EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jackson’s Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People in Jail

What the hell is happening?

Holy cow, I can never get a peace of mind when it concerns Mike... Damn it!!!!!!!

Why is Michael surrounded by such vultures???????

this refutes the idea that MJ always chose the wrong people. i mean..where were the right people? it's hard to find any around that kind of money. that's what makes MJ so special..never corrupted by the mass money.
Ok, Oceangirl - if you can, please explain your theory of why/how Dr. Murray acted alone. Most of us here feel Dr. Murray is guilty, but that there were more people involved.

If you can, I'd really like to see what you have to say because you seem convinced that Murray is the sole culprit & thanks.

Yes, I'd like to know your answer to this, too. You seem very determined to convince people that Murray acted alone, yet you don't seem to have reviewed the research that strongly suggests that he did NOT act alone.

I repeat, it does not MATTER what Hoefflin has said or done in the past. Does not matter at ALL. What matters is if he has evidence NOW that can be proven. And if it can't, then he'll reveal himself as. . .not really knowing anything. And if his evidence CAN be proven? That would be a great help.
I repeat, it does not MATTER what Hoefflin has said or done in the past. Does not matter at ALL. What matters is if he has evidence NOW that can be proven. And if it can't, then he'll reveal himself as. . .not really knowing anything. And if his evidence CAN be proven? That would be a great help.

completely agree.
This is being extensively discussed in the Investigative Unit, and I suggest you read there if you want to know more about it? I'm not going into all of that here, because this is the G.D. section. I'll just say that it's not been PROVEN that Michael hired Murray, and he's not here to tell us. It's not PROVEN that Murray gave Michael Propofol for six weeks. Maybe he didn't? Long-term use of Propfol wasn't mentioned in the brief tox-report. There is evidence that suggests that Michael was given the weight-loss drug, Epheda for WEEKS. (It causes both weight-loss and insomnia.) Ephdra was found in Michael's system. The "rescue drug" for cardiac arrest is Epinephren, not ephedrine. AEG and Sony have now linked together to earn money from the TII film. AEG stand to make more money with Michael alive than dead. Sony record sales are now through the roof. Go to the I.U. to read ALL the research? Thank you.

Brilliant Post!!!
It surprised me, as I was reading this thread here on a Michael Jackson forum, how readily some people who are MJ fans, were prepared to take that scandalous news report about Hoffelin at face value. Then later comes an additional post about him being found not guilty, without such a great fanfare and yet more hostility still follows. I think it's been reported before that he's been accused of being paranoid about fears of people killing him too. It's so reminiscent of what happened and is still happening to Michael; and what he tried to tell people so often.

Putting the inappropriate allegations aside..

....if he has information about Michael's death then we should be supportive of it coming out to the police... no? why discredit it straight away?

We really don't know if the "scandal story" is true or accurate. I seem to recall that it was successfully countered, but would have to look up that history. But in the meantime. . . . Sometimes going to media can keep people SAFE. If Hoefllin fears for his life, then to say that in public, and bring out whatever evidence he has, might be a way of letting the public know where to look if anything happens to him? If he has evidence that can be verified, then bring it ON, regardless of what did or did not happen in the past.


You know that's what they'll use to discredit him. And I'm sure they'll find many witness.

BUT I believe him. But trying to get a federal insvestigation will not help. They're ALL corrupted.
His best bet is to release it to the fans and let us take care of the guilty. I'm sure some of us can go vigilante on them. Or not. We're all wussies. :-((((

Why do I know they're all corrupted? I was a political activist/volunteer for a presidential candidate and saw first hand that EVERYTHING is corrupted.

I agree with you....everyone is pointing the finger at everyone else....in all reality they are all guilty and the worst part is ......not one of them will probably spend a day in jail for it. God I hope I am wrong....Michael needs Justice.

It all makes sense to me, I think it needs more brave people to come forward and tell their truths, this is about Justice for Michael and it's also about so much more ~ it's really time to wake up to all the corruption that is going on in our world and preventing it from being that better place that Michael dreamed of.
This is being extensively discussed in the Investigative Unit, and I suggest you read there if you want to know more about it? I'm not going into all of that here, because this is the G.D. section. I'll just say that it's not been PROVEN that Michael hired Murray, and he's not here to tell us. It's not PROVEN that Murray gave Michael Propofol for six weeks. Maybe he didn't? Long-term use of Propfol wasn't mentioned in the brief tox-report. There is evidence that suggests that Michael was given the weight-loss drug, Epheda for WEEKS. (It causes both weight-loss and insomnia.) Ephdra was found in Michael's system. The "rescue drug" for cardiac arrest is Epinephren, not ephedrine. AEG and Sony have now linked together to earn money from the TII film. AEG stand to make more money with Michael alive than dead. Sony record sales are now through the roof. Go to the I.U. to read ALL the research? Thank you.

Shamone!!!! :clapping::clapping::clapping:

god I don't know what/who to believe anymore I'm losing my damn mind I want some answers now!!!!!!
this is taking wayyyyyyyy too long
yes AEG and sony are benefiting from mj's death although AEG would have made much more if mj was still alive

You have not done the research. That is simply, factually, untrue. You've stated your point, and that's your right to do. I don't see any evidence to back it up, though.

Some are beginning to wonder why you seem to be consistently deflecting questioning of a possible. . POSSIBLE. . involvement of AEG/Sony?

What is baffling here is why you would not want to know the truth, or be willing to keep an open mind? The investigation is ongoing. There is evidence, a LOT of it, that suggests Murray did not act alone. If that's the case, then some here would like to KNOW. The investigation is far from being open-and-shut. We get it. You think Murray acted alone. And others of us don't think that. Can we move on, now, from that particular argument? Hopefully?
Now what he is going to do about it, just sit there and tell us he have evidence or do something about it NOW!!
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Hoefflin did the skin grafting surgery - and Klien must've been the follow-up doctor for MJs scalp treatment.

Exactly. Didn't Klein say in that Larry King interview that Michael kept having these scalp surgeries that made him be in a lot of pain and were not improving anything but all the opposite?. He said he told Michael that either he stopped with that or he'd stop being his doctor (someone correct me if I'm wrong, I'm not reading the interview).

Maybe the problem between Klein and Hoefflin comes from that?. From what he said it seemed that Michael might have stopped being Hoefflin's patient?.
I doubt it'd take a hundred. a few powerful ones pulling the right strings -- uhh, hello, malpractice suit from 2007 about to come to fruition maybe, house about to foreclose, reneging on child support payments -- it's easy to hire someone like that and try and have him become BFF with someone like Mike. Mike -- no matter what he said to Brett -- was inherently trusting. his best and worst trait, IMO.
Hey ocangirl, what don't you do a little googling before spreading articles that use "alledged" every other sentences.

I put my article against yours.


check reference no 8 at the bottom (here's what it says)

Former employees and physicians who made accusations agree to pay settlements and offer apologies to world famous doctor.

After several years of litigation involving what Dr. Steven M. Hoefflin, M.D., FACS has always contended were baseless claims, Dr. Hoefflin has won apologies and agreements to make substantial monetary payments from the former employees and physicians who had made false public allegations against him and his patients.

These false allegations first were made public in 1996, after four ex-employees filed a lawsuit claiming sexual harassment. At that time, their attorneys made a statement that the lawsuit had been mistakenly filed and issued a letter of apology to Dr. Hoefflin stating that “the allegations contained in the mistakenly filed complaint were without sufficient factual or legal basis.” The lawsuit was dismissed.

Thereafter, in 1997, Dr. James Hurvitz, a disgruntled former associate of Dr. Hoefflin, obtained documents containing the former employees’ false claims made in 1996, and forwarded those documents to The Washington Post and The Medical Board of California. This generated worldwide attention involving Dr. Hoefflin fueled by repeated media appearances by Dr. Hurvitz and Dr. Wallace Goodstein. As a result, Dr. Hoefflin immediately filed legal action against the doctors and the former employees and their attorneys, seeking damages for defamation due to the false statement and other alleged wrongful acts.

Dr. Hoefflin successfully prosecuted all actions, and he has been vindicated of all false claims:

In May 1999, after a complete investigation, The Medical Board of California, as expected, found no grounds to substantiate any of the claims and brought no disciplinary action against Dr. Hoefflin.

In April of 2000, Dr. Hoefflin was paid a substantial sum of money to settle his claims resulting from Dr. Hurvitz’ release of scurrilous and untrue information to The Washington Post.

In August 2001, the four former employees who originally made the false allegations issued apology letters to Dr. Hoefflin and agreed to pay a large amount of money to Dr. Hoefflin in settlement of his claims against them.

In January 2002, Dr. Wallace Goodstein, the final remaining defendant in the litigation brought by Dr. Hoefflin, also issued an apology letter to Dr. Hoefflin and his patients and agreed to pay Dr. Hoefflin an undisclosed sum of money.

Dr. Hoefflin has expressed his gratitude for the support of his family, patients, colleagues and friends from around the world throughout this ordeal. Dr. Hoefflin has stated that he will continue to uphold the highest standards of care and safety for his patients while vigorously protecting their right of privacy and confidentiality.

Ocangirl, are you just another agent provocateur trolling this board? Michael would NOT aprove. Tis tis.

Oh, thank you VERY MUCH. This is what I was trying to expose comparing her BS article against Hoefflin without giving a proper source of information. Looks like this person copy pastes some garbage here from her own mind or she is on tabloids pay roll.
well, i said he was found not guilty . nontheless he was accused of these allegations at some point and he lied about the demerol thing he is not a credibale source , that's the point , he is not credible .

You seem overly persistent in trying to convince people on this board that Murray acted alone. This has become troubling to some, in a larger sense.

The credibility of the EVIDENCE he does or does not have, is what is important. If it's some sort of documentation, taped phone calls, or whatever, then that evidence will stand on its own, regardless of his history.

Using the fact that there were "allegations" against Hoefflin in order to discredit him, is extremely troubling. There were allegations against Michael, too. They were proven untrue in court! Same with Hoefflin.

I'll begin the countdown to thread-closure. . . . . . .
I doubt it'd take a hundred. a few powerful ones pulling the right strings -- uhh, hello, malpractice suit from 2007 about to come to fruition maybe, house about to foreclose, reneging on child support payments -- it's easy to hire someone like that and try and have him become BFF with someone like Mike. Mike -- no matter what he said to Brett -- was inherently trusting. his best and worst trait, IMO.

it doesn't say much for humanity if someone's best trait is also their worst. sounds like a catch 22 for humanity. not much we can do.
it doesn't say much for humanity if someone's best trait is also their worst. sounds like a catch 22 for humanity. not much we can do.


MY best trait is my honesty (I like to think so).

guess what?

it's also my worst trait because it has gotten me into hot water PLENTY.

try to leap before you post, dude. connecting the dots might help.

This discussion has disintegrated into something other than the subject at hand. Closing so the mods can clean it.
because none of this stuff will bring Michael back....I'm stepping back from all this conspiracy stuff...and trying to put more energy...in trying to uphold his legacy...

especially when it comes to the media............I've got 2 long letters I need to send out... on behalf of Michael to Tom Joyner and CNN...

they've got on my last nerve
oh my god my head is constantly spinning with all this stuff, i just can't take it in
because none of this stuff will bring Michael back....I'm stepping back from all this conspiracy stuff...and trying to put more energy...in trying to uphold his legacy...

especially when it comes to the media............I've got 2 long letters I need to send out... on behalf of Michael to Tom Joyner and CNN...

they've got on my last nerve

This is a completely valid position to take. In part, that's why we have the Investigative Unit here on MJJC. It's not for everyone, and if "investigating" causes more pain for any individuals, then it's good to stay away from it.

The thread has reopened. Please be respectful, everyone. That means no name-calling or attacking anyone if he or she disagrees with you. If there are differences of opinion, agree-to-disagree, without the name-calling. . . .


I suspected this from the beginning.. Though the more I think of it the more it frightens me.... I cant believe this...
woaaah shit! this is wack!

:yes: There are soo many different strings surrounding what happened to Michael, that I dont know what to believe.
There is something about what I have read here that has given me goosebumps that maybe Hoefflin is the man to believe!
One thing I do think more and more is that there is a cover up going on to hide what really happened!
I haven't delved into this like many of you have, but there's one thing that doesn't make sense to me. How could AEG or Sony make more money with Michael being DEAD? AEG is the concert promoting company right? So, I don't see how they could possibly make more money.

As far as Sony goes, I know MJ held the Sony catalog, but his estate still holds it, so how would Sony profit off of Michael's death?
I haven't delved into this like many of you have, but there's one thing that doesn't make sense to me. How could AEG or Sony make more money with Michael being DEAD? AEG is the concert promoting company right? So, I don't see how they could possibly make more money.

As far as Sony goes, I know MJ held the Sony catalog, but his estate still holds it, so how would Sony profit off of Michael's death?

This is what I heard:

There was a creepy clause in MJs latest contract regarding his career demise or death and the catalog reverting to Sony.

What is unclear to me is if it is the MJ Catalog or the entire Sony-ATV ownership.
See now all these doctors jus' gettin' scared..and they should be.