EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jackson’s Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People in Jail

Thanks, for this. I don't know if Michael will or will not get justice, but God is surely on the side of goodness, and that counts for a LOT.
I agree. I am hoping and praying that the more people learn about Michaels' HEART, the more they will realize how wrong they were about him.

This is also an opportunity for people to make choices, and choose to do the RIGHT things.
What do you mean by that?
What I mean by this being "an opportunity for people to make choices, and choose to do the RIGHT things," is that people have free-will. Whenever there is a tragedy, there is also an opportunity for personal, and even spiritual, development. Every tragedy gives others a chance to help, or to choose not to help. Surely there are people OUT there who know the truth about what happened to Michael? They will face choices about risking to speak out, or remaining silent. If they tell what they know, it will help Michael to receive the justice he deserves. Telling what they know may involve financial and even personal risk. So one-by-one, those close to Michael will have to decide. . . what to DO. Will they choose goodness, one-by-one, or will evil WIN in some cases. See what I mean?
What I mean by this being "an opportunity for people to make choices, and choose to do the RIGHT things," is that people have free-will. Whenever there is a tragedy, there is also an opportunity for personal, and even spiritual, development. Every tragedy gives others a chance to help, or to choose not to help. Surely there are people OUT there who know the truth about what happened to Michael? They will face choices about risking to speak out, or remaining silent. If they tell what they know, it will help Michael to receive the justice he deserves. Telling what they know may involve financial and even personal risk. So one-by-one, those close to Michael will have to decide. . . what to DO. Will they choose goodness, one-by-one, or will evil WIN in some cases. See what I mean?

Definitely see what you mean. I am really hoping people will speak the TRUTH about what they know, to shed some light on the darkness. Michael deserves no less.
Very good questions, indeed. I don't want the thread to become another riot! So I'd suggest that a lot of this is being explored/written about in the investigative unit. But remember, everyone, you should NOT post there if you're going to post that "we shouldn't be investigating." (We ARE.) Read the guidelines first. This is not something everyone can tolerate, and I can respect that.

To my knowledge, the insurance hasn't paid out yet. I believe Lloyds of London is investigating. . .

I can't say if Branca still has a connection to Sony, or not.

Don't know if they would have recouped losses with new albums, or not. MJ would have had to ok them, and he hadn't shown many signs of doing that. Certainly, AEG wouldn't have recouped anything for ticket sales, as they are now doing as "souvenir tickets."

The estate can sell anything and everything. The executors make the decisions, not the family.

Not sure of Michael's contract status with Sony. A lot went on behind-the-scenes, I'm sure, and was very complex.

I'm quite I read Michael had managed to get out of his contract early because the lawywe who represented him in the negociation of that contract was wrking for Sony at the same time... was that true or not?.

Also, was that lawyer Branca?.
again, guys dont take this too seriously.
if he had any evidence he would have presented to LAPD
if he doesnt do that he can also be brought to justice..
It's fishy how John branca was rehired just two weeks before MJ's death.
There are lots of dark and shady things going behind the scenes. Fans with some brain could see that. ;p I believe MJ's words, it's a conspiracy!!!! Poor MJ:(

and fans are so right about LAPD being corrupted, same as most police departments in other countries! US is no exception.

Just two weeks?.

Well, Michael did put him as an executor in his will and didn't remove him, so he must have trusted him...
I trust Branca way more than the parents who sent their six years old child to perform in sex clubs and called him ugly everyday .
again, guys dont take this too seriously.
if he had any evidence he would have presented to LAPD
if he doesnt do that he can also be brought to justice..

Exactly! I think he is just bluffing... they are all guilty and should be brought to justice.
I just done reading all 9 pages here and WHOA!!

This is getting deeper and deeper each day. I am definitely of the opinion that this was a murder and more than likely, a PLANNED murder. I don't think Murray alone acted in this. I think Murray was purely a hit man. It explains his massive salary to be a personal physician.

Back on the topic at hand, regardless of past allegations against Dr Hoffelin, I will afford him the same curtosy we expected others to afford Michael. He was proven innocent and that is how I will see him. Many people have been speaking on Michael's behalf and sharing insider accounts etc. I actually think Hoffelin is one of very few people who truly does want the truth to come out. I am happy to read that he has taken this information to the authorities and I think his reason for going public on this now is that he knows of the corruption and I feel he doesn't trust the authorities involved to probably use this evidence for justice. I applaud him for coming forward with this.
i dont trust LAPD, really i dont

this is very shady, my father told me this from day one, he said "he was killed on purpose" then he regret saying it, cause it was just too hard to hear, but damn he is always rigth, he's right here too,

WHERE IS DOCTOR MURRAY?? for real, where is he??? suddenly nobody says nothing about it WHERE IS MURRAY, just to name one doctor(the main, the murderer), how am i supossed to believed LAPD
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well, who in his right mind would trust LAPD , but the autopsy resutls left them with nothing but to call his death a homicide , mj made it hard for them to call it an overdose although they were praying and leaking stories about his so called addiction .

screw LAPD , they are losers and liars .
Surely LAPD is not trusty and we know this damn well, and now people are going out and pointing fingers to each other. Does anyone still have doubts about the serious, big and real shadow that has been happening around Michael's death? I don't.
steve and arnie are as crazy as each other. just trying to cover their own asses by claiming to have info against others. it will no doubt fade away
Gosh, this just scares the shit out of me. I've got such a strong feeling that what he's saying is true. I think we're gonna witness one of the biggest cover-ups in history here. :( I'd just like to say thanks to everyone in this thread, I have read the entire thing over the last couple of days. Thanks for all your work.
come on .......dont believe everything you read....
again if anyone has evidence must present it to police otherwise the could be charged with obstructing justice simple as that..

LAPD is doing their job and they are doing a fine job at it...
come on .......dont believe everything you read....
again if anyone has evidence must present it to police otherwise the could be charged with obstructing justice simple as that..

LAPD is doing their job and they are doing a fine job at it...

Wow, well I hope you're right but I have my doubts.
come on .......dont believe everything you read....
again if anyone has evidence must present it to police otherwise the could be charged with obstructing justice simple as that..

LAPD is doing their job and they are doing a fine job at it...

LAPD? Sadly, the LAPD is one of the most corrupt police outfits in the US. How soon people forget the case of Rodney King which wasn't an isolated incident, it was just caught on tape.


A quick google of LAPD + corrupt or LAPD + "planting evidence" should quickly change your mind. The only thing calming down their open corruption is the widespread use of cellphone cameras.


I really wish I could agree with you.
Hmmmmm, just read all 10 pages and my heads spinning. i don't have a legal mind and often have to read things 3/4 times for me to understand whats being said but surly he must have something some evidence or else he would be getting himself in trouble for saying certain things already.
like i said, i don't understand alot of legal stuff so i may be talking out me bum lol.
all i do hope though is that something will happen soon and some arrests made, we need justice now.
Wow..... Dr hoeflin is a great surgeon with great reputation, and would NEVER start false statements.... I don't know him, but, I believe that I would "vote" for him.... hopefully he will indeed release info ASAP....to us.
Wow..... Dr hoeflin is a great surgeon with great reputation, and would NEVER start false statements.... I don't know him, but, I believe that I would "vote" for him.... hopefully he will indeed release info ASAP....to us.


isn't the good doc th eone everyone claims hatched mj's nose? like seriously....?

it's called a diversion technique. y would he go to the MEDIA to say this? if he gave it to the lapd, then just chill.

and if u wanna post youtube's on la's cops...give me a city and i'll find articles and info about how every city has issues.

cops are people. people aren'tperfect
LAPD + Fine job? WTF? Pfft.

Is anyone really naiive enough to believe that the very same police department who fell all over themselves to storm Michael's home, turn it upside down and charge him with child molestation is going to do the right thing by him now and properly investigate the circumstances surrounding his death?

We have all known for weeks now that Murray did this, AND that others were involved in some way, shape or form. And yet not one arrest has been made. Not one charge has been brought.

This is a joke and I hope and pray that we are not going to be let down - but i wouldnt hold my breath on it, or I might just turn blue.
EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jacksons Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People In Prison

Posted on Sep 17, 2009 @ 05:05PM print it send it

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Dr Steven Hoefflin, Michael Jackson’s former plastic surgeon, has released a statement in response to the lawsuit being brought against him by Dr. Arnold Klein for defamation of character, claiming it’s part of a larger conspiracy. In addition, RadarOnline.com has obtained secret documents revealing the behind-the-scenes war between Hoefflin, various lawyers and Klein.

The documents include nasty email exchanges between Hoefflin and lawyers and also what purports to be a handwritten note from Katherine Jackson authorizing Hoefflin to talk to the press and correct false information. Other documents from Katherine’s people say she never gave that permission.

Click here to read the documents

There’s even a handwritten note from Michael Jackson in 1999 authorizing Hoefflin to use the pop star’s medical records to dispel misinformation.

Click here to read Hoefflin’s letter filled with outrageous charges

Hoefflin claims to have had his life threatened because “members of law enforcement know that I possess abundant incriminating evidence [regarding the Jackson death] that is going to put a lot of people in prison.”

In his lengthy statement Hoefflin claims people are colluding, with the police “to use false documents to threaten me, obstruct my independent investigation into Michael’s death and to stop me from providing evidence to the proper authorities.”

He claims Colin Powell is a friend of his, and that he has called and left messages at the house of the retired General and former Secretary of State, asking him to “engage a congressional investigation into all of the LAPD and Los Angeles Sheriff Department Law Enforcement Corruption in Los Angeles that is taking place in the Michael Jackson and other important investigations that is ruining our city.”

Hoefflin says that he is an established Government Witness in the Jackson death investigation and that Dr. Arnold Klein and his attorneys are “attempting to prevent me from discussing incriminating evidence that I possess on Dr. Klein.”

Hoefflin claims that Klein’s lawsuit against him is frivolous and that he expects the Attorney General of California himself, Jerry Brown, to end the lawsuit.

From Radar Online: http://www.radaronline.com/exclusiv...kson’s-doctor-says-he-has-evidence-put-people

No worries...Then The Truth Shall Set You Free..!

:angel:Knowledge IS Growth...Education IS The Key~~~
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LAPD? Sadly, the LAPD is one of the most corrupt police outfits in the US.
How soon people forget the case of Rodney King which wasn't an isolated incident, it was just caught on tape.

A quick google of LAPD + corrupt or LAPD + "planting evidence" should quickly change your mind. The only thing calming down their open corruption is the widespread use of cellphone cameras.


I really wish I could agree with you.

I do not think society has forgotten and I do not think they will ever forget...

In todays world...we certainly are very fortunate that we have all the technological advances to "help", whenever possible to STOP the regeneration of corruption, hate and violence..!

:angel:Heal The World...WE Are The World...Education IS The Key~~~