FT article: Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn

Wasn't Teddy Riley meant to be releasing a book regarding what happened with the Cascio tracks?
He doesn't know what happened with them. He didn't record them. He was given already recorded and mixed tracks to remix them. And like I said, he was under contract to do the job as producer/remixer so he couldn't leave the project without facing legal action from Estate. That's his whole story. He said everything in DJ Vlad interview.
Teddy Riley signed the contract to produce material and promote the album BEFORE he heard the songs. After he heard the songs he said to Taryll that the vocals are not MJ. But he was already under contract. He could have leave the project and face legal actions (which he should have done) or stay and work on them. Taryll wasn't under any kind of contract so he could leave and talk whatever he wanted. Teddy's contract probably had expiration date because in recent DJ Vlad interview, he admitted that the vocals are not MJ.
I know the story.
Everyone who was involved in the songs is as bad as the Cashios, regardless of the contract.
Preemptive strike by the estate...play the offence...I like the sound of that