FT article: Michael Jackson estate says accuser is trying to extract $213mn

The Financial Times is not some no-name website, it's a serious newspaper. The article was written by their US media editor, and a note at the end adds that the Estate added some info to the original article. If this were "fake news" Branca would have issued a statement and the article would be withdrawn. It's been picked up by The Telegraph and Billboard.
Who is that US media editor?
I haven't heard anything else, so I'm sure the Estate knows what they are doing. We should make our documentary called "Surviving 'Leaving Neverland!'" I know there were many videos breaking down those false allegations. I know it's frustrating that those false allegations keep coming up, I get it. I never doubted Michael's innocence, but I'll be honest, he should've taken into consideration by not putting himself in that predicament again, sadly, it took a trial for him to realize that
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Why is it not strange that people would fall for this? (Fall for it)
Who is that hated family you're thinking of? (You're thinking of)


This just proves that people working for big names publications (FT) are still horrible in verifying their so-called sources. LMAO!
Spreading complete nonsense like this is the very same social issue currently prevalent in the USA that led to a fraudster named Donald J. Trump becoming president in 2016 and Janet Jackson falling for tabloid reports about Kamala Harris' ancestry.
Says the one who still believes the songs are real because he doesn't want to accept the fact that he paid big money for 12 Jason Malachi tracks that eventually leaked for free 😅
Please talk about Janet in a separate thread. It's completely different topic. Also this is international MJ forum and some people are not interested in Janet and/or in US politics. Thanks!
I for one am glad this story died a small death … just very surprised that Financial Times of all media outlets would run with something like this …Dan Reed must need to wipe the dribble he really thought he had it I think! He must have had a busy weeekend of ‘contacting’ and ‘recruiting’ more ‘victims’ the actual bellend.
It's insanely fishy to me this story has no legs. I really don't get it.

Not complaining!

Maybe the media wants to find out whats happening with the extortion claims both civilly and criminally before going all in on it? And would it not be better to plan a giant introduction of this 5 new accusers ro ruin the bio pic very close to its release? I think they are smarter than we think!

If all mainstream media would go out with this info on all platforms the days before the released of the biopic and then follow it up with Dan Reed, Safechuck & Robson doing media tours and possible Leaving Neverland 2 - that would be pretty powerful to kill the bio pic!
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Don't mention Brett's name in such context! Brett and Mac were his only true friends. Cascio family were cons since day 1. Just watch any Frank Cascio video online. Same lying, douchebag behaviour as Wade Robson. Plus, they recored and sold 12 fraudulent Jason Malachi songs!!!
Emmanuel Lewis is his only true friend... Mac is living his life and I don't trust Brett.
You don't trust Brett??? Maybe you should listen to his The MJ Cast podcast he did. Mac is 100% true friend, of Michael and also his children.
I have listened to that podcast episode, Mac is still living his life and his kids are his kids and some of the beneficiaries to his estate...
With PDD aka Sean Combs case going, Michael is looking like a saint. just think of poor usher and Justin bieber … You really think ppl are going to take wade and James seriously now? the only person who ought to be demoralised is Dan Reed whom belongs in prison, but won’t survive a day.

this whole move couldn’t have been played out better for MJ.
I have listened to that podcast episode, Mac is still living his life and his kids are his kids and some of the beneficiaries to his estate...
WTF are you talking about? Macs kids weren't even born when Mj Died.

You guys gotta start checking these posters join dates.

Sisterhon just joined dec 2023 and has said strange things regarding mj and the allegations

Like she said this

For a few years after MJ KoP died, I have been going down a rabbit hole trying to read and amass as much information on the man as I can, to try to figure him out. I can't so I've stopped.

Also, I've been trying to figure out this case and I've concluded that this whole thing seems like it was "cast" like it was a screenplay that was played out in public rather than made into a movie or a play.

It's so odd... and I also think there were things that we, regular fans and the public in general, weren't privy to so that the conclusion does not make sense to us.

I thought I was the only person who felt like this. Unlike you though, I think MJ was in on the gag with Jordy... who knows maybe I'm reaching...

WTF does this even mean?? Michael was in on the gag???

Sisterhon if you want to explain yourself, I'm all ears and willing to listen

But if not, i find you suspicious. Why would you cast doubt on brett? Unlike he Cascios he's never engaged in shady behavior or tried to profit from his friendship with MJ.
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Stacy Brown is now reporting that the 2020 payment was purely for positive PR only.

Only in recent weeks did they threaten to go to the press with bad stories, and that's when they asked for 213 million.

This whole thing makes absolutely no sense at all.
Stacy Brown is now reporting that the 2020 payment was purely for positive PR only.

Only in recent weeks did they threaten to go to the press with bad stories, and that's when they asked for 213 million.

This whole thing makes absolutely no sense at all.
I'm happy this story doesn't seem to have got much traction, tbh. If the FT article really did go live first (the FT journalist, Anna Nicolaou, claimed it was a scoop) then Stacy Brown is not telling us anything new.

"In 2020, the estate quietly struck a previously unreported settlement worth $16.5mn, under which the man and the other accusers agreed instead to defend Jackson’s reputation.

Now, the people managing Jackson’s music and image rights are accusing the man of fabricating his earlier claims while seeking to extract $213mn more in a new settlement with the estate, according to an arbitration claim. They have reported the matter to the US Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles."

Anna Nicolaou
I'm happy this story doesn't seem to have got much traction, tbh. If the FT article really did go live first (the FT journalist, Anna Nicolaou, claimed it was a scoop) then Stacy Brown is not telling us anything new.

"In 2020, the estate quietly struck a previously unreported settlement worth $16.5mn, under which the man and the other accusers agreed instead to defend Jackson’s reputation.

Now, the people managing Jackson’s music and image rights are accusing the man of fabricating his earlier claims while seeking to extract $213mn more in a new settlement with the estate, according to an arbitration claim. They have reported the matter to the US Attorney’s Office in Los Angeles."

Anna Nicolaou
No, Stacy Brown is reporting different to this.

Anna Nicolaou reported they turned in 2020 when the Estate asked them for help.

Stacy Brown is now saying as of yesterday they turned only weeks ago, and the original payment was purely for positive PR.
Stacy Brown is now reporting that the 2020 payment was purely for positive PR only.

Only in recent weeks did they threaten to go to the press with bad stories, and that's when they asked for 213 million.

This whole thing makes absolutely no sense at all.
Bullshit.. who would pay 16.5 MIL for positive PR. Also, except that one tweet from Frank Cascio on twitter (immediately after LN aired so before this deal) what did the Cascios do? They did nothing, no PR, no interviews, no appearances, books, documentaries. Frank was selling fake or stolen stuff on auctions and for each item he said that MJ was his close friend. Is that it, worth 16.5 MIL? Other family members did absolutely nothing. I'm positive they started this blackmailing in 2019 like the original article said.

But please link for the new, updated info.
When people can't keep a story straight. It's a sign that it's a lie.

I know FT is supposedly a "reputable" source, but it's still a part of the mainstream media and we all know the "reputable" mainstream media has been telling and spreading lies about Michael for decades so I don't know why people are sure FT would not engage in the same behavior when it comes to MJ.
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Bullshit.. who would pay 16.5 MIL for positive PR. Also, except that one tweet from Frank Cascio on twitter (immediately after LN aired so before this deal) what did the Cascios do? They did nothing, no PR, no interviews, no appearances, books, documentaries. Frank was selling fake or stolen stuff on auctions and for each item he said that MJ was his close friend. Is that it, worth 16.5 MIL? Other family members did absolutely nothing. I'm positive they started this blackmailing in 2019 like the original article said.

But please link for the new, updated info.
Yeah, it's one tweet and several Instagram likes. For 16mil, they got royally ripped off.

I believe it's in here.

He spoke to Branca, kept saying how amazing Branca is, and apparently Prince Jackson got involved and said "no more settlements".

The allegations never broke because the first positive PR payment included an NDA.

This is a mess, from top to bottom. I wouldn't be surprised if it hasn't been picked up because it's all completely wrong.
We people can't keep a story straight. It's a sign that it's a lie.

I know FT is supposedly a "reputable" source, but it's still a part of the mainstream media and we all know the "reputable" mainstream media has been telling and spreading lies about Michael for decades so I don't know why people are sure FT would not engage in the same behavior when it comes to MJ.
FT were writing love letters to LN about how great it was, so they certainly have it in them to write tabloid fodder.
Only the people posting here are talking or reading about this topic.
People, instead, are talking about Janet Jackson being a fool for saying Kamala Harris's black father is white,
and Randy Jackson being a fool because he is a self-hating black Trumpster. 🙄
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Only the people posting here are talking or reading about this topic.
People, instead, are talking about Janet Jackson being a fool for saying Kamala Harris's black father is white,
and Randy Jackson being a fool because he is a self-hating black Trumpster. 🙄
Keep Janet tweets and your personal views about US politics in its own thread because some people are not interested in that topic. In democracy, people can vote for whoever they want, including Janet and Randy Jackson. Thanks.