Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4) *merged*

Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

Just read this part of it:

Question: Many fans are curious about what is happening with the money Julien’s will be earning from the Michael Jackson Auction and they would love to know if part of it goes to charity. Can you explain to the fans what happens to the money Julien’s will earn from this auction?

Answer: Most of the money will go to the friends, family and fans who consigned the items which is the case with most auctions

So basically all these family and friends are have given Michael's items to the auction will be making money out of it for themselves? Makes me sick.

if i were them,i would keep all the stuff forever. *shaking head*
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

if i were them,i would keep all the stuff forever. *shaking head*

Me neither but like this is news to anyone. People have been trying to sell Michael out for money for years. Who expected to stop when he died.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

if i were them,i would keep all the stuff forever. *shaking head*

in fact!i can't possibly imagine these ppl being in such a financial desperate situation to be force to sell this stuff...maybe I'm wrong,but to me it just shows how little regard they have for M and that his presents and the memory they carry mean anything special.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Then whats with this?:

Jackson's Auction Property Still in Limbo

Originally posted Sep 2nd 2009 3:55 AM PDT by TMZ Staff
The auction items Michael Jackson fought to have returned to him before he died are still not in his estate's possession ... and it's all because MJ's former manager won't let the auction house give the stuff back.

The drama began back in May, when Julien's Auction House filed documents saying they couldn't return the property to Michael because someone else was trying to claim it too: Dr. Tohme Tohme.

In new documents filed by Julien's, they say Dr. Tohme² still hasn't signed release papers for the property -- which is the final step in returning Michael's stuff to its rightful owner.

We spoke to Jerry Hawxhurst -- a lawyer for Julien's -- who said Tohme has had the papers for nearly a month. Jerry said if Tohme doesn't sign the papers within the next few weeks, he'll have to take MJ's estate and Tohme to court.

Jerry said this would be "completely unnecessary" and a waste of time and money.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

^ That was months ago. I would imagine if Tohme was still holding on to MJ's stuff and refusing to return it, we would heard something about Julien's Auctions filing a lawsuit against him and Mj's estate. But that hasn't happened so would that mean Tohme returned the items quietly....?
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

^ That was months ago. I would imagine if Tohme was still holding on to MJ's stuff and refusing to return it, we would heard something about Julien's Auctions filing a lawsuit against him and Mj's estate. But that hasn't happened so would that mean Tohme returned the items quietly....?

So why was Joe on LKL saying the Tohme had stolen MJs belongings and they were trying to get them back. It didnt sound like the family was too happy with MJs belongings being sold.

The auction items Michael Jackson fought to have returned to him before he died are still not in his estate's possession ... and it's all because MJ's former manager won't let the auction house give the stuff back. SOARE THEY NOW TRYING TO SELL IT????

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2009/09/02/jacksons-auction-property-still-in-limbo/10#ixzz0lluUhjaE

Julien’s Auctions Continues To Fight Michael Jackson-Related Lawsuits

January 14, 2010
UPDATE: Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Adam Streisand, tells TMZ, "It's an outrageous lie that Mrs. Jackson has received even a cent. She's never even heard of these people."

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/2010/01/14/michael-jacksons-insane-interior-design/6#ixzz0llaqMMyQ





"For the record, The Jackson Family Foundation would like to state that we do not endorse the products or services offered by any 3rd Party Auction Services outside the Jackson Family Foundation, including but not limited to Julien's Auctions."



Bunny Collins commented on your wall post:

"Here are two links to interviews with David Guest within days of Michael's passing. The first deals with Tohme, Randy Phillips, how 10 shows went to 50 and of course Julien's auctions:

"Furious David said: "I never consigned any of these items to Julien's Auction House in LA. I have instructed my legal representatives Sheridans solicitors to sue the auction house and let buyers know this was not my auction."

Read more: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/showbiz/bizarre/2505854/David-Gest-says-stress-of-O2-concerts-killed-*****.html#ixzz0lljHwsjn


Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I wouldn't take anything Joe says seriously to be honest.

edit: WAIT! Which auction batch are we referring to? The one which MJ fought to stop and is currently on a worldwide estate-approved exhibition tour? Or THIS upcoming auction which seems to have different items from the first one Michael fought to stop?

The auction items Michael Jackson fought to have returned to him before he died are still not in his estate's possession ... and it's all because MJ's former manager won't let the auction house give the stuff back. SOARE THEY NOW TRYING TO SELL IT????

Ummm...again didn't the estate executers strike a deal to have these said items sent on an exhibition tour which is about to be held in Japan in a few weeks? If they can make such a deal that should mean that the items ARE in the estate's possession.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Di from what I understand the items that Julien's said they needed Thome to sign for were indeed returned to the estate and someof those items were used in the estate cosigned Memoribilia tour in London and other places.

Then there was Julien's auction of MJ's furniture that he was supposed to have while in London

The people who made the furniture said they were returning the money MJ paid for it (almost a million dollars which in itself is suspicious since they said MJ didn't even have enough money to pay a video crew, but he had enought to order custom furniture?) and they returned it to Katherine. Then they took that furniture and gave it to Julien's to be auctioned.

I hope that answers your question. i could not look at all of your articles since they are blocked at work.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

Its all a big headache isnt it.

Im still not satisfied but thank you ginvid for your explanation.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I wouldn't take anything Joe says seriously to be honest.

edit: WAIT! Which auction batch are we referring to? The one which MJ fought to stop and is currently on a worldwide estate-approved exhibition tour? Or THIS upcoming auction which seems to have different items from the first one Michael fought to stop?

Ummm...again didn't the estate executers strike a deal to have these said items sent on an exhibition tour which is about to be held in Japan in a few weeks?

This has been discussed ad nauseam and IVY did a great job showing pictures, comparing the 2009 Juliens auction catalogue to the 2010 catalogue.

Another poster raised the same questions in another threat (ETA: Shockingly enough....it is that very same threat. See page 3 of this threat, post written by Ivy on April 11th) ...so, I think it is fair to say that person is already aware of the fact that these two auctions are completely different. but it suits her agenda to continue polluting the threats with same questions that have been answered over and over again.

Most of the 2009 items were at the London O2 exhibition, now they are in Japan for the exhibition that opens fairly soon.

Than they will go to NYC....

Joe does not know anything about the estate. He wouldn't know if the items were returned...or not because he is not part of MJ's will nor is he involved in estate matters.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

this was posted on KOP

from mosaic on lsa
I'm listening to Raymone Bain's show and Brian Oxman is one of the guests. He's discussing creditors claims and explaining why some people filed claims against Michael. He said Michael had a strange cash flow system that required people to wait for payment. He said everyone in Michael's world knew that. Brian said when new people come in they would try to say that the statute of limitations has expired to avoid paying people. I'm assuming the new people he's talking about people who handled Michael's financial affairs. So when a person files a claim it's a way of assuring that they will be paid when the cash becomes available.

Raymone said invoices would be submitted and when the administration changes, the new administration would basically throw the invoices in the garbage. They're basically reinforcing the idea that the people in charge of Michael's finances were not paying his bills.

Oxman said Joe was crying because Michael's memorabilia is being sold. He said Katherine does not approve of the auction. Oxman blames the estate for preventing the formation of a museum to preserve his posesssions. He called it the high jacking of the estate and he said the estate is to blame for creditors not being paid. Oxman said the estate is estranged from the Jackson family.

Raymone said Michael's position has always been that he wanted to preserve his memorabilia for his children. She said there was an occasion where someone had a few of Michael's possesions and Michael had a fit. He got his attorneys and accountants to go to Ebay and buy everything that had his name on it. They purchased over $100,000 merchandise from Ebay.

ETA: Oxman said the executors were granted a 10% commission on everything in additoin to their fees for administering the estate. There's no money in forming a museum and that's why they're selling everything. Oxman claims there is no checks and balances to stop the estate from doing this.

During the trial, Oxman said people tried to get Michael to sell certain things because there was a cash flow problem but he refused. He said those things belonged to his children.

I didn't realize Raymone worked for Michael for so long. She didn't finish her thought but it sounds like she began working for him in some capacity between 1998-2000.

A fan emailed Raymone blaming her for allowing Michael to do the Bashit interview. Oxman said Weisman and Konitzer were managing Michael at that time.

Oxman said Michael had very specific terms on which he wanted to release the music in his vault. He would not be happy about how many of these songs would be released because they are not up to his standards according to Oxman.

The auction is scheduled on the anniversary of his death. He refused to sell those things for his criminal defense.

Someone asked what happened to Michael's money. During 12/07-12/08 millions of dollars were available to Michael because of the ATV catalog refinance. In a 30-40 day period unnamed people had control of the money. Basically, at least 3 or 4 other entities were brought in and replaced before an unnamed person became involved in July or August of 2008. Raymone challenges anyone to refute that Michael had total financial stability during that time.

Raymone said none of this reflects negatively on Michael. He had a heart of gold and constantly thought of the people who worked for him.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

^ Does Oxman know that Juliens confirmed EVERYTHING is from Family, friends & fans? Nothing came from the estate.

Why would the estate waste their time selling 300$ Iphone cases, where they are busy making million dollar deals with major corporations for the benefit of the kids? how many Iphone cases would the estate have to auction to reimburse the debt?

Nice try Oxman...you and Joe asked for kickbacks from Juliens and they shut you down.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

Well juliens said it was from family,friends and fans.I think most of his really valuable memorabilia was on exhibition at 02 arena and now in japan for 6-8 weeks.I dont really support how his family and friends are auctioning his items,even rebbie but I doubt if oxman or bain are telling the truth,they have no credibility.Having said that I hope there would be a museum to house his memorabilia in the future.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

The estate backs the exhibition that has just been in London and now Tokyo. Juliens is items given to them from family and friends. Oxman needs to check his facts.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

^ Does Oxman know that Juliens confirmed EVERYTHING is from Family, friends & fans? Nothing came from the estate.

Why would the estate waste their time selling 300$ Iphone case, where they are making million dollar deals with major corporations for the benefit of the estate? how many Iphone cases would the estate have to sell to reimburse the debt?

Nice try Oxman...you and Joe asked for kickbacks from Juliens and they shut you down.

Thank you Memefan, I was just about to say the samething.

Oxman is a straight up fool and I truly believe Joe Jackson is out of the loop when it comes to the family. I mean, how can he not know that REBBIE is a part of this auction and that she even submitted letters of authenticity, unless he is totally out of the loop.

Does Joe Jackson even know that this auction is made up of things that Michael GAVE to various family members and friends over the years?
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

"Oxman said that the estate is estranged from the Jackson family."

What Oxman should have said is that "the Jackson family members who are upset that they were not included in Michael's Will are estranged from the estate."

In my opinion, that would be a more accurate statement. LOL!
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

oxman is a liar

1/ the estate is not selling MJ's items
2/ Branca said this week that a museum is a possibility :
=>> Branca did not dismiss previous reports of a museum attraction featuring items from Jackson's Neverland estate. "It's certainly a possibility," he said.
3/ it's Randy who wanted to force MJ to sell his 50% Sony catalogue
4/ he wants that the estate pay each creditor claim ?? what a fool
5/ the estate don't want to form a museum in Gary and pay a fee to Oxman and Joe
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

Thank you Memefan, I was just about to say the samething.

Oxman is a straight up fool and I truly believe Joe Jackson is out of the loop when it comes to the family. I mean, how can he not know that REBBIE is a part of this auction and that she even submitted letters of authenticity, unless he is totally out of the loop.

Does Joe Jackson even know that this auction is made up of things that Michael GAVE to various family members and friends over the years?

Joe Jackson is not totally wrong...apparently, several of the items listed in the catalogue were "taken" from MJ's Holsmby home AFTER he passed.

Now, who had access to that house on June 25th and after? Besides the LAPD?

Who took a truck to the house and empty the place? That was before Branca & McClain were named executors?

so, Joe is not totally wrong about items being stolen, but not by people he claimed. he should ask his own children how some gifts fans had given to MJ at Homlsby are now on the auction block.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

"Oxman said that the estate is estranged from the Jackson family."

What Oxman should have said is that "the Jackson family members who are upset that they were not included in Michael's Will are estranged from the estate."

In my opinion, that would be a more accurate statement. LOL!
Word. I'm sure a lot of them resent Michael hence the addict talk
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

Joe Jackson is not totally wrong...apparently, several of the items listed in the catalogue were "taken" from MJ's Holsmby home AFTER he passed.

Now, who had access to that house on June 25th and after? Besides the LAPD?

Who took a truck to the house and empty the place? That was before Branca & McClain were named executors?

so, Joe is not totally wrong about items being stolen, but not by people he claimed. he should ask his own children how some gifts fans had given to MJ at Homlsby are now on the auction block.

Oh the plot thickens!

In Julien's recent interview he does state that there are JACKSON FAMILY members who are a part of this auction, aside from Rebbie, who do NOT want their names used.

I guess we know why that is now.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

What I find extremely embarrassing is that those people even took Michael's Iphone shells and such I mean for real? How desperate does one have to be to take away a dead man's cell phone shells and auction them off? :doh:
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

^ That was months ago. I would imagine if Tohme was still holding on to MJ's stuff and refusing to return it, we would heard something about Julien's Auctions filing a lawsuit against him and Mj's estate. But that hasn't happened so would that mean Tohme returned the items quietly....?

So why was Joe on LKL saying the Tohme had stolen MJs belongings and they were trying to get them back. It didnt sound like the family was too happy with MJs belongings being sold.

The auction items Michael Jackson fought to have returned to him before he died are still not in his estate's possession ... and it's all because MJ's former manager won't let the auction house give the stuff back. SOARE THEY NOW TRYING TO SELL IT????

let me resolve this for you once and for all as well..

"Administrators of Jackson's estate said in court papers filed Friday (July 24, 2009) that they recovered $5.5 million in cash from "one of Michael Jackson's former financial advisers" and also recovered "substantial amounts of tangible personal property," "

Tohme also turned over items from the pop star's Neverland estate that were once scheduled to be auctioned


so apparently 2009 auction items were at Tohme's possession (or he had the access to them) but as the court documents show they have been returned to the estate and they are currently in a 3 city exhibition tour (London is completed, items are currently at Japan and later will come to NYC).

It's obvious that Tohme had access to them at the time of Michael's death but gave them back/ signed the papers etc at some time later so that now those items are a part of the exhibition.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

In Julien's recent interview he does state that there are JACKSON FAMILY members who are a part of this auction, aside from Rebbie, who do NOT want their names used.

when you look to the catalog you'll see a lot of Jackson 5 stage costumes etc. I personally find it quite unlikely that Michael will be holding on to his brothers and sisters clothes for 30+ some years (and those items will be coming from Michael's possession or his house).

Plus in the 2009 auction when Julien's listed everything from Neverland they didn't have a single item that belonged to other Jacksons.

Those items themselves seems like they come from the family..
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

^ Does Oxman know that Juliens confirmed EVERYTHING is from Family, friends & fans? Nothing came from the estate.

Why would the estate waste their time selling 300$ Iphone cases, where they are busy making million dollar deals with major corporations for the benefit of the kids? how many Iphone cases would the estate have to auction to reimburse the debt?

Nice try Oxman...you and Joe asked for kickbacks from Juliens and they shut you down.

I never believed juliens confirmation,or that the items came from family member and friends, I will only believe it if katherine admit it herself, I assumed these are some items dr thome gave them. (neverland)and I can understand joe crying michael ask for joes help in stopping this auction when joe went to court for michael, michael did not want his items auction off , michael stoped the auction, the estate only care about making money so they can get there share and more(10%) and the hole circle can get theres (sony etc), joe and oxman said michael wanted the items saved for his kids the estate could careless about saving these items for michael kids, just about the $$ the estate and there circle wants.
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

I never believed juliens confirmation,or that the items came from family member and friends, I will only believe it if katherine admit it herself, I assumed these are some items dr thome gave them. (neverland)and I can understand joe crying michael ask for joes help in stopping this auction when joe went to court for michael, michael did not want his items auction off , michael stoped the auction, the estate only care about making money so they can get there share and more(10%) and the hole circle can get theres (sony etc), joe and oxman said michael wanted the items saved for his kids the estate could careless about saving these items for michael kids, just about the $$ the estate and there circle wants.

And how much do you think Branca & McClain (both multi-millionaires) will get from selling that iphone cover?

10% of 300=30$ - 15$ each.

Hmmmmmok...smart folks.

Why waste time negotiation, signing these huge deals with Sony, Cirque du Soleil...and what not. The real money is in selling personal small items?

You are one smart cookie...I did not even think of it that way
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

I'm beginning to think that people make ridiculous statements on purpose, for the heck of it
Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

I never believed juliens confirmation,or that the items came from family member and friends, I will only believe it if katherine admit it herself, I assumed these are some items dr thome gave them. (neverland)and I can understand joe crying michael ask for joes help in stopping this auction when joe went to court for michael, michael did not want his items auction off , michael stoped the auction, the estate only care about making money so they can get there share and more(10%) and the hole circle can get theres (sony etc), joe and oxman said michael wanted the items saved for his kids the estate could careless about saving these items for michael kids, just about the $$ the estate and there circle wants.
What about the TWO items that come from Rebbie? Along with her letters of authenticity.

Do you also think that Julien forged Rebbie's name on the authentication letters?

Rebbie should sue Julien's for "using" her name. LOL!

"Joe and Oxman said that Michael wanted the items for his kids," then why is Rebbie selling two items?

In my opinion, the executors are doing exactly what they should be doing, i.e. "making money for the estate." And they certainly are making money for the estate. I'm not sure we would be able to say the same thing if Joe Jackson AND Oxman were in charge of the estate. (I sort of shuddered even typing that last sentence. LOL!)

IF Julien would have caved in and gave Joe Jackson the MONEY he was requesting from them, Joe and Oxman would NOW be singing Julien's praises, instead of complaining, in my opinion.
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Re: Michael Jackson's estate rejecting claims * Latest rejection: Raymone Bain

Joe Jackson is not totally wrong...apparently, several of the items listed in the catalogue were "taken" from MJ's Holsmby home AFTER he passed.

Now, who had access to that house on June 25th and after? Besides the LAPD?

Who took a truck to the house and empty the place? That was before Branca & McClain were named executors?

so, Joe is not totally wrong about items being stolen, but not by people he claimed. he should ask his own children how some gifts fans had given to MJ at Homlsby are now on the auction block.[/QUOTE .

Who will benefit from this auction? not the so called family and freinds so why would they donate to this auction? julien auction will make the money and were will they distribute this money?