FT article: Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn

The fact that it's the cascio family pisses me off something shocking and also the fact that branca paid them before angers me even more
Over the years, I’ve remarked how accusations have dropped on years ending in 3—the Chandlers in 1993, the Arvizos in 2003, and Robson in 2013. Just the other day I was remarking to a mutual how great it was that we broke the curse in 2023. And now here we are.

I do wonder if the estate dropped this news to call the family’s bluff.
Ummm it's 2024...
The Estate screwed themselves over when they agreed to pay $20mil in 2020. Nothing they do now will distract from that—It will be the main takeaway for every article.
They screwed themselves over the excat same way mike did in 1993 thinking paying up would help
Unless, what the article/Estate is REALLY trying to say is that they can't go to media but can still go to authorities - which I'm assuming they haven't done. You can't gag a crime. Hopefully that is the angle they were trying to come from?
Ummm what's the point of going to.the authorities...mike is dead
Did the Cascios threaten to go public with X, Y or Z hence the Estate allowing 3 undeniably fake songs to be allowed on an official release? Or, did the relationship only sour when the Estate said they could not proceed with any more of their material
The fact that it's the cascio family pisses me off something shocking and also the fact that branca paid them before angers me even more
I think we need to watch the way we word this.

They did not pay them to stay quiet.

They paid them for the rights to the 5 siblings life story, and part of the agreement is that they would not slander Michael. This is a normal and pretty standard agreement in any kind of deal. It was an NDA or a non disparage agreement, similar to what they had with HBO.

That's what really happened. So please stop saying they paid them off cause that's not what really happened.

Also it's possible they bought the rights to Franks book which is pro-mj and he defends him in it.

Frank was trying to sell it to be turned into a miniseries in 2018, a year before the family flipped and turned to extortion. It;s likely that frank got bit with the greedy bug and realized he could make a lot more money selling lies after LN came out.

When the estate approached them and asked them to help defend Michael, they probably took advantaged of LN mess and demanded money for helping. The estate said no, and so they flipped to the other side and started making threats

Also this twitter user is right on the money when with her theory of what happened when they turned.
