Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4) *merged*

Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

oxman is not KJ's lawyer. why don't she ask to rebbie and others ?

you know that this sale is not coming from the estate. Do you think that the executors are profiting from a sale of piece of papers or some worthless items? They are making millions of dollars with deals.

IMO, Oxman is using KJ. She supported the deal with the Cirque du Soleil and played a major role in this deal (according to the CEO). Oxman don't represent KJ and don't have her support

check here the catalog : http://www.juliensauctions.com/auctions/2010/music-icons/icatalog.html
and watch yourself.

ticket with autographs, etcc...

do you think that the estate is selling these items ? they are worthless
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Who's to say Darren Julien isnt lying?

Mrs Jackson is totally against the sale of memorabilia in Vegas according to Oxman

Don't understand at all. You said Julien might have lied but you completely believed in Oxman? What is your logic here? Are you trying to tell everyone that Oxman is the only one in this planet telling the truth about that auction?
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Don't understand at all. You said Julien might have lied but you completely believed in Oxman? What is your logic here? Are you trying to tell everyone that Oxman is the only one in this planet telling the truth about that auction?

What? :smilerolleyes:people need to stop jumping to conclusions.:scratch: I simply repeated what Oxman said which is that Katherine is against the auction.

Im not saying I believe Oxman, and Im not saying I believe Julien. Its a he said, she said scenario.:timer: I'll wait til I hear it from the horses mouth first thanx.:cheers:
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I just want to remind everyone of two things:

1: Stay on topic

2: Do not personally attack other members of the board. Just don't do it. It is not necessary and it is not allowed.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

What? :smilerolleyes:people need to stop jumping to conclusions.:scratch: I simply repeated what Oxman said which is that Katherine is against the auction.

Im not saying I believe Oxman, and Im not saying I believe Julien. Its a he said, she said scenario.:timer: I'll wait til I hear it from the horses mouth first thanx.:cheers:

Dangerous Incorporated we are all entitled to our opinions and I fully apreciate you are just expressing yours.

However one thing I would bear in mind is Brian Oxman is not Mrs Jackson's lawyer.

He represents Mr Jackson only.

Mrs Jackson's personal counsell is Adam Streisand who, to my knowledge, has not made any comment regarding Mrs Jackson's thoughts on the auction to the media.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Dangerous Incorporated we are all entitled to our opinions and I fully apreciate you are just expressing yours.

However one thing I would bear in mind is Brian Oxman is not Mrs Jackson's lawyer.

He represents Mr Jackson only.

Mrs Jackson's personal counsell is Adam Streisand who, to my knowledge, has not made any comment regarding Mrs Jackson's thoughts on the auction to the media.

I dont understand the problem. I agree with you 100%
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Who's to say Darren Julien isnt lying? We only know of Rebbie's permission according to Julien's and wont give names of anyone else according to him. Unless he actually shows proof its he says she says.

I want to know who has donated what. I sent an email asking about the provenance of a couple of items I am interested in. Specifically ones that said 'given from Michael to a friend'. I wanted to know who and when to be sure of their authenticity.
They did not reply. I'm damned if I'm spending thousands of dollars (plus 25% buyers fee!) on something that I have no idea where it came from.

Another odd thing is the two signed black fedoras look like they have virtually identical signatures on, in the same place on the hat, in the same pen, although it doesn't seem they were given at the same time. Very odd! They didn't clarify that either.

I wouldn't be surprised if a certain older brother was busy scribbling signatures over a load of stuff and passing it off as Michaels lol!
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I want to know who has donated what. I sent an email asking about the provenance of a couple of items I am interested in. Specifically ones that said 'given from Michael to a friend'. I wanted to know who and when to be sure of their authenticity. They did not reply. I'm damned if I'm spending thousands of dollars (plus 25% buyers fee!) on something that I have no idea where it came from.

fyi :

In the last interview he says he'll give the names of the sellers to the Estate and Katherine Jackson if they ever request. They just can't reveal identities to general public due to confidentiality issues.

if they responded to every interested person's inquiry and reveal identities that would defeat the whole purpose of confidentiality. So every person themselves has to determine whether or not they believe the items are genuine and they would bid on it or not.

note 1: Julien's is actually a quite reputable auction house. they say they do not accept items to be included in their auctions if they cannot track where the item comes from.

note 2: PAAS authenticators provides a quick online opinion for $7. They look to the picture and tell you whether they think the item is likely to be authentic or not. (with the quick opinion they do not give any guarantees that the item is 100% genuine - they can only do that when they see the actual item but still it can be an option/ a way to ease your mind).
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

fyi :

if they responded to every interested person's inquiry and reveal identities that would defeat the whole purpose of confidentiality. So every person themselves has to determine whether or not they believe the items are genuine and they would bid on it or not.

note 1: Julien's is actually a quite reputable auction house. they say they do not accept items to be included in their auctions if they cannot track where the item comes from.

note 2: PAAS authenticators provides a quick online opinion for $7. They look to the picture and tell you whether they think the item is likely to be authentic or not. (with the quick opinion they do not give any guarantees that the item is 100% genuine - they can only do that when they see the actual item but still it can be an option/ a way to ease your mind).

Thanks this is very interesting.
Not sure I can take that leap of faith, particularly with all the mystery surrounding how these items surfaced.
MJ Auction -- Distasteful or Good Business?

MJ Auction -- Distasteful or Good Business?

Originally posted 6 minutes ago by TMZ Staff
Randy Jackson has been fighting like crazy to stop a flood of Michael Jackson memorabilia from hitting the auction block on the anniversary of MJ's death -- but the auction house is going full steam ahead.

Randy has been on Twitter attack, calling the auction at Planet Hollywood in Vegas "distasteful."

Darren Julien from Julien's Auctions claims it's pure coincidence the auction falls on June 25 -- "We have the same summer auction [of pop star memorabilia] at the same time every year."

Julien says the auction date can't be moved. So there.
Re: MJ Auction -- Distasteful or Good Business?

Randy Jackson has been fighting like crazy to stop a flood of Michael Jackson memorabilia from hitting the auction block on the anniversary of MJ's death -- but the auction house is going full steam ahead.

Randy Jackson appears to be out of the loop on a lot of issues, in my opinion.

I mean, first of all does he not know that his own sister, Rebbie, has I believe TWO items in this upcoming auction. She even wrote letters of authentication.

He claims that he and his sibilings don't know anything about Joe's Gary project. Now he appears not to know that his sister is a part of this action. What's up with that?

Secondly, people like Corey Feldman are just selling stuff that was given to them by Michael himself. I don't believe you can control what OTHER folks do with their personal belongings.
Re: MJ Auction -- Distasteful or Good Business?

Correct these are collectors selling thier own memorabilia
This is not Michael persoanla Items from Neverland or his estate
the only item from MJs home is a pair of designer Sunglasse and
ipod case from Rebbie which I doubt he even used ..
nothing of significance to be concerned about

Michael's personal items from Neverland and his estate are on Tour in Japan
making Money for Michael's estate they are NOT included in this auction.

Randy Joe and Oman are out of the loop on this aution
and Julien auction already had a lengthy discussion with fans
explaining all that. including the date which they hold a summer
sale every year- Plus this is not just a MJ auction there are several
other celebrity items included
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Re: MJ Auction -- Distasteful or Good Business?

Randy Jackson appears to be out of the loop on a lot of issues, in my opinion.

I mean, first of all does he not know that his own sister, Rebbie, has I believe TWO items in this upcoming auction. She even wrote letters of authentication.

He claims that he and his sibilings don't know anything about Joe's Gary project. Now he appears not to know that his sister is a part of this action. What's up with that?

Secondly, people like Corey Feldman are just selling stuff that was given to them by Michael himself. I don't believe you can control what OTHER folks do with their personal belongings.

exactly.randy is nothing but an attention seaker. at least get your facts right first randy cause u just make yourself look even more stupid
Julien's Auctions Summer Sale 2010 at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino Las Vegas

I saw that one of Michael's letters that he wrote on June 24, 2009 is being auctioned.

I'd really like to see what that letter says. I don't know why they are keeping it to help with investigation.
I saw that one of Michael's letters that he wrote on June 24, 2009 is being auctioned.

I'd really like to see what that letter says. I don't know why they are keeping it to help with investigation.

juliens sounds like scavengers to me, right there. and in the video, they say they'll have an auction on the weekend of June 24..and they just show pics of MJ stuff without saying what's being auctioned that weekend. they're being obvious with their 'subtlety.' at least they could have been direct and say we're auctioning Michael Jackson stuff that weekend to commemorate the first anniversary of his death. but there's no glory in shaming one's self. so they don't want to shame themselves.
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yes, but i wonder if that letter could help with the investigation. the one they have that Michael wrote on June 24, 2009.

I never knew he wrote a letter on that day.
yes, but i wonder if that letter could help with the investigation. the one they have that Michael wrote on June 24, 2009.

I never knew he wrote a letter on that day.

well..we can't get in the way of Julien's money, now can we? they don't care about this murder being solved. they only care about how they can profit from MJ's death.
juliens sounds like scavengers to me, right there. and in the video, they say they'll have an auction on the weekend of June 24..and they just show pics of MJ stuff without saying what's being auctioned that weekend. they're being obvious with their 'subtlety.' at least they could have been direct and say we're auctioning Michael Jackson stuff that weekend to commemorate the first anniversary of his death. but there's no glory in shaming one's self. so they don't want to shame themselves.

Many people think that but thats not true
Julien has the same annual sale every year at that same time. The last weekend in June
Its an annual sale and has nothing to do with the date of MJs death _ MJ items are only part
of what is up for auction.

also There is a whole catalog of what is being acutioned off and it has been discussed
here several times_they are hiding nothing _ there is complete descriptions of the items
and from who except when the owner of the memorabilia request to remain anonymous

also There is no letter it is just an autograph dated June 24th

Interview with Julien Auction

Q: Where did all these MJ items come from? and how did you get them? Tell us the story.

A: The majority of items in the upcoming June auction come from family members and friends that Michael gave these items to. Some of the consignors (friends or family) wish to remain anonymous and some are fine with us mentioning where they come from.

Q: Do you need MJ estate and family's approval this time? Do they know about this?

A: We do not need their permission however, we would never do anything against them or that they did not approve of. Michael Jackson really means a lot to me personally and to Julien's Auctions. It is our greatest desire to preserve and respect the legacy of Michael Jackson as he has always meant so much to us. In addition, our company would not be as famous as what it is if it were not for Michael Jackson so we have a deep gratitude to him for the many opportunities that he has given to us. The estate and family do know that this auction is taking place.

Q: Why do you decide to hold exhibitions in so many places, especially in Macau, China? Are they free for all the people to see?

A: It is very important to us to share Michael’s things and his legacy with as many people around the world who love him. We have a great partner in Macau, China with Ponte 16 who was willing to cover the expenses of bringing these items to China for the public and fans to see. We do not charge for our exhibitions but some of our sponsors do to help offset the costs of traveling the items.

Q: we noticed that in Macau, the exhibition will be on April 30 – May 9 while another exhibition in Ireland will be on March 16 – May 30, so you divide your items into different groups, or?
The schedule seems conflict.

A: Yes some of the items will remain in Ireland while different items will be in Macau, China. There are over 250 lots of Michael Jackson in the upcoming auction so there are plenty of items to go around. We have saved the best and most high profile memorabilia for the Ponte 16 exhibition and Ireland has the furniture that Michael Jackson ordered prior to his death for his Kent home.

Q: We knew Ponte 16 has just got some highly treasured MJ items in another auctions months ago, something like the MJ Glove from the first moonwalk show at Motown 25.
Will they bid for your items this time?

A: I am not sure if they will bid in the June auction but I think it will depend on what items will be important to fans in China as to what they bid on. Their goal as well is to build and preserve the legacy of Michael Jackson so they want to have one of the best collections in the world which I am sure they will in time.

Q: How much do you think these items can collect? And how much will you donate to charities?

A: Conservatively we estimate the value of the 250 plus Michael Jackson items in our June auction to be around $600,000 - $800,000 U.S. However, I am sure they will go much higher due to his popularity and the interests from fans and collectors around the world.

Q: Can you tell us something about what you felt when you first heard Michael passed away? And how do you feel and think about him when you previously collaborate however then a lawsuit was raised?

A:I was deeply heartbroken as Michael was very important to us and to the world. There will never be anyone like him. We never had any problems with Michael Jackson. The lawsuit had nothing to do with him and was more of a result of others. Michael knew that we did nothing wrong and we knew that he was not the reason for the lawsuit.

Q: Did you personally meet him or talk to him? Did you see his last movie This Is It? Do you have any comment regarding him, his passing and his legacy?

A:I did meet Michael and I talked with him many times on the phone. He has been a collector and buyer in our auctions in the past and he trusted us to clear out Neverland when he never wanted to return again. I did see the Movie “This Is It” as I was invited to the premiere. I was in Europe at the time so I attended the premiere in Dublin at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. I was tired but I was not going to miss celebrating his life and career with the world. I think that Michael’s legacy is in very good hands as I have huge respect for the people running his estate. Not to mention, his mom Katherine who he so deeply loved will continue to protect his name and his children as she always has his best interest at heart. I feel that Katherine has a very pure heart towards her son and he always knew this. I have a major respect for her.

Q: Tell us about the lawsuit. Is that mess over? Did Michael get his things back before he died? Or they are still held in Dr. Thome'S hands? And what do you think of Dr. Thome Thome?

A: Yes the lawsuit is over and fortunately was before Michael’s death. Michael invited me to the opening of his concert series. I think he felt bad about what happened but I always knew he was not to blame for anything. The items that we had were returned to Michael Jackson. Regarding Dr. Tohme, I have NO COMMENT.

Q: Why do you decide June 25 to be the day for auctions? Do you feel it's a little sensitive for fans? Or you think it's a good opportunity for media exposure?

A: We have had our auction on this date in Las Vegas for the past five years. It was a complete coincidence that it is the same day as Michael’s death. If you look at our previous auctions, you will see that this is the case. I did not realize it was the same day until someone from the media commented on it.

Q: Could fans place bids online that day?

A: Yes fans can bid online on the day or a month leading up to the auction. We will have the sale posted online for bidding in the next three weeks. It is very easy to register to bid and participate in the auction if the fans or collectors cannot attend the auction in person. They will need to go to www.juliensauctions.com to bid and we will have continued updates about the event on our website.

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