Exclusive: The Inside Story Behind Michael Jackson's Controversial New Song and Album

I do think the fans are flying off the handle with this.

The first time I heard Breaking News I thought it sounded odd, but that doesn't mean for certain that it's a fake. The power of suggestion is strong and there has been so much hysteria on this board lately, it's easy to get swept up in it.

Yesterday was ridiculous, when a 15 second clip of Monster appeared on Youtube which featured a woman talking all over it.... you could barely hear a thing and people were screaming "fake" left, right and centre.

I'm going to opt for sanity, and reserve judgement until I've actually heard the songs.

Thank you. I agree with you. I thought it sounded a little odd too, but then I know how things can be changed with production. I know we are loyal Michael fans, but we aren't experts. I can't say that I know more than a forensic musicologist. Sony and the estate do have a lot to lose, as the article says, and they honestly have done an excellent job of keeping up Michael's legacy, so far. They both conducted their own private investigation, and people who have worked with Michael and the producers all say it's him. He really was working on music at the Cascios', and he did co-write the songs. I can't believe so many people who are now talking about cancelling orders and boycotting the album, etc. Really? I would never do that just based on a hunch and some hype that it's not Michael. You're shooting your own self in the foot.
Sony have put songs on this album that are fake and are trying to release it as a Michael Jackson album.

But you know what shocks me most?

The fact there are still fans that are adamant it is MJ on these songs :| There are people here including myself that have known this wasnt MJ since the very first listen on Monday morning.

Honest to god, nothing has shocked me more in this whole situation than the fact that that there are still fans here that are adamant it is him.

I have added 4 or 5 people to my ignore list in the past few days. It was empty on Sunday.

Same here, LTD. I keep checking here and seeing people who are actually falling for this. That's disturbing to me...and no 'deano' before you say it, no I'm not "the controlling type". It's just disturbing to me because if fans will fall for an imposter, why wouldn't that then give them the motivation to continue doing this in the future? So we'll end up with a bunch of songs labeled as 'artist - Michael Jackson', but not actually sung by him. I'm sorry, but that REALLY ****** me off. I mean REALLY badly. It's a damn travesty and miscarriage of justice in Michael's name if Sony gets away with this.

Guys, it's not him on the lead vocal of 'Breaking News'. My time over the past near 30 years obsessively listening to Michael Jackson songs tells me that, plus I'm somewhat of an audiophile and a professional DJ. For years, my ears are what's made me a living. Rarely do they fool me. And when it comes to my favorite artist of all time, I can promise each and every one of you...my ears are right in this instance especially.

But as I've said before, this whole argument just continues to go round and round and people are going to believe what they want. Now, I'm a live and let live kinda guy usually but the reason this situation's got me up in arms is to me an issue of morality, of right and wrong. It's everything Michael told us about the liars, the backstabbers....they'll do anything for money. This situation is plain and simple. It's about corporate greed. And that's coming from a capitalist.

So what are we to do, the long time fans who are certain beyond a shadow of a doubt about this? Honestly, I don't know. We can contact Sony but I highly doubt that's going to get us anywhere. We can yell and scream here, but all we'll do is argue with the lurkers coming out of the shadows to defend Sony because they just WANT to believe so badly no matter what the truth may be. But all that's going to do is cause more strife and chaos. So what are we to do? I've not felt so strongly about fighting an injustice in quite a while. But this is just WRONG and they have to be stopped, some how some way.

Honestly, I don't know what to do. I feel helpless fighting against corporate greed and fan delusion. So who knows what's gonna happen. All I know is Sony isn't getting my money for lying to me. They may be able to fool some people, but they're not fooling a lot of us "old folks" who KNOW Michael's voice perhaps even better than their own.
I never brought into the whole thing anyway. I believe it's Michael.

The Will is FAKE!

This Is It was made by using a FAKE Michael!

Now songs on the album are FAKE!

Why is it everytime certain members of the Jackson clan do not profit, then the project is deemed FAKE!

P.S. When the Cirque du Soleil project was first announced, Joe Jackson said he would NOT support it. I guess he couldn't say it was FAKE. LOL!
There we go... makes perfect sense...
BUT, this should've been released BEFORE making the song public...
MJ's legacy will not be ruined for decades to come, soooo dramatic! The world doesn't care nearly as much as we do. Maybe we should rephrase "our world would be ruined for decades to come"

MJ's legacy has already been set in stone. IF a few tracks on the album used an impersonator for parts, that will not ruin MJ's legacy and integrity. The man is dead, he has no say in this. If anything, it would help entrench the idea that MJ is a victim from everyone trying to extract money out of him and help his image as people would feel bad for him. No more drama, it's getting annoying!

So true. The only reputations that will be harmed are those of the people behind the alleged fraud. Obviously, Michael had nothing to do with it.
I was waiting for your response to all this, and thank you, Gaz .
What I saw these days it"s unbelivable. Is it Michael or not ?!
Yes...I admit it sounds different from what we heard of Michael..but I was not ready to say it"s fake after listening to it once or twice.
I am really confused about it, because I am not a fan from yesterday.I follow Michael"s work for more than 28 years.
What scares me is that a huge number of ppl are trying to convince others not to buy the album without knowing anything for real and beliving all the stupid rumors there are going around. I can"t believe this !!!!!! What are you doing people ??!!
If you don"t think BN is Michael - ok. If you do - ok.
Future will tell, for sure.
Some of ppl could be sorry for what they said.

I guess the "Thank" button is gone now, so I'll have to go back to quoting the people I agree with.
I agree with what you said, and I think it's very sad.
I'm sorry but what is this supposed to prove? There isnt even a source, and if there was a source I wouldnt believe it anyway.
MJ's legacy will not be ruined for decades to come, soooo dramatic! The world doesn't care nearly as much as we do. Maybe we should rephrase "our world would be ruined for decades to come"

MJ's legacy has already been set in stone. IF a few tracks on the album used an impersonator for parts, that will not ruin MJ's legacy and integrity. The man is dead, he has no say in this. If anything, it would help entrench the idea that MJ is a victim from everyone trying to extract money out of him and help his image as people would feel bad for him. No more drama, it's getting annoying!

Fine. I just won't buy the album. That's all.
What If... and I mean what if the lead vocals on Breaking News and Monster ARE MJ? How would you all feel? Just a question

Relieved, actually. Because I still can't believe that someone would try to get away with faking his vocals. If it is Michael then someone needs to explain why he sounds so different.
Saying you hired a forensic audiologist isn't proof. A verified statement from the forensic audiologist = proof.
Saying it is Michael isn't proof. Video of Michael recording the verses or raw demo tracks of Michael recording the verses = proof.
If it really is Michael, they should just release the forensic audiologists reports that say it is him with their names listed so we can verify that they really are forensic audiologists. That would be proof enough for me.
btw, forensic audiologist sounds like a really cool job......
What If... and I mean what if the lead vocals on Breaking News and Monster ARE MJ? How would you all feel? Just a question

That is precisely what I am questioning my sanity. I DO hear him loud and clear in parts and in other parts it is so layered and so overproduced that there is no way of knowing for your average listener on average equipment. That is why it was done this way.

I didn't come to any final conclusion aside from really being close to losing my mind. I do hear Michael Jackson- and I don't. I hear him in these speckles here and there and even then it sounds as if 200000 sounds are slapped over it.

Parts of his chest register reminded me of Shout and of his speaking voice. "nothing to be nervous about."

Somebody here in another thread was complaining about "no promo". Well, I guess at least say there's no lack of controversy.

But I will defer judgement, I think it's way too overproduced to make for lack of "roundness", but one could have gone the opposite way with this- the singer/songwriter minimalistic approach/piano and a cello. The melody of the chorus is almost perfect for classical music. Instead the went with a "Eurovision de la chanson" contest type sound, which again- that melody is perfect for it.
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"Just because you read it in a magazine Or see it on the TV screen Don't make it factual"

People can say what they want and try fill our minds with rubbish. But we know Michaels voice.
Good article. I hope this is cleared up soon and people can find joy in the fact we have something new instead of whats going on right now. I joined this site hoping to share my excitement with other fans and all I find is people raging :(

This is true, and I'm sorry. I find it very upsetting too because it's been that way during the whole time we've waited. It seems like all we've been doing is just bickering back and forth.
Some people now say that it's a nice article, but too bad, we don't believe it. What is there not to believe? Is the person writing the article just telling a bunch of lies? I actually believe that Sony AND the estate have both conducted investigations to test the tracks and find out if they were legit or not. Why? Sony paid over $200,000,000 for the songs. Do you not think they would want to be absolutely certain they are really Michael Jackson??
What about the estate? If they are not him, and people won't buy the album, it would hurt them and their future projects. So yes, I do believe they both conducted investigations. Even as long time fans (which I am one myself of over 27 years), we don't know more than the forensic musicologists, the producers who worked on the track, the people who were there in the studio with Michael when he worked on the track (people who were actually friends with Michael and who have never spoken a bad word about him), Jason Malachi (who people INSISTED was singing the song) who has also said it wasn't him. Why can't people just accept that they can change a lot in production? Maybe they are the ones we should be mad at? Maybe Michael wanted to sound different because it was a song he was singing in 3rd person? We don't know, but it's very immature and premature to start talking about boycotting the album at this point in time. I know for a fact that some of the tracks on there are without a doubt, Michael, and I would be hurting myself if I didn't buy the album. Who cares about Sony? People seem to forget that Michael did not still have a thing against them; it was Tommy Motolla he hated.
I wrote a blog about what I think about the song and the Oprah interview: http://summerwind2010.blogspot.com/

I think the song in itself isn't that bad...I've had it stuck in my head. However, it's no "Earth Song". It sounds more like a song written for Britney. And I think there is no point really in anyone trying to convince fans it's the REAL Michael singing on it, because the FACT still is that it doesn't SOUND like him. So even if it as MJ singing but it was so overproduced that it would leave the vocals sounding nothing like MJ....I'd still say...don't put that song on the album...or go back to put the original vocals the way they sounded before they were overproduced so that it sounds like Michael. IF it's Michael singing like they are saying. All I can say is that I CAN'T hear Michael's voice on the song no matter how I try..if you don't count a couple of heehees" maybe. And I think if someone has to try to CONVINCE us that it's Michael...something is SERIOUSLY wrong. Especially when we have heard other unreleased songs online and we could tell in a second it's MICHAEL singing....

I suppose the good thing about all of this is, we know which tracks are the supposed "fakes" and will stand out like dogs balls when they're thrown amongst the rest.

Even when comparing the Breaking News and Do You Know Where Your Children Are tracks it's almost night and day when it comes to the quality of song.

One is Michael, another is "Michael" on a very off day, possibly hung over WITH the flu, getting over tonsillitis, with a strained voice from yelling at the previous days football game, while the Cascio's recorded his voice through a cup-and-string connected to a recording console, loaded up with a dodgy failing hard drive.

Conveniently all other takes were disposed of. Maybe a basket of magnets fell from a shelf and hit the hard drive, resulting in the corruption of files. Michael then had to re-sing the song, which he wasn't happy about doing (explains the lack of "normal" effort on his behalf).

Hey but in the end, you hear what you want to hear.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: You're funny!! :lol: I agree with the bolded part. You hear "Another Day" and you know within a SECOND it's him, without any doubts. So how come with Breaking News we all have to be CONVINCED it's him. There's something seriously wrong with that. -_-

I have yes, and they are well aware of the outcry that is happening right now.

They have been having some urgent meetings regarding this and as soon as I have anything to share I will let you all know.

I can assure you all however the Estate are concerned regarding the response they have got re this song, its not a matter of tough its Michael now live with it.

I am in hope that they will communicate with me soon something that might just ease this situation.

Thanks Gaz! They need to know they better not mess with MJ fans and that we are not STUPID...and also that we WON'T let ANYONE destroy or put MJ's legacy in jeopardy!!!
This certainly isn't a "typical" Jackson recording: there weren't extensive warm ups with longtime vocal coach Seth Riggs, no layering and polishing by Jackson himself, no Bruce Swedien and world-class studio technology to capture the original vocal. This was a guide demo, supplemented by the supporting vocals of James Porte (for which he is credited), and produced nearly four years later by Teddy Riley.

Why is no one addressing this part of the article
so which part of the vocals on BN does James porte sing.?? and which parts are Michael _ I say MJ is only in chorus placed in the BG

First we are told 100% Michael and now we have James Porte credited for Vocals ??

Isnt James Porte is also credited with Casico for producing these tracks
what a mess

If this info would've been released with the song premiere it would've been such a mess.

Now we've got everybody and their mothers with fake Twitter accounts, the nay-sayers, the purists and other various "secret" sources butting the fans against each other when we should be appreciating what's good about the song: GREAT dance song with plenty of HIStory.
This article actually makes a lot of sense.

Comparison : I question whether the vocal comparison discussion we have seen over several threads are actually valid comparisons or in reality comparing to apples to oranges. A normal MJ track that we know is professionally recorded in an actual studio with Michael recording several vocal tracks but this song is by all accounts is recorded in a home studio with one single vocal track. Therefore it's bound to be worse than the normal song that we are accustomed to. ( I said this before that I worked with a recording artist - a rock band- before. They had home studio and nothing that was recorded there was album use quality. )

Additional vocals and being credited on the album : I think we can all agree that the Breaking news song include other vocals then Michael's. The question is how much of it's Michael and how much isn't. Now I have seen people say that an impostor such as Jason Malachi is used and that this will be hidden. However as this article suggest I tend to think that any and all additional vocals will be credited on the album - otherwise it opens doors to fraud lawsuits.

I also see "Sony can do whatever they want" comments - which in reality isn't the perfect truth. At least in USA selling a song as "Michael Jackson" when he isn't the one singing is consumer fraud and they can be sued.

I said this before logically I tend to believe that - like this article and Teddy Riley said -
1) forensic musicologists has confirmed that it's Michael and that
2) Sony will accurately credit any and all additional vocals

Therefore even this song could be "questionable" in people's minds and ears, I tend to think that in a court of law Sony could actually prove it to be legit. Hence again going back to one of Teddy Riley's comments that is probably the reason that we aren't seeing a lawsuit.

:clapping::yes: I agree with you, and you're right. Sony can't just do whatever they want, and of course they would investigate it. If nothing else, they want to save their own butts.
Why is no one addressing this _ so which part of the vocals on BN does James porte sing.?? and which parts are Michael

First we are told 100% Michael and now we have James Porte credited for Vocals ??

Isnt James Porte is also credited with Casico for producing these tracks

That is the bigger problem. I have not seen any credits so far. It's great that Mr. Porte is being credited- it would be nice to see that fine print somewhere.
So....IF the vocals are Michael, I wonder how many ppl would suddenly start to love the song.....
I truly respect everyone"s opinion but saying things like " I don"t want this song on the album..." is ridiculous.

I actually like the song. I just don't think Michael is singing the verses.
When I first played the song, it didn't sound right. Straight away I didn't think it sounded like Michael. I still think some parts don't sound like the Michael we know.

I think they (whoever they is) took the little basic badly recorded 'pre-demo' MJ did (which teddy riley said was unnaceptable) and messed with it so much, adding things from old songs, adding someone elses voice - (eg. this James Porte guy that they've admitted to).. so it's ended up sounding wrong to A LOT of fans.

Whatever you think, the magic is lost for definite.

Everyone will think of this drama whenever they play it.

Do you think MJ would want something like this released under his name.. ?
No wonder will.i.am has a problem with this album. They're doing what they did with 2pac.

Big Apple: I may have a agreed with you if it wasn't for Jackie, Taj, TJ, and Taryll - they aren't the 'bad' Jacksons. Also, they aren't against the album they are against particular songs on it, so your point fails. :
tajjackson3 Taj Jackson
There are 7 great, no doubt, 100 percent Michael Jackson songs on the new album. I will ALWAYS support those.

And, also, fans are judging with their own ears, lots of those fans who were against what members of the family were saying have now changed their minds once they've listened to the song themselves. Lots of people have come out sayin it doesn't sound like Michael - including Rodney 'Darkchild' Jenkins.

Now I want to know how much singing this James Porte does on this song..
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I never brought into the whole thing anyway. I believe it's Michael.

The Will is FAKE!

This Is It was made by using a FAKE Michael!

Now songs on the album are FAKE!

Why is it everytime certain members of the Jackson clan do not profit, then the project is deemed FAKE!

P.S. When the Cirque du Soleil project was first announced, Joe Jackson said he would NOT support it. I guess he couldn't say it was FAKE. LOL!

Lol. I agree with you. I totally believed it was Michael when I first heard the real song. And then after hearing the acapella (sp?) version, I was more than sure it was MJ. Hey, it ain't my favorite MJ song, but it's alright. It's not horrible. I've heard allegations from many fans that This Is It was used using a fake Michael, and some of them doubting that MJ knows how to play instruments. They seem to have no faith.
I know, exactly. What if???

Still wouldn't change the fact that it doesn't SOUND like him, so obviously something would still be wrong and there would be no point in putting a song on the album if it doesn't sound like him. Or they should put the raw demo on the album with it with MJ on the mic coughing and sneezing telling he has laryngitis and that he doesn't sound like himself when they recorded it. :smilerolleyes:
I think this time around some fans are making more damage than good...
IT IS Michael Jackson...
With additional overlapped vocals, and badly recorded but heavily embellished and processed during production... anybody with a bit of musical sense will tell you that...
Haha... Hi, Hess. ;) I know, my post number is low, but when MJJC changed-up a couple of years back, all my previous posts were lost and I had to start over, which is fine. I've been a faithful reader/follower of MJJC for YEARS, and have been a MJ fan since the early 70's -- having the honor and privilege of following him through most of his career. I even met MJ in Chicago back in 1988 during his BAD tour, which was, simply, amazing (to say the least), but that is another story I will share another time. Promise! :)

Now... it has been heartbreaking to sit here and witness what is happening within the community these past few days. Of course, I understand everyone's raw feelings -- perhaps an extension of the loss we are all feeling since June of 2009 -- but what is truly sad is the environment it has created here, one of anger and hate and distrust. What use to be a fun place to visit and celebrate with fellow fans has now become a chamber of hate and accusation and rampant finger-pointing. How ironic, this is the sort of thing MJ faced his entire life, now his fans are caught up into it as well...

So, this is my take -- for what it is worth. BREAKING NEWS and the other Cascio tracks are absolutely real. They are just DEMO recordings that weren't finalized to perfection by MJ as usual, hence them sounding "different" or "not real" to some. MJ never gave it his "all" during the recording of demo vocals, which is apparent on on MANY of his other demo recordings. Simply, he knew he would go back in and clean it up. On these, sadly, he was unable to. But, to me, I am SO GRATEFUL to have these songs to listen to -- to sit back and remember him by. It is a gift that I don't take lightly, and will not let certain others who are currently caught up in some kind of strange mass hysteria ruin.

So, for what it is worth, I suggest everyone sit back, take a deep breath, and try to enjoy what is ahead for all of us. I know this situation isn't perfect (or some of the recordings) but it's as close as we're going to get considering the sad affair we have all lived through for nearly a year and a half. I love you all. I really do. Now, on to the record! December 14th can't get here soon enough! Just remember one thing:

Turn in up loud, and spread the LOVE! ;)

Excellent post! Thank you, and I completely agree. People have to remember that before ANY song was released or before any announcement was made, there were already rumors going around that the songs on the album were fake and not really Michael. So it was already planted in people's minds that there could be fake songs, and over the years there have been fans who post on here who think certain songs are Michael, and then others who point out that they're not. But sometimes Michael's demos are beautiful, and other times they are not the best. During This Is It (the movie), he sang "Earth Song", and when it got to the part where he sings, "What about..." he didn't sound like he did on the actual song. He sounded much weaker and softer, but we all know it's because he was saving his voice. WE know, but the general public might not have known. If he did it the way he did on the album, it would strain and hurt his voice. If he was not giving it his all during a demo performance, he would sound different.
I have had my doubts myself about BN, but I just think it's too soon for all of us to assume it's NOT Michael and boycott the album or send hate mail to Sony.

tajjackson3 Taj Jackson
There are 7 great, no doubt, 100 percent Michael Jackson songs on the new album. I will ALWAYS support those.


tajjackson3 Taj Jackson

I am. Can't tell you what to do. RT @KTAJ5678: . One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch. Should I buy it? Y Or N. I'd like to buy it. :)

4 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply


tajjackson3 Taj Jackson
If it doesn't sell like it should, they will say he is not significant anymore.
2 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply