Ebay: Get Your Weight Off Of Me????

I guess, GYWOOM would've been a success. Here is why:
Out of all the Jerkins songs, GYWOOM is the most catchy one.
Similar like BotDF to the other Teddy Riley songs.
And both are about nasty women.
GYWOOME about nasty woman??? What?? I thought it's about mass-media.... i mean problems with mass-media? Song has the same idea as Leave Me Alone, Scream etc
I swear to God we got the short end of the stick with the 1988 mix being released, the 1986 demo getting leaked and this one still being kept away.
One day man one day, although it might be through another stealing fiasco again since I highly doubt we will get another streetwalker release
GYWOOME about nasty woman??? What?? I thought it's about mass-media.... i mean problems with mass-media? Song has the same idea as Leave Me Alone, Scream etc
this sounds like the song is about a woman:
I'm like your dog on a chain
My thoughts of you still remain
You want to get a song from Korgnex with a song owned by Korgnex. Collecter 😎
I don't want it from korgnex HHH I want from others people third vocals from best of joy to trade with changes snippet MJ+ choir
If the leak was sped up, can't someone slow it down so it sounds like the original pitch or something