this works!

hehe i love Larry. :p this is cute...i hope it made michael laugh!

Your Personal Guide to Doctorspeak

What Your Doctor Says:
I’d like to run a few more tests.

What Your Doctor Means:
(I want the sunroof option for my new sports car.)

What Your Doctor Says:
Please make a follow-up appointment.

What Your Doctor Means:
(I’d also like the CD player with the five-disc changer.)

What Your Doctor Says:
Bend over.

What Your Doctor Means:
Bend over.
(Hey, some things are bad enough without some deeper meaning.) :cheeky:

What Your Doctor Says:
The nurse will take over from here.

What Your Doctor Means:
(I’m late for my tee-off time.)

What Your Doctor Says:
You’ll feel some slight discomfort.

What Your Doctor Means:
(This is gonna hurt like hell.)

What Your Doctor says:
Hmmm… that’s interesting

What Your Doctor Means:
(What the heck is THAT?)

What This Card Says
Hope you’re better soon, Michael :better:

What This Card Means:
Hope you’re better soon, Michael :wub:
~A Get Well Prayer~

This get well prayer is sent with love;
A special request to Father God above,
That His healing touch, soon be on the way
Bringing for you well and brighter days.

May from your loving heart once again
There flow with happiness a joyous song
May all the days ahead for you, be kind
Blessing you with a healthy body, soul, and mind.

Please know my dear special friend
That for you with love, always I am here
God Bless YOU abundantly, is my prayer
Always safely to be kept, in His loving care.

:angel:poems From My Heart
By: Elizabeth Ann Biggs
Your Personal Guide to Doctorspeak

What Your Doctor Says:
I’d like to run a few more tests.

What Your Doctor Means:
(I want the sunroof option for my new sports car.)

What Your Doctor Says:
Please make a follow-up appointment.

What Your Doctor Means:
(I’d also like the CD player with the five-disc changer.)

What Your Doctor Says:
Bend over.

What Your Doctor Means:
Bend over.
(Hey, some things are bad enough without some deeper meaning.) :cheeky:

What Your Doctor Says:
The nurse will take over from here.

What Your Doctor Means:
(I’m late for my tee-off time.)

What Your Doctor Says:
You’ll feel some slight discomfort.

What Your Doctor Means:
(This is gonna hurt like hell.)

What Your Doctor says:
Hmmm… that’s interesting

What Your Doctor Means:
(What the heck is THAT?)

What This Card Says
Hope you’re better soon, Michael :better:

What This Card Means:
Hope you’re better soon, Michael :wub:

oh dear :lol: that was funny!
Some of you are clearly not getting it...

this isn't a "let's question Mr Jackson's motives or his health status" thread.

This is purely about well wishes and a bit of support for those who are distressed... that is it.

Look at it this way, would you write those remarks onto a Get well card for Michael?

If you all want to speculate on his health or make assumptions in regards to whether he is being legitimate or not... please take it to another board.... or you might find you have no choice.... because zero tolerance is in place and I do know how to use the ban button.... Thanks
Thinking of you:
The Beautiful Light you are Michael
can never dim ,Everlasting and blindingly bright as the sun blazing the sky!
continue to heal sweet warrior ,don't worry or hold fear I am here,along with every loving soul that holds you dear...
It's evening now ,so wishing you good night-sleep well,nite nite...
love & Hugs
Nov 19 2008
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