Exclusive: The Inside Story Behind Michael Jackson's Controversial New Song and Album

Voices dont mature drastically numerous times in your adulthood. People forget Michael was 28/29 during Bad, he wasn't a teenager even back then. His voice changed slightly over time, however to say that he suddenly developed the voice of a Nick Carter/Justin Timberlake combination is way too farfetched.

I have said this before, but due to the flood of posts MJJC is receiving lately, it probably went unnoticed. I feel that the ENTIRE song is a fraud. Nothing SUNG on the track is Michael. The only thing that you can semi-confidently say is real would be the obviously cropped "aaaooowwww" which isn't even placed very well throughout the track.

This whole situation reminds me of those individuals who fake ancient artifacts or biblical relics in order to gain recognition. They will take the item, for example, ancient text from a book, and age it by scrunching it up, spilling water on it, burying it in dirt or other methods in order to fabricate the illusion of natural aging. It's things such as this are what make frauds easy to spot. Now we have this song, which chooses a subject that few doubt anyone else would sing about - the crucifying public/media. Who else right? It sounds enough like him (for some) so therefore it HAS to be him...

Maybe this is the reason Sony chose this song as the big teaser? If "Mamacita" or any other Jason Malachi track was touched up with some "MJ effects" such as the "hee hee" and "aowwww" then i'm sure it would have been even worse, even though I find the vocals on Breaking News to be closer to Mamacita then a legit MJ demo or Hold My Hand. The most likely accepted "fraud" track was used in order to judge how well it was received, and it obviously didn't go down too well.

In the end you still have people out there who claim Jason Malachi songs as Michaels, it's incredible:


"The song is on the ULTIMATE DVD-COLLECTION, on the 94-songs-cd. It is Michael Jackson indeed, and it is one of my FAVORITES. He didn't really SPEAK Spanish, but he had such an? indredible talent for music that he could sing it easily."

"I do believe it's Michael! it sounds amazing!!!I LOVED IT!Michael vamos? a cantar!!!! vamos a bailar!!!!BRAVO!!!TI AMO POR SIEMPRE!!!!"

"this is Michael... Jason Malachi just have he's voice modify by Sony because they had a conflict? with Michael...."

"I believe you but? his voice is really confusing because malachi does nice vocals similar to MJ's..."

"Wow...this is? amazing....Oh my god....hot sexy :X Sounds like Michael's voice, but is that really???? Who can tell the true...pls :X Love you MJ! forever! :X:X:X"
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I reallyy hope they don't listen to some of you and remove the cascio tracks.
They're MJ's last recorded songs, and definitely in my mind are Michael.

Imagine for a minute that you are wrong... If that's the case you're ruining MJ's final efforts, and if they listen to you, instead of his last songs we'll be listening to LNFSG. If the first album after MJ's passing is full of 80s tracks because you threatened to boycott, it would truly be a shame.

I'm not saying it's not good that some of you are questioning the material, but I'd be careful before you cry foul and go nuts.

If your wrong and you get your way, you'll ruin it for us all.


That's my take.
Your in denial get over it,
second You are wrong, you are factually wrong
nobody can go in and write what they want on Huffington Post
as a daily reader, they have credible journalists, and credible authors who write in there
i just read the article
it was written by Jon Vogel his not a nobody

Joe Vogel is the author of three books, including Free Speech 101 (winner of a 2007 Independent Publisher Book Award), The Obama Movement, and the forthcoming Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson. He has been featured in numerous newspaper, radio, and TV interviews, including Democracy Now!, RadioWest, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and the award-winning documentary This Divided State. He currently resides in Western New York where he is a Ph.D. candidate and instructor at the University of Rochester. Visit his website at www.josephvogel.net.

Stop misleading people with lies.
Now please stop saying Michael sounded off. First of all, he never did it like that and I also know how Michael acted if he was just practicing. Secondly, no one sounds so off he sounds like a different person. If you sound off, it changes your tone, but not your manners, pronouncation, breathing, singing technics and all. Especially if you have sung through your whole life they would be all there even though not at your best...
Your in denial get over it,
second You are wrong, you are factually wrong
nobody can go in and write what they want on Huffington Post
as a daily reader, they have credible journalists, and credible authors who write in there
i just read the article
it was written by Jon Vogel his not a nobody

Joe Vogel is the author of three books, including Free Speech 101 (winner of a 2007 Independent Publisher Book Award), The Obama Movement, and the forthcoming Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson. He has been featured in numerous newspaper, radio, and TV interviews, including Democracy Now!, RadioWest, The Chronicle of Higher Education, and the award-winning documentary This Divided State. He currently resides in Western New York where he is a Ph.D. candidate and instructor at the University of Rochester. Visit his website at www.josephvogel.net.

Stop misleading people with lies.

I'm assuming this is in response to my post, and yes...within reason...ANYONE can post on Huffington..

...and I already went to his site and read the information you published BEFORE I wrote my first reply in this thread.

He repeatedly says he has trusted sources and people MJ fans would know that confirm Michael on BN...but doesn't even name one person.

If I want stories which are substantiated with dozens of "unnamed sources" I can easily read a Roger Friedman article, than to read something posted on site that almost anyone can write for...

but thank you for the response. :)
Since Michael Jackson's untimely death in June of 2009, speculation has run rampant about the music he left behind. How much is there? How finished are the songs? What is the quality of the material? And how and when will it be released?

Over the course of writing and researching my forthcoming book, Man in the Music: The Creative Life and Work of Michael Jackson (Sterling 2011), I was fortunate enough to take an in-depth look at Jackson's entire catalog--including the work he was engaged in during his final years. My sources worked closely with the King of Pop throughout his life and have been trustworthy and dependable throughout the five-year process of the book. Therefore, I feel confident with what I have learned about the material poised to appear on his forthcoming album, Michael.

A notorious perfectionist, Jackson always over-recorded. There are at least one hundred songs over the course of his solo career that did not make it onto his major albums. Some of those have already appeared on special editions and collections; others have leaked online in various forms; and many others have never been heard.

At midnight on November 8th, MichaelJackson.com streamed the first official song from the archives (excluding the early-Eighties demo, "This Is It," which was included as part of the companion album to the film of the same name). Even before its release, however, controversy surrounded "Breaking News" and the other so-called "Cascio tracks." The conversation has only intensified since then.

Predictably, little of that conversation has been about the content of the new track: the exceptionally ominous strings in the intro, its "Off the Wall"-esque chorus, or its signature Jackson indictment of a media that feeds on "breaking news" (read: scandals) with obsessive compulsion ("No matter what/ You just want to read it again"). Nor has much attention been given to the work of talented producer and longtime-Jackson friend, Teddy Riley, who gives the song a fresh but faithful sheen.

The irony, of course, is this is how Jackson's music has been received for decades, the substance overlooked in favor of sensationalism and distracting controversy. Yet part of it would no doubt bring a knowing smile to the man who once claimed he wanted to make his whole life "the greatest show on earth." Long before Lady Gaga, Michael Jackson was engaging artistically with both the monstrosity and allure of fame.

In "Breaking News," Jackson not only delivers his message, but anticipates the way it will be received. In one verse, he lashes out at those anxious to "write his obituary." In the chorus, he asks his listening audience, as he did throughout his career, who they project him to be: Is he the "boogieman" (a constructed monstrous figure) we're thinking of?

Certainly, by 2007 (the year in which "Breaking News" was recorded), he had learned how vicious and entrapping a lifetime in the spotlight could be. The previous two years he had been living as a vagabond, traveling from the Middle Eastern-island of Bahrain to the countryside of Ireland to a private chateau in Las Vegas. In the fall of 2007, he showed up with his children at the doorstep of his longtime friends, the Cascios, in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey. Jackson had been close to the Cascio family for nearly twenty years. During that time, they never once betrayed him for tabloid money (in spite of many offers), but showed him loyalty and allowed him a sense of normalcy he couldn't often enjoy. In the program at Jackson's funeral they are referred to as "the First Family of Love."

Jackson stayed with the Cascios for nearly four months and, along with Frank Cascio, Eddie (Angel) Cascio, and singer James Porte (aka Bobby Ewing), engaged in some of his most sustained recording since before his 2005 trial. Three songs created during these sessions--"Breaking News," "Keep Your Head Up" and "Monster"--are expected to appear on Jackson's new album, all of which Jackson co-wrote. During his time in New Jersey, Jackson also recorded vocals for Thriller 25, which was released in 2008.

Beyond the Cascios, several people close to Jackson were familiar with his work in New Jersey. He mentioned to these people that he was "excited" about the work he and the Cascios had generated. According to Jackson's longtime friend and manager, Frank Dileo, Jackson planned to have recording equipment brought to London during his 02 concert series so he could finalize some of his latest music.

The first of the Cascio tracks to be heard--"Breaking News"--obviously isn't a perfect realization of Jackson's abilities. Receiving the most critical attention are Jackson's vocals, the veracity of which even some family and fans are questioning. There are understandable reasons for this. This certainly isn't a "typical" Jackson recording: there weren't extensive warm ups with longtime vocal coach Seth Riggs, no layering and polishing by Jackson himself, no Bruce Swedien and world-class studio technology to capture the original vocal. This was a guide demo, supplemented by the supporting vocals of James Porte (for which he is credited), and produced nearly four years later by Teddy Riley.

Riley, who first began working with Jackson in the early Nineties, found it emotionally difficult to complete the unfinished work of his late friend. To tap into his inspiration, Riley had photographer Harrington Funk surround him with pictures of the singer. "That was the only thing to keep me sane, and not go crazy while I'm working," said Riley. "Because, you know, it would come out on the music if you hear me banging on the keyboards with tears coming out of my eyes."

Riley said his fundamental motivation was to extend the legacy of a friend. He approached the tracks, therefore, not attempting to overly embellish, but simply to fill in the best he could. His guiding thought was: "What would Michael want?" He even brought sounds Jackson had him record from previous sessions. The final product, of course, is an approximation. But for Riley it was a labor of love.

It wasn't until Riley submitted his work, and three of the songs were accepted by Sony for the album, that the controversy began. Certain individuals--some with noble intentions, some less so--began expressing concerns about the authenticity of the vocals. These concerns were taken seriously by Jackson's Estate. Attorney Howard Weitzman was asked by estate co-executors John Branca and John McClain to conduct a thorough investigation of the authenticity of the Cascio tracks. The Estate, after all, had a lot to lose if the tracks were fraudulent. Since Jackson's death, by all accounts, it had done a masterful job of preserving and enhancing the artist's legacy, including the release of the highest-grossing concert documentary film of all time (This Is It), a new music video collection (Michael Jackson's Vision), a Jackson-themed video game (Michael Jackson: The Experience), a groundbreaking show with Cirque du Soliel ("Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour"), and the biggest recording contract in popular music history.

Perhaps just as important, the Estate had passed on numerous deals, selecting only a handful of projects it felt were worthy of Jackson's name. Risking the substantial credibility it had established amongst both fans and critics for a handful of questionable tracks would have been reckless at best (for Sony as well, who had invested over $200 million dollars on the singer's posthumous projects).

In spite of Jackson's close relationship with the Cascios, therefore, the Estate certainly didn't accept them on blind faith. The Estate invited four of Jackson's primary engineers over the past thirty years, three producers who had worked with Jackson (including Teddy Riley), and spoke to one of the musicians that had worked with Michael over the years and who had also contributed to one of the Cascio tracks. Each of them listened to the a cappella version of the vocals on the Cascio tracks without any musical accompaniment so that they could give an opinion as to whether or not the lead vocals on the Cascio tracks were sung by Jackson. To a person they all confirmed that the vocal was definitely Michael Jackson. These engineers, producers and musicians are all people Jackson trusted and whose names would be very familiar to Jackson's fans.

In addition, at the request of John Branca and John McClain, Howard Weitzman retained one of the best known forensic musicologists in the nation to listen to the a cappella vocals and compare them with a cappella vocals from previously known Jackson songs. This expert performed waveform analysis, an objective scientific procedure, and found that all of the vocals were the voice of Michael Jackson.

Sony Music conducted its own investigation by hiring a second well-respected forensic musicologist who also compared the raw vocals from the Cascio tracks against known vocals of Jackson's and found that it was Jackson's voice on both sets of the compared vocals.
The Cascio tracks were also played for two of the most significant people in the music industry who played crucial roles in Jackson's career. Both of these individuals believe that the vocals are those of Michael Jackson.

It was also specifically verified that the vocals did not belong to well-known Jackson impersonator, Jason Malachi.

The results of this exhaustive investigation confirmed Sony's belief that the songs submitted by the Estate all contained authentic Michael Jackson vocals. The decision was therefore made to include three of the Cascio tracks on Michael. Other tracks will likely be included on future albums of unreleased material.

While these are not perfectly realized tracks--as no posthumous material can be--there is certainly much to appreciate. The Cascio tracks represent, after all, some of the last work Jackson ever wrote and recorded. It wasn't ready to be released, but then, Jackson wasn't ready to die.

"Breaking News," "Monster," "Hold My Hand" and the rest of the tracks that comprise Michael are, similar to the This Is It documentary, fragments of an unfinished vision. They aren't all the polished, perfectionist-Michael Jackson people are accustomed to, but they are him, and what some of his closest friends and collaborators felt his fans deserved to hear.


Gaz are you saying that you believe in this bull****. It is clearly not Michael and you should help us in this battle against these fake songs.
Gaz, you're doing a great job here (as always, where can i send the thankyousweets?). If there was this Thank you-button, i would add my name.

Looking forward to hear from the estate.

It's all so confusing, isn't it. I read some pages and seem to lose my own track of mind.
I can't believe what I'd read the last couple of days!

I can't believe there are FANS that think this is MJ on the track! You are all lying to yourself!

We have MANY demos from MJ floating around, put Off The Wall SE on, and listen to some of the worst sounding demos around. But you can CLEARLY and WITHOUT a doubt tell that is MICHAEL JACKSON!

Working Day and Night & Don't stop till You get Enough, listen to those. The quality of his voice recording is awful, they play the music on a glass or something similiar. But IT'S MICHAEL!

We have DEMO's from all his records by now, some good and some really bad. But Again, without a doubt it's Michael Jackson on those tracks!

His Spirit, his emotions, his feeling, his carisma, anything besides his voice tell us it's MICHAEL JACKSON.. But where do you find this on Breaking News? I can't seem to find it, even I look hard into it!

So this is another Jason Malachi track, right?
The more I listen to his songs the more I think this is not the person who sang on "Breaking News".

Although I do believe it could be Mike on most of Breaking news, I must say I'm not sure. And that's the first time in my 24 year career as a fan, which by itself is dissappointing enough!

Although I'm not sure, it could be a over-produced and tempered with rough demo of something Mike never thought would be worth spending the efforts, or didn't had the time, to built it to something that could live up to his high quality standards. Therefore it should've never been released. One thing is sure, they've added a lot of other vocals, which makes it even harder to judge it really.

Everybody is entitled to their own opinion, and I respect everybody in this communcity, but I do find it really strange that some people are really convinced that it is Jason Malachi instead of Mike. If I compare "Breaking news" with Mike's music and with Jason Malachi's music, in both cases it's hard to tell if it's either one of both artists. The voice is pulled through a lot of filters, is heavily compressed and has been 'hidden' in the mix. This makes it very hard to tell who is singing it and therefore I don't understand how people can state as a fact that it is Jason Malachi. Same way arond when it comes to Mike.

As I said, the more I listen to Jason Malachi tracks, which is anything but a good time for me, the more I think it is nog that guy... Who it is, I'm not sure. One thing I'm sure of, I wouldn't take the risk saying it is definately not Mike. And believe me, that's not because I'm not able to hear the difference between the man and others. I'm experienced enough to know my hearing compared to lots of other people/fans is at least above average, I spent my time in studios. It's simply because the vocals are so heavily produced, the source seems to be of such bad quality (or made that way) and it's put to deep in the mix, that it's just hard to say if it's Mike, Jason M, or whoever..

After all these hours of letting the entire hype come over me, I just couldn't resist to ad my 2 cents. Good luck everybody with handling this and Gaz...

Thanks for creating the possibilty for us to share and everthing else!
I was waiting for your response to all this, and thank you, Gaz .
What I saw these days it"s unbelivable. Is it Michael or not ?!
Yes...I admit it sounds different from what we heard of Michael..but I was not ready to say it"s fake after listening to it once or twice.
I am really confused about it, because I am not a fan from yesterday.I follow Michael"s work for more than 28 years.
What scares me is that a huge number of ppl are trying to convince others not to buy the album without knowing anything for real and beliving all the stupid rumors there are going around. I can"t believe this !!!!!! What are you doing people ??!!
If you don"t think BN is Michael - ok. If you do - ok.
Future will tell, for sure.
Some of ppl could be sorry for what they said.
I was waiting for your response to all this, and thank you, Gaz .
What I saw these days it"s unbelivable. Is it Michael or not ?!
Yes...I admit it sounds different from what we heard of Michael..but I was not ready to say it"s fake after listening to it once or twice.
I am really confused about it, because I am not a fan from yesterday.I follow Michael"s work for more than 28 years.
What scares me is that a huge number of ppl are trying to convince others not to buy the album without knowing anything for real and beliving all the stupid rumors there are going around. I can"t believe this !!!!!! What are you doing people ??!!
If you don"t think BN is Michael - ok. If you do - ok.
Future will tell, for sure.
Some of ppl could be sorry for what they said.
Great post!
Thank you very much Gaz. I am eagerly waiting for a response from the estate. But thye must understand, even if the vocals are shown to be MJ's, so many fans and now the public still doubt them, and they sound so unlike MJ even for an unfinished version, that it would be best not to have them on the album.
Clever article but we aren't going to believe it. :(
I have yes, and they are well aware of the outcry that is happening right now.

They have been having some urgent meetings regarding this and as soon as I have anything to share I will let you all know.

I can assure you all however the Estate are concerned regarding the response they have got re this song, its not a matter of tough its Michael now live with it.

I am in hope that they will communicate with me soon something that might just ease this situation.

Thanx gaz for letting us know
Great article Gaz!

And so good to hear that Sony are standing up to the pressure from the 'fanatics'.

Keep it up Sony! Don't let the minority (however loud they shout) spoil it for millions of MJ fans worldwide! Stand up to them and defeat their insanity!
He meant that they are NOT saying it's Michael, so to bad for us and that we should take it or leave it!

That's what I understood it to mean!?

I don't get it anymore...

I can assure you all however the Estate are concerned regarding the response they have got re this song, its not a matter of tough its Michael now live with it.

It's missing alot of nessecary commas and what not. Confusing as hell.
I hope Sony are saying;

"Back off now. You've had our $250,000,000. You've delayed and delayed the album - cover isn't nice enough, don't want XXXX working on the album, want the Jackson family to finish the vocals, etc. - now it's time to get it out to the world!

Enough drama already!"
these 4 fake songs are about creating hype, and they have done that, but they are not MJ. 22 years of listening tells me that. Much to soon, another day, etc all MJ.
It reads like this:

However, I can assure you all, the Estate are concerned with the response they have gotten regarding this song. It's not a matter of, "Tough. It's Michael now live with it."

Does that help clarify what Gaz has said?
OK so who has the power decision what is it and what is not on the album? most likely they have to compromise with sony, which is not a happy thought.
I am glad that the estate can see the complexity of this issue and I hope they keep the quality over quantity standard.
Maybe it is really MJ afterall. Hmm.

Great song anyway.
Does anyone, like me, work on the theory that the 'Fake' MJ tracks are a way to hide the real MJ tracks which might get put online... u know a Piracy issue.

There is obviously some early test pressing containing both real and fake songs based on the snippets already put on line, it's about 50-50 fake to real. Maybe sony feel that by putting fake songs out people will be so focused on the FAKE MJ they will b too angry or tired to waste time downloading any NEW uploads claiming to be REAL songs.
Thus not damaging future sales of the real album songs..

also all this is great for getting attention and news when the artists himself can not do promotion... just a theory after years of seeing much MJ hype over the yearsetc...
Good article. I hope this is cleared up soon and people can find joy in the fact we have something new instead of whats going on right now. I joined this site hoping to share my excitement with other fans and all I find is people raging :(
one addition to the above... the only other theory here is that a record company is knowingly releasing FAKES!
Regardless if it's a sound-a-like singing over half done MJ tracks, it's fake. And that has never happened to a major artist before.

Consider this the 2 real NEW leaks, Much Too Soon and Do U Know Wer Your Children Are, are all so obviously MJ it only magnifies how bad the other non MJ songs are.