Ever been to an MJ concert?

OK so for those of you who have been to the concerts, are people really fainting left and right or is it just edited like crazy on the Bucharest DVD haha?
That happens mainly overseas where they pack them in and peeps stand through out the whole concert. It gets hot and peeps faint and they just pass them up and over and they have plenty of EMSs standing by.

In the states?

You would be trampled and die and left on the ground. And then it would be front page news.
LOL excellent. if i had caught u i would have let you stay in just for the initiative you showed lol
Yeah, I deserved that damn front row... LOL and I was so scared that they would open the doors early and I would miss the right moment to get to the stage! Imagine sitting in the toilet for around 2 hours to get to the front and then to open the door only to see that all the people are already in!

(I had to join MJNI as a gold member and pay loads of money to even have a chance to get a ticket to the Killer Thriller party...and that's basically all I got for the money I paid...I'm still waiting to get the King magazines I was supposed to get as a member too...)
LOL same here.... but it was all worth it! I was right at the front at Killer Thriller.... that was priceless!

BTW do you have more Prague pictures from the back??
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Yeah, no more "unless you are in a fanclub" stuff...PLEASE!!! So far all fan clubs I have experienced have just ripped the fans off (I had to join MJNI as a gold member and pay loads of money to even have a chance to get a ticket to the Killer Thriller party...
yeah well unfortunatley i guess u joined mjni at the wrong time cause of what happened in 03. at the peak they were very good and got tickets and orgnaised trips ect. the thing is clubs would really be the only way of getting tickets to fans b4 they go to the gen public like others have mentioned. but the internet and message boards have pretty much taken out fanclubs as they were.so htey are gonna ahve to think of otherways of doing it. but that depends on mjs staff/label. mjni always had a great relationship via jonathan morrish so got things for the fans. now who knows!
You would be trampled and die and left on the ground. And then it would be front page news
not to mention all the lawsuits lol
but the internet and message boards have pretty much taken out fanclubs as they were.so htey are gonna ahve to think of otherways of doing it. but that depends on mjs staff/label. mjni always had a great relationship via jonathan morrish so got things for the fans. now who knows!

I do not even want to think about it how it will be.... no matter what they would come up with, I can see the frustration already rise!
yeah tell me about it. in one sense itwould be better having a stadium show rather than say the 02 cause at least with a stad u know u will get a ticket and its upto you as to how long u wanna que for. an arena show especially anywhere in europe would be a total nighmare unless fans got presale tickets.but p*** up and brewery come to mind in tickets being organised properly.
Wow, awesome picture... I mean, crappy, since it was supposed to be VIP, but still awesome picture.... I was right in front of those lighter things you see on the stage... yep, I was in the front row! Man, it's too long ago!

I got there at around 11 in the morning, people were already queing and to the right there was an entrance... somehow some VIP people or workers were allowed in at around noon, so I and 2 other people, whom I just met a couple of minutes before, just walked in with them... nobody checked our tickets or anything... so we were inside... on the empty field... we didn't quite know were to go, since, except security and some workers, nobody was really there yet and we stuck out like a sore thumb (at least I felt like it)... so we just walked around talking and being cautious, I was walking a little bit behind and we were in full conversation, as I noticed security approaching us from the side.... midsentence I made a turn, walking in the different direction away from security and as I was walking away I heard how the other 2 got approached by that guard and escorted out! Kinda feel sorry about them... but they saved me! ;)

So I knew I was in danger of being removed too... so I hid in the toilet, which was standing on the field, for like two hours! Damn it... it was hot in that damn plastic toilet and every time some people stopped, talking in front of that toilet, I was scared that somebody noticed me going in and not coming out for an hour! Several times it started to rain and inside the toilet it sounded like people were starting to run in! So, I had a couple of false starts were I opened the door!

Shortly before 2 I went for it, I opened the door and went right to the front! It was awesome... I made it! The pushing and shoving afterwards was horrible though.... I also didn't really have anything to eat... in the morning I wasn't hungry... I was too excited I guess and I put something in my backpack.... but there was no chance to get the stuff out once all the people were inside! I was pressed against the barrier and there was no chance to move at all! And that really didn't stop until the show was over! Never was I that close to let them pull me out than in Prague, but I made it to the very end!
The thangs MJ fans do to be close to him! LOL ;D
its really hard to work out what a mj ticket would cost as the last time he toured was b4 the prices went through the roof. now artists seem to get away with charging the most crazy prices. so it really could be anything.

this is what should be done but we saw the mess with the WMA's and theres so few fanclubs around unlike during history who got tickets/organised trips for fans that i dont know how it would be organised. ontop of the fact we dont know whats going on with mjs team and any label
Well Janet opened a special website for that. MJ would have to do the same thing...
hopefully. anyway lets have a concert announced first. everyone will die of excitment then we can all start worrying about getting tickets lol
What does a bus have to do with seating at a concert?? :*****:
Because the concert was open seating, kids were rushing to park to get into Soldier's Field. I can't remember the name of the rock band, but they were big like U2.

At that time, Soldier's Field was in the center of Lake Shore Drive and parking was next to the stadium. The concert started at 7pm, but because it was open seating, peeps were arriving early to get a good spot and it was in the middle of rush hour. Lake Shore Drive is like the expressway, only the speeds are slower.

The driver just cut in front of the bus trying to get to a parking space on the left side. The kid probably didn't see the bus and that bus didn't even have time to brake. Ran right over the top of the car, killing 7.

It was a big mess here. They arrested the bus driver, although he had been seriously injured. Had him chained to the hospital bed. Peeps were all hysterical because they were teenagers, but the kid probably wasn't an experienced driver and they were from the suburbs and not familiar with the city.

That stopped the open seating concerts here or was one of the reasons they don't do that here. At least not in urban areas. They may still do it for some events...
^^Hmm... seems kinda backwardish! I mean, a person is running towards the elevator, because the door is closing and slips and breaks his leg, so as a result we shut down all elevators? :smilerolleyes: I could understand if somebody got trampled to death inside the arena, but to give up open or (so-called) festival seating just because an accident happened outside... seems kinda crazy!
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OMG, London 2002 was CRAZY too....I have NEVER seen that kind of mobbing before!! It seriously looked SCARY. And I just stayed away from it all. And you're right...it seems that unless you follow MJ everywhere and bang on his car windows, you won't have any kind of chance to meet him. :( WHich is kind of sad, I think. But still, I rather not ever get to meet MJ and know I didn't bother him than get to say hi just because I basically stalked him or was banging on his windows. I could never live with myself if I did that. But that's just me....everyone has to decide what's right for them, I guess.

No, no it´s ok!!! I also get scared when I see that kind of mobbing. :(

:( I totally understand you, Summer. Your words are so true :(
^^Hmm... seems kinda backwardish! I mean, a person is running towards the elevator, because the door is closing and slips and breaks his leg, so as a result we shut down all elevators? :smilerolleyes: I could understand if somebody got trampled to death inside the arena, but to give up open or (so-called) festival seating just because an accident happened outside... seems kinda crazy!

That's America. Peeps are sue crazy here and they ani't gonna take a chance with peeps running and trampling all over themselves. Different set of circumstances here, that's all.
Yeah, I deserved that damn front row... LOL and I was so scared that they would open the doors early and I would miss the right moment to get to the stage! Imagine sitting in the toilet for around 2 hours to get to the front and then to open the door only to see that all the people are already in!

LOL same here.... but it was all worth it! I was right at the front at Killer Thriller.... that was priceless!

BTW do you have more Prague pictures from the back??

Yeah, Killer Thriller was pretty awesome. Ah, that was such a fun and funny day. :lol: My friend and I didn't know if we got seats or standing tickets to the party while waiting in line in front of Equinox...And we waited a loooong time....There was this one guy in front of us (he was kind of cute too...:D :lol:) and I was chatting with him and he didn't know what kind of ticket he'd end up getting either...Anyways, so then we got to the door and they were checking all these lists for our names and first they were like "Sorry....you're not on the list" and then this one girl was like "Hold on...I foudn your names on my list!! You both got seats!" and my friend and I were just jumping up and down because we were so happy. And thn I saw that guy who had been in front of me in line and I was like "WE GOT SEATS!!! WE GOT SEATS!!" and he was grinning and was like "ME TOO!!!" and then without even thinking we just jumped to each other's necks and hugged because we were so happy! :lmao: It was so funny! We ended up sitting in the last row...sort of in the middle...and since no one was sitting behind us, my friend and I decided to sit on the back of the chair so that we could see above the heads of the people in front of us. And we had a GREAT view!! AND....I also had a STRAIGHT view to Michael!! However....I was just so into all the performances and the music and all that I sort of "forgot" to watch him! :mello: :lol: I mean, I didn't want to STARE at him anyways, because I wanted him to be able to watch the show and I didn't want to give him the feeling of being "watched" the whole time (I mean, there were HUNDREDS of fans there with cameras so I bet there were enough fans staring at him and filming him, but like I've said before...each person has to decide for themselves what's right for them...and I just thought I'd make him feel uncomfortable if I would have started at him the whole time...besides I guess it would have been a bit rude towards the people who were performing too if I would have just ignored them...). Anyways...the point is..I didn't want to stare...but I could have looked at him ONCE in a while...but I was just so into dancing or swaying to the music and singing (my heart out :lol:) along that I totally "forgot" to watch him. :doh: Imagine that! :doh: :lol: I'm such a BLONDE!!! :lol:

Did you stay in Equinox after the party? I heard MJ stayed there and was waving to fans afterwards and took banners and all that. My friend and I stayed in for a pretty long time afterwards because we wanted to let the huge crowd go first and we were trying to decide if we go have something to eat afterwards or if we go straight to MJ's hotel...so we just stayed at our seats...And I did hear some fans scream a couple of times and I didn't understand why (and now that I think of it....I don't think I ever looked up to where MJ had been sitting because I thought he had left long ago...:doh: So it could very well have been that he was up there waving and my friend and I were just sitting there like a couple of idiots...planning what we should eat. :doh: That would be just my luck! :doh: :lmao:). We left when they were playing Butterflies...

And no...I don't have any more pics from Prague...I just took that one when I got there...I didn't feel like taking pics after that....or before that. I pretty much stayed to myself when I was in the VIP tent. I didn't know anyone and I'm really shy so I felt really uncomfortable in there. The only person I talked to was this one 9-10 year old boy who ended up sitting next to me at the concert with his grandma. They were the only cool people there. :yes: (In fact, his grandma borrowed me her shirt because I was freezing. I kept shivering and she was just like "here..take this! I don't need it!". I thought that was really sweet! :yes:) A couple of peopel came to talk to me...I think they were from Sony or something...no idea. I didn't really pay attention. I'm not really much of a "networker", I guess. :mello: :lol: I was just waiting to see MICHAEL and couldn't wait for the concert to start, so I wasn't interested in any other people in some VIP tent. :lol:
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all I know is that if Mike does do a concert and the floor is like how it used to be.. Stadium first come first serve type of deal.. I'm camping out for a good spot in line.. SHOOT!!

Plus it would save on hotel costs.. lol!
Yeah, I also was sitting somewhere in the middle and the back... and when Michael was about the hit the stage a lot of people moved to the front... so I did too, and stood on the right stairs in the front, about 2 steps up. So I was right in the front and nobody blocked my view! Michael directly looked at me... sot that was awesome!

After his speech I remember that chaos ensued and it looked like he walked outside and left, so we rushed back to the hotel, not knowing that he still was at the Esquinox... so quite some time later, after all the fans had returned, I was standing in front of the hotel on the left of the drive through into the hotel and I was looking at the street and suddenly I saw that cab driving along the street... and there was this guy, I was amazed at how much he looked like Michael, and suddenly it clicked.... it was Michael... :doh: :D he came back in a black cab and drove right into that drive in, passing the fans and most of them didn't even notice it was him... it looked so amazing, Michael sitting in there curiously looking out, watching the fans and about 70 % of them not noticing that Michael is coming back in a black cab! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2bad you didn't take more pix in Prague, but I kinda can understand your frustration.... if the picture would be a little more to the right you'd probably see my toilets! ;)
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Yeah, I also was sitting somewhere in the middle and the back... and when Michael was about the hit the stage a lot of people moved to the front... so I did too, and stood on the right stairs in the front, about 2 steps up. So I was right in the front and nobody blocked my view! Michael directly looked at me... sot that was awesome!

After his speech I remember that chaos ensued and it looked like he walked outside and left, so we rushed back to the hotel, not knowing that he still was at the Esquinox... so quite some time later, after all the fans had returned, I was standing in front of the hotel on the left of the drive through into the hotel and I was looking at the street and suddenly I saw that cab driving along the street... and there was this guy, I was amazed at how much he looked like Michael, and suddenly it clicked.... it was Michael... :doh: :D he came back in a black cab and drove right into that drive in, passing the fans and most of them didn't even notice it was him... it looked so amazing, Michael sitting in there curiously looking out, watching the fans and about 70 % of them not noticing that Michael is coming back in a black cab! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

2bad you didn't take more pix in Prague, but I kinda can understand your frustration.... if the picture would be a little more to the right you'd probably see my toilets! ;)

So you saw him in a black cab TOO?!! :scratch:Interesting!!! :scratch:Because my friend and I were just sitting on that stone fence that was in front of the hotel...kind of right next to the entrance of the hotel. And we just kept looking around at the fans and also looked at cars that drove in and out of the hotel...and at one point, I noticed this one black cab. If I can remember correctly...I think the reason I noticed it was because it looked like it didn't really know where it is going. :lol: Like, it drove out of the hotel...drove slowly in front of the fans...then kind of made a turn and drove to another direction...if I can remember correctly. All I know though is that I saw a black cab when I was just looking around and then was like "Gosh..that person inside really looks like Michael...!! But as if Michael would be in a CAB!!!!! :doh:" You know, it didn't seem possible, so I was just like "ah, it can't be him!". :lol: I mean, I knew Navi was around, because I saw him at teh hotel and my friend talked to him too, so I was like "Maybe that was Navi...". But then again...just BECAUSE it would be so UNEXPECTED for MJ to be in a cab...it would be the perfect way for him to leave the hotel unnoticed! I mean, everyone knew the silver limo he used, and everyone was waiting to see that and went crazy when they saw a glimpse of it, so if he left in some other car, people wouldn't pay attention. Clever, clever!! ;D :lol:
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Yeah, I did... but it was when he came back from the Killer Thriller party, returning to the hotel... there was apparantly such a crowd at the Esquinox that they couldn't use the vans... the vans were surrounded by people... so they came up with the idea of using the cab... at least that's what Mike, the bodyguard, told us later that evening! It was a great sight... Michael really looked curious like a child, sitting inside that cab looking out!

Yeah, that was the weekend where Michael was using the vans, the train, the bus and a cab! I'm sure that was a first for him! The only thing he didn't use was the tube! ;)
Yeah, I did... but it was when he came back from the Killer Thriller party, returning to the hotel... there was apparantly such a crowd at the Esquinox that they couldn't use the vans... the vans were surrounded by people... so they came up with the idea of using the cab... at least that's what Mike, the bodyguard, told us later that evening! It was a great sight... Michael really looked curious like a child, sitting inside that cab looking out!

Yeah, that was the weekend where Michael was using the vans, the train, the bus and a cab! I'm sure that was a first for him! The only thing he didn't use was the tube! ;)

:lol: OMG, that TOTALLY reminded me of teh jokes me and my friend were making while we were in the tube on our way to MJ's hotel. My friend met me at Heathrow and we went straight to MJ's hotel as soon as I had landed. :lol: And I can't remember why (maybe because I'm just a "clown" by nature...if you already haven't noticed...:lol:)...but we just kept joking around and going "Imagine if MJ was in the tube in a disguise....". I guss that's sort of how it started. ANd then we kept "elaborating" on it, and kept looking at all these people in there and tried to figure out which one of them could be Michael. And we wre just nearly CRYING with laughter...it was too funny. There was this one guy who looked a bit "funny"....so we decided we are gonna pretend that is Michael in a disguise. :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Poor guy...he probably couldn't figure out why we kept looking at him and giggling! :lmao: I mean, we tried not to make it obvious we were looking at him because we didn'T want to be rude, because OF COURSE we knew it's just some regular guy...but we were just plaiyng around...so we kept watching what he does and when ever he did something we were like "Hey look!! 'Michael' just started reading the newspaper...!". :lol: And then when the guy finally left we were like "Bye Michael!!" :lmao: :lmao: (I mean, we didn't say it out loud, but just to ourselves and we were just DYYYYING with laughter!) :hysterical: We were like "Imagine if some fans actually would think it's MJ....and would keep following the guy and all that! Imagine the news tomorrow...'A man gets harrased by MJ fans because of being mistaken for superstar Michael Jackson in a disguise'..." :hysterical: Yeah....we were a bit bored, huh? :hysterical: And then we were just joking around the whole time and kept laughing when we got out that we didn't really pay attention to where we were going....So we got LOST on our way out. :doh: :lol: We got out...walked the stairs up...walked thsi hall way...walked stairs down....and noticed we were back where we started from. And that happened to us TWICE....and I swear we nearly peed in our pants because we were laughing so hard at us not being able to find our way out of teh tube station! :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: Talking about being BLONDE! :hysterical::hysterical: We were like "Imagine calling 911....'Help!! We are at the tube station and we can't find our way out!! Can you send someone to help us out?!'...Imagine what their reaction would be" :hysterical::hysterical::hysterical::hysterical: Anyways so after the third try we finally were able to find our way out and found MJ's hotel too. :clapping::hysterical: Ah, aren't we "CLEVER!" :tease::hysterical:
Soso, you're making fun of innocent bystanders... ;) LOL funny story!
I went to 2 concerts during Dangerous Tour and to three concerts during HIStory tour and I went to MJ&Friends in Munich 1999.

I usually went to the stadium at around 4 a.m. to wait at the gates with other fans. So yes...that meant hours and hours and HOURS of sitting around on the concrete and waiting patiently. It was SOOOOOOOOOO COLD during the Dangerous Tour concerts. It was raining and I had no umbrella, nothing, and since it was summer I didn't have a jacket or anything with me and I was FREEZING. I was so cold I was about to just walk away at times because I thought I just can't take the cold and the rain anymore. But I just kept saying to myself "You'll get to see Michael...just HANG IN THERE!!". That was the only thought that kept me going. Honestly. And the time goes by SO SLOWLY when you are at teh gates waiting. I kept looking at the watch thinking another hour must have passed...only to find out it was only another 15 MINUTES that had passed.:mello:

Anyways, after a LOOOOOOONG wait, the gates finally opened and everyone started running towards the stage like crazy. They had covered the grass with some plastic thing or something to protect the grass and since it had been raining, it was reeally slippery. I had these "ballerina" type shoes on and I fell on my face in the very beginning because my shoes were so slippery...So I got up, started running again and almost slipped again and I knew that I won't be able to run fast with the shoes on because I'll just keep falling, so I took the shoes off, held them inmy hands and RAN FOR MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!! :lmao: It must have looked funny to see a fan running, barefoot, with her shoes in her hands towards the stage! :lol: Anyways, so when I got to the front, I put my shoes back on.
oh my God I pictured you busting your face on blue plastic and man that is TOO FUNNY!:rofl::rofl:

You went through some things didnt you summer:better:................:rofl:
I'm sorry it's just that I keep picturing you tripping on slippery plastic:hysterical:

Patricks77 your toliet story was very funny. esp when you keep checking to see if ppl where in the stadium already. lol

lastunicorn can I hang with you. 20 times front row. You must be a pro at this concert thing.

To everyone else who posted valuable info about ticket prices and other things on queueing up THANK YOU MUCH! any other info is much welcome as I will be trying to get front row if michael has another concert. I think I will like a standing concert better then a seated so what I probably will do is go to a USA concert and one in europe. Europe fans yall better watch out cuz ima have on my steel toes and leather jacket and ima be stomping hard trying to get to the front.:evil::evil:....lol. Nah but seriously I don't like ppl to be even touching me so I don't know WHAT ima gonna do if I go to europe and folk are pushing. AH-UH. :no: Not cool. Still don't know what to do about this problem. I don't want push back but I ain't gonna get pushed up against no tree either. I'm just saying. I don't under stand why some ppl can't just stand there and wait and act like a sane person.

I have a strategy and game plan tho':evil: lol!
nah just kidding.

if anyone has any other tips and info please share it with us. thank you!:D
Saw the Bad tour in 1988. I don't remember the ticket price and it's hardly relevant now, 20 years later :lol: Man, that makes me feel old.

Me too lol you're not alone!
I've seen BAD once, think that was Cologne!
DANGEROUS twice, in Gelsenkirchen and Munich (I won the tickets for Munich)
HiStory I've attended in Bremen and Cologne.
Bremen was the first time I was in the seated area and that wasn't too bad we could see the stage so well. Well actually noone was sitting there, we were all as much jumping and dancing and singing and clapping etc. but things were more under controll and the view was much better.
I have been to two concerts. Both of them in Copenhagen, Denmark on the HIStory tour. And then I went to World Music Awards in London in 2006 - not exactly an MJ concert, but he was there! :)
i have see 4 concerts of MJ

Bad tour Montpellier, dangerous tour lausanne & Paris, History Tour Lausanne.

the first time was so terrible. i was very moved.

price ? i don't remember exactly. just it was more & more expensive every tour
1997 ullevi gothenburg I dont remember much but ive seen it on tape a million times . the only thing i remember is the entrence and history. also to add is that i passed out . my mom says it was because of all excitment but my brother says it was because of all the smoke and pyrotecniks
I wish i could have been to a concert...last time he toured australia i was just a kid...but if he ever announces a tour again..i'l be one of the first to buy my ticket!
I saw him on his birthday in Copenhagen at Parken Stadium on the 29th of august 1997.

Even though I wasn't very old back then, 10-11 years or so, I'll NEVER forget it. It was magic, the ecxitment out in front of the stadium with banners and screaming fans all around, FANTASTIC.

I would travel everywhere to see him live on stage again! No doubt.
If I remember well at my first MJ concert in Vienna, Austria - was a Dangerous tour concert - I payed 9.000 HUF (now it's only about 38 EUR, but it was in 1992) altogether, ticket, traveling, tour book. That was a seating ticket, I saw Michael on the big screens only.
the second concert was the HIStory one in Budapest, Hungary. The ticket's price was 5.000 HUF (approx. 21 EUR). It was a standing ticket, VIP tickets' prices were much higher.
Nowadays a concert ticket here in Hungary is about 40-50 EUR.