Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4) *merged*

Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

I believe that guy who is always with LaToya was also present at the house, if I recall correctly.
Yes her manager boyfriend. Seems to like to have manager boyfriends huh?
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

Joe Jackson is not totally wrong...apparently, several of the items listed in the catalogue were "taken" from MJ's Holsmby home AFTER he passed.

Now, who had access to that house on June 25th and after? Besides the LAPD?

Who took a truck to the house and empty the place? That was before Branca & McClain were named executors?

so, Joe is not totally wrong about items being stolen, but not by people he claimed. he should ask his own children how some gifts fans had given to MJ at Homlsby are now on the auction block.

Who will benefit from this auction? not the so called family and freinds so why would they donate to this auction? julien auction will make the money and were will they distribute this money?

Like any auction, the money will go to the fans, FAMILY and friends who consigned the items.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

This is just ridiculous. I can't believe what I'm reading half the time anymore. A total embarrassment. Poor Michael. :no: Times like this I don't think we even know a fraction of what really (is and was) going on.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

Who will benefit from this auction? not the so called family and freinds so why would they donate to this auction? julien auction will make the money and were will they distribute this money?

the people who are selling the items will make money.

I actually bought stuff from Julien's before (not MJ stuff). It works like this:

Let's assume that an item sells for $1,000. Julien's will charge a fee (something between 10-20% - let's say 10%).

So item sells for $1,000
The buyer pays $1000 for the item + $100 for the fee = $1,100 in total
Julien's gets the fee of $100
The seller of the item gets $1,000

btw: no one donates to Julien's. You give them the items to sell on your behalf, you get the money raised from the sale, Julien's get a fee for their services. It's the same logic for all the auctions - even the same on eBay.

also: according to their twitter Julien's will be donating some of the proceedings to Musicares and Joshua's Heart charities.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

1- Did you return ALL items from the previous auction that was stopped?
Response: Yes

2- To whom directly did you return them to? Thome?
Response: Michael directed a moving company to come and pick up all the items. We did not deliver them anywhere.

4- Beside Rebbie, was there ANY OTHER Jackson IMMEDIATE family member who consigned? Since you named Rebbie, can you name them? If not, why did you name her and wouldn't name others?
Response: Yes but without their permission, I cannot release their information. They specifically requested that they remain anonymous.

5- Has Joe Jackson consigned anything for your upcoming auction?
Response: No

6- You said the painting are David's copies. How do you explain these pictures?

Response: The painting we are selling is a study and it comes from David Nordahl. It is about 10 times smaller than the original painting. This “study” is consigned to us by David Nordahl. This along with most information about the property is in the descriptions.

5- Prince the Boy King that you'll auction, is it a study or Michael's actual painting?
Response: It is a study as it states in the description. Not the original

6- How could you possibly acquire Thriller Platinum Record Award and other awards that MICHAEL had?
Response: This happens all the time. Celebrities give away their awards and items similar. Michael was known to give items like this away.

7- Some statues and furniture "ordered by Michael" were consigned by AEG. Will AEG receive the proceeds from these items?
Response: No

8- What proof AEG has that MICHAEL HIMSELF ordered these items for Kent, England?
Response: We have all the documentation. It is admirable that Colombostile did not file a claim and sue the estate because Michael never paid for the furniture that he ordered. They went this route because they did not want to cause any harm or damage to the family. They are even donating the majority of the proceeds to charity. I think it is a disgrace that a few “fans” are trying to demonize this generous act by Colombostile.

9- Were the furniture for Kent England paid? If yes, by whom? Michael or AEG?
Response: No. That is the problem and why it is being sold. Rather than filing a claim against the estate, they decided to auction it for charity.

8- How did you acquire his handwritten song lyrics that ONLY Michael could have had?
Response: Again, I cannot release the consignors information without their approval but they are not stolen.

9- Does ANY part of the proceedings goes to the MJ Estate?
Response: No

10- Have you had ANY COMMUNICATION (email, letter, phone, etc) with John Branca or John McClain re: this auction?
Response: No

11- Did SONY consigned anything to be auctioned?
Response: No
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Dead @ the Sony, Branca, McClain questions. Do people realized that these men are multimillionaires? They, unlike the Jacksons have JOBS. Very high profile jobs.

I mean John Branca still has in his office a framed note MJ wrote him before he started bidding on the Beatles' catalogue, I am sure that piece of history is worth a lot more than the iphone case that is being sold.

9- Does ANY part of the proceedings goes to the MJ Estate?
Response: No

I am guessing s/he meant proceeds?

Anyway, I still had a great laugh at some of the questions.

ETA: Because they are adamant that their name not be made public, I am more and more suspicious of these items and how they came into the consignor's possession. I am taking a not so wild guess: Jermaine, Tito, Randy, Latoya, Alejandra also have given items to be auctioned.

So let's play this game, who else do you think is cashing in on their dead brother / brother-in-law?
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

9- Does ANY part of the proceedings goes to the MJ Estate?
Response: No

10- Have you had ANY COMMUNICATION (email, letter, phone, etc) with John Branca or John McClain re: this auction?
Response: No




When this interview was done and who made it?​
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I'm surprised to see that people still cannot understand the difference between a study and a painting. Or that they can't be bothered to read the descriptions and compare pictures before accusing people.

here's the picture of study for the "prince the boy king" being auctioned taken from Julien's catalog


here's the actual painting


You can easily see that the top of the chair , the bottom of the blue curtain and the gray steps are different in the study and if you read the description Dave Norhal lists more differences between the study and the finished painting.

"Michael asked me to do a portrait of Prince when he was just little. I painted this sketch according to his instructions. I thought it was a very clever way to do a portrait. When Michael got a copy (I didn't send the original because I had to send it to a hotel in Chicago) he called me right away. He loved the sketch but asked me to include the crown of the throne with Prince's initials, to include animals in the throne and to put a plate and a bottle on the steps. I also put Prince's initials on the pages' belts and included Michael's face on each side."
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Why was Michael's original painting of "PRINCE, THE BOY KING" removed from N Carolwood after the family had removed items? Yes Im aware that MJ original is not for sale at Julien's. Just asking.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Why was Michael's original painting of "PRINCE, THE BOY KING" removed from N Carolwood after the family had removed items? Yes Im aware that MJ original is not for sale at Julien's. Just asking.

Only the family & authority had access to his house immediately after his death.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I would love to just have a momento that belonged to Michael, but everything is so expensive.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I am so sad and angry about this. Rebbie? Rebbie of ALL people? How could you? This was your brother. I would expect something like this from Jermaine or the other brothers...but Rebbie? I'm shocked.

That stuff belongs to the kids. Michael would be fuming. This is something that we as fans know Michael WOULD NOT ever consent on. :(
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Branca is involved with Musicares from a long time. And Julien's gave them money from a long time. So, this is not investigation.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Branca is involved with Musicares from a long time. And Julien's gave them money from a long time. So, this is not investigation.

The guy from Julien's Auction just did an interview with the MJ fans, he explained that neither the estate, Debbie Rowe, Thome Squared are involved or consigned items to this auction.

He also stated that Juliens' been donating money to Musicares & Joshua's tree for years...I guess that person heard musicares and ran with it.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Thread cleaned

Let me make this clear :

- No conspiracy stuff in the news and happenings
- No off topic talk
- No arguments between members
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

So, Oxman is accusing the estate to sell memorabilia again tonight on Fox Business News


but we know the family & friends are the sellers

Oxman is a proven liar
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

So, Oxman is accusing the estate to sell memorabilia again tonight on Fox Business News


but we know the family & friends are the sellers

Oxman is a proven liar

Who's to say Darren Julien isnt lying? We only know of Rebbie's permission according to Julien's and wont give names of anyone else according to him. Unless he actually shows proof its he says she says.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

you are an Oxman lover. This guy is a leech; he sold out many times MJ or the kids. the estate don't care about some $1000 vest or piece of paper.

Proof of Oxman lying : autopsy vs. his words

This means all
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Who's to say Darren Julien isnt lying? We only know of Rebbie's permission according to Julien's and wont give names of anyone else according to him. Unless he actually shows proof its he says she says.

In the last interview he says he'll give the names of the sellers to the Estate and Katherine Jackson if they ever request. They just can't reveal identities to general public due to confidentiality laws.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

you are an Oxman lover. This guy is a leech; he sold out many times MJ or the kids. the estate don't care about some $1000 vest or piece of paper.

Proof of Oxman lying : autopsy vs. his words

This means all

OMG No. I think he is an idiot also and I hated that he was on TV with hours of MJs passing talking about MJ and drugs.

However he is the only one who is doing a little digging and whats the harm in that? All he can is find more information regarding MJs death which is what he did with MJs medical records in which we saw the paramedics report which is a pro for the prosecution.

Remember Oxman was the one who found all the dirt on the Arvizo's which TMez used to defend Mike.:cheers:

In the last interview he says he'll give the names of the sellers to the Estate and Katherine Jackson if they ever request. They just can't reveal identities to general public due to confidentiality laws.

I missed that. Thank you.:clapping:

Whats bugging me is that Joe goes on LKL and talks about Tohme stealing MJs belongings and yet he doesnt seem to know that his family has signed off on this. Why wouldnt he know that?
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I disagree with you; mark geragos found all the dirt about the Arvizo's, in the JC Penney case
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Oxman is a liar...what's new?

He might fool a few nuts & peanuts...but I think it is fair to say Most people see through his scam.

I liked how he said the estate doesn't represent Latoya, Joe and the rest of the family. Ha ha ha...idiot...they are not listed in the will, the administrators have no business taking any of their opinions into consideration..as per MJ's last wishes.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

agree Memefan,

Legally speaking, the estate represents MJ and its duties are towards his beneficiaries. Joe, Latoya and others' opinions are wortless. It's pretty clear that some want to live like kings and throw allegations
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Mrs Jackson is totally against the sale of memorabilia in Vegas according to Oxman
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