Exclusive: The Inside Story Behind Michael Jackson's Controversial New Song and Album

well Smooth_Criminal05"asks "What If... and I mean what if the lead vocals on Breaking News and Monster ARE MJ? How would you all feel? Just a question

They are about as much MJ as Elvis... so i would probably pour concrete in my ears as they obviously don't work anymore. But seriously, it is not him on 99% of that track.

ps, where's all the 'insider' info u had now? Just asking as u did post a lot on this prior to all the trouble...
What If... and I mean what if the lead vocals on Breaking News and Monster ARE MJ? How would you all feel? Just a question

What if they're not? That would be a way bigger deal than your hypothetical.

In your hypothetical, there would be 10 "real" MJ songs we never get to hear because Sony decides not to release them due to controversy. Big deal.

If they're fake, MJ's musical honor and integrity would be in shambles for decades to come.

Just take 'em out! Too risky.
Just take the Cascio songs out. Is it really that big of a deal? Judging by Breaking News and the short snippet of Monster, they aren't that good anyways...MJ vocals or not.
Just take the Cascio songs out. Is it really that big of a deal? Judging by Breaking News and the short snippet of Monster, they aren't that good anyways...MJ vocals or not.

Yeah exactly, they should take the songs out anyway regardless of whether they are MJ's vocals or not.
Just take the Cascio songs out. Is it really that big of a deal? Judging by Breaking News and the short snippet of Monster, they aren't that good anyways...MJ vocals or not.

My thoughts exactly. Monster is especially horrible IMO. I don't think these songs are worth the fuss. Michael has a million times better things still in his vault than these.
This article actually makes a lot of sense.

Comparison : I question whether the vocal comparison discussion we have seen over several threads are actually valid comparisons or in reality comparing to apples to oranges. A normal MJ track that we know is professionally recorded in an actual studio with Michael recording several vocal tracks but this song is by all accounts is recorded in a home studio with one single vocal track. Therefore it's bound to be worse than the normal song that we are accustomed to. ( I said this before that I worked with a recording artist - a rock band- before. They had home studio and nothing that was recorded there was album use quality. )

Additional vocals and being credited on the album : I think we can all agree that the Breaking news song include other vocals then Michael's. The question is how much of it's Michael and how much isn't. Now I have seen people say that an impostor such as Jason Malachi is used and that this will be hidden. However as this article suggest I tend to think that any and all additional vocals will be credited on the album - otherwise it opens doors to fraud lawsuits.

I also see "Sony can do whatever they want" comments - which in reality isn't the perfect truth. At least in USA selling a song as "Michael Jackson" when he isn't the one singing is consumer fraud and they can be sued.

I said this before logically I tend to believe that - like this article and Teddy Riley said -
1) forensic musicologists has confirmed that it's Michael and that
2) Sony will accurately credit any and all additional vocals

Therefore even this song could be "questionable" in people's minds and ears, I tend to think that in a court of law Sony could actually prove it to be legit. Hence again going back to one of Teddy Riley's comments that is probably the reason that we aren't seeing a lawsuit.
Does anybody really believe that Sony or the Estate are going to take these songs off the album?

I personally doubt it.
What If... and I mean what if the lead vocals on Breaking News and Monster ARE MJ? How would you all feel? Just a question

If it was proven to me, by showing me a video of Michael singing these songs and I was happy with the authenticity of the video...because nothing else in the world would convince me.

Then I would first apologize to everyone who said it was him, then rip my ears off.
Does anybody really believe that Sony or the Estate are going to take these songs off the album?

I personally doubt it.

I dont think the songs were on the album yet. I dont believe they have finalized the tracklist, so they put Breaking News out to test the waters. That way they could see the reaction and if the reaction was bad (which it has been) then they wont put the songs on the album.

If they are on the album then I think they will take them off yes....

If they are on the album and then dont take them off, the album sales will dramatically suffer. MJ's biggest fans wouldnt buy the album.
MJ's legacy will not be ruined for decades to come, soooo dramatic! The world doesn't care nearly as much as we do. Maybe we should rephrase "our world would be ruined for decades to come"

MJ's legacy has already been set in stone. IF a few tracks on the album used an impersonator for parts, that will not ruin MJ's legacy and integrity. The man is dead, he has no say in this. If anything, it would help entrench the idea that MJ is a victim from everyone trying to extract money out of him and help his image as people would feel bad for him. No more drama, it's getting annoying!
MJ's legacy will not be ruined for decades to come, soooo dramatic! The world doesn't care nearly as much as we do. Maybe we should rephrase "our world would be ruined for decades to come"

MJ's legacy has already been set in stone. IF a few tracks on the album used an impersonator for parts, that will not ruin MJ's legacy and integrity. The man is dead, he has no say in this. If anything, it would help entrench the idea that MJ is a victim from everyone trying to extract money out of him and help his image as people would feel bad for him. No more drama, it's getting annoying!

Exactly...I know emotions are running high ATM, but honestly people need to stop thinking this could negatively affect HIS Image, and HIS Legacy, it won't. Michael is the greatest artist of all time and will always remain the greatest, and people need to stop thinking that the mistakes of others somehow is connected to Michael. ENOUGH.

I really am confused by everything :unsure: ,but..perhaps it is Michael..I don't know what to think..
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Lord, it's MJ on these tracks. These were DEMO recordings, folks. Enough of the childish uproar. Let's get back to celebrating what is about to happen.

WOW - you have 2 posts and I just had to +1 to your rep. Thanks and welcome to MJJC.
So....IF the vocals are Michael, I wonder how many ppl would suddenly start to love the song.....
I truly respect everyone"s opinion but saying things like " I don"t want this song on the album..." is ridiculous.
Since when fans choose the songs ?!
And I bet most of them are new fans.
Michael is not longer here to master his work ( it hurts so much to say this....:( ) so we just have to wait and see.
His legacy will not be destroyed if we don"t let it. Few fake or not fake songs can"t do that. Michael has done enough for more than one lifetime.
Being critical is OK, but being so picky without even knowing what we will hear is just...a little crazy.
Interesting thread. Consider this, though?

There was HUGE anticipation of the Breaking News release. We were excited, and there were countdowns. NO ONE was expecting to doubt the authenticity of the recording! (I sure wasn't.) That was probably the last thing on people's minds, as everyone anticipated new music from Michael I certainly had NO thoughts that it might not be authentic.

I was NOT expecting this, but yet, my FIRST thought upon hearing it was "that's not him!" That was my very FIRST impression, based on what I was hearing, MYSELF! I was shocked, so I listened to other music of Michael's, for comparison. I listened to Jason Malachi, and other impersonators. I thought I heard (still think that) "heee-heee's" and "Aowww's" from OTHER earlier, recordings. I now think that "some" of that song is Michael. And a lot is not.

So, after hearing the music, I came here, to see what others were saying. Many, very MANY, had those same thoughts, "That is not him!" Why would we even THINK that, when it had never been an issue before? That simply was not the mind-set at the first listen!

I anticipate what Sony has to say. But, my opinion is, if there was ANY doubt about authenticity, then the song should not have been released. If only for a marketing standpoint, for the album to come? Now we have everyone, including the kitchen-sink, weighing in on what has become a controversy. In this case, controversy is NOT a good thing! Teddy Riley says he thinks it's authentic. Taj thinks it is NOT, and is outraged. And there are many others, on both sides of the fence.

If this was intended to generate anticipation for the album to come, it may have had the opposite effect? What is left now for Sony to do, is damage control? IMHO.
Does anybody really believe that Sony or the Estate are going to take these songs off the album?

I personally doubt it.

hmm they can - regardless of whether they are legit or not - just based on the fan reaction.
This article actually makes a lot of sense.

Comparison : I question whether the vocal comparison discussion we have seen over several threads are actually valid comparisons or in reality comparing to apples to oranges. A normal MJ track that we know is professionally recorded in an actual studio with Michael recording several vocal tracks but this song is by all accounts is recorded in a home studio with one single vocal track. Therefore it's bound to be worse than the normal song that we are accustomed to. ( I said this before that I worked with a recording artist - a rock band- before. They had home studio and nothing that was recorded there was album use quality. )

Additional vocals and being credited on the album : I think we can all agree that the Breaking news song include other vocals then Michael's. The question is how much of it's Michael and how much isn't. Now I have seen people say that an impostor such as Jason Malachi is used and that this will be hidden. However as this article suggest I tend to think that any and all additional vocals will be credited on the album - otherwise it opens doors to fraud lawsuits.

I also see "Sony can do whatever they want" comments - which in reality isn't the perfect truth. At least in USA selling a song as "Michael Jackson" when he isn't the one singing is consumer fraud and they can be sued.

I said this before logically I tend to believe that - like this article and Teddy Riley said -
1) forensic musicologists has confirmed that it's Michael and that
2) Sony will accurately credit any and all additional vocals

Therefore even this song could be "questionable" in people's minds and ears, I tend to think that in a court of law Sony could actually prove it to be legit. Hence again going back to one of Teddy Riley's comments that is probably the reason that we aren't seeing a lawsuit.
yup u r right ,that is why no one is taking sony to the court.i guess it is matter of credit and getting royalties.remember u guys hated this is it song but family supported it because chorus was done by brother so they are getting paid for it.it is all about money .that is why whole family is against it .if u feel so strongly about it then take sony to court,stop bickering on twitter .this is like usual make comment on twitter ,put something in head of fans and fan will go crazy about it ,they don't have to do anything.this is what happening right now .those who are claiming that song is fake ,how many of them are professional in it .i am not saying just because u are not professional ,u can't tell michaels voice but lets face it when u are hearing song is fake before even listening to it ,don't u think u judgment is clouded
Sony have put songs on this album that are fake and are trying to release it as a Michael Jackson album.

But you know what shocks me most?

The fact there are still fans that are adamant it is MJ on these songs :| There are people here including myself that have known this wasnt MJ since the very first listen on Monday morning.

Honest to god, nothing has shocked me more in this whole situation than the fact that that there are still fans here that are adamant it is him.

I have added 4 or 5 people to my ignore list in the past few days. It was empty on Sunday.
Haha... Hi, Hess. ;) I know, my post number is low, but when MJJC changed-up a couple of years back, all my previous posts were lost and I had to start over, which is fine. I've been a faithful reader/follower of MJJC for YEARS, and have been a MJ fan since the early 70's -- having the honor and privilege of following him through most of his career. I even met MJ in Chicago back in 1988 during his BAD tour, which was, simply, amazing (to say the least), but that is another story I will share another time. Promise! :)

Now... it has been heartbreaking to sit here and witness what is happening within the community these past few days. Of course, I understand everyone's raw feelings -- perhaps an extension of the loss we are all feeling since June of 2009 -- but what is truly sad is the environment it has created here, one of anger and hate and distrust. What use to be a fun place to visit and celebrate with fellow fans has now become a chamber of hate and accusation and rampant finger-pointing. How ironic, this is the sort of thing MJ faced his entire life, now his fans are caught up into it as well...

So, this is my take -- for what it is worth. BREAKING NEWS and the other Cascio tracks are absolutely real. They are just DEMO recordings that weren't finalized to perfection by MJ as usual, hence them sounding "different" or "not real" to some. MJ never gave it his "all" during the recording of demo vocals, which is apparent on on MANY of his other demo recordings. Simply, he knew he would go back in and clean it up. On these, sadly, he was unable to. But, to me, I am SO GRATEFUL to have these songs to listen to -- to sit back and remember him by. It is a gift that I don't take lightly, and will not let certain others who are currently caught up in some kind of strange mass hysteria ruin.

So, for what it is worth, I suggest everyone sit back, take a deep breath, and try to enjoy what is ahead for all of us. I know this situation isn't perfect (or some of the recordings) but it's as close as we're going to get considering the sad affair we have all lived through for nearly a year and a half. I love you all. I really do. Now, on to the record! December 14th can't get here soon enough! Just remember one thing:

Turn in up loud, and spread the LOVE! ;)

Perhaps it's you that is in the wrong?

Nah! I doubt you even contemplate such a thing in your life do you?

Your arrogance is the things that shocks me the most!

YOU can't believe everyone doesn't agree with YOU?

Welcome to the real world. I would suggest you get used to it.

Perhaps it's you that is in the wrong?

Nah! I doubt you even contemplate such a thing in your life do you?

Your arrogance is the things that shocks me the most!

YOU can't believe everyone doesn't agree with YOU?

Welcome to the real world. I would suggest you get used to it.

Its not just ME saying it though is it......look around you. About 90% of the forum believes its fake, its not just me.

Yes, in this case I cant believe everyone doesnt agree with me, because I think its such an obvious thing. . . .

Oh i've seen what the real world is like in the past few days, very much so.
One thing I will say is NO ONE can say 100% that it is not MJ
I can put on a silly voice,talk weired and then a computer can come along a change it even more, and it wont sound any thing like me........but it is!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dont be so cockey in your assumptions if this is MJ these recordings wher never meant to be heard Remember that.
Sony have put songs on this album that are fake and are trying to release it as a Michael Jackson album.

But you know what shocks me most?

The fact there are still fans that are adamant it is MJ on these songs :| There are people here including myself that have known this wasnt MJ since the very first listen on Monday morning.

Honest to god, nothing has shocked me more in this whole situation than the fact that that there are still fans here that are adamant it is him.

I have added 4 or 5 people to my ignore list in the past few days. It was empty on Sunday.

I honestly I find it quite unnecessary and disrespectful to have negative opinions about people just because they believe the vocals to be MJ.

If you believe all the song is fake - fine, if you want to cancel your order - fine, if you want to protest Sony etc - fine, if you want to post every forum the song is fake and if you want to shout it from the rooftops - that's fine too.

but if there's someone out there that believes the opposite that should be fine as well and we should be able to say " I respect your opinion but I disagree".

Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether it's right or wrong.

and honestly there's no one here that can definitively tell whether it's Michael or not . I haven't seen a forensic musicologists making a professional determination in this board, all I have seen is personal opinions. You have mentioned that you base your opinion on your gut feeling, so what if someone else's gut feeling tells that it can be Michael?

Since Michael Jackson's untimely death in June of 2009, speculation has run rampant about the music he left behind. How much is there? How finished are the songs? What is the quality of the material? And how and when will it be released?

Over the course of writing and researching my forthcoming book, Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson (Sterling 2011), I was fortunate enough to take an in-depth look at Jackson's entire catalog--including the work he was engaged in during his final years. My sources worked closely with the King of Pop throughout his life and have been trustworthy and reliable throughout the five-year process of the book. In the controversy that tends to surround all things Michael Jackson, it can be difficult to ascertain truth from fiction. But I feel confident with what I have learned about the material poised to appear on his first posthumous album, Michael.

A notorious perfectionist, Jackson always over-recorded. There are at least one hundred songs over the course of his solo career that did not make it onto his major albums. Some of those have already appeared on special editions and collections; others have leaked online in various forms; and many others have never been heard.

At midnight on November 8th, MichaelJackson.com streamed the first official song from the archives (excluding the early-Eighties demo, "This Is It," which was included as part of the companion album to the film of the same name). Even before its release, however, controversy surrounded "Breaking News" and the other so-called "Cascio tracks." The conversation has only intensified since then.

Predictably, little of that conversation has been about the content of the new track: the exceptionally ominous strings in the intro, its "Off the Wall"-esque chorus, or its signature Jackson indictment of a media that feeds on "breaking news" (read: scandals) with obsessive compulsion ("No matter what/ You just want to read it again"). Nor has much attention been given to the work of talented producer and longtime-Jackson friend, Teddy Riley, who gives the song a fresh but faithful sheen.

The irony, of course, is this is how Jackson's music has been received for decades, the substance overlooked in favor of sensationalism and distracting controversy. Yet part of it would no doubt bring a knowing smile to the man who once claimed he wanted to make his whole life "the greatest show on earth." Long before Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson was engaging artistically with both the monstrosity and allure of fame.

In "Breaking News," Jackson not only delivers his message, but anticipates the way it will be received. In one verse, he lashes out at those anxious to "write his obituary." In the chorus, he asks his listening audience, as he did throughout his career, who they project him to be: Is he the "boogieman" (a constructed monstrous figure) we're thinking of?

Certainly, by 2007 (the year in which "Breaking News" was recorded), he had learned how vicious and entrapping a lifetime in the spotlight could be. The previous two years he had been living as a vagabond, traveling from the Middle Eastern-island of Bahrain to the countryside of Ireland to a private chateau in Las Vegas. In the fall of 2007, he showed up with his children at the doorstep of his longtime friends, the Cascios, in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Jackson had been close to the Cascio family for nearly twenty years. During that time, they never once betrayed him for tabloid money (in spite of many offers), but showed him loyalty and allowed him a sense of normalcy he couldn't often enjoy. In the program at Jackson's funeral they are referred to as "the First Family of Love."

Jackson stayed with the Cascios for nearly four months and, along with Frank Cascio, Eddie (Angel) Cascio, and singer James Porte (aka Bobby Ewing), engaged in some of his most sustained recording since before his 2005 trial. Three songs created during these sessions--"Breaking News," "Keep Your Head Up" and "Monster"--are expected to appear on Jackson's new album, all of which Jackson co-wrote. During his time in New Jersey, Jackson also recorded vocals for Thriller 25, which was released in 2008.

Beyond the Cascios, several people close to Jackson were familiar with his work in New Jersey. He mentioned to these people that he was "excited" about the work he and the Cascios had generated. According to Jackson's longtime friend and manager, Frank Dileo, Jackson planned to have recording equipment brought to London during his 02 concert series so he could finalize some of his latest music.

The first of the Cascio tracks to be heard--"Breaking News"--obviously isn't a perfect realization of Jackson's abilities. Receiving the most critical attention are Jackson's vocals, the veracity of which even some family and fans are questioning. There are understandable reasons for this. This certainly isn't a "typical" Jackson recording: there weren't extensive warm ups with longtime vocal coach Seth Riggs, no layering and polishing by Jackson himself, no Bruce Swedien and world-class studio technology to capture the original vocal. This was a guide demo, supplemented by the supporting vocals of James Porte (for which he is credited), and produced nearly four years later by Teddy Riley.

Riley, who first began working with Jackson in the early Nineties, found it emotionally difficult to complete the unfinished work of his late friend. To tap into his inspiration, Riley had photographer Harrison Funk surround him with pictures of the singer. "That was the only thing to keep me sane, and not go crazy while I'm working," said Riley. "Because, you know, it would come out on the music if you hear me banging on the keyboards with tears coming out of my eyes."

Riley said his fundamental motivation was to extend the legacy of a friend. He approached the tracks, therefore, not attempting to overly embellish, but simply to fill in the best he could. His guiding thought was: "What would Michael want?" He even brought sounds Jackson had him record from previous sessions. The final product, of course, is an approximation. But for Riley it was a labor of love.

It wasn't until Riley submitted his work, and three of the songs were accepted by Sony for the album, that the controversy began. Certain individuals--some with noble intentions, some less so--began expressing concerns about the authenticity of the vocals. These concerns were taken seriously by Jackson's Estate. Attorney Howard Weitzman was asked by estate co-executors John Branca and John McClain to conduct a thorough investigation of the authenticity of the Cascio tracks. The Estate, after all, had a lot to lose if the tracks were fraudulent. Since Jackson's death, by all accounts, it had done a masterful job of preserving and enhancing the artist's legacy, including the release of the highest-grossing concert documentary film of all time (This Is It), a new music video collection (Michael Jackson's Vision), a Jackson-themed video game (Michael Jackson: The Experience), a groundbreaking show with Cirque du Soliel ("Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour"), and the biggest recording contract in popular music history.

Perhaps just as important, the Estate had passed on numerous deals, selecting only a handful of projects it felt were worthy of Jackson's name. Risking the substantial credibility it had established amongst both fans and critics for a handful of questionable tracks would have been reckless at best (for Sony as well, who had invested over $200 million dollars on the singer's posthumous projects).

In spite of Jackson's close relationship with the Cascios, therefore, the Estate certainly didn't accept them on blind faith. The Estate invited four of Jackson's primary engineers over the past thirty years, three producers who had worked with Jackson (including Teddy Riley), and spoke to one of the musicians that had worked with Michael over the years and who had also contributed to one of the Cascio tracks. Each of them listened to the a cappella version of the vocals on the Cascio tracks without any musical accompaniment so that they could give an opinion as to whether or not the lead vocals on the Cascio tracks were sung by Jackson. To a person they all confirmed that the vocal was definitely Michael Jackson. These engineers, producers and musicians are all people Jackson trusted and whose names would be very familiar to Jackson's fans.

In addition, at the request of John Branca and John McClain, Howard Weitzman retained one of the best known forensic musicologists in the nation to listen to the a cappella vocals and compare them with a cappella vocals from previously known Jackson songs. This expert performed waveform analysis, an objective scientific procedure, and found that all of the vocals were the voice of Michael Jackson.

Sony Music conducted its own investigation by hiring a second well-respected forensic musicologist who also compared the raw vocals from the Cascio tracks against known vocals of Jackson's and found that it was Jackson's voice on both sets of the compared vocals.
The Cascio tracks were also played for two of the most significant people in the music industry who played crucial roles in Jackson's career. Both of these individuals believe that the vocals are those of Michael Jackson.

It was also specifically verified that the vocals did not belong to well-known Jackson impersonator, Jason Malachi.

The results of this exhaustive investigation confirmed Sony's belief that the songs submitted by the Estate all contained authentic Michael Jackson vocals. The decision was therefore made to include three of the Cascio tracks on Michael. Other tracks will likely be included on future albums of unreleased material.

While these are not perfectly realized tracks--as no posthumous material can be--there is certainly much to appreciate. The Cascio tracks represent, after all, some of the last work Jackson ever wrote and recorded. It wasn't ready to be released, but then, Jackson wasn't ready to die. "Breaking News," "Monster," "Hold My Hand" and the rest of the tracks that comprise Michael are, similar to the This Is It documentary, fragments of an unfinished vision. They aren't all the polished, perfectionist-Michael Jackson people are accustomed to hearing, but they are him, and what some of his closest friends and collaborators felt his fans deserved to hear.
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The more i listen to Breaking News the more i realise that it's just not a very good song. The worst songs on Invicible sound better than this.

When i hear Breaking News i can just imagine Britney Spears singing it
I honestly I find it quite unnecessary and disrespectful to have negative opinions about people just because they believe the vocals to be MJ.

If you believe all the song is fake - fine, if you want to cancel your order - fine, if you want to protest Sony etc - fine, if you want to post every forum the song is fake and if you want to shout it from the rooftops - that's fine too.

but if there's someone out there that believes the opposite that should be fine as well and we should be able to say " I respect your opinion but I disagree".

Everyone is entitled to their opinion whether it's right or wrong.

Its not just ME saying it though is it......look around you. About 90% of the forum believes its fake, its not just me.

Yes, in this case I cant believe everyone doesnt agree with me, because I think its such an obvious thing. . . .

Oh i've seen what the real world is like in the past few days, very much so.
According to one poll, 57% of voters think it's fake, not 90%. ;)
Anyway, for thousands of years, most people thought that the earth was flat and... ...so... :)

People make mistakes. For example, 22 years ago one woman saw Michael Jackson and she thought that he was Mantovani!?!? :) Look here if you don't believe me --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SP410Sv-b2E