ET ~ Michael Jackson the lost voice mail, fears for his life

this thread should be moved to "tabloid talk"
there is no reason for us to believe Dieter he lied on Micheal a lot since his death and said the most disgusting unbelievable things and has been selling his stories everywhere
It's DONALD! Well, that's what someone said on YOUtube? LOL

they always alleged something with michael these media people how come they don't do it with people like dieter like say he stole THOUSANDS from MJ, did they forget? YEA RIGHT!

Just like with Chandler they always seem to forget MJ accused him of EXTORTION!

F.UCK the press MJ your the best!

It was him. Also sometimes the media could technically make a voice lower or higher if there is a reason to manipulate. But I believe it was him. It sounds like him. If it is true, it is terrible. He was saying something about the "system", like he knew he was against the system. I remember we have a thread in investigative unit about it. I am very positive that he was and this system killed him. How sad.
this thread should be moved to "tabloid talk"
there is no reason for us to believe Dieter he lied on Micheal a lot since his death and said the most disgusting unbelievable things and has been selling his stories everywhere

he did?? when? can you post a link with him saying that stuff about mj? cuz i thot they were friends...?
Guys...I apologize in advance to anyone that I may offend with this comment.
I could be wrong, I really could...
But I believe this is MJ. Yeah he sounds different, sure "the intonation is off", It was 4:30 in the morning.
We could talk about how he was wronged by everyone and shouldnt have had to go through all of the hell that he did. BUT, I don't think that Mr.Jackson would want that for us. He wouldnt...Ill be bold here, and say; HE DOES'NT want us to be worried about the events that transpired during his lifetime. He wants us to move on...Keep his music and art alive, but stop focusing on the bad in his life. I mean... Correct me if im wrong but, by focusing on the bad, and all the pressumed perpetrators (Ie Dr.Murray,Deiter,Thome, etc.) we are continuing the cycle of negativity that surrounds Mr.Jacksons life and Legacy. For as long as this investegation continues so will the Michael Jackson bashing.
I'm tired of all these people trying to be famous cause they worked for Michael and wanna say how they knew all these things were wrong just because they wanna be on tv. It sad that most of the people around him did not have his best interest.
I understand your point of view, but I want to see everyone that's responsible for Michael rot in a jail cell for eternity.


Wanting Justice is positive.

Guys...I apologize in advance to anyone that I may offend with this comment.
I could be wrong, I really could...
But I believe this is MJ. Yeah he sounds different, sure "the intonation is off", It was 4:30 in the morning.
We could talk about how he was wronged by everyone and shouldnt have had to go through all of the hell that he did. BUT, I don't think that Mr.Jackson would want that for us. He wouldnt...Ill be bold here, and say; HE DOES'NT want us to be worried about the events that transpired during his lifetime. He wants us to move on...Keep his music and art alive, but stop focusing on the bad in his life. I mean... Correct me if im wrong but, by focusing on the bad, and all the pressumed perpetrators (Ie Dr.Murray,Deiter,Thome, etc.) we are continuing the cycle of negativity that surrounds Mr.Jacksons life and Legacy. For as long as this investegation continues so will the Michael Jackson bashing.
Guys...I apologize in advance to anyone that I may offend with this comment.
I could be wrong, I really could...
But I believe this is MJ. Yeah he sounds different, sure "the intonation is off", It was 4:30 in the morning.
We could talk about how he was wronged by everyone and shouldnt have had to go through all of the hell that he did. BUT, I don't think that Mr.Jackson would want that for us. He wouldnt...Ill be bold here, and say; HE DOES'NT want us to be worried about the events that transpired during his lifetime. He wants us to move on...Keep his music and art alive, but stop focusing on the bad in his life. I mean... Correct me if im wrong but, by focusing on the bad, and all the pressumed perpetrators (Ie Dr.Murray,Deiter,Thome, etc.) we are continuing the cycle of negativity that surrounds Mr.Jacksons life and Legacy. For as long as this investegation continues so will the Michael Jackson bashing.

I agree but it's very hard not to get caught up in this. Every day is like the twilight zone.
I just feel so bad for Michael. Every time he thought he had a friend to talk to privately, his convos were recorded. So so sad and heartbreaking.


Ho Why Ho Whyyy
"I'm afraid for my life and for my children..."
"We're brothers Dieter, we have to stay close. Don't let the system come between us"

"We don't wanna die knowing we didn't accomplish our goals -
(NOT word-for-word here, can't type fast enough to keep up with this show!) I want them to know that I died doing everything I wanted to do and I did it MY way"

There was also a clip where he said something about wanting to be in a different environment, and he had an idea of where he could go. Or something along those lines.

Hopefully someone will post it on youtube later.

Oh and they also previewed some footage from behind the scenes of Thriller of MJ wearing a red sweater and talking about how he does his hair that I have never seen before. I hate this show, but I might have to watch it tomorrow to see that.

I'm posting a full accurate transcript for others to read in case they can't view the video:

"Dieter, It's Michael...It's 4:30 in the morning here...I'm sorry I sound so sleepy, but I'm really worn-out...Please take the message that I left you very seriously, 'cause I'm very concerned..."

I'm afraid for my life and my children, I'm so scared...I'm very concerned about my life. I'm afraid for us - we're being stalked...

I wanna be in a different environment. I found a place that I like. I wanna be away for a while...

We're brothers, Dieter, we have to stay close. Don't let the system come between us...

We don't wanna die knowing that we didn't accomplish our goals. I wanna die knowing I did everything I wanted to do - and i did- and I did it MY way.

And for the person who said it doesn't sound like him because the intonation is wrong - we all sound a little unlike ourselves at 4:30am when we are completely worn-out and scared, I'm sure.

I really do think it sounds like him.

I don't see why anyone would go through all the trouble to imitate Michael's voice (and do a pretty good acting job), for this recording. What would this accomplish? For whom?
I just don't understand why it'd be fake.

Thank you for all the updates for this.

There could have been some editing and distorting going on, but I do think it was Michael speaking, it's hardly the first time we've heard from various sources that he was genuinely afraid for his life and for his children.

I do think the media are trying to discredit Michael, trying to suggest he was paranoid and on drugs all the time when he said these things, so it shouldn't be taken seriously. But from other things I've heard and seen along the way, I believe it's true that he received threats and was genuinely afraid of various people.

okay, I'll listen again.. if it IS Mike... god, it's awful. to think he had no one else to call at 4:30 in the morning other than his former manager :( :no:

No, I think this occasion, would have been when Dieter was actually his manager.

It was him. Also sometimes the media could technically make a voice lower or higher if there is a reason to manipulate. But I believe it was him. It sounds like him. If it is true, it is terrible. He was saying something about the "system", like he knew he was against the system. I remember we have a thread in investigative unit about it. I am very positive that he was and this system killed him. How sad.

I understand your point of view, but I want to see everyone that's responsible for Michael rot in a jail cell for eternity.


Wanting Justice is positive.

Yes, I agree, in as much as the media try to discredit him, I feel it's also important that people are aware that he genuinely did have these concerns himself.
I don't see the point in releasing these tapes if people aren't going to name names.
Unless these people go to the medical board or the police and say Dr.Xxx gave Michael xyz
all its doing is feeding the machine tarnishing MJ legacy, MJ would never want his phone conversations released.....

Its like that Spiritual advisor lady who released that tape where MJ was saying he was frightened of Dr thome. Did she go the police?
Hell why didn't she go when MJ was alive.

All these people make me sick.
that do no sound like michael, thay are always trying some sh-t I am so sick of them PLEASE PLEASE LET HIM REST.....
I don't see the point in releasing these tapes if people aren't going to name names.
Unless these people go to the medical board or the police and say Dr.Xxx gave Michael xyz
all its doing is feeding the machine tarnishing MJ legacy, MJ would never want his phone conversations released.....

Its like that Spiritual advisor lady who released that tape where MJ was saying he was frightened of Dr thome. Did she go the police?
Hell why didn't she go when MJ was alive.

All these people make me sick.

I think maybe names are being named now, behind the scenes as part of the investigations, I hope so. It's too late for Michael though :( It's tragic when it feels like it could and should have been prevented, but people did try and Michael wasn't the only one to be threatened. They control people by creating fear. It's worth also remembering even though it breaks my heart, that even though Michael was afraid at times, he never gave in and he did do it his way .... with LOVE
Of course it is Michael! I can hear it clearly!

But the second part sounds different... like it was in another day, another situation, u know?

"We don't wanna die knowing that we didn't accomplish our goals. I wanna die knowing I did everything I wanted to do - and i did- and I did it MY way."
That part is very different from the begining. Thats my opinion!Oh my God! I just hope he is in peace! :cry:
Listening to that made my stomach churn and sent a wave of nausea over me....

(Not your fault, MJbunny, thank you for posting.)

God, they *have* to get to the bottom of this whole thing...
Hi all. Dieter was at Neverland around the time Michael invited Gavin Arvizo to visit, and the Bashir doc was filmed and broadcast : 2003. Allegedly Dieter was fired in December 2003.

So the tapes must have been made around this time, when Michael was under severe pressure from the media.
Hey, can someone shed light on these questions?????

Michael again mentions 'the sytems'..As he did when speaking out against sony...So I wonder when this actual voice mail was made?

hmmm, if this is michael which it certainly is or else why release it , et would have gone through things to confirm it is michael...But the last bit that talks about wanting to do good, is that not dieter??? That doesn't sound like michael...

And this system that michael mentions...I am moving more towards michael having the belief in illuminati and higher powers that maybe we don't know about or that don't exist..either way michael knew something and I don't think this paranio cam out of being on drugs completely..there was something else...He was an artist on a very high level and connected to alot of people so he could have been a target if the illuminati exists...He was either talking about that system or the system that has existed of record companies wanting to kill their main star, look at Jackie Wilson...But this sytem michael clearly had on his mind was important to him
oh where is that thing i can't find it. I watched Latoya talking about milkshakes, after that there was an ad for magazine or something but no Michael?
oh where is that thing i can't find it. I watched Latoya talking about milkshakes, after that there was an ad for magazine or something but no Michael?

in page 3 or 4 (I think) of the thread there are some youtube links!
I'm posting a full accurate transcript for others to read in case they can't view the video:

"Dieter, It's Michael...It's 4:30 in the morning here...I'm sorry I sound so sleepy, but I'm really worn-out...Please take the message that I left you very seriously, 'cause I'm very concerned..."

I'm afraid for my life and my children, I'm so scared...I'm very concerned about my life. I'm afraid for us - we're being stalked...

I wanna be in a different environment. I found a place that I like. I wanna be away for a while...

We're brothers, Dieter, we have to stay close. Don't let the system come between us...

We don't wanna die knowing that we didn't accomplish our goals. I wanna die knowing I did everything I wanted to do - and i did- and I did it MY way.
its NOT FAKE; IS HIS VOICE, i guess the ones saying he is not are new fans, Michael had different tones of voice like everyone, he was afraid and scared, and sad, i mean ithsi was before or during the rehearsal??? seems in the night he really got to think (as everyone) and he was preocupied

this makes me wander, was Michael in fact murdered??, why was he so preocupied??, something wrong, something defenetly wrong

Listen WELL, its HIM, its HIS VOICE, but he was heavyly medicated
Dieter Wiesner, I bet. And this probably would've been back in 2002-2003 if it could be verified at all. Wiesner is also the one who sold an admittedly edited and never verified audio message allegedly of Michael to the media some years back just to create major controversy, and it worked.
Oh if it was during that period time, i understand, it was during the witch hunt, no wonder he was disturbed.

We all know the accusations were invented by someone who instructed that family to lie, we all know that, he was talking about that someone, we dont know who that one is, but we know thats the cause
Fear that's what I keep hearing about Michael. He feared for his life and for his children.
Oprah said the same thing, his eyes, she could see in his eyes, fear

It's awful and sad, yet I am with Tom Messereau, MJ's former attorney, that those that enabled Michael, were around him, should all face justice.

Lionel Ritchie said, one pill, 5 pills, where were those around him that could have stopped this from esculating. Why are we speaking about this now, why not do it when he was alive. Now means nothing. He's gone.

Michael feared one listened, no one took him seriously, most thought he was a paranoid ...

Folks talk about what they "could have done" or "should have done" and feel, if the emotion is real or not, remorse, should I have done more? They had the power, they had the leverage one did nothing.

It's so sad...