Ever been to an MJ concert?

I am sure that when Michael goes on tour again, I will get a tickets and they will be in the front row!

So anyone have a range or guesstimate on how much a great ticket would be?

I want to make sure I put enough away so that I can go, have fun, and buy stuff. Thanks!

Ticketprices really vary greatly, by country, venue and what type of ticket. To be front in Europe, like Moonstreet said, the thing is to be there early and run really fast. And you'd need a field ticket, which would cost something between 50 and 100 Euros nowadays.

In the USA, getting a front row ticket would be difficult because a large number of them would be VIP seats and may not be available for the general ticketsales - you'd either have to win them or have really great connections. But if they are available, those would probably cost several hunderd $$$. Front row ticket in Asia / HIStory tour were priced between $200 - $600.

Also, don't forget travelling expenses. Bottom line - save up as much as you can. And if costs turn out lower than you'd figured, you can always decide to go to more than one show. ;)
I went to more than 20 MJ concerts on several tours and was always in front, mostly first row, which is the best, because you have something to hold on to, security is close, gives you water etc. I never fainted, even though it was really really hot on some of these shows. You need to get yourself a very good physical condition if you plan to do open air concerts and/or standing tickets/GA. Be sure to eat and drink enough and don't forget about sun protection. Ticket prices were moderate back then - at least compared what artists are charging today for concerts - I still felt they were expensive, I didn't have much money in those days.
@Summer, thanks for sharing your story :) . I am glad that you could see him like you wanted to see him on stage after the dissapointment with the VIP tickets.

Me, I also hope that he will do some performances in Europe.

God, how much I miss the WMA06 dayz in London. This was a wonderful time, but also sad, cause sometimes things happen which destroy your chance to meet MJ :( .

Yeah....like an idiot of a fan who can't control herself and runs to grab MIchael and that way ruins everything for the other fans. In Munich in 1999, when MJ came to is hotel, we were told to stay calm and stand behind the fences and all that...So MJ walked in front of the fans, and was JUST about to come to where I was standing and I woudl have been able to see him really close..but then this one a**hole of a fan had to jump over the fence and run to grab Michael an dthat was the end of it for all of us. MJ was brought back into the hotel by his security and that way that was the end of it. :(

I went to more than 20 MJ concerts on several tours and was always in front, mostly first row, which is the best, because you have something to hold on to, security is close, gives you water etc. I never fainted, even though it was really really hot on some of these shows. You need to get yourself a very good physical condition if you plan to do open air concerts and/or standing tickets/GA. Be sure to eat and drink enough and don't forget about sun protection. Ticket prices were moderate back then - at least compared what artists are charging today for concerts - I still felt they were expensive, I didn't have much money in those days.

True. Not only do you have to be able to run fast to get to the front....if you're not in a good condition, you will be REALLY exhausted because being in the crowd and "fighting the crowd" when you get squeezed really drains you out physically.
I went to the Dangerous tour in Stockholm and the HIStory tour in Gothenburg. In Stockholm I had seats on the side which was ok. For the HIStory tour I got general admission seats (around $70 or so) and I got to the stadium REALLY early in the morning and waited all day. I was in the small crowd that got the green wrist band to be allowed in the area in front of the stage. I ended up being in the area right by the back fence of that area, just behind the crowd that was fighting to get as close to the stage as possible LOL. Anyway it was a perfect spot because there was plenty of room to move and dance around comfortably there and also be very close to the stage so it was an AWESOME experience.

As far as ticket prices... tickets up close to the stage for the upcoming Madonna tour are in the $300+ range so that's probably what can be expected for Michael tickets as well if he goes on tour.
Guys and galls! Thank you so much for the detailed responsed. It sounds kind of scary...I dont want to get crushed or smnashed or anything. How can I make it so that I can be in the very front without having to get hurt? I am a bodybuilder so I am sure that it wouldn't be that bad...but I do not want to have to fight with people.

How can I get tickets/vip/backstage pass or whatever that would allow me to see mike without the abuse?
well if the concert is a standing / general admission if you want to be at the front then the price you pay is to be able to cope with the pushing, shoving, getting squashed etc. Yes its very mad in the front area but there is nothing like seing a concert from the front section. The atmosphere is amazing and you are soo close to the artist and get to see so much more than watching it on the big screens.

As for getting to the front section at a seating concert, you either have to be able to afford the VIP prices (eg the VIP tickets in the front section at MSG were over $2,000!!) or get lucky with the many competitions as part of the promo for the concert.
Guys and galls! Thank you so much for the detailed responsed. It sounds kind of scary...I dont want to get crushed or smashed or anything. How can I make it so that I can be in the very front without having to get hurt? I am a bodybuilder so I am sure that it wouldn't be that bad...but I do not want to have to fight with people.

How can I get tickets/vip/backstage pass or whatever that would allow me to see mike without the abuse?

Well the crush is only at the front, you said you wanted to be front row, so that's what triggered those comments. There are loads of good places in a stadium or concert hall where you could see the show really well, without being way at the front. At the back of the front pit is one really good place to be, if you don't want the crush. Or, if you stand somewhat at the side of the crowd, it's way more relaxed there as well.

Mind you, if there's ever gonna be an MJ-show again, I'm definately going for front row. IMO it's well worth a bruise or two!:dancin: But I guess it's not for everyone.

VIP isn't worth it, that's for the business types, not fans. You get free drinks and valet parking but a lousy seat.
VIP tickets at concerts are usully corporate ticket packages. That means that they are in a separate section, usully with a crap view of the stage and they get catering services etc. Its normally only companies who buy the VIP corporate tickets at concerts, for their clients etc or as a company night out. People in the VIP corporate section are not really there to see the show , just to have a night out.

I know some people dont like the pushing and getting crushed but in my opinion if and when Michael ever does another concert, then for one day , in what could be your only chance to ever see Michael in concert, you shoud you go with it and just experience the most encredable magical rollercoster. The bruses fade after a few days and you will have some amazing memories. Dont let others, who have never experienced being in the front pit /front row put you off. When the time comes, follow your heart and just do what you want to do, you will not regret it
no i havent been 2 an mj concert but i better start preparing since a new single is soon going to be released looks like mj will be back with a few performances, so fingers crossed, so i think everyone better start saving now lol.
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Mind you, if there's ever gonna be an MJ-show again, I'm definately going for front row. IMO it's well worth a bruise or two!:dancin: But I guess it's not for everyone.

VIP isn't worth it, that's for the business types, not fans. You get free drinks and valet parking but a lousy seat.

Yeah...forget VIP tickets!!! Been there, done that...and it SUCKED!!!!!! :boohoo: NEVER again!! :no:

VIP tickets at concerts are usully corporate ticket packages. That means that they are in a separate section, usully with a crap view of the stage and they get catering services etc. Its normally only companies who buy the VIP corporate tickets at concerts, for their clients etc or as a company night out. People in the VIP corporate section are not really there to see the show , just to have a night out.

I know some people dont like the pushing and getting crushed but in my opinion if and when Michael ever does another concert, then for one day , in what could be your only chance to ever see Michael in concert, you shoud you go with it and just experience the most encredable magical rollercoster. The bruses fade after a few days and you will have some amazing memories. Dont let others, who have never experienced being in the front pit /front row put you off. When the time comes, follow your heart and just do what you want to do, you will not regret it

Yeah, the getting squashed thing is kind of something you can't avoid if you wanna get to the front....and as painful and exhausting as it is....once Michael is on stage, you will forget all the pain and you will just feel EXTREMELY happy!!! :yes: Like I said before...I guess you could lose a limb in the process, but by the time MJ is on stage you're just so happy you wouldn't even notice it and even if you would...you wouldn't CARE! :lmao: :lmao:

As much as I HATE the whole "pre-concert squashing" and drama....and as much as it makes me cringe now...I still know that given the chace...I'd still do it all over again just to get to see MJ. :wub: :yes:
No I've never been to his concert. But I did buy tickets in 1997 but it got canceled :(. I was soooooooo sad. And what's even sadder... after 11 years I still haven't seen him live. That's why I really hope he'll have another tour!
I'm lucky enough to have been to 5 of Michael concerts.
Living in England and only an hours train ride to Wembley Stadium, I got to go twice to see the Dangerous show. He had the whole place rocking. I prefer the side seating, you get a better view in my opinion.
I travelled all the way to Prague in 1996 I think it was to see the opening night of his History Tour and ended up stood in a field along with 130,000 other people and it was so packed that all I could see was the backs of peoples heads. Never again.
Luckely, I managed to get him twice more when the show came to wembley later in the summer.
Happy memories. When he gets a whole stadium singing as one, it gives me goose bumps just thinking about it.
Ticket prices back then were about 50 pounds each,
but things have changed alot since then.
most artists are selling the front of stage seats at a premium and in the stadiums they have Golden circle tickets for the front section. At least you are guaranteed a good space without all the hours of queuing you had to do in the past.
Prices have deffinatly gone up here in the UK over the past ten years. For example I'm going to see Madonna's latest outing in September at Wembley Stadium and it cost me 160 pounds.
I hope that Michael will tour again, but on the other hand I do realise that he is a human being, who is 50 this year. Part of me is content with my memories.
But you can be sure I will be at the front of the queue the day those tickets are released.
I wish I had been old enough to have gone to the Bad tour though, He will never top his form back then. He was on fire, setting the benchmerk for live performance:clapping:
No I've never been to his concert. But I did buy tickets in 1997 but it got canceled :(. I was soooooooo sad. And what's even sadder... after 11 years I still haven't seen him live. That's why I really hope he'll have another tour!

Aaaaaaawwww....I'm so sorry to hear that!!! You must have been really disappointed. :( I heard the one concert I went to on Dangerous tour almost got cancelled because of the weather...but then didn't after all (thank god). And the 3r HIStory tour concert I went to supposedly almost got cancelled too because MJ was sick ( I heard he had fever or the flu or something)...but then he decided to do the concert after all.
aaaaw was that the one when princess diana died, i nearly got tickets for then but didn't in the end
HIStory tour, Prague, September 1996....View from a VIP seat. :boohoo:

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HIStory tour, Prague, September 1996....View from a VIP seat. :boohoo:

Oh my god that picture has just brought it all back. I was shocking ove there. They had police dogs barking at you and not much in the way of crowd control. How many miles back were you. But remember, at least you saw it from a distance, I was in the middle of that mob and saw F all. Nightmare
Yeah I saw a little "gold nugget" jumping around far far away to MJ's music...:lmao: Actually, I think I would have enjoyed teh concert just fine, had it not been the stupid people around me who didn'T even want to try to enjoy the concert. If they all would have also stood up and would have been singing along and clapping and all that, I think I wouldn't have felt as bad as I did. I swear I was about to just walk down into the crowd to be among the people who seemed to be enjoying the concert.
Yeah....like an idiot of a fan who can't control herself and runs to grab MIchael and that way ruins everything for the other fans. In Munich in 1999, when MJ came to is hotel, we were told to stay calm and stand behind the fences and all that...So MJ walked in front of the fans, and was JUST about to come to where I was standing and I woudl have been able to see him really close..but then this one a**hole of a fan had to jump over the fence and run to grab Michael an dthat was the end of it for all of us. MJ was brought back into the hotel by his security and that way that was the end of it. :(

Oh God, I am sorry to hear that. This is truly sad and it can be very dangerous. This reminds me of London ´06 or ´07. The ones who behave themselves and respect him and his children have to suffer cause they did not get the chance to meet him.
Oh God, I am sorry to hear that. This is truly sad and it can be very dangerous. This reminds me of London ´06 or ´07. The ones who behave themselves and respect him and his children have to suffer cause they did not get the chance to meet him.

OMG, London 2002 was CRAZY too....I have NEVER seen that kind of mobbing before!! It seriously looked SCARY. And I just stayed away from it all. And you're right...it seems that unless you follow MJ everywhere and bang on his car windows, you won't have any kind of chance to meet him. :( WHich is kind of sad, I think. But still, I rather not ever get to meet MJ and know I didn't bother him than get to say hi just because I basically stalked him or was banging on his windows. I could never live with myself if I did that. But that's just me....everyone has to decide what's right for them, I guess.
HIStory tour, Prague, September 1996....View from a VIP seat. :boohoo:


Wow, awesome picture... I mean, crappy, since it was supposed to be VIP, but still awesome picture.... I was right in front of those lighter things you see on the stage... yep, I was in the front row! Man, it's too long ago!

I got there at around 11 in the morning, people were already queing and to the right there was an entrance... somehow some VIP people or workers were allowed in at around noon, so I and 2 other people, whom I just met a couple of minutes before, just walked in with them... nobody checked our tickets or anything... so we were inside... on the empty field... we didn't quite know were to go, since, except security and some workers, nobody was really there yet and we stuck out like a sore thumb (at least I felt like it)... so we just walked around talking and being cautious, I was walking a little bit behind and we were in full conversation, as I noticed security approaching us from the side.... midsentence I made a turn, walking in the different direction away from security and as I was walking away I heard how the other 2 got approached by that guard and escorted out! Kinda feel sorry about them... but they saved me! ;)

So I knew I was in danger of being removed too... so I hid in the toilet, which was standing on the field, for like two hours! Damn it... it was hot in that damn plastic toilet and every time some people stopped, talking in front of that toilet, I was scared that somebody noticed me going in and not coming out for an hour! Several times it started to rain and inside the toilet it sounded like people were starting to run in! So, I had a couple of false starts were I opened the door!

Shortly before 2 I went for it, I opened the door and went right to the front! It was awesome... I made it! The pushing and shoving afterwards was horrible though.... I also didn't really have anything to eat... in the morning I wasn't hungry... I was too excited I guess and I put something in my backpack.... but there was no chance to get the stuff out once all the people were inside! I was pressed against the barrier and there was no chance to move at all! And that really didn't stop until the show was over! Never was I that close to let them pull me out than in Prague, but I made it to the very end!
Hey everyone, first of all. ITs really great to be a part of this forum. I love MJ. I am sure that when Michael goes on tour again, I will get a tickets and they will be in the front row! The thing is, I have never been to any concert...ever.

So anyone have a range or guesstimate on how much a great ticket would be?

I want to make sure I put enough away so that I can go, have fun, and buy stuff. Thanks! And I hope this post is ok...its my first one. So if its wrong, please tell me and I will move/delete it!

Well, welcome to ya already! :punk:

Tix prices for concerts, especially to see top tier acts are insanely $$$$$$, I'm sry to say.

Front row seats for a MJ concert? Broker value: a couple of thousand dollars, maybe more, depending on the city. Maybe much more.

What would be cool is IF, and this is just talkin' out loud --- IF MJ were to tour to support a future CD he has yet to release, is that fans be allowed to purchase tixs before they officially went on sale. That's what his sis Janet does for her fans...

I'm just sayin'....
weel there are few things that determine the price of tickets

Seated or standing concert
seated concerts are mainly in America, standing concerts are mainly in Europe.

Seated concerts
tickets for these concerts are priced according to how far from the stage the sections are. Front sections are the most expensive and they are usully the hardest to get. Some concerts, like the MSG concerts in 2001, the front sections were the VIP areas. When tickets go onsale its a total lottery as to what seats you get

Standing concerts
standing concerts are mainly in Europe. They are usully held in football /sporting arenas and stadiums. There are usully 2 types of tickets, general admission and seating. The seats are normally at the sides and back and the general admission is all standing in the centre of the arena. People with general admission tickets will queue outside the venue from early morning or overnight, depending on the artist. The front section is called the "front pit" and the only way to get front row is to be in the top of the queue.

Fanclubs and sometime Sony will give fans a chance to buy a limited amout of "presale tickets" which are usully sold a few days before the main tictets go on sale to the general public.
Good point to note. Because in the US, seating is reserved. After some kids got killed trying to attend a concert here in Chicago (60' articulated bus ran over them at full speed -- car made an illegal turn in front of the bus trying to get to a parking lot on Lake Shore Drive), open seating was pretty much out in the U.S.
its really hard to work out what a mj ticket would cost as the last time he toured was b4 the prices went through the roof. now artists seem to get away with charging the most crazy prices. so it really could be anything.

What would be cool is IF, and this is just talkin' out loud --- IF MJ were to tour to support a future CD he has yet to release, is that fans be allowed to purchase tixs before they officially went on sale. That's what his sis Janet does for her fans...

this is what should be done but we saw the mess with the WMA's and theres so few fanclubs around unlike during history who got tickets/organised trips for fans that i dont know how it would be organised. ontop of the fact we dont know whats going on with mjs team and any label
So I knew I was in danger of being removed too... so I hid in the toilet, which was standing on the field, for like two hours! Damn it... it was hot in that damn plastic toilet and every time some people stopped, talking in front of that toilet, I was scared that somebody noticed me going in and not coming out for an hour! Several times it started to rain and inside the toilet it sounded like people were starting to run in! So, I had a couple of false starts were I opened the door!

:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

OMG, I think that is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard!!! :lmao: Hiding in teh TOILET!! :toofunny: :toofunny: The things us fans do to get to see MJ! :lmao: :lmao: I can just see the poeple standing in front of the toilet with their legs crossed going "WHEN is that person FINALLY gonna come out of that toilet! I really GOTTA GO!!!" :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: And you're just sitting there like *checking the watch* "Ah, I think I'll just wait another hour.." :lmao: TOOO FUNNY!! :lmao:

Thanks for sharing!!! :)
Good point to note. Because in the US, seating is reserved. After some kids got killed trying to attend a concert here in Chicago (60' articulated bus ran over them at full speed -- car made an illegal turn in front of the bus trying to get to a parking lot on Lake Shore Drive), open seating was pretty much out in the U.S.
What does a bus have to do with seating at a concert?? :*****:
Because in the US, seating is reserved. After some kids got killed trying to attend a concert here in Chicago (60' articulated bus ran over them at full speed -- car made an illegal turn in front of the bus trying to get to a parking lot on Lake Shore Drive), open seating was pretty much out in the U.S.

how did that stop having standing only shows? they got run over running to the venue to get to the front?
:toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny:

OMG, I think that is probably the funniest thing I've ever heard!!! :lmao: Hiding in teh TOILET!! :toofunny: :toofunny: The things us fans do to get to see MJ! :lmao: :lmao: I can just see the poeple standing in front of the toilet with their legs crossed going "WHEN is that person FINALLY gonna come out of that toilet! I really GOTTA GO!!!" :toofunny: :toofunny: :toofunny: And you're just sitting there like *checking the watch* "Ah, I think I'll just wait another hour.." :lmao: TOOO FUNNY!! :lmao:

Thanks for sharing!!! :)
LOL I'm glad I could be of assistance! ;) :rofl:
So I knew I was in danger of being removed too... so I hid in the toilet, which was standing on the field, for like two hours! Damn it... it was hot in that damn plastic toilet and every time some people stopped, talking in front of that toilet, I was scared that somebody noticed me going in and not coming out for an hour! Several times it started to rain and inside the toilet it sounded like people were starting to run in! So, I had a couple of false starts were I opened the door!

LOL excellent. if i had caught u i would have let you stay in just for the initiative you showed lol
its really hard to work out what a mj ticket would cost as the last time he toured was b4 the prices went through the roof. now artists seem to get away with charging the most crazy prices. so it really could be anything.

this is what should be done but we saw the mess with the WMA's and theres so few fanclubs around unlike during history who got tickets/organised trips for fans that i dont know how it would be organised. ontop of the fact we dont know whats going on with mjs team and any label

Yeah, no more "unless you are in a fanclub" stuff...PLEASE!!! So far all fan clubs I have experienced have just ripped the fans off (I had to join MJNI as a gold member and pay loads of money to even have a chance to get a ticket to the Killer Thriller party...and that's basically all I got for the money I paid...I'm still waiting to get the King magazines I was supposed to get as a member too...) and it had pretty much been the same with all the other fans clubs too. You pay loads of money...and don't really get anything in return. That's why I never wanted to join a fan club...