Frank Dileo on Larry King

Jim Morey doesn't know Michael. He never met him. So what he thinks of him doesn't mean anything. DiLeo KNEW Michael. Michael was his friend. He can talk about him.

As far as him telling the children about their father's death, give the guy a break. He was at the hospital and probably saw the anguish on the kids faces and felt he needed to tell them something. I really don't see the problem here. If the kids wanted to know what was going on with their father, why should they be forced to wait? It was their right to know when they wanted to know. I think DiLeo did the right thing.
I think like you!
And they know Frank very well. In addition, I don't think Katherine was in any shape to tell anybody that michael was dead, she was in so much pain herself and crying!
Ive always liked Frank _ alway been loyal
to Michael and discusses him in a good light Always
h was a good friend .. I believe he loved Michael

Did he say anything to harm Michal's character or reputation?

Ill see if i can watch it later tonight
As far as him telling the children about their father's death, give the guy a break. He was at the hospital and probably saw the anguish on the kids faces and felt he needed to tell them something. I really don't see the problem here. If the kids wanted to know what was going on with their father, why should they be forced to wait? It was their right to know when they wanted to know. I think DiLeo did the right thing.
I agree. IMHO, fans should get over this. Whether the news was broken by DiLeo or Katherine, the reaction and shock would not have been any different.
It was a tough thing for him to do so people should stop acting like he wanted to do it. He felt he HAD to. And I'm glad he took that burden off Katherine.
Ive always liked Frank _ alway been loyal
to Michael and discusses him in a good light Always
h was a good friend .. I believe he loved Michael

Did he say anything to harm Michal's character or reputation?

Ill see if i can watch it later tonight

In the part I watched, he didn't "go" on Mike's character, he didn't say anything new and he didn't jump on the "he's an addict" bandwagon, I can give him credit for that
Jim Morey doesn't know Michael. He never met him. So what he thinks of him doesn't mean anything. DiLeo KNEW Michael. Michael was his friend. He can talk about him.

As far as him telling the children about their father's death, give the guy a break. He was at the hospital and probably saw the anguish on the kids faces and felt he needed to tell them something. I really don't see the problem here. If the kids wanted to know what was going on with their father, why should they be forced to wait? It was their right to know when they wanted to know. I think DiLeo did the right thing.

Absolutely! Its not like he was a stranger in this situation. Michael I am sure would have appreciated Frank in this situation.

Frank basically put the lies to rest about Joe and Leonard. I bet they won't respond to the allegations. Like Frank said, MJ did what MJ wanted to do!!!! No one could control Michael Jackson including AEG, his family, the public or anything.

Did Michael love attention? Yes! It has been proven that Michael set up the tabloid stories about the elephant man bones and chamber. He also loved beating records too.Therefore, it should not be far fetched that he wanted to beat Prince number of shows at 02.
He had to tell Katherine and i am sure she was a mess so maybe thats why he had to tell the children, we really dont know because we werent there so we shouldnt judge.
see the difference is, they get paid ;)

I was just about to post the same damn thing. I worked in news for a few months. It's not about sleeping at night, it's about the ratings and getting the stories before anyone else. And we all know ratings equals money and in this day and age where there are a million and one news networks competing with each other AND the internet and viewership is declining, this is why they will pull any old MJ story or some guest that was allegedly MJ's friend to come on and talk nonsense regardless of accuracy or credibility.
Jim Morey doesn't know Michael. He never met him. So what he thinks of him doesn't mean anything. DiLeo KNEW Michael. Michael was his friend. He can talk about him.

As far as him telling the children about their father's death, give the guy a break. He was at the hospital and probably saw the anguish on the kids faces and felt he needed to tell them something. I really don't see the problem here. If the kids wanted to know what was going on with their father, why should they be forced to wait? It was their right to know when they wanted to know. I think DiLeo did the right thing.

I agree with this. Children sense things too, and they probably knew it wasn't good - making them wait would only prolong the anxiety of wanting to know because they probably sensed that everyone else there did. I'd bet they'd know he was lying if he tried to put them off which would also make them more anxious. Also, DiLeo was likely quite familiar to the children from the recent days/months. They probably saw him more, especially recently, than they did actual family. So I also think he did the right thing - and it was a rather brave of him to do it. That is one hell of a hard thing to have to do and would have been easy for him to back out and make them wait. It was good that he stepped up and did it.
Ive always liked Frank _ alway been loyal
to Michael and discusses him in a good light Always
h was a good friend .. I believe he loved Michael

Did he say anything to harm Michal's character or reputation?

Ill see if i can watch it later tonight

You are right. This man has never said anything to demean Michael's character. And he is one of the few who have never claimed that Michael was a drug addict. I have much respect for him, Mark Lester, TMez, Miko Brando and people like Lionel, Diane, Liz, Liza and Trump who have never claimed they saw Michael abusing drugs. Yet so-called friends like Chopra, Gellar, Smuley and nem are out there calling Michael a drug addict when he is dead and gone and can't defend himself. These people were not Michael's friends. Neither was Arnold Klien.

And for God's sake, if I hear Leonard Rowe claim that Michael had a drug issue one more time, I am going to scream! Why is he saying this now? Frank just sat there and derailed all of his claims. And Frank says he knew of Michael's problem in the past but not recently. Frank also said he asked Michael if he was doing anything and Michael got mad at him and said he wasn't doing anything. My mind says how could Frank be this close to Michael as a manager and never see him doing any drugs? Other celebrities that had a drug problem were seen by their handlers to be abusing drugs. Why didn't the people closest to Michael never see him doing it.....yet the people on the fringe claim they knew he was doing it, but never saw him doing it. The truth is, you can't say for a fact that a person was abusing drugs if you never seen them abusing drugs. Especially if that person is already on medication for various sicknesses like Michael was. If I took pain killers on a regular basis prescribed by a doctor, I would probably be seen by my friend sometimes and being a little out of it too. But does that mean I am abusing drugs?

Anyone that is a true friend of Michael's will reserve judgement against him and would not even go to the media claiming that Michael was a drug addict even if they knew he was. They would want to protect him. They would certainly not want to speculate as to whether or not he was abusing drugs. And this is what bothers me about some of these people's claims....they don't know for certain, yet they are ready and willing to go to the media and claim for a fact that Michael was a drug addict. Who needs friends like these?
Frank Dileo has been so sweet and respectful towards MJ IMO.

I have great respect for him 4 that. NOT a single bad word has come from his mouth.
The whole LiDeo thing in Moonwalker still cracks me up. :lol:
The whole LiDeo thing in Moonwalker still cracks me up. :lol:

these people in here trying to have serious discussion and you bust out with that:doh:

i was watching Wayne's World the other day and totally forgot he was in that.

''gee, that cigar looks familiar that?? hahahaha
Seemed like the thread was starting to loosen up. :lol:

The bad guy in 'Moonwalker', Frankie LiDeo. His name is based on Frank DiLeo's. ;)

lol o joe pesci, lol i never bothered to check the character's name. i only remember that it's joe pesci and joe pesci's hair.

subtle hint lideo is a villain~~~

"it's just a plug"
Did you hear Frank D say that Lloyd's of London sent a doctor from New York to do the physical on Michael. This means it was not Murray who did the physical.

DiLeo said he and Michael asked AEG to pay for Murray because Michael demanded him. The contract was still being negotiated so Murray hadn't even gotten paid yet. DiLeo said he asked Michael why he needed a doctor and Michael he wanted to make sure he got proper fluids and a stuff like that.
Did you hear Frank D say that Lloyd's of London sent a doctor from New York to do the physical on Michael. This means it was not Murray who did the physical.

DiLeo said he and Michael asked AEG to pay for Murray because Michael demanded him. The contract was still being negotiated so Murray hadn't even gotten paid yet. DiLeo said he asked Michael why he needed a doctor and Michael he wanted to make sure he got proper fluids and a stuff like that.

yeah, his name was released last week. david slavit. he's a new york eyes, ears, mouth doctor or something. but there were 2 physicals, i don't know if he did both.
I watched it I don't likes Michael's manager. Frank don't believe there was foul play on Michael's death.
I finnaly got to watch the interview. I thouhgt it was great very dignified
and I think frank was being honest with the questions he answered _

He thinks something went wrong with the doctor _ but cant say what untill the toxoligy
reports come out_He but doesnt believe Murry was part of a conspiracy to knock off MJ

I believe the same_there is nothing wrong with him thinking that _ there is no fact
or proof of wrong doing to even suggest it _just unfounded and sometimes ridiculas
made up theories by people who dont even ven understand the business or what
they are talking about_ Ive shook my head in dis belivef over how some come to these
wild conclusions _ and I mean Ive seen some ridilus theories _ POOR Michael ..

This wast he mosts dignified and best interview I have seen so far and does'nt
portray MJ as some Junkie who was manipulated and controlled with no mind of
his own .. Thank God becuase the public is getting a very skewed terrible view
of who MJ Was.

Frank brought dignity and truth to the situation I believe he was a loyal
l and good friend of Michaels and probably the best manager he ever had ..

All thes consriracy theories just makes MJs Legacy more of a circus
and bring no truth or dignity to how he was ...

Frank told the truth when he said no one told MJ what to do
he made his own decisions _ No one could see MJ unless MJ
approved. He also stated that MJ did not want his family involved
in the business aspect of his life _ and we who have followed MJ
for years know that is true ..

MJ was not a controlled robot who did not know what was going on-
Frank said MJ was very savy and knew how to promote himself and
how to get media attention _he was a pro _ he knew 31 initial shows
and agreed to add 19 more becuase of the public demand _ he was
not in the dark _ they couldnt add more shows with out Mjs permission
and signature ..

It was also stated The original AEG contact was for 31 shows _ But only
10 were promoted to test the waters and get the tickests selling - once they
seen the demand they added 19 more shows to the 31 _ and Mj was pleased.
Frank said they had enough demand to do 85 shows if they wanted ..

Th ether attorney there also stated AEG original
conteact with Mj was 31 with a claus more would be added
according to demand

Michale knew 10 shows would not pay for the extravangant production he wanted to put on
Frank said Yes MJ would at times say_ I knew there was 10 shows and woke up to 50 :) that he was
being facetious acting like he was suprised by the demand _ but not meaning it in a complaining way ...
Facetious _ not meant to be taken seriously or literally:
a facetious remark. amusing; humorous.

Mj did have a biz deal with Rowe but when he decided to do the 02 concerts
Rowe showed his ass at the meeting with MJ and AEG and Michael told Frank
they needed to send Rowe a letter oficially anulling the deal. Rowe said he
didnt get the letter. Frank said he was lying and that he did.

He also said Rowe lied when he said the meeting was 3 weeks beforeMjs death _
The meeting was in march and it was Mj who called frank and told him what went
down at that meeting and how Michale wanted to proceed with Rowe_
which was Can him ..
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Amen Qbee. And I'll tell you something...I believe Frank DiLeo any day over Leonard Rowe. Frank called Leonard a liar and I agree with him. Leonard was in cohoots with Joe Jackson to try and inject themselves into this 02 deal. And I do believe they went into that meeting and acted a fool. Frank said Michael stayed in his vehicle until AEG and nem got there and when he witnessed how crazy they were acting, he called Frank and told him we need to get rid of Rowe. And I do believe that is how it went down. And that is why Rowe is out there calling Michael a drug addict. If he was such a drug addict, then why the hell did Rowe want to work with him so bad? I believe he and Joe both wanted to get in on the money aspect of this thing and they went into that meeting trying to rule things and push their way into the control part of the thing and Michael and AEG weren't having it. So the Italian, Frank was sent to do the dirty work...cut Rowe off.