Frank Dileo on Larry King

Why isn't he showing that he's upset about the doctor performing CPR incorrectly? Why isn't he showing that he's upset about the doctor taking so long to call 911? Why isn't he upset that the doctor did not have MJ taken to the hospital right away once the paramedics arrived? Why is that when MJ called Frank complaining about not feeling well, Frank did not do anything to get someone to immediately go and check on MJ or go and check on MJ himself? Not only should this have been done because MJ was his friend, but also because Frank was the manager to the "star of the show" and the star of the show was complaining about not feeling well. Wouldn't the manager normally be highly concerned that the star is feeling ill just weeks before opening night? It seems like at least this would have been a cause for alarm if nothing else. Also, just as he said he called MJ's assistant to see what was going on after getting a call from a fan about the ambulance being in front of MJ's house, while Frank was having lunch, Frank could have also called MJ's assistant after MJ said he wasn't feeling well. And on the lunch part, rather than sitting down to have lunch, shouldn't Frank have been trying to at least go and check on MJ first thing in the morning, since he did not go that night?

Also, if MJ called Frank, from what number did MJ call? Did he call from a cell phone or did he call from a land line? What time did MJ call him? If Frank has caller ID he should be able to say exactly what time MJ called and possibly provide a phone number as well. Frank could even estimate what time MJ called if the number did not show up on caller ID. Why is he leaving out stuff like this? Also, if MJ called him from a cell phone, is anyone looking for it? It can show what time he called.
I thought the interview was pretty decent. But I was really hoping to hear more about the night before MJ died...when Michael allegedly complained about not feeling well to Frank. Most of everything else he said pretty much confirmed my wild theories/speculations so I wasn't too surprised. Good to know they may be willing to make room for Katherine at the executor table. I think the whole hour was supposed to be on Frank but becuz of the women freed from N. Korea, half the show got dedicated to that. Otherwise, they may have had time for callers. I REALLY feel like what happened the night before is just as important as what happened on the day Michael died. If he wasn't feeling well, what was his complaint? Was he simply not able to sleep, was he having chest pains...what???? And if Frank spoke with the doctor, what exactly did Murray say to him on the day of? How did Frank find out his version of what happeneed in order to tell Marlon. I swear, interviewers are not on the ball asking the right questions. They ask the same ish over and over. So frustrating! sigh

EXACTLY!!! why arent they actually quizzing about the nigt in question.. its crazy!!

Or the signature of someone with the correct POA?

Yep.. look at the auction fiasco? i really dont see why people having so much faith that MJ was so savy that he must have the one that OKed 50 shows.. you just have to look at a couple of examples

* auction fiasco
* bashir - no editorial control
* WMA 'performance'.. MJs PR machine letting Michael HIMSELF deny it was a performance on the red carpet on the way in - Clearly he was going to get slated in the press. another total disaster
* that contract he signed in bahrain that he never stuck to, and seemed to have no intention of sticking to

I feel we as fans were watching car crash after car crash when it came to MJ in the last few years

why do people have this faith that he was so in control that he must have been there to put forward the 50 shows idea. Randy Phillips said himself that he cleared this idea for 50 shows with Dr TT, not michael. Dr TT was booked by Michael to "sort out his finances", therefore he was just thinking of the cash
Frank was the only of Michaels 12 managers or something like that showing up in his darkest period in life, during the trial in 2005.

I cant believe u saying frank is behind this. the man was michaels friend for 25 years !
I sooo hope u are wrong about this one. I would be very hurt if frank is behind this in some kind of way. But i dont think he is, at all.
that was the whole point in his stupid self to go. he went knowing that and then after it was over, mj would feel like he owed him one...cuz mj fired his ass for a reason back then.
I can't prove this. I have a Ph.D., ok? I am a researcher. Yeah, I DO think Frank is behind this. I can't prove it. . .. . . but. . . . . . yeah, that is my opinion.
no shit, huh?

i wanna c where everyone is at in a few months.

life insurance policy

was fired for a reason in the 80s

mj based a damn crook off of him

and then u got karen fake say ing all this bullshit YET she did nothing to help him. she liked feeling important and all. she was famous cuz she worked for mj...ugh

glad her bubble burst when he fired her. glad her mouth ran...ran so fast it got back to him, and glad he canned her.
was fired for a reason in the 80s

Isn't it commonly held that Frank was fired because Moonwalker wasn't as profitable as Michael had hoped and Michael had to finance a substantial portion of the project himself. There was also supposedly the issue of Frank's own overexposure in the media.
If you listen to the first vid at 4:54 it seems to me that michael didn't know he was doing 50 at first. Im sorry but frank didn't prove that michael knew BEFORE HAND that michael knew he was doing 50. Frank said what michael would say sometime " gee im only doing 10, ... i woke up.. now im doing 40 more, yeah but what he was saying was know... by popular demand I HAVE to do 40":mello:

Now does that sound like someone who KNEW or better yet who stated "put me down for 50 randy". No this sounds like they put michael down for 50 when he only wanted 10 with the possible add on of 21 more not 40 more. GEE.. do you know what gee sounds like? Michael saying gee, is like michael say ho'boy or oh man! That's what GEE sounds like to me:doh:.

Frank said that they read it to michael and that he knew. NOT that he first agreed. WHy would you have to read it to him and explain to him hes doing 50 if michael first told them (aeg/randy) hey I WANT to do 50 put me down for nothing but 50. Im sorry but that blurb that frank stated makes it sound like, to me, that they were explaining to michael how many he HAD to do not how many michael WANTED to do.

And his little bit of michael knows you don't put together a $27mil stage if you only doing 10 shows don't say much because michael didn't start putting the stage together till after the tickets when on sale with 50 shows. He acts like michael had already spent $27mil on stage production before he went to bed thinking he had only 10 shows to do. hello frank:doh:!

just listen to to how frank explain michael knowing.

Of course he knew but the question is did he find out after the tickets were sold.???:doh:
that was the whole point in his stupid self to go. he went knowing that and then after it was over, mj would feel like he owed him one...cuz mj fired his ass for a reason back then.

plus he was once quoted saying that if you want Michael to do something you have to 'stroke his ego' I'll just quote Michael now:

"Then watch the ones
With the biggest smiles
The idle jabbers...Cuz they're the backstabbers"
- Money

If a shady person acts nice and says all the 'right' things then the majority won't doubt them which is... just what they want.
plus he was once quoted saying that if you want Michael to do something you have to 'stroke his ego' I'll just quote Michael now:

"Then watch the ones
With the biggest smiles
The idle jabbers...Cuz they're the backstabbers"
- Money

If a shady person acts nice and says all the 'right' things then the majority won't doubt them which is... just what they want.

I personally don't think that quote was said in that context. If you're gonna believe that quote then you may as well believe that Frank didn't take the million dollars the Korean dude offered him which is the same thing Frank was quoted saying that about.
Isn't it commonly held that Frank was fired because Moonwalker wasn't as profitable as Michael had hoped and Michael had to finance a substantial portion of the project himself. There was also supposedly the issue of Frank's own overexposure in the media.

And Frank getting the blame for being behind some of the maddest stories in the press about Michael.

No idea if its right or not but in the Magic and Madness book it says another reason or the final one was Michael thought Frank had took the million dollar "reward" money the Moonies were offering anyone who managed to persuade Michael to do the Korea concerts
And Frank getting the blame for being behind some of the maddest stories in the press about Michael.

No idea if its right or not but in the Magic and Madness book it says another reason or the final one was Michael thought Frank had took the million dollar "reward" money the Moonies were offering anyone who managed to persuade Michael to do the Korea concerts

I don't think that's true though, as it also says Katherine took the million dollars. Unless they paid it twice. Who the fook knows, lol.
She took it, failed the task, so handed it back ..then Frank was offered a go but sent them packing but Michael thought he'd took the the book anyway. That whole Moonie saga made for entertaining reading anyway but yeah who knows. Every one connected or involved tells a different story most of the time on so many subjects, and if any happen to actually ever tell the same one we think they're in cahoots so don't trust THEM either.

Frank went on my "dodgy" list of suspects when I saw what he said about the value of the estate.
please, the minute his short ass said that mj was 160 lbs...i knew it

aint that the truth, MJ wasn't 160lbs even if he put on all the clothes in his closet.
I think Frank is lying through his teeth about everything except the Rowe and Joe meeting on May 15th.
There's no way he couldn't see something was off with MJ.
But hey MJ according to him appointed him to the Board for Sony/ATV so ..........
and then u got karen fake say ing all this bullshit YET she did nothing to help him. she liked feeling important and all. she was famous cuz she worked for mj...ugh

glad her bubble burst when he fired her. glad her mouth ran...ran so fast it got back to him, and glad he canned her.

Why did he fire Karen?
uh read thepost u quoted. she ran her damn mouth. he didn't need her at the time so it was a lay over but then once she ran her mouth, she was terminated
Why did he fire Karen?
He didnt fire her for any reason
he left the country after the trial and no longer needed her services
at the time_ he was taking an exteneded R&R When he got back into
concert mode recently _ he re-hired her ..

she wasnt fired for her antics on the forums
Im sure MJ could care less about that silliness
she was let go before that _ just becuase he
was leaving the country for awhile

things get twisted as they pass through the grapevine
to fit each fans agenda
i heard somewhere she was posting certain stories on mjjsource that didnt please too many people, cant remember where though.
Isn't it commonly held that Frank was fired because Moonwalker wasn't as profitable as Michael had hoped and Michael had to finance a substantial portion of the project himself. There was also supposedly the issue of Frank's own overexposure in the media.

I was wathching Moonwalker last night.

Why is Frank listed as a producer, is he a producer too? I thought he was just MJ's manager.

Curious, don't really know what an exec producer does.
uh read thepost u quoted. she ran her damn mouth. he didn't need her at the time so it was a lay over but then once she ran her mouth, she was terminated

He didnt fire her for any reason
he left the country after the trial and no longer needed her services
at the time_ he was taking an exteneded R&R When he got back into
concert mode recently _ he re-hired her ..

she wasnt fired for her antics on the forums
Im sure MJ could care less about that silliness
she was let go before that _ just becuase he
was leaving the country for awhile

things get twisted as they pass through the grapevine
to fit each fans agenda

Thank you!
He didnt fire her for any reason
he left the country after the trial and no longer needed her services
at the time_ he was taking an exteneded R&R When he got back into
concert mode recently _ he re-hired her ..

she wasnt fired for her antics on the forums
Im sure MJ could care less about that silliness
she was let go before that _ just becuase he
was leaving the country for awhile

things get twisted as they pass through the grapevine
to fit each fans agenda
uh she wanted to go w/ him. didn't find out till he left vegas and was spotted in bahrain. so she said some nasty things. initially it was a break but it became a termination once it got back to him.

and does the term re-hire apply if the person isn't being paid for their job? cuz um, that's the only reason y he brought her back. no one was willing to wait till the concerts started for him to pay them.
And Frank getting the blame for being behind some of the maddest stories in the press about Michael.

Well that Smash Hits special edition that has old interview in it features quotes from Frank that feed the 'crazy stories' about Michael, but didn't Michael find it funny to let the press believe some crazy stories?
uh she wanted to go w/ him. didn't find out till he left vegas and was spotted in bahrain. so she said some nasty things. initially it was a break but it became a termination once it got back to him.

and does the term re-hire apply if the person isn't being paid for their job? cuz um, that's the only reason y he brought her back. no one was willing to wait till the concerts started for him to pay them.

whats your obsession with Karen?? so what if she was fired? it doesnt mean she did anything wrong.. and she was rehired... i dont care about money or whatnot

you never state what she is actually meant to have said ie word for word..

she is being truthful on her facebook page, judging by the fans that were around MJ in June, they all tell THE SAME STORY (and there is NO MOTIVE for fans to lie, even if there is for karen).. Karen could have sold this story for £100,000k plus in the press, but she's speaking to fans. no matter what she's done.. there's alot that can be said for what she's doing

hopefully when she feels its time tho.. i WANT her to go to the press... cos what she says makes sense.. there is no wayyy michael had the "body of an astronaught".. frank is lying through his teeth
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Frank Dileo worked as Michael's manager from 1984 to 1989. That was a long time ago. He attended part of the trial. (Mostly, he slumbered.)

Frank asserts that Michael was in great shape. Was he? The people consistently saying Michael was in great shape work for AEG.

Frank said that Michael's statement, "I went to bed doing ten shows, and when I woke up there were fifty," was a joke. It was NOT a joke.

Frank said he was on the board of directors of Sony/ATV. Is that not a conflict of interest?

Frank referred to himself and AEG as "we." It is a conflict of interest if he worked for Michael as his manager, and also worked for AEG. His allegiance should have been only to Michael.

Frank did not seem outraged -- did not address at ALL, why the doctor didn't know how to perform CPR. Why the security tapes went missing. Why the doctor waited a LONG time to call 911. Why the doctor said the phones at the house were not working. Why the doctor vanished and LAPD towed his car. If Frank was Michael's "friend," WHY was he not raising these issues when he had the public forum of the Larry King show? Wouldn't YOU raise these issues about a "friend" dying in such suspicious circumstances.

AEG now stand to make even more money than they would have on the concerts. If Michael was too thin and/or not well, surely AEG knew that, and that his completing all fifty concerts was sketchy, at best. Now they have a movie coming out. Why were so many rehearsal tapes done, in high-definition? We don't have knowledge of rehearsal tapes being done so extensively in the past. . . . . . Some fans have chosen to receive the tickets instead of a refund. I DO understand, but then AEG "wins." They will sell memorabilia, and who knows what else? Will the life-insurance policies pay out to AEG? That remains to be seen. WHY was AEG represented at hearings concerning Michael's estate? Weren't they just doing concerts? Does Frank have a life-insurance policy on Michael? Time will tell. . . . . . .
no shit, huh?

and then u got karen fake say ing all this bullshit YET she did nothing to help him. she liked feeling important and all. she was famous cuz she worked for mj...ugh

glad her bubble burst when he fired her. glad her mouth ran...ran so fast it got back to him, and glad he canned her.

As for Karen you are right, i read her comments on facebook and i hate her more and more. She claims Michael was a drug addict, she "was" trying to help him by sending email to AEG people, they replied that everything was under control.
And when fans who had been with Michael quite a lot before he passed noticed that something was wrong and wanted to help by making it public, Karen told him to shut up and keep it private. WTF? Fans wrote letters to Michael asking take care about himself, they had plan to go open (don't know what plan in details as they didn't tell).
Karen said she didn't want to go open about Michael's problems because she couldn't breach the contract and didn't want to stain his reputation. Well Michael is dead now.SHE CARED ABOUT HER PAYCHECK MORE THAN MICHAEL.
Someone asked if the situation was so bad why you didn't tell Katherine? She said that she doesn't want to answer that question. How lame!

Now she is a 'star' with many followers. If Michael had problems and he couldn't do 50 shows, I hold her as responsible as others for his death.
Karen Fake was busy updating twitter with cheerful things such as: "see you in london". She had to go on TV and scream from top of her lungs. She knew Michael for many years, he was her friend. Well, obviously she wasn't his friend.
From all people who speak about Michael I believe fans most.
I know Im new to this board but Ive been on another board for a long time but got kicked off for saying some things I guess I shouldnt have? Thats why Im so glad I saw this posted by a member.. Im only posting the bottom part of it because what I was kicked off for was for saying my opinion about Karen Faye.

The quote by a member here I totally agree with..

"and u kinda proved my point. he was nice to mj was karen and so was backerman.

that's y a lot of fans feel loyal to those three cuz they were able to have access....there's a reason y fans and his people aren't supposed to be on good terms w/ each other. when u get too close, u start tolose ur objectivity and then the lines become blurred.

frank is dodgy. rehearsed and it was all scripted to a T.'s a long damn story"

Here is my point and or opinion..

On Karens facebook she goes on and on since Michaels passing about how Michael was addicted and how he was too thin. She blames everyone and their Mother and sets herself up as some kind of "Angeofinnocence".. If she was so concerned.. and so worried, why then on the Wed. , the day before Michael died, did she post that and I paraphrase.. Im so excited we are so busy, see you in London.

If she was so concerned that he wasnt healthy enough as she states now on her facebook page, why didnt she tell Michael that she refused to put the makeup on that would put him back on stage? This I do not understand. She was probably closer and in a more intamate setting than most, so why didnt she have that conversation and refuse to be as she calls others, "an enabler"? How can she be excited the night before? Also I saw the email that was passed around to fans that quoted her as saying, "Lets keep this private for Michael's sake" If she was so worried about him as she now claims why did she want to keep that private if it were true?

I hope this doesnt get me in trouble over here, as its just my opinion.

And why is that we can't say our oppinion about Karen? WTF? Who she thinks she is?
i heard somewhere she was posting certain stories on mjjsource that didnt please too many people, cant remember where though.

she's a nice lady but she gets a bit too personal sometimes, and she wasn't that close to him anyway I mean she was a good friend but it's not like he confided in her or anything
but some fans do criticize her too much, at the end of the day she's still nice I still like her...I simply don't cling onto every word she says
yeah Karen could and should have done more.. and i think she realises that now judging by her facebook... yes i'm angry at her.. but atleast shes willing to acknowlegde there was a serious problem.. and that she was aware of it.. shes really putting her neck on the line.. and alot of fans have been writing her some very angry messages....atleast shes not pretending all was fine and MJ weighed 12 stone or whatever crap frank is spouting

she is brave
Frank did not seem outraged -- did not address at ALL, why the doctor didn't know how to perform CPR. Why the security tapes went missing. Why the doctor waited a LONG time to call 911. Why the doctor said the phones at the house were not working. Why the doctor vanished and LAPD towed his car. If Frank was Michael's "friend," WHY was he not raising these issues when he had the public forum of the Larry King show? Wouldn't YOU raise these issues about a "friend" dying in such suspicious circumstances..

Everyone seems to be sweeping the mistakes or abnormalities associated with Murray under the carpet as if its ok Michael died because he(may have) took too many prescription meds... I said a couple of weeks ago that it'll just be put down to this as the general public will buy that outcome as he did once have a prescription med problem that was known and yes he 'probably' did recently but... I don't think that is the reason he is dead. Why did the doctor act in the way he did on that day? And why do so many not seem bothered by this...!