Frank Dileo on Larry King

Frank just gives off a bad vibe to me, like he's hiding something. When I first saw in an interview with MJ(during the bad era) I didn't trust him. Frank might be a cool guy, I could be wrong, he said some nice things about MJ in the interview. I'm unsure on DiLeo.
All this talk about Diprivan, and Frank brushed that aside as if he knew nothing about it. Murray administering CPR on a bed, not calling 911 for 30min, pains in his chest the night before, nurse Lee getting a call from someone on Michael's behalf 5 days before he died with Michael in the background saying he was hot and cold, he was healthy, he was skeletal... he was ready for 50 show tour, no he wasn't, 5 hour med exam showing nothing but hayfever, raids, insurance policies, drug overdose/addiction, needle marks, coroner says no signs of foul play on body, but talk of manslaughter...etc It boggles the mind how contradictory all these accounts and observations of x number of people who were around Michael or had contact with him in the last few weeks...his life was this chaotic much of the time, does his death have to be too? All this info out there and still no definitive answer...Simple question...I just want to know why he went into cardiac arrest...that is all.
Jim Morey doesn't know Michael. He never met him. So what he thinks of him doesn't mean anything. DiLeo KNEW Michael. Michael was his friend. He can talk about him.

As far as him telling the children about their father's death, give the guy a break. He was at the hospital and probably saw the anguish on the kids faces and felt he needed to tell them something. I really don't see the problem here. If the kids wanted to know what was going on with their father, why should they be forced to wait? It was their right to know when they wanted to know. I think DiLeo did the right thing.

I actually agree with you. And another thing is; this was people acting in a complete crisis. People react differently, but for most it affect them in some way and makes them do things that at the time seem right, while in hindsight its was not the best choice.
All this talk about Diprivan, and Frank brushed that aside as if he knew nothing about it. Murray administering CPR on a bed, not calling 911 for 30min, pains in his chest the night before, nurse Lee getting a call from someone on Michael's behalf 5 days before he died with Michael in the background saying he was hot and cold, he was healthy, he was skeletal... he was ready for 50 show tour, no he wasn't, 5 hour med exam showing nothing but hayfever, raids, insurance policies, drug overdose/addiction, needle marks, coroner says no signs of foul play on body, but talk of manslaughter...etc It boggles the mind how contradictory all these accounts and observations of x number of people who were around Michael or had contact with him in the last few weeks...his life was this chaotic much of the time, does his death have to be too? All this info out there and still no definitive answer...Simple question...I just want to know why he went into cardiac arrest...that is all.

I agree. Its pretty frustrating with all these confused with the contradicting stories.

Regarding Frank.. I dont know what to believe. I dont see why the fans would lie about MJ not wanna do 50 shows. Neither can I see them misunderstand MJ's words about this matter like Frank tries to say in this interview.

And Karen Faye told on her facebook that AEG brought Frank back.. I dont have an opinion about that, just wanna share that too.
but IF Michael didnt wanna have him around, he could easily get rid of him too. This is so frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I agree. Its pretty frustrating with all these confused with the contradicting stories.

Regarding Frank.. I dont know what to believe. I dont see why the fans would lie about MJ not wanna do 50 shows. Neither can I see them misunderstand MJ's words about this matter like Frank tries to say in this interview.

And Karen Faye told on her facebook that AEG brought Frank back.. I dont have an opinion about that, just wanna share that too.
but IF Michael didnt wanna have him around, he could easily get rid of him too. This is so frustrating!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
right just like how he could've gotten out of doing all the shows he felt he was duped into doing

sorry but if u knwo what ur signing, y the hell do three lawyers need to explain shit to u?
Secondly, Frank supported Michael all throughout the trial. I was there in Santa Maria and Frank was there. He was also very kind to Michael's fans. He took time with each one of them, who wanted to, he learned our names, and our stories. I had the chance to talk with him, and he even gave me a hug. .

Damn just isn't fair.
honey don't act like his ass was there the whole time in santa maria. dude fell asleep, i put him in the oxman pile, those two couldgo play together.

and um....don't u see what that was? hey lemme show up for a wk, take time out of my 'busy' schedule to chill in court. so if it goes mj's way, he'll owe me for that or feel like he has to repay me OR he may feel more loyal cuz i showed up.

and u kinda proved my point. he was nice to mj was karen and so was backerman.

that's y a lot of fans feel loyal to those three cuz they were able to have access....there's a reason y fans and his people aren't supposed to be on good terms w/ each other. when u get too close, u start tolose ur objectivity and then the lines become blurred.

frank is dodgy. rehearsed and it was all scripted to a T.'s a long damn story

Yes, Frank IS full of it. I watched all of the Larry King interview. I took note of a few things. Among those things I took note of, Frank referred to himself and AEG as "we." Was not his responsibility to take care of his client -- Michael? Who is "we?" Frank and AEG? Sure. . . . . . He completely discounted the implications of Michael's saying he went to bed one night having agreed to ten concerts, and woke up and there were fifty. Frank made it seem like a joke -- like Michael was joking. But he did NOT deny that Michael said that. Michael was NOT joking when he said the same thing to fans. . . . . . Fifty was just too much. Sooooo. . . . . . .

. There is one document that has yet to surface -- Frank's insurance policy on Michael. I hope the payout will be publicized -- how much, and for what?

Oh, and there is NO way Michael could have weighed 160. No way at all. Even soaking wet, holding all three kids, and with lead weights around his ankles. From the rehearsal footage, he looked to be just slightly above "trial weight," which was light as a feather, and dangerous to his health.
right just like how he could've gotten out of doing all the shows he felt he was duped into doing

sorry but if u knwo what ur signing, y the hell do three lawyers need to explain shit to u?

The shows are a whole other story.. it would be a PR-disaster if he would cancel. He would be crucified for doing so. Im not the one saying he could easily cancel the shows.. hell to the no.

But this thing about Frank... I might be wrong... but it just pictures Michael as a controled, manipulated and powerless person. I have a hard time seeing him like that.
For all those of you who "like" Frank, maybe you don't know the history and are responding to. . I don't know what? For God's sake! Michael is gone. . . . . . there is a LONG history to this, not just one interview where Frank looked like somebody's much-loved uncle. . . . .

Frank said he worked for both AEG and Sony/ATV. AND, he was "Michael's manager?" That is a clear conflict of interest. A manager promotes the ARTIST and his/her interests. A corporation promotes the corporation's interests. That is really how it works. There is a huge amount of money involved. A "manager" tries to get the best deal possible for the artist, with artistic integrity. The corporation tries to get the best deal. . .for the business. It's all about the money.

This is a CONFLICT OF INTEREST. It's not rocket-science.

Maybe you think Frank looks like somebody's much-loved uncle? O.K. . . . . Michael is GONE. We do not know the reason, and the questions remain, and the lapses are outrageous! The autopsy reports are on perpetual hold. The insurance policies medical reports are redacted. Or lost. LAPD was, in my opinion, tardy in the raids on Murray, and entirely deficient in declaring the house a crime-scene. I have no idea what role they do or do not play, but the "alleged" corruption of the LAPD is legendary. Do you not really KNOW this?

The family. . the FAMILY, thinks there was foul-play.

Go back to Michael's words. His OWN words, when he said Sony sabotaged "Invincible." It's on Youtube. Look it up. Dileo was working for Sony. AEG, AND Michael? Not possible, for all to "win."

Please, our Michael is GONE. Don't just "react" to a momentary interview, but look into the past and the facts that we DO know. Let me repeat. Frank says he was Michael's manager. His allegiance should have been only to Michael. Frank also says he was on the Board of Directors of Sony/ATV. In the interview, he says "we." He says that "we" means him and AEG. Where IS Michael in this mix? I'm not saying anything that can be proven. But yet, there is so much that is unknown, and implied.

Follow the money. . . .follow the money. . . . . .

For craps sake, am I ALONE here? Michael deserves our best thoughts, our best efforts, and our best logic.

This will sort itself out in the responses, and I expect that. The reactionary knee-jerk, and the thoughtful and careful. "FavoriteWinterCoat," and Soso? At least you two, I expect to weigh-in here and to GET IT.

Soso, I totally agree. Michael was NOT stupid. Were three lawyers necessary to "explain" it to him, or to beat him senseless with threats? Not rocket-science. . . . .

For God's sake!

carry on,

FRANK, was Michaels friend and manager! U all should be proud of frank for doing a wonderful job and being a good friend to our michael.

Can people stop being so negative all the time.!? I know there are many people in his life so called "friends" that walked away and was mean to him. BUt there was a few people in Michaels life who were very loyal and one of them was Frank.
The shows are a whole other story.. it would be a PR-disaster if he would cancel. He would be crucified for doing so. Im not the one saying he could easily cancel the shows.. hell to the no.

But this thing about Frank... I might be wrong... but it just pictures Michael as a controled, manipulated and powerless person. I have a hard time seeing him like that.
ur first comment contradicted the second

ur first comment was spot on about how they forced him to do these shows or to get ready for the shows. u have to or ur career is ruined.

so how can he be controled and manipulated and powerless? look above, we'll threaten u and ur career will be ruined.

vic, girl, if they only knew.

see, frank will benefit from mj's death and i hope to hell harvey screams about it when he finds out. insurance policy....yep, and aeg has one too. so everyone wins cept his kids:clapping:
FRANK, was Michaels friend and manager! U all should be proud of frank for doing a wonderful job and being a good friend to our michael.

Can people stop being so negative all the time.!? There really were people in Michaels life that was loyal and one of them was Frank.
can i quote this in two months?
FRANK, was Michaels friend and manager! U all should be proud of frank for doing a wonderful job and being a good friend to our michael.

Can people stop being so negative all the time.!? I know there are many people in his life so called "friends" that walked away and was mean to him. BUt there was a few people in Michaels life who were very loyal and one of them was Frank.

NO. Just that. "NO!" Do the research. Look into it carefully. NO.

There is no "evidence" to think that Frank had Michael's best interests in mind. If there is, show us?
NO. Just that. "NO!" Do the research. Look into it carefully. NO.

There is no "evidence" to think that Frank had Michael's best interests in mind. If there is, show us?

Frank was the only of Michaels 12 managers or something like that showing up in his darkest period in life, during the trial in 2005.

I cant believe u saying frank is behind this. the man was michaels friend for 25 years !
I sooo hope u are wrong about this one. I would be very hurt if frank is behind this in some kind of way. But i dont think he is, at all.
I have some form of European low budget CNN without Larry King :unsure:
LOL. Yeah, CNN International kind of sucks. We get the same 5 stories repeated all day and night under the guise of various regions' news and it seems like World Sport is on like every other half hour or something, lol. We get 1 hour of The Situation Room at midnight and 1 hour of AC 360 at 4am and that's about it.

But Larry King Live is on, just not "live". European low budget CNN shows the repeat at 10am UK time (11am in Germany) the next morning ;)
ur first comment contradicted the second

ur first comment was spot on about how they forced him to do these shows or to get ready for the shows. u have to or ur career is ruined.

so how can he be controled and manipulated and powerless? look above, we'll threaten u and ur career will be ruined.

vic, girl, if they only knew.

see, frank will benefit from mj's death and i hope to hell harvey screams about it when he finds out. insurance policy....yep, and aeg has one too. so everyone wins cept his kids:clapping:

Yes I understand and agree that, if he was forced into 50 shows he could NOT cancel without having his career ruined...

but I do honestly have a hard time seeing Frank around Michael against his own will... thats just the thing thats buggin me...

and I didnt understand why Frank held AEG behind his back the entire interview.. he talked about Katherines lawyers and then talked about his lawyers.. I had no clue what he was talking about and I honestly thought about that while watching...but Victoria made it clear why and who his lawyers were/who he was refering to!! Fuck, this is SOOOOOOO disturbing!
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I can't prove this. I have a Ph.D., ok? I am a researcher. Yeah, I DO think Frank is behind this. I can't prove it. . .. . . but. . . . . . yeah, that is my opinion.


I agree with u. I am a good reader of people and Frank don't look right to me. There is a lot to this story we don't know about. Best believe anyone involved with Sony and AEG stink.

I agree with u. I am a good reader of people and Frank don't look right to me. There is a lot to this story we don't know about. Best believe anyone involved with Sony and AEG stink.

Thank you. Keep digging. If anyone can articulate, with logic, how it is ok that Frank was Michael's manager and also was employed by AEG/Sony at the same time, I'd love to hear it. If not. .. well. . . .

honey don't act like his ass was there the whole time in santa maria. dude fell asleep, i put him in the oxman pile, those two couldgo play together.

and um....don't u see what that was? hey lemme show up for a wk, take time out of my 'busy' schedule to chill in court. so if it goes mj's way, he'll owe me for that or feel like he has to repay me OR he may feel more loyal cuz i showed up.

and u kinda proved my point. he was nice to mj was karen and so was backerman.

that's y a lot of fans feel loyal to those three cuz they were able to have access....there's a reason y fans and his people aren't supposed to be on good terms w/ each other. when u get too close, u start tolose ur objectivity and then the lines become blurred.

frank is dodgy. rehearsed and it was all scripted to a T.'s a long damn story

perfect way to earns someones trust and then stab them in the back huh.

I am disgusted by these people.

I wonder if mike new that there are people who wanted to truly be just his friend and wanted nothing in return from him.
I know Im new to this board but Ive been on another board for a long time but got kicked off for saying some things I guess I shouldnt have? Thats why Im so glad I saw this posted by a member.. Im only posting the bottom part of it because what I was kicked off for was for saying my opinion about Karen Faye.

The quote by a member here I totally agree with..

"and u kinda proved my point. he was nice to mj was karen and so was backerman.

that's y a lot of fans feel loyal to those three cuz they were able to have access....there's a reason y fans and his people aren't supposed to be on good terms w/ each other. when u get too close, u start tolose ur objectivity and then the lines become blurred.

frank is dodgy. rehearsed and it was all scripted to a T.'s a long damn story"

Here is my point and or opinion..

On Karens facebook she goes on and on since Michaels passing about how Michael was addicted and how he was too thin. She blames everyone and their Mother and sets herself up as some kind of "Angeofinnocence".. If she was so concerned.. and so worried, why then on the Wed. , the day before Michael died, did she post that and I paraphrase.. Im so excited we are so busy, see you in London.

If she was so concerned that he wasnt healthy enough as she states now on her facebook page, why didnt she tell Michael that she refused to put the makeup on that would put him back on stage? This I do not understand. She was probably closer and in a more intamate setting than most, so why didnt she have that conversation and refuse to be as she calls others, "an enabler"? How can she be excited the night before? Also I saw the email that was passed around to fans that quoted her as saying, "Lets keep this private for Michael's sake" If she was so worried about him as she now claims why did she want to keep that private if it were true?

I hope this doesnt get me in trouble over here, as its just my opinion.
If she was so concerned that he wasnt healthy enough as she states now on her facebook page, why didnt she tell Michael that she refused to put the makeup on that would put him back on stage? This I do not understand. She was probably closer and in a more intamate setting than most, so why didnt she have that conversation and refuse to be as she calls others, "an enabler"? How can she be excited the night before? Also I saw the email that was passed around to fans that quoted her as saying, "Lets keep this private for Michael's sake" If she was so worried about him as she now claims why did she want to keep that private if it were true?

I hope this doesnt get me in trouble over here, as its just my opinion.

Well, Im not defending her or her actions but its nice to share the other side of the story too.

She has said that she thought he was too thin and not up for the shows based on his health. And MJ did not weigh 160 pounds because she was there with the mortician. She said that she talked to AEG about him being thin and they told her its all under control. She even wrote that noone could just walk out from the production without it effecting the whole production. You sign up to something. They were all under contract.. if the whole group would walk out, they would find another set of ppl or it would be a breach of contract.

She has written several times how fed up she is with all the lies surrounding MJ. Ive never seen her saying he was a drug addict.. Ive only seen her being upset over the STORIES about all the doctors who supposedly were giving him drugs and she calls them enablers.

However.. i dont think we are allowed to discuss her posts here (although I have shared several times what she has said) because she wanna be able to defend herself.
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All this talk about Diprivan, and Frank brushed that aside as if he knew nothing about it. Murray administering CPR on a bed, not calling 911 for 30min, pains in his chest the night before, nurse Lee getting a call from someone on Michael's behalf 5 days before he died with Michael in the background saying he was hot and cold, he was healthy, he was skeletal... he was ready for 50 show tour, no he wasn't, 5 hour med exam showing nothing but hayfever, raids, insurance policies, drug overdose/addiction, needle marks, coroner says no signs of foul play on body, but talk of manslaughter...etc It boggles the mind how contradictory all these accounts and observations of x number of people who were around Michael or had contact with him in the last few weeks...his life was this chaotic much of the time, does his death have to be too? All this info out there and still no definitive answer...Simple question...I just want to know why he went into cardiac arrest...that is all.

Exactly? And what about the missing surveillance tape? That ain't kosher right there.
jim murray needs a nice firm smack across his face :coffee:
Oh yeah, has anyone else noticed that Mike Brando hasn't talked to any media since that interview he had with Jim on Larry King? He was asking some stupid questions that you can tell really looked like they annoyed him.
I used to be a member of MJJF, but I have just signed up for this board. Anyway, I have been reading a lot of opinions on here I especially agree with Victoria and SoSodeaf. I don't trust Frank at all in fact I am having a hard time trusting anyone besides MJ's family..
So whats all this talk about Frank working with Sony and AEG outside of Michael working with Sony and AEG?