EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jackson’s Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People in Jail

This does not suprise me one bit! A lot of shady $h!t is going down over MJ death!
Money men and doctors everywhere! We have to demand the truth!

I agree with you....everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else....in all reality they are all guilty and the worst part is ......not one of them will probably spend a day in jail for it. God I hope I am wrong....Michael needs Justice.
LAPD always needs some adult supervision.

whatever he has on klein and everyone else.... he needs to release the info....

gawd one shady character after another..... this is pure insanity. poor michael.
well if the doctor is in fact right, then I hope he does indeed send those damn motherfuckers to prison!
there was someone on here before, im not sure who/what he said he worked for but he was hinting at knowing more than we do, but he wouldn't fully open up because he shouldn't have been saying anything...he believed multiple arrests were going to be made.
Oh - without a doubt - there will be several made - and I hope it comes down soon, like Harvey Levin said within 2-3 weeks.

Levin said LAPD has several medical experts who will testify for the prosecution regarding MJs case, but they needed that time to compile/analyze the data given by the LAPD.

there was someone on here before, im not sure who/what he said he worked for but he was hinting at knowing more than we do, but he wouldn't fully open up because he shouldn't have been saying anything...he believed multiple arrests were going to be made.
Please stop insulting one-another and get back on topic! The topic is whether Dr. Hoefflin does or does not have incriminating evidence that will "put people in jail?" Time will tell that, hopefully. I do recall the scandal concerning Hoefflin, but that has little relevance here if his "information" is genuine. If so, I guess he'll have to PROVE it.
Hoefflin says in his statement:

"I am going to start providing the media and Michael Jackson’s fans all of the evidence that I have involving the Michael Jackson Death Investigation, the Corrupt Los Angeles Law Enforcement, and others colluding together to obstruct Justice."

He needs to give the evidence to the proper people who can clean out the corruption. I am worried that giving it to the media could damage the case against these people. We don't want people to walk on a technicality.

Also notice this from his statement:

"In reference to yesterday’s lawsuit filed against me by Dr. Arnold Klein, I am established Government Witness in the Michael Jackson Death Investigation. It is my clear opinion that Dr. Arnold Klein and his attorneys are attempting to prevent me from discussing incriminating evidence that I possess on Dr. Klein. They know that I have provided this evidence to the authorities. They also know that credible, incriminating evidence is going to be shortly released in my book. In my opinion and that of others, they desperately want me to stop any further investigation and to stop providing the public and the authorities the evidence that I acquire."

So according to him; he has already provided evidence to the authorities but (I assume) because of the corruption, he feels as if it is being ignored. If he really has anything, he needs to go higher up.
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WOW! WTF! LOL! UMMM......? UH....? I read that story about DR. Hoefflin yrs ago but I never believed it, The Jackson family knows this guy was and has been on Geraldo Rivera show and geraldo has been speaking to the jackson family and they havn't said anything about him toching mj and don't listen to this man geraldo and all that stuff. I think that was just people trying to make mj look bad again by injecting sex abuse claims and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH! Plus, Geraldo said that the Dr. was given permission by family to speak out.

Plus, debbie and klein was the reason in my opinion Mj got hooked on demoral in the first place, even though it was for medical reasons they should have made sure at the end he did not get addicted and they FAILED!
We really don't know if the "scandal story" is true or accurate. I seem to recall that it was successfully countered, but would have to look up that history. But in the meantime. . . . Sometimes going to media can keep people SAFE. If Hoefllin fears for his life, then to say that in public, and bring out whatever evidence he has, might be a way of letting the public know where to look if anything happens to him? If he has evidence that can be verified, then bring it ON, regardless of what did or did not happen in the past.
Hoefflin says in his statement:

Also notice this from his statement:

"In reference to yesterday’s lawsuit filed against me by Dr. Arnold Klein, I
am established Government Witness in the Michael Jackson Death
Investigation. It is my clear opinion that Dr. Arnold Klein and his attorneys
are attempting to prevent me from discussing incriminating evidence that I
possess on Dr. Klein. They know that I have provided this evidence to the
authorities. They also know that credible, incriminating evidence is going
to be shortly released in my book.
In my opinion and that of others, they
desperately want me to stop any further investigation and to stop providing​
the public and the authorities the evidence that I acquire."

So according to him; he has already provided evidence to the authorities but (I assume) because of the corruption, he feels as if it is being ignored.


Or, the LAPD is staying mum on it so that the independent medical experts can finish what they are doing.

Now, isn't it odd that Klein's defamation lawsuit suddenly popped up out of nowhere? To me, Klein smells guilty and he preemptively stuck Hoefflin because the evidence is very damaging to Klein.

Also - DEBBIE ROWE has provided incriminating evidence against Dr. Klein (according to TMZ.) Levin said Rowe was the whistleblower which blew the case wide open so that the DEA & FBI can take everybody down as well.
Damnit! This is why I don't trust the police! Why was everyone out to get Michael?! What did that sweet angel ever do to deserve all the shit he got?!

I'm so pissed off because I feel helpless! Theres got to be a way that WE can help! I don't jsut want to stand back and let this happen!
At this point, I don't really CARE about scandals in Hoefflin's past, or a book he's writing, or any of that. I don't CARE if his character is excellent or shady. I CARE about justice for Michael, and if this man has something to say, then I hope he says it, and that what evidence he may have can be PROVEN.
Hoefflin did the skin grafting surgery - and Klien must've been the follow-up doctor for MJs scalp treatment.

That's correct. Michael had to have several reconstructive surgeries on his scalp. He and Hoefflin were also friends, at least at one time.

In general, the insults in this thread will STOP. People have a right to state opinions without being insulted! As far as doctor Murray being the "only one to blame for Michael's death?" NO. There is quite a bit of evidence to suggest that is not the case. Might be wise to read up on that?

Continue. . . . . .
At this point, I don't really CARE about scandals in Hoefflin's past, or a book he's writing, or any of that. I don't CARE if his character is excellent or shady. I CARE about justice for Michael, and if this man has something to say, then I hope he says it, and that what evidence he may have can be PROVEN.


At this point, I don't really CARE about scandals in Hoefflin's past, or a book he's writing, or any of that. I don't CARE if his character is excellent or shady. I CARE about justice for Michael, and if this man has something to say, then I hope he says it, and that what evidence he may have can be PROVEN.

Completely agree! :clapping:
At this point, I don't really CARE about scandals in Hoefflin's past, or a book he's writing, or any of that. I don't CARE if his character is excellent or shady. I CARE about justice for Michael, and if this man has something to say, then I hope he says it, and that what evidence he may have can be PROVEN.

100% agree with you. This was a brilliant post.
Wasn't it Klein who first gave Michael Demerol for his pain? I think so. Debbie Rowe was that assistant to Klein. Michael wrote about the Demerol in his Morphine song about that time.
Klein is afraid of the allegations levied against him by the Hoefflin. Now, tell me that this man is not writing a book on Michael..
Did someone fondled my Baby?
I guess we will never get to go to bed at ease with these liars and Murders still running loose.
I know that the Family will be looking into all of this.
I know that Klein was to much into Micheal's life and he was doing some dangerous stuff to Michael. I just want Murray to be arrested so he can sing that song we all want to hear..
I wish I can wake up and we can have justice..Please someone up there help us!!
To get back on topic. Download the PDF from the opening post. Interesting. There is a handwritten letter from Katherine, authorizing Hoefflin to speak about what he knows. Then there is a letter from the estate attorneys, essentially trying to silence both Katherine and Hoefflin. (Is the letter from Katherine authentic? Don't know for sure, but I think that it is.) So my question is, why would attorneys for the ESTATE have anything to do with whether or not someone has evidence in a CRIMINAL CASE? We don't know if Hoefflin has evidence or not, but if he does, he needs to put it out there!
maybe you did not read the coroner's results but everything listed was prescribed and provided by no one but murray , so i don't know where you are coming with your theory about this big conspiracy to kill mj . there is no evidence to suggest that there were others involved except what joe and latoya have been claiming in order to have ground to sue and blackmail AEG . the cause of death is clear and the drugs found in mj's body all prescribed by murray , you may not like it but THANKS GOD THAT WAS THE CASE BECUASE NOW I KNOW THE LAPD HAVE NO OPTION BUT TO GET MURRAY .

There has quite a bit of research that's been done that suggests that Murray didn't act alone. If you choose not to familiarize yourself with it, that's fine, but please address the topic of the thread. Thank you.

Of COURSE Murray must be arrested. But if anyone else was involved, then justice for Michael includes their investigation and arrest if evidence is found.
That's correct. Michael had to have several reconstructive surgeries on his scalp. He and Hoefflin were also friends, at least at one time.

I re-read Mother Katherine's authorization (with Rebbie as a witness) giving Dr. Hoefflin permission to speak on behalf of Michael's health.

But then following that - you see Katherine's lawyers refuting the document that Katherine wrote.

And something about L. Londell McMillan has rubbed me the wrong way since the get go. And I can't shake it.
I agree. I do not for one moment believe that Murray acted alone. There are many around who had a hand in all this. However, it will all come out soon. This was given to the Tabloids so we dont quite know what is truth or not. We can only assume some of it is true.
For sure Murray needed to get the Propofol from somewhere and who gave it to him? did Murray used it every night or just a few nights? I want to know?
Well my opinion is that Dr. Murray was just a hitman - a tool to the means. And the evidence speaks that Murray clearly did not act alone, both in the medical and criminal sense.

Yes, to those who've researched this, that seems very likely, that Murray did not act alone.

Hoefflin is NOT discredited because of past scandals. It depends entirely on the credibility of his evidence. If what he asserts can be proven, then it could help achieve justice for Michael. That's THE goal, isn't it? Justice for Michael and closure for his children.
agaim i'[m not defending klien but as i said if we want murray to go to jail we better pray there were no other doctors prescribing drugs to mj at the time of his death

Other doctors besides Murray will probably be arrested. Murray was the one who was THERE, and I doubt he will get away just because Michael had other doctors.

The POINT is, if someone hired Murray to . . . . . do what happened, then THOSE people should be brought to justice as well. If Hoefflin has evidence. . and I hope he does, and it can be proven . . . then this could be immensely valuable in terms of justice for Michael.
isn't it strange that Diane Dimond and the LAPD are both mentioned in Dr H..complaint??? I think that if he DOES have some type of evidence then he should be heard....The damn corruption of the LAPD....If he does have hard evidence....I hope he puts it all on the table..he sounds as though he might because if what he says is true then he fears for not only his life but the lives of his family....God it makes me think of those phone calls in another thread,,,the ones with Michael saying he fears for his life and his children....scary. I also do not believe that Murray acted alone...there are far to many people involved in this...I hope they will all be exposed.
This is very shocking but expected, Michael talked about conspiracy many times before.
Poor Michael :( I hope justice prevails
You know that's what they'll use to discredit him. And I'm sure they'll find many witness.

BUT I believe him. But trying to get a federal insvestigation will not help. They're ALL corrupted.
His best bet is to release it to the fans and let us take care of the guilty. I'm sure some of us can go vigilante on them. Or not. We're all wussies. :-((((

Why do I know they're all corrupted? I was a political activist/volunteer for a presidential candidate and saw first hand that EVERYTHING is corrupted.

i used to talk like that, and shout 'conspiracy' from the rooftops before June 25, and i was accused, on this very board, of being *****, myself.
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