Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

About the dream I mentioned earlier, particularly about the owl, I googled the symbolism of the owl and it said "the owl was honored as the keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. Often myth indicates the owl accompanying a spirit to the underworld - winging it's newly freed soul from the physical world into the realm of spirit". Native Americans associated the meaning of owl with wisdom, foresight, and keeper of sacred knowledge.

As for 'Another Part of Me' - when studying the lyrics it tells me that we are all connected, more so than we realize, and it is more apparent in the spirit world.
I do feel a very strong spiritual connection to Michael.

I haven't figured out Thriller....

mine is a panther
I need to know seriously Is there a picture an interview a video etc. where Michael is walking down steps outside?...stone staircase outdoors?
I need to know seriously Is there a picture an interview a video etc. where Michael is walking down steps outside?...stone staircase outdoors?

There's this picture

Yeah, I thought of that pic too. Good job finding it so quick ;)

OMG, I had a dream today, something about being at Neverland. I don't remember much of it, but at one point Michael had been gone for a while and then was back and we were walking up to a meadow/field/grassy area that I've dreamt of before and he said he wanted to show me something or had done something up there for me. Then I saw fireflies in the air all over the field and thought, "Wait -- I've only seen those in the midwest. Do they even have fireflies in California?", but then I figured that somehow they were only there because Michael had wanted them, like he'd ordered them or something, lol.

So then I get up (quite late, because I'm sick with a cold right now and slept into the afternoon) and found that someone had uploaded the segment of Kenny Ortega on the Oprah Winfrey Show from yesterday. Yay! So I start watching and in it Kenny tells the story of how MJ called him at 3am and said, "fireflies!"... as one of his ideas for the concerts, I guess. At this point I about choked on my tea, lol! What the...?! Wow! :) Maybe it was because my husband had watched the Oprah clip before I woke up and somehow sent me the idea telepathically, lol? Well, however it happen ... what an amazing 'coincidence'.
There's this picture


wow thanks. i wonder if there are anymore from this closer to see if theres a 'railing'

i had a dream-like a few months back like this i could see him walking down out door steps but untill i can find more pics or anything i'll wait to share.
This morning my mom told me she had a dream about Michael Jackson. She's always liked him and sympathized with him. She even bought his Greatest Hits DVD when the trial in 2005 was going on because she believed he was innocent. I don't think she's as big of a fan as I am though. I asked her what the dream was about and this is what she told me

"It was like I could actually see him. There was a lot of hugging going on and I was crying I guess. I told him I was a sensitive person."

Sounded like a really nice dream she had, and the way she was telling it to me made it seem like it might have been more than just a dream. Just thought I would share. :)
This morning my mom told me she had a dream about Michael Jackson. She's always liked him and sympathized with him. She even bought his Greatest Hits DVD when the trial in 2005 was going on because she believed he was innocent. I don't think she's as big of a fan as I am though. I asked her what the dream was about and this is what she told me

"It was like I could actually see him. There was a lot of hugging going on and I was crying I guess. I told him I was a sensitive person."

Sounded like a really nice dream she had, and the way she was telling it to me made it seem like it might have been more than just a dream. Just thought I would share. :)
That's so cool. My mom has dreamt of him as well, nothing specific, just that he was talking with her and she felt he was doing alright. She was never a fan per se either (for years she bugged me about when I'd get over my MJ 'obsession', lol), but she says she always believed he was innocent and she had grown to generally appreciate his work. In fact, a couple of months ago she surprised me by saying he was the greatest entertainer ever (whoo-hoo! she finally got it! ;)) and how she always found it disgusting and inexcusable the way the media ripped him apart. My step-dad also had at least one dream about MJ recently. He also is not someone I'd consider to be a fan, but he certainly has nothing against him.
few months before MJ passed away a fan here wrote that she saw a bad dream about Mj i do not want to say anything about this dream but i feel we may know something about the last night with dr. death .... i beg this fan if s/he remember this dream to tell us more about it.
few months before MJ passed away a fan here wrote that she saw a bad dream about Mj i do not want to say anything about this dream but i feel we may know something about the last night with dr. death .... i beg this fan if s/he remember this dream to tell us more about it.
Without knowing anything about it specifically, I wouldn't know which one you're referring to. It should be here in the thread still. If you go back to about page 21 (that's around June 25th) and work backwards you'd probably find it.
Ok brace yourselves.....it;'s yet another wierd dream from Linda...lol. Anyway, I was on this barge, and we docked at this mysterious haunted island. It was a set of stone steps (what is it about stone steps lately, anyway??!! LOL!) A red carpet rolled out for me to step on, and I took my place at the top of the stairs. It looked like an ancient Greek theater. All of a sudden, the ancient theater turned into my high school gymnasium. I had to sing this show-stopping number, with a bunch of chorus girls dressed up like my maidservants. Then, at the height of the number, MJ came out and we sang a duet!!

What can I say? Maybe I saw the movie "Cleopatra" with Elizabeth Taylor too many times? And MJ was my Marc Anthony?? LMAO!
I just had an MJ related dream..It was pretty weird though. I again can't remember all teh details...but I can remember first I was somewhere with MJ fans. It may have been London. And we were all "trying to find MJ"...you know, it was like before...fans trying to find out wher MJ is, and how to get into his hotel and all that. What I can't remember though is if MJ actually WAS there...:scratch: I mean, I just remember at one point I was hanging on to a small chimney on some rooftop with other fans and then the chimney was moving and came off and the other fans were like "Yeah, this was how you could get into his hotel...! (So maybe MJ was dead in my dream? :scratch: :( ) and they were all like "LETS' GO!!" and I was like "Nooo...we can't...we're not allowed...!" (you know, like the way I was at MJ events...and didn't think it was right to try to get in MJ's hotel, etc.). Anyways...I can't remember all parts, but just that I was in some city, running around with fans, and fans were just everywhere and somehow it was significant. Like there was some big MJ event or something....a concert or something...which again made it feel like MJ WAS alive in my dream. :scratch: I can't figure it out. :scratch: :lol:

Anyways, then the next thing I know I'm in this big house...and I walk into this one room, and Prince is there and as soon as he sees me, he gets up to greet me and I'm like "Hi Prince!!" and we hug, and I'm like "Gosh, you've gotten so big!!! I can remember when you were just a little two year old!" (because when we hugged Prince was almost my height). And we kept hugging and Prince hugged me so tight and I was thinking "Gosh...poor Prince....he misses his daddy so much!!" (so I guess MJ was dead after all? :scratch: Anyways, I just remember I was sensing that Prince was really sad and missing his daddy so much. And for some reason I seemed to be friends with them and they knew me, so I guess that's why he was hugging me so tightly because somehow I was a comfort to him. :scratch: No idea. :scratch:). So then after having greeted Prince, I walked into another room...which was sort of a big room where people were gathered. (Prince was in his room in my dream). There were all kinds of people and I didn't really feel it was a positive, welcoming athomosphere, so I stopped at the door, and then Paris saw me and she got up and ran to hug me and I was like "Aaww! Hi Paris!!", and said the same about how big she had gotten also because she was tall as well. I got the impression it was someone's birthday...or some celebration like that with presents involved and that's why I was there, or something like that...that I didn't really know the others well, just MJ's kids (well, Prince and Paris at least). Blanket was sitting on Grace's lap and it was almost like a movie theater kind of seating...with chairs in rows...And I would have needed to walk between chairs to get to Blanket, and it felt some people didn't seem to like having me there, becaus they didn't know me, I guess. I can remember seeing people turn to look at me like "Who is SHE? What's SHE doing here?". I was close to Blanket in the dream at one point but he was just sitting on Grace's lap, looking around, and I think he saw me too but didn't react and I was like "He's too young to remember me". So apparently Blanket didn't really know me and I didn't really know him well either in the dream. Which was a bit weird and funny. Anyways...that's all I remember. And I have no idea where all that came from and how come I all of the sudden knew Prince and Paris and they knew me in the dream and why I was in that house visiting them? :scratch: :lol: Such a random dream! :lol: However, what made me sad though was that MJ was gone in my dream. :boohoo:
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i dreamt this just minutes ago, i felt i had to write it down and share:
he was by our old house (I grew up in that house but my grandmother had to sell it 2years ago) and he was so beautiful and I wanted to meet him but couldn’t.
The house was big and on the second floor there were some groupies, actually 3 of them, he went up there with his manager, he was dressed like in the You rock my world video.
The ambient temperature was cold, so dark and foggy and outside there was a big party with unknown people, it was kind of horrific, and I was so upset that I could not meet him personally, although I felt that we knew each other and were in love but there was a uncomfortable feeling mixed with sadness.
As I looked up, I saw him looking out the window and he smiled at me, it was like he was watching me but suddenly one of the girls grabbed him and pulled him back!
I was smoking one cigarette after another and felt a strange dizziness, like I was high (I don’t really know how it feels but I knew it in my dream) I felt an uncontrollable anger and decided to go upstairs. I went there and he was in the last accessible room lying in bed, he looked kind of surprised and it was like we argued telepathically about something and on the floor there were whole bunch of recording instruments and the three girls singing a song (I don’t remember it but I’m pretty sure it was one of Michaels hits) The tree girls had beautiful voices but seemed so unreal, like zombies, but they just kept on singing and they all looked at me angry, like if I spoiled the party, and the manager was watching them but did not say anything. The last thing I remember was curling into the bed and hugging him and kissing his neck, and he wanted to tell me something, he looked into my eyes and I felt so at peace I felt that all the tension was gone and I cried inside me which was so relieving, just that my phone rang and I suddenly woke up feeling frustrated and angry of the innocent people wanting to interact with me, oh gosh I feel so angry right now!!! And I couldn’t go back to sleep in the hope that my dream would continue!
That’s all :)
I just had a dream but it wasn't about MJ, it was about Blanket. In my dream Blamket was 18 or 20 years old and he was performing a concert. I was backstage with him and we were totally comfortable because we knew each other well. He still had halflong ravenblack hair but he looked down so I couldnt 't see his face at that moment. There were 1 or 2 movements from MJ in the dances and everything else was his own invention and it was totally awesome and he was a major star but very down to earth and humble. His energy was like MJ but he was his own person and respected a lot for that too.
I sensed that dancing is Blanket's therapy, he needs it to feel good. Oh, and he was a great singer as well.
Without knowing anything about it specifically, I wouldn't know which one you're referring to. It should be here in the thread still. If you go back to about page 21 (that's around June 25th) and work backwards you'd probably find it.

i searched this thread manytimes but i could not find it !

the dream was about MJ being ready to perform"that was evevn before announcing the concerts" then the person saw MJ preparing to get outta his room or something but suddenly when s/he return to his room s/he found him hanged by someone ''killed''.
that fan was very scared . but no one was able to understand what was all this dream about.

there were more details but i can't remember them that's why i want that fan to write more about it.
I had some really weird ones this morning. Kept waking up and going back into strange dreams. At first I was dreaming something like watching video clips about TII and then there was some previously unheard audio clip that was a special message from MJ to his fans and it was playing, like my whole field of dream vision was a big YouTube player or something. And it started several times and I'd wake up, then fall asleep and see it again, this special message from Michael playing -- just a black screen with words and his voice. But I could never recall anything specific about it when I woke up! Argh!

Then later I had a dream that MJ was a cat. Yes, a cat. He was a fluffier version of my mostly black but a big calico cat Pepper, who died many years ago. We were at my old house I lived at as a kid. I was trying to protect "MJ" by keeping him in the kitchen so he wouldn't get away, out where some bad folks wanted to catch him. Very weird. That was as short dream, though.

Next I was in a room with my husband and whole bunch of dolls, mannequins and stuffed animals. One of them (a puppet-like male doll) came to life and started bringing the others to life in turn. One of these was a doll-like MJ figure, almost life-sized. There were cute stuffed elephants and bunnies and teddy bears and also human forms of various sizes. The head doll guy told me that they were always alive, just like we are. So I asked where they came from then, who made them. They said the same as who made us (non-doll people). I said that can't be because WE (humans) actually physically made the dolls and stuffed animals, etc. But the head doll guy informed me they had souls just like we do, just that we don't notice it. So then I was sitting next to "MJ" (the almost-life-sized one) and I wondered then if Michael had known about the dolls all being alive and if he ever experienced something like this with his mannequin collection, but I had to remind myself that no matter how real the "MJ" next to me seemed to be from his look and voice and such, it wasn't actually him but a doll and therefore "he" wouldn't actually have any of Michael's memories. At this point we were all in a low-flying airplane near Las Vegas, heading west. We saw two huge flying saucers in the sky to the north and then people in flames hanging in mid-air alongside the road. But the people didn't exist below the knee and we all realized it was a trick -- someone was faking that the saucers had attacked the people, but in reality nothing had happened at all. Then we (dolls, "MJ", stuffed animals, etc) were all heading down to South America for some reason. What the...? That was one of the weirdest dream sequences I've ever had!! When I woke up the things that had come to life still seemed so real and I almost missed them because they were so nice, lol, and I had this idea in my head those first few seconds that they were trying to tell me about everything being alive because it's all a part of God, so technically everything inanimate is still alive because it's energy and all energy is part of the consciousness of God, if you know what I mean. Yeah, all that from some Velveteen Rabbit acid-trip like dream, lol.
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I had some really weird ones this morning. Kept waking up and going back into strange dreams. At first I was dreaming something like watching video clips about TII and then there was some previously unheard audio clip that was a special message from MJ to his fans and it was playing, like my whole field of dream vision was a big YouTube player or something. And it started several times and I'd wake up, then fall asleep and see it again, this special message from Michael playing -- just a black screen with words and his voice. But I could never recall anything specific about it when I woke up! Argh!

Then later I had a dream that MJ was a cat. Yes, a cat. He was a fluffier version of my mostly black but a big calico cat Pepper, who died many years ago. We were at my old house I lived at as a kid. I was trying to protect "MJ" by keeping him in the kitchen so he wouldn't get away, out where some bad folks wanted to catch him. Very weird. That was as short dream, though.

Next I was in a room with my husband and whole bunch of dolls, mannequins and stuffed animals. One of them (a puppet-like male doll) came to life and started bringing the others to life in turn. One of these was a doll-like MJ figure, almost life-sized. There were cute stuffed elephants and bunnies and teddy bears and also human forms of various sizes. The head doll guy told me that they were always alive, just like we are. So I asked where they came from then, who made them. They said the same as who made us (non-doll people). I said that can't be because WE (humans) actually physically made the dolls and stuffed animals, etc. But the head doll guy informed me they had souls just like we do, just that we don't notice it. So then I was sitting next to "MJ" (the almost-life-sized one) and I wondered then if Michael had known about the dolls all being alive and if he ever experienced something like this with his mannequin collection, but I had to remind myself that no matter how real the "MJ" next to me seemed to be from his look and voice and such, it wasn't actually him but a doll and therefore "he" wouldn't actually have any of Michael's memories. At this point we were all in a low-flying airplane near Las Vegas, heading west. We saw two huge flying saucers in the sky to the north and then people in flames hanging in mid-air alongside the road. But the people didn't exist below the knee and we all realized it was a trick -- someone was faking that the saucers had attacked the people, but in reality nothing had happened at all. Then we (dolls, "MJ", stuffed animals, etc) were all heading down to South America for some reason. What the...? That was one of the weirdest dream sequences I've ever had!! When I woke up the things that had come to life still seemed so real and I almost missed them because they were so nice, lol, and I had this idea in my head those first few seconds that they were trying to tell me about everything being alive because it's all a part of God, so technically everything inanimate is still alive because it's energy and all energy is part of the consciousness of God, if you know what I mean. Yeah, all that from some Velveteen Rabbit acid-trip like dream, lol.

:lol: :lol: :lol: I love how RANDOM some dreams are...and how it still gets some point across sometimes. :lol:

That last line about the "Velveteen Rabbit acid-trip like dream" cracked me up! :lol: :lol: :lol: I guess that's how some dreams are. I know mine make no sense most of the times and I wake up and go "WTF?!!" :mello::unsure: :doh: :lol:
My sister had an MJ dream a few days ago. She was in a helicopter and it was circling Neverland. She looked down and could see the rides going and everything. It landed in a parking lot area and when she got out she realized there were huge numbers of kids everywhere, laughing and having a good time. She said it was this amazing feeling like warmth and comfort and love, just overwhelmingly nice. It seemed like present time because she knew Michael was gone, but yet it felt like he was still there somehow, like his energy was everywhere and she might end up seeing him anyway. They then all went to some kind of outdoor theater place with palm trees around it and she told a woman next to her, "I forgot my camera in my car! I've got to take pictures for my sister!" (LOL - glad she remembered me ;)) She then left the theater area and went wandering around in darker areas, like in buildings that felt like staff would be working there behind the scenes. She walked down hallways and such, always feeling like any second she'd run into Michael, even though she knew that should be impossible. She told me that my mom has dreamed about being at Neverland too recently. Cool.
This morning I dreamed that I had a brother (which I don't, lol) and he was having some kind of surgery near his right ear. We seemed quite close and I cared about him very much and I was worried about him. I was in the hospital room and it was right after the procedure and he was awake. The nurse then took a large syringe out with white liquid in it. In totally clear letters on the side was the word "diprivan". She was going to inject it into his IV. I was like 'wtf?!' and I screamed that she'd kill him. I knew it would kill him. I was so upset. The doctor came in and I knew I couldn't trust him either. I knew he and the nurse were going to kill my brother and dump him in a field. That dream sucked. Guess it shows how deep this whole thing is in my psyche. It's the second time I dreamt of propofol not in relation to MJ.

Later in the morning I dreamed there was a huge MJ exhibition in a beautiful big building like a palace, but it wasn't so much his costumes and the like, but just very ordinary stuff... shirts, sweaters, books, personal items. There was a really annoying guy who reminded me of Chris Tucker a bit, lol, and he kept trying to get me to kiss him or something and I had to fight off his advances constantly. For some reason we went together on a narrow suspended walkway across the river to get to this building. Inside he wanted to steal something of MJ's for me and I kept telling him no, don't do that. I didn't want to get caught with stolen items, not to mention I'm not a thief. And security kept coming in and out of the room all the time anyway. At one point I saw that MJ had the exact same old turquoise-cover edition of 'The Complete Works of Lewis Carroll' as I do and I thought that was so neat, lol. I also saw some clothing items that I've seen pics of MJ wearing back in the 80's.

I keep dreaming about Michael in some way, but lately it's been either so vague I can't remember much at all when I wake up or it's just about him, not of him. Have had a lot of dreams about watching video clips or hearing audio clips.
Last night I had a dream with Michael actually in it. For the first time in about a month! Here's how it went

I was in an empty room with a few people. The room had a wood floor and a big glass window. Michael Jackson was also standing off to the side. He looked so beautiful. Like he was emanating beauty. He was a spirit, but he could still do things physically, like touch people, and people could see and hear him. A couple of ladies walked in asking and pleading for one of us to babysit their twin girls (but there was actually only one girl that I saw), while they went to go do something. We all just stared at them and we were eating something. One of the ladies said “Are your mouths full?” Michael stood there silently for a little bit, his arms folded in front of him. When no one answered, he said “I'll do it.” So he did and he took the little girl with him, who was about 2 years old. He went and did the MTV 10th anniversary special with her. They went on stage and the little girl was looking up at Michael in awe. Then they lined up with his people and he picked the little girl up and held her in the air.

Wow, I didn't know such a beautiful man could get even more beautiful until I had this dream. He looked like this of course, beautiful and hot. :wild:


Oh yeah, and my mom had another dream about him she told me about. She was walking along the beach with him and he was showing her some property on the beach he was going to buy.
Wow, cool dream :wub: I want another dream with Michael in it, too! :whine: ;)
I had another dream of Michael:D
This one though was comical.
The first part was weird, I was actually a part of the Jackson 5. What I remember was I was looking into, it looked like a school gym but I was looking to it through a curtain. What I remember is I saw the Jackson 5 singing and randomly in the song they would stop and smile for the camera. In the dream I felt like I was a part of the Jackson 5 because I would feel myself smiling like they were. I don't know :doh: lol
The next part of the dream was weird, but funny. It looked like am ascension of photographs of Michael and Michael with his brothers. Every picture that came I would hear Michael commenting on them, and with all of them it was a funny comment. Well the only one I remember him commenting on was actually when someone asked him about it.
In the dream Michael was talking about how he wanted to go without a shirt on and there was a picture of him from the Dangerous tour wearing this :

Well the person, I think it was a guy, asked Michael if that was what he wore on a daily basis. I heard Michael, giggle, well laugh and say
"No! That's just silly." Or something like that.
I don't know if he was saying the attire was silly or the thought of wearing it on a daily basis was silly.
Anyway:D I loved the dream:D
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I had another dream of Michael:D
This one though was comical.
The first part was weird, I was actually a part of the Jackson 5. What I remember was I was looking into, it looked like a school gym but I was looking to it through a curtain. What I remember is I saw the Jackson 5 singing and randomly in the song they would stop and smile for the camera. In the dream I felt like I was a part of the Jackson 5 because I would feel myself smiling like they were. I don't know :doh: lol
The next part of the dream was weird, but funny. It looked like a ascension of photographs of Michael and Michael with his brothers. Every picture that came I would hear Michael commenting on them, and with all of them it was a funny comment. Well the only one I remember him commenting on was actually when someone asked him about it.
In the dream Michael was talking about how he wanted to go without a shirt on and there was a picture of him from the Dangerous tour wearing this :

Well the person, I think it was a guy, asked Michael if that was what he wore on a daily basis. I heard Michael, giggle, well laugh and say
"No! That's just silly." Or something like that.
I don't know if he was saying the attire was silly or the thought of wearing it on a daily basis was silly.
Anyway:D I loved the dream:D

A macro dream!! :lmao:
A macro dream!! :lmao:
LOLOL, you're right! Sounds like someone's been spending too much time in the macros thread (if there is such a thing as too much time in the macros thread) ;)
LOLOL, you're right! Sounds like someone's been spending too much time in the macros thread (if there is such a thing as too much time in the macros thread) ;)

What can I say? I love my macro thread :D
Besides, who doesn't??? :eviltongue: hehe:D

I actually had another dream!!!
This time though it was weird, not like the others weren't :lol:
This one I saw a piece of paper and it had his Children's names written on it. The weird thing is that their first names weren't right. They had their names in their name but their first name was different.
:lol: I remembered because my friend told me how she read Randy's name was actually Steven or something so it made me remember my dream:lol:
I had this really weird dream last night :blink:

I was in a classroom with people and Michael was standing in front. We had these TV dinners on our desks, which had sausage in them. We had to sort out the sausage and put it with what I think was corn on the right side of the carton. This was for some commercial Michael was doing. There would be three contest winners if we got it right. I didn't win, but two girls and a guy won. Since they won now they had to get on stage and sing this new Michael Jackson song. The two girls looked really nervous on stage because they didn't know the song, so they just lip-synched it. The guy did know the song though. So, the performance wasn't too great, but Michael was ok with it anyway.
Had a series of dreams this morning, in all of them at least mentioning MJ (in between lots of people shooting at me and me having to shoot back... wth?), but in the last one I was standing in a living room and a friend asked me something about how Michael had felt about something (can't remember what) and then she realized I wouldn't know, not having been him, lol. But at this point I started laughing and said, "Well, I could always ask him," and I glanced over my shoulder and into another room several feet away. This other room had large glass doors and windows that separated it from where I was. One of the doors was open, too. And standing there in the little room was Michael! He was wearing something pretty colorful that reminded me of the very end of the Leave Me Alone video (when he stands up). He smiled at me and walked out into the main room, but then it all gets hazy because I woke up and fell back alseep, but I swear I remember a hug or at least being very close to him. I wish it had been more vivid (!), but at least I remembered something :wub: