ET ~ Michael Jackson the lost voice mail, fears for his life

I listened to this. Its real, its Michaels voice. He sounds devestated and really unwell. What was he medicated under when he was recording this message? Did Murray give him something he did not approve of? This is beyond devestating to listen to. All the signs were there, Michael was begging for help and nothing was being done, its so frustrating when you look back on what happened.
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Some people say that when people know that they are dying, they start speaking in tounges, or begin to see things that are not visible to the eye. I think Michael knew what was happening to him. Things that are unexplainable..
I when I heard all of this, I just thought..."this isn't right, this isn't right at all...", I started to get a little pissed off for this. I knew these people are backstabbers. BACKSTABBERS!!!
There is no doubt, it's mike, however, we do not know WHEN this was taped... .maybe during the trial??? who knows...

IT saddens me a big deal to even know that he was scared... WHY nobody knew any of this, heck, we fans would have created his own security.... :(

It really shocked me to hear this... really did.

don't know how i feel about this but not good, that's for sure.. it brings me saddness
"I'm afraid for my life and my children, I'm so scared...I'm very concerned about my life. I'm afraid for us - we're being stalked..."

That sounds like this message is more likely from the trial era. A lot of people were out for MJ then.

Also, this whole thing could just be something created to add to all the drama going on right now. All they would need is a good voice impersonator. And we know there are some around. Like that guy who did that phone message of MJ supposedly still alive.
it has a preview of a thriller interview now, someone capture the whole thing, when it aires pllease!
Had he left THAT message to Janet or Katherine or someone he could trust in his family.. I think he would have gotten the help he so desperately wanted.
Yeah, I hate that they totally neglect to mention the date of these tapes...kind of important info if you ask me.

The fact that Michael is calling Dieter tells me that the tapes were from the time when Dieter was still managing him, but ET is trying to present it in a way that makes the viewer believe that it's from days before his death...
I could easily see them being from the trial period. He would have been devastated and afraid then I'm sure.

It is sad to me that Michael called his manager and not his mother or Janet or someone with these concerns. Makes me think about how people like Thome supposedly kept him isolated from everyone.

Ugh, these people.
I just want the truth.
Without knowing when this was recorded it's hard to put it into context. Though it's still awful no matter when it was. I listened to the whole thing and I take back what I said it does sound like Michael. I can't believe what he had to deal with. :( I wish he dialled my number instead.
This truely breaks my heart!!!:(:( When I saw this and heard michael voice I just broke down and cried. Why didnt anyone help him?? I dont understand how you can ignore something so serious as this, it upsets me so much!!! this was a cry out for help and it was ignored!!!:(
Holy crap....this sounds so heartbreaking!:bugeyed I just have a feeling it is truly Michael.....oh man, why hasn't anyone done something!
If I would get such a phonecall I'd be there 24/7....why didn't Mike have someone like that around......just ONE person could've helped him, but NO ONE did.....WHY?! I just won't ever understand, not ever.
what does he mean with "being stalked" and "the system"?
i dont know where it was, but someone somewhere mentioned illuminati. dont even know what that really is :/
what does he mean with "being stalked" and "the system"?
i dont know where it was, but someone somewhere mentioned illuminati. dont even know what that really is :/
Being stalked means he thinks he was being followed or watched.
The system could be many things: the government/the entire business he was in and the most powerful people who govern it/the influential people who are in charge and surround him/the rules and restrictions imposed on every member of society by people higher up on the ladder of power/his work and the effect it has on his life, himself, his lifestyle and his decisions/lawyers, company bosses, managers and others who try to surround him and attempt to influence everything he does and try to control who he sees and when and what he does.

Here's some good definitions I found:

the system the government and state regarded as exploiting, restricting, and repressing individuals

The prevailing social order; the establishment. Used with the: You can't beat the system

An established social order, as:
A group of people holding most of the power and influence in a government or society. Often used with the.
b. A controlling group in a given field of activity. Often used with the.
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ok... i can't handle it so i am not going to listen to it.

i am in TEARS sobbing like a child just reading your posts.

Dont listen to the tape if you are already sobbing. Its just gonna break your heart even more.. It is Michaels voice and he is in desperation asking for help... Absolutely heartbreaking.. I have no words..
I listened to this. Its real, its Michaels voice. He sounds devestated and really unwell. What was he medicated under when he was recording this message? Did Murray give him something he did not approve of? This is beyond devestating to listen to. All the signs were there, Michael was begging for help and nothing was being done, its so frustrating when you look back on what happened.

I absolutely agree, I cannot understand that no one listened to him crying out for help!
I would have been there for him in a heartbeat, damn it! :(
I can't find it, I watched the movie of Latoya but after that it is just black screen.
Im sure there is software available which can replicate voices....all you need is a bit of the original voice and the software will do the rest - you can type whatever and it will match it.....

not sure if geniuine
I think he was saying the same thing to Latoya, but Latoya dumb as she is she takes it literally as murder. what Michael meant was he's afraid for his life because of the stress and pressure and the madness that was surrounding him, constant lawsuits, backstabbers, people trying to use him, no one to trust etc etc
didn't he have like a gazillion lawsuits before he died? we were getting tired just hearing about it can you imagine what it did to him? that's an example of how stresfull his life was...

I always knew he was alone and I thought all he needs is a friend, at least one person he can really trust...when he died that's all I could think about