Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4) *merged*

Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

The raw interview:

Q: Where did all these MJ items come from? and how did you get them? Tell us the story.

A: The majority of items in the upcoming June auction come from family members and friends that Michael gave these items to. Some of the consignors (friends or family) wish to remain anonymous and some are fine with us mentioning where they come from.

Q: Do you need MJ estate and family's approval this time? Do they know about this?

A: We do not need their permission however, we would never do anything against them or that they did not approve of. Michael Jackson really means a lot to me personally and to Julien's Auctions. It is our greatest desire to preserve and respect the legacy of Michael Jackson as he has always meant so much to us. In addition, our company would not be as famous as what it is if it were not for Michael Jackson so we have a deep gratitude to him for the many opportunities that he has given to us. The estate and family do know that this auction is taking place.

Q: Why do you decide to hold exhibitions in so many places, especially in Macau, China? Are they free for all the people to see?

A: It is very important to us to share Michael’s things and his legacy with as many people around the world who love him. We have a great partner in Macau, China with Ponte 16 who was willing to cover the expenses of bringing these items to China for the public and fans to see. We do not charge for our exhibitions but some of our sponsors do to help offset the costs of traveling the items.

Q: we noticed that in Macau, the exhibition will be on April 30 – May 9 while another exhibition in Ireland will be on March 16 – May 30, so you divide your items into different groups, or?
The schedule seems conflict.

A: Yes some of the items will remain in Ireland while different items will be in Macau, China. There are over 250 lots of Michael Jackson in the upcoming auction so there are plenty of items to go around. We have saved the best and most high profile memorabilia for the Ponte 16 exhibition and Ireland has the furniture that Michael Jackson ordered prior to his death for his Kent home.

Q: We knew Ponte 16 has just got some highly treasured MJ items in another auctions months ago, something like the MJ Glove from the first moonwalk show at Motown 25.
Will they bid for your items this time?

A: I am not sure if they will bid in the June auction but I think it will depend on what items will be important to fans in China as to what they bid on. Their goal as well is to build and preserve the legacy of Michael Jackson so they want to have one of the best collections in the world which I am sure they will in time.

Q: How much do you think these items can collect? And how much will you donate to charities?

A: Conservatively we estimate the value of the 250 plus Michael Jackson items in our June auction to be around $600,000 - $800,000 U.S. However, I am sure they will go much higher due to his popularity and the interests from fans and collectors around the world.

Q: Can you tell us something about what you felt when you first heard Michael passed away? And how do you feel and think about him when you previously collaborate however then a lawsuit was raised?

A:I was deeply heartbroken as Michael was very important to us and to the world. There will never be anyone like him. We never had any problems with Michael Jackson. The lawsuit had nothing to do with him and was more of a result of others. Michael knew that we did nothing wrong and we knew that he was not the reason for the lawsuit.

Q: Did you personally meet him or talk to him? Did you see his last movie This Is It? Do you have any comment regarding him, his passing and his legacy?

A:I did meet Michael and I talked with him many times on the phone. He has been a collector and buyer in our auctions in the past and he trusted us to clear out Neverland when he never wanted to return again. I did see the Movie “This Is It” as I was invited to the premiere. I was in Europe at the time so I attended the premiere in Dublin at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. I was tired but I was not going to miss celebrating his life and career with the world. I think that Michael’s legacy is in very good hands as I have huge respect for the people running his estate. Not to mention, his mom Katherine who he so deeply loved will continue to protect his name and his children as she always has his best interest at heart. I feel that Katherine has a very pure heart towards her son and he always knew this. I have a major respect for her.

Q: Tell us about the lawsuit. Is that mess over? Did Michael get his things back before he died? Or they are still held in Dr. Thome'S hands? And what do you think of Dr. Thome Thome?

A: Yes the lawsuit is over and fortunately was before Michael’s death. Michael invited me to the opening of his concert series. I think he felt bad about what happened but I always knew he was not to blame for anything. The items that we had were returned to Michael Jackson. Regarding Dr. Tohme, I have NO COMMENT.

Q: Why do you decide June 25 to be the day for auctions? Do you feel it's a little sensitive for fans? Or you think it's a good opportunity for media exposure?

A: We have had our auction on this date in Las Vegas for the past five years. It was a complete coincidence that it is the same day as Michael’s death. If you look at our previous auctions, you will see that this is the case. I did not realize it was the same day until someone from the media commented on it.

Q: Could fans place bids online that day?

A: Yes fans can bid online on the day or a month leading up to the auction. We will have the sale posted online for bidding in the next three weeks. It is very easy to register to bid and participate in the auction if the fans or collectors cannot attend the auction in person. They will need to go to www.juliensauctions.com to bid and we will have continued updates about the event on our website.

Q: Will you hold more MJ memorabilia auctions in the future?

A: Yes but I cannot disclose them at this time.

Thank you mkgenie for posting this info
and your interview you did a great job on the interview
and it answered a lot of questions I had _ great work
Thanks :) I dont see any reason for fans to attack.
I hate that shyt
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Michael stoped the auction, I cant understand how they have the legal right to have the auction now.

as i remember they were not returned to him.

let me ensure you that the current 2010 auction items are not the same items as the cancelled 2009 auction, the 2009 items are indeed returned to the estate and currently on an exhibition by showing you some pictures as proof.

first let's look to some pictures of items for sale from the cancelled 2009 auction




Now let's see if we can determine who has these items and whether they have been returned to the estate. Here's a picture from the estate approved exhibition at O2 at London.


You can see all the above items in this picture.

another one : gloves and a hat for sale from the cancelled 2009 auction


picture from the Michael Jackson exhibition


another one : neverland gates for sale from the cancelled 2009 auction


neverland gates at the exhibition


another one : a dave norhall painting for sale from the cancelled 2009 auction


here it is at the MJ exhibition


another one : victory costume for sale from the cancelled 2009 auction


here it is at the exhibition


let's do another batch from the cancelled 2009 auction



let's see if we can find these items in the current exhibition - yes we can


overall it can be summarized as

If you take the time to compare the cancelled 2009 auction catalog to the 2010 auction catalog you'll see that the items are not the same.

If you take the time to compare the cancelled 2009 auction catalog to the MJ exhibition you'll see that some of the items are at the exhibition - therefore returned to the estate.


the canceled 2009 items were Michael's own stuff taken from Neverland. Michael did not want that auction to happen, therefore it was cancelled/stopped and the items were returned to him - as we can read from the interview and see from the above pictures.

the new 2010 auction is being done with the items that come from family & friends (the items that other people own). Is this the right thing to do? - is a whole seperate debate. But Can they do what they want with these items? - you bet

Let me give you an example to make it much more clearer. Let's assume that you had a chance to met Michael and he gave you his fedora.

Yes its Michael Jackson's fedora but from that point in time on you become the owner of that item. you can save it in a glass box for eternity or you can wear it everyday or you can regift it to someone else or you can sell it etc etc.. Now as fans we may not approve people selling such valuable (doesn't have to be monetary value) items but in reality those people who own this items can do whatever they want with them.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

let me ensure you that the current 2010 auction items are not the same items as the cancelled 2009 auction, the 2009 items are indeed returned to the estate and currently on an exhibition by showing you some pictures as proof.

first let's look to some pictures of items for sale from the cancelled 2009 auction

Now let's see if we can determine who has these items and whether they have been returned to the estate. Here's a picture from the estate approved exhibition at O2 at London.

You can see all the above items in this picture.

If you take the time to compare the cancelled 2009 auction catalog to the 2010 auction catalog you'll see that the items are not the same.

If you take the time to compare the cancelled 2009 auction catalog to the MJ exhibition you'll see that some of the items are at the exhibition - therefore returned to the estate.

:no: People don't care about facts. They much rather complain....

It has been stated over & over again (you can count how many times if you want, but I just noted 3 of my posts were removed), in the interview, Twinklee ...you and myself that these new items are being sold by friends & family..but to no avail. I even went as far as to bold that section of the interview. It seems like some just read the title of the thread and can't click reply quick enough...without reading the OP or subsequent replies.

I even suggested that one of the posters compare the catalogues from 2009 & this new one....:doh: But I like how you did it...by juxtaposing the pics. Priceless. lol

What MJ said....repeat a lie often enough, and they start believing it.

My response I had posted is were are michael item's that julien auctions had recieved from dr thome? as i remember they were not returned to him. why would the family and some friends donate to julien auction? dont sit right with me.

ETA. People need to stop listening to Joe Jackson. Just because he said the items weren't returned doesn't mean it's true. This is the same man who said they use body double in TII...or it wasn't MJ singing...or that Omer Bhatti is MJ's son. He is 81 and doesn't have much idea of what's going on. Proof? He is still being represented by Brian Oxman.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Those that were quick to falsely accuse the estate of selling off MJ's items...1 name has been released by Juliens.

From Juliens Twitter account:


All of the Michael Jackson items in the upcoming auction are knowingly consigned by his friends and family, like his sister, Rebbie Jackson.

The glasses are accompanied by a signed letter from Rebbie Jackson verifying this.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Rebbie? :mello:
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

No sense in adding more to the drama.
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Rebbie? :mello:

Yes, Stacey. Rebbie herself gave a certificate to confirm two items belong to her brother. The sleeve of his iPhone and another thing he (supposely) had on his personal desk.

I just can't believe it. This is completly against what I'd known of her. So I am puzzled... :unsure:

If these items were all that important, wouldn't they family be able to stop this? Yes, if they owned the stuff. If not, I'm afraid it's impossible :no:

I just don't understand what on earth is going on here, but I do know the auction on the 25th is really a tasteless thing to do. Don't tell me you didn't know, Julien! It's impossible :doh:
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Rebbie? :mello:

and of all things>>HIS GLASSES....how personal is that.....I am not suprised anymore by any of those Jackson's....just when their is 1 you think you can trust....FAIL.......they are all the same...money hungry...piranha..
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

and of all things>>HIS GLASSES....how personal is that.....I am not suprised anymore by any of those Jackson's....just when their is 1 you think you can trust....FAIL.......they are all the same...money hungry...piranha..

Rebbie endorsed the sleeve of MJ's iPhone and a thing of his desktop. There are some glasses on the opposite page, but I didn't get to read those were given by Rebbie. Were they too?

Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Yes, Stacey. Rebbie herself gave a certificate to confirm two items belong to her brother. The sleeve of his iPhone and another thing he (supposely) had on his personal desk.

I just can't believe it. This is completly against what I'd known of her. So I am puzzled... :unsure:

If these items were all that important, wouldn't they family be able to stop this? Yes, if they owned the stuff. If not, I'm afraid it's impossible :no:

I just don't understand what on earth is going on here, but I do know the auction on the 25th is really a tasteless thing to do. Don't tell me you didn't know, Julien! It's impossible :doh:
lol why should they stop it when they were the ones who gave his stuff away to be auctioned off? They want to sell this stuff 2 the highest bidder, Rebbie wrote a letter to verify whatever stuff she gave to Julien is real. That it indeed belonged to Mcihael.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

How tacky and cheap to sell those small objects for a quick buck...my god....what a bunch of losers.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

lol why should they stop it when they were the ones who gave his stuff away to be auctioned off? They want to sell this stuff 2 the highest bidder, Rebbie wrote a letter accompanied to the stuff she gave Julien to auction.

Yes, I hear you and I agree with you.
I feel we are being used by someone who is angry for not getting a part on this. I am seeing on FB request to email Julien's to complain, but I see really no point in doing so, for that will not stop them at all. The owners of the items are selling them. Julien's doing their job. And we can but watch it happen.

As Ivy very well explained, these are not MJ's belonging, but they belong to others and those want to money while many other are willing to give them the money to get the times. That's called "deal".

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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

His glasses? Now that is much too personal. Awards and costumes are one thing but glasses? I'm a bit uncomfortable with items that are too personal. Its the same reason the only thing I didn't like about the London exhibition was the flask and lunchbox the kids made snacks for Michael in.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

His glasses? Now that is much too personal. Awards and costumes are one thing but glasses? I'm a bit uncomfortable with items that are too personal. Its the same reason the only thing I didn't like about the London exhibition was the flask and lunchbox the kids made snacks for Michael in.

Sunglesses. How many glasses did Michael have?? :scratch:
I think what makes us feel most uncomfortable is the statement this were given by REbbie. At least that is my case. But what about all the other items of the other Jackson's? They are not complaining at all, so... do they care at all?

Some other items, however, I would say are really very personal: the cover of his iPhone, his MTV award with Janet, studies of works MJ commended to David Nordahl (but well.. those belong to Mr. Nordahl anyway... it's just the closeness to MJ that makes them worth it).

I don't know what to say really :scratch:
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Its the same reason the only thing I didn't like about the London exhibition was the flask and lunchbox the kids made snacks for Michael in.

:bugeyed disturbing.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Darren Julien was interviewed by Justice 4 Michael, recently it appears, and he addresses a number of "issues" certain fans had concerns about.

Not sure if I need permission to post the actual transcript in it's entirety so here's the link:


Still don't agree with the June 25th auction date though.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

This is just pathetic. SMH.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

Just read this part of it:

Question: Many fans are curious about what is happening with the money Julien’s will be earning from the Michael Jackson Auction and they would love to know if part of it goes to charity. Can you explain to the fans what happens to the money Julien’s will earn from this auction?

Answer: Most of the money will go to the friends, family and fans who consigned the items which is the case with most auctions

So basically all these family and friends are have given Michael's items to the auction will be making money out of it for themselves? Makes me sick.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

Well if that's the case I hope and pray that none of these items sell.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

For the family to participate in this is unbelievably tasteless and exploitative. Disappointed Nordahl is flogging his study art too. The only way they can make this remotely palatable is by donating all proceeds to charity - something tells me that ain't gonna happen though :(
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

So basically all these family and friends are have given Michael's items to the auction will be making money out of it for themselves? Makes me sick.

It's their shame. If Michael would have given me something that once belonged to him I would treasure it forever and would never consider it to be auctioned, especially if it's been a gift from him.

I guess some of them who are giving items to this auction has so many items MJ has given them during the years they don't feel bad about giving some of them away?
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Darren Julien was interviewed by Justice 4 Michael, recently it appears, and he addresses a number of "issues" certain fans had concerns about.

Not sure if I need permission to post the actual transcript in it's entirety so here's the link:


Still don't agree with the June 25th auction date though.

this is a new and more detailed interview that has a lot of interesting parts. I quoted some parts from Darren Julien's statements below.

- it is important to Julien’s Auctions that the fans know we have not done anything against Michael Jackson or his kids. The rumor that these items were stolen came from Joe Jackson after he tried to get money from us for allowing the items to be sold.

-We were then instructed by one of his managers that we could no longer talk directly to Michael. I cannot go into detail but that is when all the problems started. We never had any problems directly with Michael and he never had any problems directly with us. He aplogized to us last spring and said that he knows we did nothing wrong.

- 100% of the items that are in our upcoming annual auction the end of June at Planet Hollywood Resort and Casino come from family, friends and fans of Michael Jackson who he gave the items to. Nothing comes from the estate and the estate is not involved in this auction.

- Most of the family members who have consigned items wish to remain annonomous. If you read the descriptions of each lot, you can tell where many of the items come from. Some come from the artist David Nordahl who Michael hired to paint for him. These are David’s copies of the initial artwork that Michael would approve before David would paint the large works of art for Neverland. We even have items that come from Michael’s sister Rebbie and she has put letters wtih the items.


Question: You‘ve said there are family members and friends of Michael involved in this auction by giving items to Juliens, what we don’t understand is why are there some familymembers and a lawyer saying you stole these items?
Answer: I can only assume that it is about money as to why some of the family members are making the comments that they are saying. We will not pay anyone off under any circumstances. Buy yes, this auction mostly consists of items that come from family members and friends.

Once again see the actual source for the full interview http://www.justice4michaeljackson.com/00011.php
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

- it is important to Julien’s Auctions that the fans know we have not done anything against Michael Jackson or his kids. The rumor that these items were stolen came from Joe Jackson after he tried to get money from us for allowing the items to be sold.

- Most of the family members who have consigned items wish to remain annonomous. If you read the descriptions of each lot, you can tell where many of the items come from.
Question: You‘ve said there are family members and friends of Michael involved in this auction by giving items to Juliens, what we don’t understand is why are there some familymembers and a lawyer saying you stole these items?
Answer: I can only assume that it is about money as to why some of the family members are making the comments that they are saying. We will not pay anyone off under any circumstances. Buy yes, this auction mostly consists of items that come from family members and friends.
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

Darren Julien was interviewed by Justice 4 Michael, recently it appears, and he addresses a number of "issues" certain fans had concerns about.

Not sure if I need permission to post the actual transcript in it's entirety so here's the link:


Still don't agree with the June 25th auction date though.
That was disturbing. :bugeyed

Soon they will be auctioning off the underpants of Michael. :doh: -_-
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

That was disturbing. :bugeyed

Soon they will be auctioning off the underpants of Michael. :doh: -_-

After reading that Rebbie was selling MJ's glasses this morning, I wanted to write that his underwears would be next...but I know the Jacksons come here, so I held off. Did not want to give them any ideas.

Here you go giving them ideas....lol
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia

After reading that Rebbie was selling MJ's glasses this morning, I wanted to write that his underwears would be next...but I know the Jacksons come here, so I held off. Did not want to give them any ideas.

Here you go giving them ideas....lol

You're right. :doh:

Now >>> :shutup:
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

For the family to participate in this is unbelievably tasteless and exploitative. Disappointed Nordahl is flogging his study art too. The only way they can make this remotely palatable is by donating all proceeds to charity - something tells me that ain't gonna happen though :(

Yes, for sure!!! All that is going to "Our Pockets Foundation" -_-

(A foundation always in need of money, of course :mello:)
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Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (New Interview on pg4)

I wouldnt want a piece of Michael's belonging myself. It would always be his belongings and I respected that unless Michael willingly sell them off for some reason or giving them away to the kids which he often did. If I happen to have one of his belonging, I would keep it in my heart forever. I mean,not to mention Michael spent a lot on his belongings, Michael love each and every belongings he owned. Why auction them ? Cant they just preserve Michael's belongings ? It makes me sad. I really dont want to see Michael's belongings all over the world when they should be in Neverland :(
Re: Exclusive interview with Julien Auctions, regarding MJ memorabilia (Interview on pg4)

Yes, for sure!!! All that is going to "Our Pockets Foundation" -_-

(A foundation always in need of money, of course :mello:)

OMG!!! Too funny....but so true.