ET ~ Michael Jackson the lost voice mail, fears for his life

I know all about the media manipulation. But it was such a shocker to come out of nowhere like that and I was upset by it and desperate for someone to tell me it's ok, it's not real I suppose ~ where better to come for the truth than here.

That timeline etc... would make sense, but then it would be just being used to feed into the paranoid drug addict discreditation campaign, i.e. saying, look he's always been in fear of his life, nothing to see here folks! ... when we know very well that Michael has been more than justified in his suspicions and fears about people around him at various times :(

Still I really hope it's not real at all, can't bare to think of him like that at any time :(

Yes, I think you could be onto something there Moonlight. I've been agonising over this and played it back many times now. The first thing I noticed was that when leaving voicemails Michael usually says 'this is Michael Jackson' - like on Uri Gellars about the Moonwalking on the Moon thing. On this one he just says Michael. I think first impressions are usually right and my first impression on hearing it was that it doesn't sound like Michael. I then listened again thinking how he would sound if highly medicated and drowsy and for a moment I really thought it could be him... right up until that last part. I really think that is not him - his accent sounds wrong and I don't think he would lose his natural accent under medication.

On other recordings e.g the Uri Gellar one, the spiritual adviser one about Thome and even the conversations with Glenda (which I feel very guilty about hearing) I never had to question whether that was him or not because I instinctively knew. Whilst I agree it's a good likeness my intuition is telling me that this is not him and it has been made to make people think he was a paranoid drug addict which most of us know is not true.

Too much is wrong here:

1) The fact he would trust Dieter Weisner so much - if he was going to say things like this it would be to family, Liz Taylor etc people we've always known him to be close to and it would be used in the investigation not publicised for all too see.

2) Dieter Weisner has pulled stunts like this before and is known to be untrustworthy.

3) The intenation, the accent, words he uses.

4) He wouldn't say 'We are being stalked' he would say 'I'm being stalked' and why say 'We don't wanna die knowing we didn't accomplish our goals' ? - Why even make reference to dieing or what you want to achieve before dieing? Surely he would be focussing on who he is being 'stalked' by. The media on the other hand know that the world is focussing on his death and will use dramatic language to get people's attention.

For me it poses the question - What the hell is Dieter Weisner up to??
Yes, I think you could be onto something there Moonlight. I've been agonising over this and played it back many times now. The first thing I noticed was that when leaving voicemails Michael usually says 'this is Michael Jackson' - like on Uri Gellars about the Moonwalking on the Moon thing. On this one he just says Michael. I think first impressions are usually right and my first impression on hearing it was that it doesn't sound like Michael. I then listened again thinking how he would sound if highly medicated and drowsy and for a moment I really thought it could be him... right up until that last part. I really think that is not him - his accent sounds wrong and I don't think he would lose his natural accent under medication.

On other recordings e.g the Uri Gellar one, the spiritual adviser one about Thome and even the conversations with Glenda (which I feel very guilty about hearing) I never had to question whether that was him or not because I instinctively knew. Whilst I agree it's a good likeness my intuition is telling me that this is not him and it has been made to make people think he was a paranoid drug addict which most of us know is not true.

Too much is wrong here:

1) The fact he would trust Dieter Weisner so much - if he was going to say things like this it would be to family, Liz Taylor etc people we've always known him to be close to and it would be used in the investigation not publicised for all too see.

2) Dieter Weisner has pulled stunts like this before and is known to be untrustworthy.

3) The intenation, the accent, words he uses.

4) He wouldn't say 'We are being stalked' he would say 'I'm being stalked' and why say 'We don't wanna die knowing we didn't accomplish our goals' ? - Why even make reference to dieing or what you want to achieve before dieing? Surely he would be focussing on who he is being 'stalked' by. The media on the other hand know that the world is focussing on his death and will use dramatic language to get people's attention.

For me it poses the question - What the hell is Dieter Weisner up to??

Excellent post.

I don't think it is him either.
Are there some screenshots or is there a video of MJ's Hit List Wiesner was talking about??
I need to see the list again!!

Thanks very much guys!
it sounded to me like they were a deeper version of Michael but I dont believe it was him... ET is making things up so they have some bull**** excuse to make a story... Not everything in this world has to be so dramatic. grr!
Hm, dunno what to think, the last part definitely doesn't sound like him.
I don't trust Wiesner anyway.