Frank Dileo on Larry King

All I know Michael was Michael he liked to break records. When Frank said MJ wanted to outdo Prince and do 50 shows as the number "sounded" good to him. I believe him. It sounds like our Michael. I don't believe Mikey was in such a bad condition that he didn't get what he was signing to. I don't get how such a huge megastar like Michael could be made to do 50 shows without his consent. I've been in showbiz myself. It doesn't add up.

What adds up that after many difficult rehearsals, he might've felt not able to do so many shows. It's human. Maybe he doubted in himself and tix were sold .... AEG could be mad at Michael about that. Then problems might've started ....
You are right. This man has never said anything to demean Michael's character. And he is one of the few who have never claimed that Michael was a drug addict. I have much respect for him, Mark Lester, TMez, Miko Brando and people like Lionel, Diane, Liz, Liza and Trump who have never claimed they saw Michael abusing drugs. Yet so-called friends like Chopra, Gellar, Smuley and nem are out there calling Michael a drug addict when he is dead and gone and can't defend himself. These people were not Michael's friends. Neither was Arnold Klien.

And for God's sake, if I hear Leonard Rowe claim that Michael had a drug issue one more time, I am going to scream! Why is he saying this now? Frank just sat there and derailed all of his claims. And Frank says he knew of Michael's problem in the past but not recently. Frank also said he asked Michael if he was doing anything and Michael got mad at him and said he wasn't doing anything. My mind says how could Frank be this close to Michael as a manager and never see him doing any drugs? Other celebrities that had a drug problem were seen by their handlers to be abusing drugs. Why didn't the people closest to Michael never see him doing it.....yet the people on the fringe claim they knew he was doing it, but never saw him doing it. The truth is, you can't say for a fact that a person was abusing drugs if you never seen them abusing drugs. Especially if that person is already on medication for various sicknesses like Michael was. If I took pain killers on a regular basis prescribed by a doctor, I would probably be seen by my friend sometimes and being a little out of it too. But does that mean I am abusing drugs?

Anyone that is a true friend of Michael's will reserve judgement against him and would not even go to the media claiming that Michael was a drug addict even if they knew he was. They would want to protect him. They would certainly not want to speculate as to whether or not he was abusing drugs. And this is what bothers me about some of these people's claims....they don't know for certain, yet they are ready and willing to go to the media and claim for a fact that Michael was a drug addict. Who needs friends like these?

AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! AMEN! Go girllllllllllllll
I finnaly got to watch the interview. I thouhgt it was great very dignified
and I think frank was being honest with the questions he answered _

He thinks something went wrong with the doctor _ but cant say what untill the toxoligy
reports come out_He but doesnt believe Murry was part of a conspiracy to knock off MJ

I believe the same_there is nothing wrong with him thinking that _ there is no fact
or proof of wrong doing to even suggest it _just unfounded and sometimes ridiculas
made up theories by people who dont even ven understand the business or what
they are talking about_ Ive shook my head in dis belivef over how some come to these
wild conclusions _ and I mean Ive seen some ridilus theories _ POOR Michael ..

This wast he mosts dignified and best interview I have seen so far and does'nt
portray MJ as some Junkie who was manipulated and controlled with no mind of
his own .. Thank God becuase the public is getting a very skewed terrible view
of who MJ Was.

Frank brought dignity and truth to the situation I believe he was a loyal
l and good friend of Michaels and probably the best manager he ever had ..

All thes consriracy theories just makes MJs Legacy more of a circus
and bring no truth or dignity to how he was ...

Frank told the truth when he said no one told MJ what to do
he made his own decisions _ No one could see MJ unless MJ
approved. He also stated that MJ did not want his family involved
in the business aspect of his life _ and we who have followed MJ
for years know that is true ..

MJ was not a controlled robot who did not know what was going on-
Frank said MJ was very savy and knew how to promote himself and
how to get media attention _he was a pro _ he knew 31 initial shows
and agreed to add 19 more becuase of the public demand _ he was
not in the dark _ they couldnt add more shows with out Mjs permission
and signature ..

It was also stated The original AEG contact was for 31 shows _ But only
10 were promoted to test the waters and get the tickests selling - once they
seen the demand they added 19 more shows to the 31 _ and Mj was pleased.
Frank said they had enough demand to do 85 shows if they wanted ..

Th ether attorney there also stated AEG original
conteact with Mj was 31 with a claus more would be added
according to demand

Michale knew 10 shows would not pay for the extravangant production he wanted to put on
Frank said Yes MJ would at times say_ I knew there was 10 shows and woke up to 50 :) that he was
being facetious acting like he was suprised by the demand _ but not meaning it in a complaining way ...

Mj did have a biz deal with Rowe but when he decided to do the 02 concerts
Rowe showed his ass at the meeting with MJ and AEG and Michael told Frank
they needed to send Rowe a letter oficially anulling the deal. Rowe said he
didnt get the letter. Frank said he was lying and that he did.

He also said Rowe lied when he said the meeting was 3 weeks beforeMjs death _
The meeting was in march and it was Mj who called frank and told him what went
down at that meeting and how Michale wanted to proceed with Rowe_
which was Can him ..

I would have loved to be a fly on that wall
that's right. I STILL don't believe Michael is a drug addict. Maybe in the past when he admitted it, but he said he was trying his best to get better.
I don't think he is either. But you know how the media is, they blow everything out of proportion. : S
The tox report will show what was going on with drugs. If he had been dependant on prescription meds it is nothing that would shame him, it happens. We know he had a problem in 93, we didn't love him less for that, and if he needed painkillers for legitimate reasons then it would have been easy to develp a dependancy, once the addiction has been there it doesn't take much for it to come back. So it could have been a case of binging when he needed them, and Klein had him back on them.

I wonder if they would do a segmental hair analysis that would show up the truth. But no matter whether he wanted the drugs or not, the doctors had a duty not to enable it, but it sounds like they were pushers and suppliers.

After what Michael had been put through in his life I wouldn't judge him if he had a problem, I just wish all these people who are claiming he had a problem, interestingly the ones who wanted to find a reason to explain why he didn't want them in his life; should have gone public before he died, that would have at least deterred the doctors from feeding him.
Larry King's on @ 10am UK time on CNN *today* which should be the show with Frank Dileo.
I have some form of European low budget CNN without Larry King :unsure:

Subscribe to Larry King's video podcast from CNN on iTunes then you can see all the interviews in full.

All I know Michael was Michael he liked to break records. When Frank said MJ wanted to outdo Prince and do 50 shows as the number "sounded" good to him. I believe him. It sounds like our Michael. I don't believe Mikey was in such a bad condition that he didn't get what he was signing to. I don't get how such a huge megastar like Michael could be made to do 50 shows without his consent. I've been in showbiz myself. It doesn't add up.

What adds up that after many difficult rehearsals, he might've felt not able to do so many shows. It's human. Maybe he doubted in himself and tix were sold .... AEG could be mad at Michael about that. Then problems might've started ....

I have never believed Michael only wanted to do 10 concerts at the O2 and was forced to do 50. Anyone who has followed Michael's career knows he loves to break records, and I'm sure Michael would have wanted to break Prince's record of 21 nights at the O2. If Michael only wanted to do 10 concerts, I think he would have chosen Wembley Stadium instead as it has a much bigger compacity and he would have broken his own record there.

I actually think the scheduing of Michael's concerts and the limited time of his rehearsals was too close. Considering how intense the exitement from fans, and how high expections were from the media and fans who had never seen Michael in concert before, he need may have need much longer rehearsal time, and he should have had to rehearse until midnight. In hindsight it would have been best if 10 or 15 of Michael's concerts started in late August and ended in September. Then spread out from January 2010 to July.
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Amen Qbee. And I'll tell you something...I believe Frank DiLeo any day over Leonard Rowe. Frank called Leonard a liar and I agree with him. Leonard was in cohoots with Joe Jackson to try and inject themselves into this 02 deal. And I do believe they went into that meeting and acted a fool. Frank said Michael stayed in his vehicle until AEG and nem got there and when he witnessed how crazy they were acting, he called Frank and told him we need to get rid of Rowe. And I do believe that is how it went down. And that is why Rowe is out there calling Michael a drug addict. If he was such a drug addict, then why the hell did Rowe want to work with him so bad? I believe he and Joe both wanted to get in on the money aspect of this thing and they went into that meeting trying to rule things and push their way into the control part of the thing and Michael and AEG weren't having it. So the Italian, Frank was sent to do the dirty work...cut Rowe off.

I don't believe Dileo about alot of things. He was too rehearsed. He would say one thing & then there would be a contradiction like about the food or drugs. MJ was losing weight according to the chef Kai.

From the Larry King transcripts:

Why did he have a meeting with the doctor? Were there issues about MJ health or eating?

DILEO: I said, why do you need a doctor? He said because after the shows I want to make sure that I get the right fluids, you know, and I eat right, and I want somebody to help my health.

KING: Do you know Dr. Murray?

DILEO: No, I never met him until one day we had a meeting.

If MJ was so well, why was food such an issue?

DILEO: He was rehearsing well, eating well. We were making sure that he had the right protein shakes, the right food. We gave him chicken. You know, we brought him food to eat. He ate it. He'd say I'm not hungry, but he'd eat it.

Also why would Dileo ask MJ about drugs unless he was suspicious? Is this just to cover himself from any responsibility?

DILEO: They did it somewhere. I wasn't here for that, but they have the results. They're not allowed to give them to anybody. But they said he was in great health. Now, you know, I asked them. I asked them in March, are you doing anything? He got a dig. Why would you ask me that? I said I want to be sure --

note transcript is wrong, Frank said "I asked him. I asked him in March, are you doing anything?" not them

Also I have questions on who Dileo works for?

He said this about :
KING: Do you think they will work it out, Frank?

DILEO: Very optimistic. Mrs. Jackson is very level headed. Our attorneys are very level headed. There will be a resolution.

Does this mean he works for Branca or AEG or both?

I will say I am happy that it looks like Katherine will have a say in the estate.

I think we have a long way to go before anything gets sorted out. Dileo wants to slant everything a certain way.
I don't believe Dileo about alot of things. He was too rehearsed. He would say one thing & then there would be a contradiction like about the food or drugs. MJ was losing weight according to the chef Kai.

From the Larry King transcripts:

Why did he have a meeting with the doctor? Were there issues about MJ health or eating?

DILEO: I said, why do you need a doctor? He said because after the shows I want to make sure that I get the right fluids, you know, and I eat right, and I want somebody to help my health.

KING: Do you know Dr. Murray?

DILEO: No, I never met him until one day we had a meeting.

If MJ was so well, why was food such an issue?

DILEO: He was rehearsing well, eating well. We were making sure that he had the right protein shakes, the right food. We gave him chicken. You know, we brought him food to eat. He ate it. He'd say I'm not hungry, but he'd eat it.

The chef Kai also said Michael was eating well so Frank didnt state anything different
Michael Always lost weight when rehearsing and performing. Michael is picky and not a
big eater _ he has always been that way and has admitted it. He was trying to maintain
his weight or gain weight. The Chef said Michale told her to feed him good an healthy so
he could stay in good shape to do the concerts _ He was being fed at home and at work
to help him do just that Its doesnt mean he was unhealthy ..

Also why would Dileo ask MJ about drugs unless he was suspicious? Is this just to cover himself from any responsibility?

DILEO: They did it somewhere. I wasn't here for that, but they have the results. They're not allowed to give them to anybody. But they said he was in great health. Now, you know, I asked them. I asked them in March, are you doing anything? He got a dig. Why would you ask me that? I said I want to be sure --

note transcript is wrong, Frank said "I asked him. I asked him in March, are you doing anything?" not them

He asked him most likely becuase he Knew MJ was in rehab before
so he wanted to make sure he wasnt having any problems _ he may have
been supicious knowing Michaels history _ there is nothing unusual about that.
or supicious about that _ they were going into a huge venture ..

there are 2 questions here you are melding into one_ causing confusion
Larry asked about the insurance_ he was answering about the insurance _ that
loyds of London chose there own DR. and that MJ passed but they are not allowed
to see the medical records from the insurance _thats private

then he answered a seperate question about did he think MJ was doing drugs
not sure how it was phrased _ and Frank said he had asked him and MJ and MJ told
him no why would you ask me that.

again nothing strange about that ..

also I didnt see any slanting going on with his answers
he seemed to answer the questions honest and straight forward

Now if you mean he didnt answer them to suit YOUR usumptions then I will agree
but that doesnt mean he was slanting his answers _ just that his answers didnt uphold
your opinion _ which your opinion can be in error .. Just as mine can _ lets keep it real
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I like Frank, I always liked Frank. Watching this made me die a bit more inside. I'm so sad he's gone.
I enjoyed the interview, it cleared up a few things. The Reason Joe and Rowe think michael was being controlled was becaouse Michaels people were keeping them from getting to him. What they dont realize is that MJ was the one telling them to keep them away.
I sort of half saw this earlier...can someone just clarify something for me? Did he say that after the meeting Michael had with Rowe and Joe that he didn't like the way Rowe did something so he issued that letter 5 days later telling him he basically didn't want him involved in anything? I only half heard it.
yes, from what I heard last night.

I liked the interview. I think it's okay also that DiLeo told the kids. it's obvious there was no one else who could, and the kids needed to be told by someone who was close to Michael. like he said, they already knew (sort of). my heart breaks at the thought of that moment. but my instinctual liking for DiLeo tells me that he handled it as a good man should.

I also liked his reply to Jim Moret's comments about Mike (odd... unusual). he was polite but firm in defending Michael. I liked that. first interview I've seen on LKL that wasn't sensational and didn't come across as the interviewee out for his own piece of the glory that was Michael Jackson.

thank you, Frank.
ughfull of it all the damn way...

man was healthy but we had to MAKE SURE HE ATE

man knew about the concerts but WE HAD TO HAVE THREE LAWYERS EXPLAIN IT TO HIM

man was a good weight...HE WEIGHED 160 LBS.

give me a phucking break. he's working w/ aeg. u expect him to say they forced mj to do this and that he was sick and they knew and did nothing?a friend? really? hmmmm.....

sounds like the fans that alerted the family and franky boi were closer to mike than franky boi was....if u have to be told by a damn like him for the same reason they like karen fake and they liked backerman....

HE GAVE THEM ACCESS....but funny enough, their access to mj the last two wks was odd...very restricted, not like before...what did his employees know? what were they told? why were they beingmore strict and intimidating to fans who were regularly seeing mj?

sorry but i believe fans over frank. fans ain't being paid nuffin. mj ain't wanna do them shows and he was telling everyone and anyone who would listen to him.

ur gonna let frank spin all he wants to. maybe he can work on his tan a bit more before going on tv. had sunglasses eyes...must be so hard to tan when you're mourning the death of ur 'friend

'but that's just mho....ugh
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Frank said that Michael passed the 5 hrs heath exam by the doctor who chosen by the Insurance company,how come the doctor didnt see the old or new needle marks on his body and nothing showed in his blood test if he really was an addict, thats strange.
i don't trust frank...didn't he make a quote (read somewhere) when he was fired by mj
"what goes around, comes around"
MJ was not a controlled robot who did not know what was going on-
Frank said MJ was very savy and knew how to promote himself and
how to get media attention _he was a pro _ he knew 31 initial shows
and agreed to add 19 more becuase of the public demand _ he was
not in the dark _ they couldnt add more shows with out Mjs permission
and signature ..
Or the signature of someone with the correct POA?
i don't trust frank...didn't he make a quote (read somewhere) when he was fired by mj
"what goes around, comes around"

I don't trust Frank either I thiink he's lying through his teeth.
People need to lay off Frank. Him and Michael were on great terms at the time of Michael's passing. Michael requested him to come back and manage him. He knew Michael probably a lot better than a lot of his own family members, as far as, speaking him to day to day, at the time of his passing. That isn't to say Michael wasn't close with his family, but at the time of his passing, Michael was probably closer to Frank than a lot of these people coming forward.

Secondly, Frank supported Michael all throughout the trial. I was there in Santa Maria and Frank was there. He was also very kind to Michael's fans. He took time with each one of them, who wanted to, he learned our names, and our stories. I had the chance to talk with him, and he even gave me a hug. His love for Michael and Michael's family was crystal clear then and is just as clear now.

Give him a break. You can tell he cares for Michael, even in this simple-short interview. When Jim tried to insult Michael, Frank swooped him and made Jim point out the flip side of the coin. "Michael knew what he was doing. He was smart." That shut up Jim. Second point being, all the sweet things Frank said about Michael's mom, and just the look on his face when recalling that tragic day this past June.

I couldn't help but miss Michael when I watched this, but also feel sorry for Frank. Frank for so many years was Michael's protector, and he couldn't protect Michael from this. I keep thinking of what MJ said to DiLeo the night before he died, he hugged him tightly after that last rehearsal and said, "This is our time again Frank."

Damn just isn't fair.
I thought the interview was pretty decent. But I was really hoping to hear more about the night before MJ died...when Michael allegedly complained about not feeling well to Frank. Most of everything else he said pretty much confirmed my wild theories/speculations so I wasn't too surprised. Good to know they may be willing to make room for Katherine at the executor table. I think the whole hour was supposed to be on Frank but becuz of the women freed from N. Korea, half the show got dedicated to that. Otherwise, they may have had time for callers. I REALLY feel like what happened the night before is just as important as what happened on the day Michael died. If he wasn't feeling well, what was his complaint? Was he simply not able to sleep, was he having chest pains...what???? And if Frank spoke with the doctor, what exactly did Murray say to him on the day of? How did Frank find out his version of what happeneed in order to tell Marlon. I swear, interviewers are not on the ball asking the right questions. They ask the same ish over and over. So frustrating! sigh