Ever been to an MJ concert?

i went to amsterdam sept.28th 1996 history 1st leg with mjni, then i went to the 3 nights at wembley july 12th, 15th and 17th 1997 and slept outside there each night to get in the pit each time. i even drove back and forth Wales ( 360 miles round trip ) between each gig to pick up a different group of friends/family so they could see the concert too. ticket prices were £28
Which is highly recommended. I have never been to a seated concert before. And I can't see myself being at one. How do you dance and shout while you're sitting? No no, standing concerts is the way to go :punk:

btw, in 1997, I paid around 70$ to see Michael perform. when there's stadium concerts, it's one price for all. No matter where you choose to stand during the concert.

Seated concerts suck when you have someone who has a lot of hits because half the crowd are dullards who just came for something to do or they don't get excited, and the other half want to dance. So I definitely agree with that.
I have never see Michael in concert, but it's my dream number one!! ;)
I remember my boy friend, who is not fan, went to the Dangerous Tour at Hippodrome de Vincennes, next Paris and he was stand up, in the bottom of the stade. He told me that it's was a really really really beautyfull concert!!!
So, he saw Michael on the screan.

Hmm... For the next concert, i think i'll buy a ticket ti be in the first places, just in front of the stage!!! It doesn't much matter the price which it will be necessary to put! ;)
It depends what kind of concert it is. I was in Prague in the middle of the field, it was soooo well packed there, I've been squashed and pushed a million times and couldn't see much without TV screens, Michael was so far... But it was my first concert and next time in Tallinn 1997 I was very close to the stage 4-5th row and it's incredible experience ;)

i've been to these concerts too. but we went to Helsinki after that one in Tallinn! :)
my concerts
15/09/ 93 Moscow Dangerous tour
09/96 Prague (was it the 7th of Sep? lol)
17/09/96 Moscow
Sep 1996 Amsterdam
June 1997 - 2 concerts in Paris
4 and 6/07/97 Munich
22/08/97 (?) Tallinn
24 and 26/08 Helsinki

it was such a cold night in Tallinn! i remember we ran to the 1st row and security guards were trying to stop people from running to the stage. then we waited and i fell asleep at this 1st row i was so tired after sleepless night
and when i woke up like may be some minutes later i couldnt understand where i was but my first thought was "the stage. Michael! this is great" lol
oh i forgot to tell - i gave my banner to Michael in Moscow and was so surprised to see it on the screen during this video on the 30 years on stage celebration in 2001 in NY, before his performance
i was like 'wooooooow' and the banner wasnt very special just ok
WoW MJ concerts seem really dangerous for younger people like 13? well anywayz um..how early would you have to get the tickets? like do you guys have any connections? like i know about ticket master...
I went to 2 concerts during Dangerous Tour and to three concerts during HIStory tour and I went to MJ&Friends in Munich 1999.

I usually went to the stadium at around 4 a.m. to wait at the gates with other fans. So yes...that meant hours and hours and HOURS of sitting around on the concrete and waiting patiently. It was SOOOOOOOOOO COLD during the Dangerous Tour concerts. It was raining and I had no umbrella, nothing, and since it was summer I didn't have a jacket or anything with me and I was FREEZING. I was so cold I was about to just walk away at times because I thought I just can't take the cold and the rain anymore. But I just kept saying to myself "You'll get to see Michael...just HANG IN THERE!!". That was the only thought that kept me going. Honestly. And the time goes by SO SLOWLY when you are at teh gates waiting. I kept looking at the watch thinking another hour must have passed...only to find out it was only another 15 MINUTES that had passed.:mello:

Anyways, after a LOOOOOOONG wait, the gates finally opened and everyone started running towards the stage like crazy. They had covered the grass with some plastic thing or something to protect the grass and since it had been raining, it was reeally slippery. I had these "ballerina" type shoes on and I fell on my face in the very beginning because my shoes were so slippery...So I got up, started running again and almost slipped again and I knew that I won't be able to run fast with the shoes on because I'll just keep falling, so I took the shoes off, held them inmy hands and RAN FOR MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: It must have looked funny to see a fan running, barefoot, with her shoes in her hands towards the stage! :lol: Anyways, so when I got to the front, I put my shoes back on. And we were told to sit down on the ground first. I guess they always want to delay the pushing and shoving and the drama that comes with it as much as they can. This procedure has repeated itself at all concerts. After a while they tell you you can get up and that's when everyone races towards the front row again, so you have to be careful and make sure you can get up quickly.

I was pretty front first when the concert started, but unless you are in the first rows...you pretty much have no control over where you'll go in the crowd. The force from the crowd is just too much. And especially during the Dangerous tour, since there was no "catwalk "in the middle to "divide" the crowd in the front pit...it was like an "open sea"...you just kept pushed and shoved around to all directions. So I got pushed further back too as the concert went on. And I also got SO SQUEEZED in the front that I thought I won't be able to breathe and will pass out. It was really awful. I "let myself drift" further back volunteery too after that because I thought I won't be able to survive the whole concert without passing out if I stay where I am.

I also lost my shoe during Smooth Criminal. And I totally panicked! :lol: I missed half of MJ's Smooth Criminal performance because I was looking for my shoe! :lol: Also....the type of shoes I was wearing were totally not suitable for for a concert! They just didn't protect my feet at all. Everyone was jumping up and down on my FEET for two hours, so my feet got VERY BADLY bruised. My feet were literally black and blue and purple the next day, swollen, hurting like hell and I was barely able to walk. I thought I had broken every single bone on my feet, it was that painful. It took about a week for them to get better, but until then I was in total pain. I didn't tell my parents about it though because I knew they wouldn't ever let me go to another concert again if they knew I had gotten hurt. :lol: (I was 17 then and I was lucky they had let me go alone to the concerts in the first place!).


I had a VIP ticket for the concert in Prague. Was told I will be sitting reeeeally close to the stage and will meet MIchael and all that. Well, when we got there, turns out the VIP seats are at the BACK of the stadium. And since they are SO FAR AWAY from backstage, there is no way to go meet MJ before the concert and then get back to the VIP section afterwards...because you'd basically have to drive around the WHOLE stadium in the traffic. (At least that's what I was told...). There ws a tent with all kinds of food and beverages and all that, but 1. I wasn't there to eat...I was there to SEE MICHAEL...and 2. I was first too excited... and then after I found out how far away from everything we were...too disappointed and angry to eat anything. So we went to our seats...the concert started...and Michael was maybe an inch big even just on the jumbotron!! I could barely see him even on the screen. I could have just started crying at first, but then I thought I'll try to make the most of it and stood up and was singing along and all that...But everyone just sat down and gave me evil looks and they kept chatting and looked like they weren't even TRYING to enjoy the show or weren't ever interested in the show. So I just sat down and I kept fighting back the tears throghout the concert. I just felt SO DISPPOINTED....and so angry and so sad and so, I don't know what...I could have just started crying my eyes out. I mean, to first get all your hopes up and think you're gonna meet Michael and you're gonna have a good view at teh concert...and then none of that happens and you can't even really see the show. I was just SO DISAPPOINTED. So, one thing learned....I NEVER want to have VIP tickets to MJ's concert EVER AGAIN: Not even if someonbe woudl offer me money to take them. NEVER AGAIN!!!! :no:

The next concert on the tour after Prague was in Budapest, Hungary, and I went there too. And that one was AWESOME. I had a normal ticket and since Prague had been a DISASTER, I was DETERMINED to get to the front in Budapest. :lol: So I went to the stadium around 4 a.m. again and waited all day. And I was able to make it to the front (not first row but maybe 4th or 5th "row"...). And I was naturally COMPLETELY excited, happy, ECSTATIC about it. I was just SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY, I bet I was literally BEAMING. :hysterical: And I was TOTALLY intothe concert and I kept going "WHOOHOO!!" and what not. :lol: And Michael seemed to be on SUCH a good mood too during that concert! It was INCREDIABLE!!!! I can remember him performing Stranger In Moscow on stage and he kept smiling from ear to ear throught the song, even thought it's sort of a sad song. It was just AMAAAAAAZING!!! :) He just seemed so happy! :) And that made me even MORE happy. :lol: I was in Cloud Nine, I swear! :lol: And I didn't even get too "squashed" at that concert either, because the "catwalk thingy" divided the crowd so there wasn't such a force pushing you, so it was a good thing. (Or I was just so happy, I could have lost a limb and I woudln't have noticed....;D :lmao: ).

The 3rd HIStory tour concert was pretty much the same as Budapest. Went to the stadium around 4 a.m., waited for hours, and I got to teh 2nd row and was able to see Michael SO WELL!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWWWWW GOD!!!!!! :wub:


Again, I went to the stadium around 4 a.m. and waited for hours at the gates. And I seriously thought I am gonna die at the gate. I'm not kidding. It was AWFUL!!! Before the gates were opened all teh people who were at the back kept pushing like crazy, so us who were in the front got so squashed we were not able to breathe. There was this tree at the gates and I got pushed against it and that's when I thought I am gonna die. Seriously. MY rib cage was squeezed against the tree (which has a hard surface and won't give away an INCH like a human body does if you are pushed against another human) and everyone was pushing against my back, so I was squashed between teh tree and teh crowd. And I could feel my rib cage being squeezed more and more against the tree until I had no air in my lungs...and I could not breathe because I could not move my rig cage AT ALL because I was so squashed. And since I had basically no air in my lungs I could not really scream for help. That's when I totally panicked because I thought I am gonna suffocate. I was like "Great....I am gonna die at a Michael Jackson concert...and I haven't even seen Michael yet!!!". I just had tears running down my face because I was so scared. I can't remember every detail exactly anymore but somehow I was able to get away from the tree anyways and was able to breathe better again. But since a lot of people at the front really weren't doing well and weren't able to breathe, we got REALLY MAD at the security at the gates. They were just looking at us and laughing at us and even when people BEGGED them to help us...they did nothing. Some fans really just wanted to get OUT of there because they could not breathe and wer about to collaps...and teh security didn'T pull them out and that's when us at the front lost it. We just kept yelling at them because we thought people are gonna DIE there soon if they won't do something. It was that BAD. Anyways, so after a few hours of that torture, the gates finally opened and everyone started running towards the stage. We were told to walk slowly and I can remember running pass the staff and thinking "I should WALK...SLOWLY??!!! YEAH RIGHT!! NOT A CHANCE!!!" *whooooosh (summer running for her life)* :lmao:

Anyways, when I got to the front and wanted to get into the front pit...I noticed that you can only get into the front pit if you had the pink bracelet. Those who were members in some fanclubs had gottem them...and since I wasn't a member in any fan club...I didn'T have it, so I wasnt allowed in. And I could have just started crying because I was so disappointed. ALL my friends were in the front pit and I couldn't get in because I didn't have the stupid pink bracelet. I thought that was SO unfair...I mean, I had been a huge MJ fan for 12 YEARS by then....I had waited at the gates for HOURS, and I could not get in the front pit (that wasn't even half full by the time I got there) just because I wasn't a member in some fan club. :(

Michael's performance was great and I did enjoy it, even though he was so far away. But I can remember thinking "I don't ever wanna go to another concert again...!!" before and after the concert. It was SO AWFUL at the gates before the concert that I just really didn't want to go through anything like that ever again. I just had enough of the whole "getting squeezed to death" scene. And even now....as much as I'd LOVE to see Michael again on stage....the idea of going through all that pain again doesn't really excite me too much. I mean, I know I'd do it because I DO wanna see Michael...but I just HATE the part before the concerts where you go through hell to even get into the stadium! :(

Anyways...those were my concert experiences. :)

WOW hun seriously thank you so much for sharing your concert experiences, you got some crazy ones....but wow its so amazing you got to experience michael live...thats my dream to see him front row and center one day....and I'll remember from your experience to not where those ballerina type shoes...lol I'll bring some running shoes!!
but thanks again for sharing hun, great post!!