EXCLUSIVE DOCUMENTS: Michael Jackson’s Doctor Says He Has Evidence To Put People in Jail

This is what I heard:

There was a creepy clause in MJs latest contract regarding his career demise or death and the catalog reverting to Sony.

What is unclear to me is if it is the MJ Catalog or the entire Sony-ATV ownership.

Thanks Shimar! IF that is true then the conspiracy theories make a lot more sense!

Where did you hear this? I'm sure there must be some way to verify whether or not that was in MJ's contract. If he was always fearing for his life, and worried about a conspiracy against him when it came to the catalog, (which I KNOW he was,) then I can't understand why he would stipulate the catalog reverting to Sony in ANY contract.
I may well be wrong, but maybe Hoffelin may be onto something. I do not think that Michael was 'abusing' any medication. Maybe the pills were to numb the pain from the procedures Dr. Klein claims he was undergoing to make him 'perfect'. I mean think about it, maybe he's not used to having any 'procedures' during such a hectic schedule. But I know one thing, the man that I saw dancing his ass off in those TII clips was no 'drug addict'.
Wow... This is getting really ineteresting!!!
Don't know if it's true, but some conspiracy fans are gonna be happy reading that.
We'll wait and see what happens with that!

So he's doing his own investigation? I hope he really has some evidence and isn't just making shit up. I don't care if he's talking because Klien is bring a lawsuit against him; if he really has legit evidence he needs to let the proper people know. I think this is basically a threat: 'I know stuff about you so shut the hell up.'
Actually, I think many people we don't know about are probably making their own investigation on MJ's death. I wouldn't be surprised if Liz Taylor, others friends, or dozens of people he knew were making their own investigations or hiring people to do so. We just don't hear about it so it won't be messed.
This mess smells worse by the minute :doh:

So according to him; he has already provided evidence to the authorities but (I assume) because of the corruption, he feels as if it is being ignored. If he really has anything, he needs to go higher up.
Yeah I agree. As much as I'd like to get my hands on whatever evidence is available, it needs to be brought higher up first before making it public. People need to be nailed here, there's no room for walking on a technicality. Period.

him mentioning his book puts me off a bit.
Yeah me too. However I agree with Vic in that his past is not the issue when we're dealing with solid evidence. Justice needs to be served.
Why is this Radaronline site the only one coming forward with this? Why no CNN and other more...'reliable' sites?

It's sensationalism, but not in the right way for them... They probably prefer to bash Michael rather than be on his side... I have no idea...
Remember that CNN interview Jermain, Joe, Dr. Klein that Rowe man, etc... maybe they chose their camp.
I haven't delved into this like many of you have, but there's one thing that doesn't make sense to me. How could AEG or Sony make more money with Michael being DEAD? AEG is the concert promoting company right? So, I don't see how they could possibly make more money.

As far as Sony goes, I know MJ held the Sony catalog, but his estate still holds it, so how would Sony profit off of Michael's death?

I'll give the short version, because I know "investigation" is upsetting to some people. Hopefully we can avoid arguing here, and if there are differences of opinion, agree-to-disagree? I'm just answering the question, and then we can move on? There is a lot we don't know, and some that we DO know. Suppose that AEG and Sony never really thought Michael would be able to do the concerts, physically? He hadn't done a concert in EIGHT years! In the summer of 2008 he was incredibly thin (that Planet Hollywood photo?). But they talked him into it anyway. He was a risk for AEG. Suppose he'd done one, or some, of the concerts, but not all, and then cancelled? They'd be out a LOT of money. There was a cancellation clause on the insurance policy, but it would pay far less than if he died.

Upon his death, there is the insurance (don't think it's settled yet. Lloyds of London is suspicious?) There are the tickets that some fans chose to have, instead of refunds. They've recouped a lot of money just from that. (Tickets sold for concerts that never happened????) There is a movie, that AEG is co-producing with Sony. (Taped in HD.) Sony record sales are through the ROOF, much more than they would have been for Michael's music if he'd been alive. There is the soundtrack album to come. There is the touring exhibition. There are product sales. And probably more stuff to come.

The estate executors will determine the fate of the ATV catalog. The Jackson family will NOT be able to control whether or not the estate's share is sold to Sony.
I'll give the short version, because I know "investigation" is upsetting to some people. Hopefully we can avoid arguing here, and if there are differences of opinion, agree-to-disagree? I'm just answering the question, and then we can move on? There is a lot we don't know, and some that we DO know. Suppose that AEG and Sony never really thought Michael would be able to do the concerts, physically? He hadn't done a concert in EIGHT years! In the summer of 2008 he was incredibly thin (that Planet Hollywood photo?). But they talked him into it anyway. He was a risk for AEG. Suppose he'd done one, or some, of the concerts, but not all, and then cancelled? They'd be out a LOT of money. There was a cancellation clause on the insurance policy, but it would pay far less than if he died.

Upon his death, there is the insurance (don't think it's settled yet. Lloyds of London is suspicious?) There are the tickets that some fans chose to have, instead of refunds. They've recouped a lot of money just from that. (Tickets sold for concerts that never happened????) There is a movie, that AEG is co-producing with Sony. (Taped in HD.) Sony record sales are through the ROOF, much more than they would have been for Michael's music if he'd been alive. There is the soundtrack album to come. There is the touring exhibition. There are product sales. And probably more stuff to come.

The estate executors will determine the fate of the ATV catalog. The Jackson family will NOT be able to control whether or not the estate's share is sold to Sony.

So now did AEG get to cash in on that insurance policy?? Or we dont know yet??.......I have been wondering this for a while now.
I'll give the short version, because I know "investigation" is upsetting to some people. Hopefully we can avoid arguing here, and if there are differences of opinion, agree-to-disagree? I'm just answering the question, and then we can move on? There is a lot we don't know, and some that we DO know. Suppose that AEG and Sony never really thought Michael would be able to do the concerts, physically? He hadn't done a concert in EIGHT years! In the summer of 2008 he was incredibly thin (that Planet Hollywood photo?). But they talked him into it anyway. He was a risk for AEG. Suppose he'd done one, or some, of the concerts, but not all, and then cancelled? They'd be out a LOT of money. There was a cancellation clause on the insurance policy, but it would pay far less than if he died.

Upon his death, there is the insurance (don't think it's settled yet. Lloyds of London is suspicious?) There are the tickets that some fans chose to have, instead of refunds. They've recouped a lot of money just from that. (Tickets sold for concerts that never happened????) There is a movie, that AEG is co-producing with Sony. (Taped in HD.) Sony record sales are through the ROOF, much more than they would have been for Michael's music if he'd been alive. There is the soundtrack album to come. There is the touring exhibition. There are product sales. And probably more stuff to come.

The estate executors will determine the fate of the ATV catalog. The Jackson family will NOT be able to control whether or not the estate's share is sold to Sony.

You make some very interesting and admittedly disturbing points. Does Branca still have a connection with Sony (as far a being a lawyer paid by them)? I remember reading that he was at one point being paid by Sony and there was a conflict of interest b/w that and the work he was doing for MJ.

Also you mentioned that if MJ had done one or some of the concerts and cancelled the rest, they would stand to lose a lot despite a clause in the insurance. Is it possible they could have recouped that loss by releasing new MJ albums (I read on here he was working on 3; one pop, one instrumental and the type of the last one I can't remember) and also by releasing a TII movie (i.e. the Making/Rehearsals of TII: The Movie, plus a DVD and CD soundtrack)?

What was Michael's relationship/contract status like with Sony at the time of his death? Remember him saying years ago 'all I have to do is one more box set and I'm a free agent'?

Finally, who owns MJ's unreleased materials (music, concert footage [ex. Victory Tour] and possibly short films)? Is it Michael's children or the estate? If it is the estate, can they release it whenever they want and under whoever they want (specifically Sony)? Because you said that they can sell the ATV catalog without the Jackson family's permission so I am wondering if the same applies to other things.
The estate executors will determine the fate of the ATV catalog. The Jackson family will NOT be able to control whether or not the estate's share is sold to Sony.
I was with you until you said this.
I think the only people who should benefit from Michael Jackson's
estate are the people he named in his will.
You make some very interesting and admittedly disturbing points. Does Branca still have a connection with Sony (as far a being a lawyer paid by them)? I remember reading that he was at one point being paid by Sony and there was a conflict of interest b/w that and the work he was doing for MJ.

Also you mentioned that if MJ had done one or some of the concerts and cancelled the rest, they would stand to lose a lot despite a clause in the insurance. Is it possible they could have recouped that loss by releasing new MJ albums (I read on here he was working on 3; one pop, one instrumental and the type of the last one I can't remember) and also by releasing a TII movie (i.e. the Making/Rehearsals of TII: The Movie, plus a DVD and CD soundtrack)?

What was Michael's relationship/contract status like with Sony at the time of his death? Remember him saying years ago 'all I have to do is one more box set and I'm a free agent'?

Finally, who owns MJ's unreleased materials (music, concert footage [ex. Victory Tour] and possibly short films)? Is it Michael's children or the estate? If it is the estate, can they release it whenever they want and under whoever they want (specifically Sony)? Because you said that they can sell the ATV catalog without the Jackson family's permission so I am wondering if the same applies to other things.

Very good questions, indeed. I don't want the thread to become another riot! So I'd suggest that a lot of this is being explored/written about in the investigative unit. But remember, everyone, you should NOT post there if you're going to post that "we shouldn't be investigating." (We ARE.) Read the guidelines first. This is not something everyone can tolerate, and I can respect that.

To my knowledge, the insurance hasn't paid out yet. I believe Lloyds of London is investigating. . .

I can't say if Branca still has a connection to Sony, or not.

Don't know if they would have recouped losses with new albums, or not. MJ would have had to ok them, and he hadn't shown many signs of doing that. Certainly, AEG wouldn't have recouped anything for ticket sales, as they are now doing as "souvenir tickets."

The estate can sell anything and everything. The executors make the decisions, not the family.

Not sure of Michael's contract status with Sony. A lot went on behind-the-scenes, I'm sure, and was very complex.

I was with you until you said this.
I think the only people who should benefit from Michael Jackson's
estate are the people he named in his will.

Unfortunately, that's how inheritance law works. Same thing happened to me when my mother died without a will. The bank took over her estate, and basically drained it. There was nothing the family could do. I'm not saying that that is what the executors of Michael's estate will do, but we should realize that they get a percentage (large one) of money made on the estate. THEY make the decisions, not the family. "Should" they? No. But that's what it is under the law.
The estate can sell anything and everything. The executors make the decisions, not the family.
It's fishy how John branca was rehired just two weeks before MJ's death.
There are lots of dark and shady things going behind the scenes. Fans with some brain could see that. ;p I believe MJ's words, it's a conspiracy!!!! Poor MJ:(

and fans are so right about LAPD being corrupted, same as most police departments in other countries! US is no exception.
I'll give the short version, because I know "investigation" is upsetting to some people. Hopefully we can avoid arguing here, and if there are differences of opinion, agree-to-disagree? I'm just answering the question, and then we can move on? There is a lot we don't know, and some that we DO know. Suppose that AEG and Sony never really thought Michael would be able to do the concerts, physically? He hadn't done a concert in EIGHT years! In the summer of 2008 he was incredibly thin (that Planet Hollywood photo?). But they talked him into it anyway. He was a risk for AEG. Suppose he'd done one, or some, of the concerts, but not all, and then cancelled? They'd be out a LOT of money. There was a cancellation clause on the insurance policy, but it would pay far less than if he died.

Upon his death, there is the insurance (don't think it's settled yet. Lloyds of London is suspicious?) There are the tickets that some fans chose to have, instead of refunds. They've recouped a lot of money just from that. (Tickets sold for concerts that never happened????) There is a movie, that AEG is co-producing with Sony. (Taped in HD.) Sony record sales are through the ROOF, much more than they would have been for Michael's music if he'd been alive. There is the soundtrack album to come. There is the touring exhibition. There are product sales. And probably more stuff to come.

The estate executors will determine the fate of the ATV catalog. The Jackson family will NOT be able to control whether or not the estate's share is sold to Sony.

If Hoefflin and others have info they should bring it...that's provided those looking into Michael's death give a damn about it.

I believe the catalog will eventually be sold...if not, what happens to his kids?...Will they meet the same fate? (rhetorical) Michael spoke of all of this before his death...it's nothing new. Gives me a real sick feeling in the pit of my gut knowing his death may be connected to it...had he sold it, would he have survived? No one knows the answers. The world is F'd up...taken for paper...really sad sh!t!
Originally Posted by shimar
This is what I heard:

There was a creepy clause in MJs latest contract regarding his career demise or death and the catalog reverting to Sony.

What is unclear to me is if it is the MJ Catalog or the entire Sony-ATV ownership.

I read that when the Mijac catalogue expires with Warners, Sony have first refusal, but I'm not knowing when the expiry date for that is, do you know?

... Not sure about the death clause, I've not heard that mentioned before :(
But a financial demise would have put them both a risk.

I believe Sony can exercise the right to claim back a further 25% of the Sony/ATV if they wish to, due to past borrowings against it, but I think it would have looked really really suss to do it right away in any case I think? :(

There's a thread in the investigation forum called Let's look at Sony, I think this info could do with being in there too, then it will be noticed more by people interested in looking into these things.

Thanks Shimar! IF that is true then the conspiracy theories make a lot more sense!

Where did you hear this? I'm sure there must be some way to verify whether or not that was in MJ's contract. If he was always fearing for his life, and worried about a conspiracy against him when it came to the catalog, (which I KNOW he was,) then I can't understand why he would stipulate the catalog reverting to Sony in ANY contract.

He wouldn't have stipulated it, they would have. I think that was legit though, 'cos it had something to do with taking out the loans against it, but there again, he didn't know there was a quirky clause in his recording contract that significantly delayed his maters returning to him, which he now never got in his life time :( I'm not certain, but I think off the top of my head they can go to his descendants? This is all in that other thread I think though anyway.

I'm glad to see someone else who knows Michael's fears were rational based on real threats and manipulations. I'm fed up of people buying the he was paranoid angle ... these death threats really do happen :(

Why is this Radaronline site the only one coming forward with this? Why no CNN and other more...'reliable' sites?

I know, I thought news like this would have blown up! ~ there's was snippet on 3am Girls in The Mirror & it's on the Philip Anschultz (AEG) backed Entertainment.com website, Radar as you said, but you really have to search for them in amongst a sea of Klein files lawsuits hmmmm ... strange that isn't it?

There's obviously media control going on for it not to have been picked up by any other outlets at all. I'm wondering if some sort of strategy or game play is going on behind the scenes, or if it was just to put the death threats out there. It reads a bit differently to me today, tricky legal uses of words that don't always mean what I thought at first, in those letters, so I've lost that OMG factor :)

I definitely think there's more to all this than it just being about Murray though.
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Damnit! This is why I don't trust the police! Why was everyone out to get Michael?! What did that sweet angel ever do to deserve all the shit he got?!

He felt the need to protect himself from his family because they were always trying to get him to do things for them or with them and he wanted to do his own thing, That left it wide open for other people to come in and either be a friend or take advantage. Unfortunately, too many took advantage. Also, he was very very rich.
He felt the need to protect himself from his family because they were always trying to get him to do things for them or with them and he wanted to do his own thing, That left it wide open for other people to come in and either be a friend or take advantage. Unfortunately, too many took advantage. Also, he was very very rich.

I think you are totally right bout that!
Very good questions, indeed. I don't want the thread to become another riot! So I'd suggest that a lot of this is being explored/written about in the investigative unit. But remember, everyone, you should NOT post there if you're going to post that "we shouldn't be investigating." (We ARE.) Read the guidelines first. This is not something everyone can tolerate, and I can respect that.

To my knowledge, the insurance hasn't paid out yet. I believe Lloyds of London is investigating. . .

I can't say if Branca still has a connection to Sony, or not.

Don't know if they would have recouped losses with new albums, or not. MJ would have had to ok them, and he hadn't shown many signs of doing that. Certainly, AEG wouldn't have recouped anything for ticket sales, as they are now doing as "souvenir tickets."

The estate can sell anything and everything. The executors make the decisions, not the family.

Not sure of Michael's contract status with Sony. A lot went on behind-the-scenes, I'm sure, and was very complex.

I'll check out the investigative unit. Are we sure that Branca ever had a connection to Sony? I just had a member in another thread tell me that Branca never worked for Sony, but that it was Bert Fields. That is was Bert Fields who had the conflict of interest situation.

If AEG would have gotten nothing from (potentially) 3 new albums, a Making of TII DVD and a CD soundtrack, what was Sony's cut in this deal? What did they stand to profit from TII?

Thank you for the info about the executors. They seem content to continue releasing things through Sony. I wish we knew what Michael's contract status and relationship with Sony was like before his death and if he still felt the same as before. Plus what he planned to do...how and who through he wanted to release his new work.

Why is this Radaronline site the only one coming forward with this? Why no CNN and other more...'reliable' sites?

Good question. It probably doesn't fit into their 'druggie' idea. :smilerolleyes: You know ET won't mention this, Hoefflin called their "expert" out!
What is up with some of these pdf files? They have parts marked out in red, but you can just highlight everything and copy and paste it, and it'll show the text under the red highlight. :|
Hey dude
just make a video tape - tell all the evidence you know. Distribute it to every tabloid house. Post it on youtube, and leave the country and go under some witness protection program in africa somewhere. They will never find you there. You better speak fast before they kill you.
I'll give the short version, because I know "investigation" is upsetting to some people. Hopefully we can avoid arguing here, and if there are differences of opinion, agree-to-disagree? I'm just answering the question, and then we can move on? There is a lot we don't know, and some that we DO know. Suppose that AEG and Sony never really thought Michael would be able to do the concerts, physically? He hadn't done a concert in EIGHT years! In the summer of 2008 he was incredibly thin (that Planet Hollywood photo?). But they talked him into it anyway. He was a risk for AEG. Suppose he'd done one, or some, of the concerts, but not all, and then cancelled? They'd be out a LOT of money. There was a cancellation clause on the insurance policy, but it would pay far less than if he died.

Upon his death, there is the insurance (don't think it's settled yet. Lloyds of London is suspicious?) There are the tickets that some fans chose to have, instead of refunds. They've recouped a lot of money just from that. (Tickets sold for concerts that never happened????) There is a movie, that AEG is co-producing with Sony. (Taped in HD.) Sony record sales are through the ROOF, much more than they would have been for Michael's music if he'd been alive. There is the soundtrack album to come. There is the touring exhibition. There are product sales. And probably more stuff to come.

The estate executors will determine the fate of the ATV catalog. The Jackson family will NOT be able to control whether or not the estate's share is sold to Sony.
Thanks for the explanation Victoria. I'm gonna try and do a little more reading over there in the Investigative Unit. I was reading your thread asking for us to look at Sony. It's very interesting, but all those cozy relationships make it so darn convoluted too!
I didn't read this whole thread but i just want to say that instead of being negative and saying that Michael will never get justice, i will remain positive and i will keep believing in God that Michael WILL get justice. God is good.
I didn't read this whole thread but i just want to say that instead of being negative and saying that Michael will never get justice, i will remain positive and i will keep believing in God that Michael WILL get justice. God is good.

Thanks, for this. I don't know if Michael will or will not get justice, but God is surely on the side of goodness, and that counts for a LOT. This is also an opportunity for people to make choices, and choose to do the RIGHT things.
Thanks, for this. I don't know if Michael will or will not get justice, but God is surely on the side of goodness, and that counts for a LOT. This is also an opportunity for people to make choices, and choose to do the RIGHT things.

Amen! God gave us a HUGE victory on June 13th, 2005 so i have complete faith that he WILL do it again. We are the biggest fan base on the planet and if we join together in faith and prayer like we did in 2005 then we will be victorius! :yes: