Get well soon, Michael

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What day does Michael have to go and be in court?
Im in a super fast rush here at work and Im not meant to be on the forum! Hehee
If anyone can let me know, thanks so much! :)
Reposting this:

Some of you are clearly not getting it...

this isn't a "let's question Mr Jackson's motives or his health status" thread.

This is purely about well wishes and a bit of support for those who are distressed... that is it.

Look at it this way, would you write those remarks onto a Get well card for Michael?

If you all want to speculate on his health or make assumptions in regards to whether he is being legitimate or not... please take it to another board.... or you might find you have no choice.... because zero tolerance is in place and I do know how to use the ban button.... Thanks

Cause some posts are going buh bye...
Hi Michael, hope you're feeling better and that all these hundreds of "get well" posts have helped send positive energy your way to help numb the pain and bring tons of SMILES on your face. Looks like God's giving you His Band-Aid. :)

Have a safe and healthy journey and don't let people get under your skin, cause they're infectious. Shake them off, hold your head high, and I hope you are feeling GOOD!

I feel good, dananananana
You knew that I would now.
So good! So good!
I got you!
I should think if Michael will be flying to London for court he must be on the road to getting better if not over whatever was ailing him :yes:
We may never know Michael's results but as long as he doesn't have to go to London to testify ,he'll have a great Thanksgiving.Let's hope that his illness is not life threatening.
Michael Jackson, we very much hope and trust that you're feeling better and better day by day.

These are for you :flowers: :flowers: :flowers: :flowers:
After Michael stated he would fly to London for the trial the issue was dropped. No more has been stated otherwise. Either it is private or it simply is no longer an issue. But we do wish him and his family good health and a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday :yes:
I don't think he is ill anymore.

He intended to go to London, so ha can't have been too bad!
I am glad that he did not have to go to court. I hope we see him in London for other beautiful things and not for court cases. :) God bless him.
michael i love you
please feel better soon
i will keep you in my prayers @
Dear Michael, this is my first post, haha
Wish you and your family happy thanksgiving day !
Although I am faaaaaar away from you, my heart is always with you.
Michael never,never,never think that you has only your kids beside you.NO WAY!

Me and milions fans are with you any time and any place!

My love for you never will change no matter what!

Be happy,be strong,trust in you,in your light and God bless you and family!

Take care,my King!!!I LOVE YOU!!!!:wub:
Not breaking news anymore really is it ??

Thread not really relevant anymore as he isn't sick anymore.

He wanted to cancel his trip to london due to sickness, BUT then he got well and wanted to go to London anyway!

Close thread
i wish we hear something soon.... how we are suppose to live, worrying so much :(

---i can't

Please don't worry so much! What we know is that Michael was ready to get on a plane to England, and then the case was settled. If Michael ever has health-issues, you can be assured he has the very best medical care. So please do not worry, but just think positively?


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