Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

i had a WEIRD!! dream , oh it was CREEPY
i had a dream that :
i was watching ,the insider, as usual LOLZ
then they said : there's a ,person, tried to open michael jackson's grave!!!!!!!!!
suddenly i found my self in front of his grave! i don't know how i got there!!!
i saw his grave and it was almost open!!only the sand was covering him!!!
i was SOOOOO scared.....and SHOCKED at the same time
then i just woke up :(
oh god! i can't get this dream out of my mind :cry:
^^^that is a very scary dream!

I have a great dream of MJ yesterday!

I dream that I was renting the house with him! lol! Just me and him sharing a small but a very nice house! Since we are housemates, we do things together like cleaning the house and grocceries shopping! So one day I went to a restaurant in a huge shopping complex with him and meet up a few friends over there to set up a birthday party for MJ! Michael was helping me and my friends decorating the restaurant in the beginning but then he told me he wanted to walk around the shopping center to have a look. I told him to went ahead while I continue with the decorations but after a while I went to find him. When I'd found him, he was dancing with a very beautiful woman in a ballroom dancing area where several other couples were also dancing. He saw me but I just smile and wave since we treat each other only as friends. But the truth is I'm in love with him but I never told him! So I was actually jealous but I didn't say anything and just let him enjoy himself. I told him the decorations are done and we are waiting for him and walked back to the restarant. He came a few minutes after that and we have his birthday party and had a big birthday cake. We had a great party and everyone enjoyed themself. When the party ended, all our friends went back home. But before we went home, he asked me for a dance and I accepted. I feel that maybe he knows I was a bit jealous earlier! I had such a great time dacing with him before heading back home together!

I guess that is all! eheheh!
I usually don't share the dreams I have of MJ but I had one this morning that I felt compelled to tell. It wasn't long at all, it was more like a 6-7 second little clip or something like that. Well I was half asleep when it happened and it happened right when the news was just reporting the autopsy results of Michael. I thought that was a dream but found out it wasn't.
Well while they were going through the report I was suddenly hovering over this beautiful setting. I can't even describe how beautiful this place was, it had colors I'd never seen before. The nature of the scene was breath taking. I saw Michael sitting/standing I forgot which but there was a woman next to him. She looked like an angel. She was beautiful! She had long blond/golden hair and she was wearing this long flowing white, almost sparkling dress.
I don't remember the expression on MJ's face and I never saw the woman's face because as soon as I saw them I was lifted up to behold I don't even know what it was, maybe an ocean but all I know was that it too was breath taking.
That was the end of it.
So, RainbowAngel and oldmoon20... you both had dreams of him with a beautiful woman. Interesting.

I had a scary and not so nice dream about Michael this morning. Actually, it was mostly a nightmare. It took place at Neverland (but in the dream it didn't look like the real NL). I was staying there overnight, but MJ wasn't there. I kept hoping he'd come back home before I had to leave! In the morning there were LOTS of people outside on the grounds; working, kids playing, folks just hanging out. Suddenly a whole group quickly rushed to the little road's edge and someone said, "It's Michael!" I ran as fast as I could, but only caught a short glimpse of him (curls, black facemask, dark jacket) walking down toward the car, surrounded by hoards of security ppl. They all jumped into the vehicle and drove away through the gates (so I wondered if he'd actually been there at NL the whole time or what.) I was glad I'd at least seen a glimpse of him.

A few minutes later I saw two men approach the still-open gates. I realized they were carrying rifles. One man said, "Tom! Tom! Come on, Tom!" (I didn't think about any specific "Tom" in the dream, btw) and then I heard shots fired! And there were more men coming! I realized I was quite a ways from the main house and would have to run a long distance up a grassy hill to escape. They were shooting at everyone on the grounds, just going to kill us all, children, everyone! All I could think of was that I'm about to die, but thank God that Michael got out of here in time :mello: I was trying to run up the hill, but I knew I had no chance. Then I suddenly thought, ahhh hell no! It's MY dream, dammit! Then I woke up for a few seconds freaked out.

Upon falling back asleep I found myself in the same scenario, but much closer to the house with my little sister and Michael. He raced us into the house and to his room, to hide us in that 'secret' space at the back of his closet. But I tried to tell him that wasn't going to work 'cause everyone knows about that now! It's been on TV, it's public knowledge, it's not a safe hideaway! But he didn't seem to believe me. He left us by the closet and started to run off. I screamed, "No, Michael! No! Don't go!!!!!" He paused and said he has to, to get others to safety. But I knew in my heart there were too many gunmen and his chances of making it through the house and back alive were very slim. I pleaded with him, but he was in a desperate hurry and trying to pull away from my grip. I demanded that he take me with him at the very least. He said no, it's too dangerous! I pleaded, "But Michael! I... I would be like a bullet shield for you if necessary, don't you understand?... You have to take me with you!" (I totally meant it too.) He looked at me with sad eyes, a bit shocked :bugeyed and said he would never let me go for such a reason (!) and ran out the door without me. :no: I cried and felt panicked.

(Later, though, I saw him again looking like 2001 and he was getting an award with Janet and Tito. People outside were selling Thriller: The Remixes CD's. I thought, why the hell do I want a Thriller remix album, lol?)
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In my dream I got the vibe that the woman with MJ was his protector
I was also thinking about maybe a spirit guide/guardian angel figure. Cool. :)Way nicer than my dream last night, lol.
I was also thinking about maybe a spirit guide/guardian angel figure. Cool. :)Way nicer than my dream last night, lol.

I'm sorry about your dream:(
I had a bad dream when MJ had you know and he was looking at someone and it looked like me and he said "I hate you."
I know he wouldn't say that but I still hated that dream.
This last one I had made me feel very peaceful though:D
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I'm sorry about your dream:(
I had a bad dream when MJ had you know and he was looking at someone and it looked like me and he said "I hate you."
I know he wouldn't say that but I still hated that dream.
This last one I had made me feel very peaceful though:D
Doh! Wow, that reminds me a bit of one I had back in late 2000/early 2001! It seemed real and kind of lucid, like I realized this was some other plane of consciousness or something. I suddenly found myself walking down an alley and I heard music coming from a door that was slightly ajar. As I got closer I realized it was MJ's music, like something new he was working on. I thought wow, I haven't talked with Michael for ages and I wanted to just have to peek in real quick to say hi and that I've really missed him. He'd always been so sweet to me in dreams like this in the past, lol.

I approached the door and could see it was a recording studio. MJ was sitting behind the board and seemed to be alone. I tried to knock gently and say hello without startling him. He looked over at me with NO recognition at all on his face, kind of like 'WTF?' I told him I didn't want to disturb him, but I was walking by, blah, blah, just wanted to say hi and that I hope he's doing well. He looked at me with a blank look and said, "Who are you?" :mello: Everything inside me just sunk. I was totally confused. How could he not know me??? I said, "Michael, it's ME..... um.... don't you remember me?" :no: I was thinking, God, I know we don't know each other personally in regular life, but geez... you know who I am from all the other times we've met in dreams! He still looked at me like WTF. And I said, "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you. I just... you.... you don't remember me at all?" And then he yelled at me, "GET THE HELL OUT!!!!" :bugeyed I almost stumbled backwards and fell. I said I'm sorry, sorry, and backed out quickly and I was just like... HUH? How can he not remember me??? I think I even woke up crying. It was "just" a dream, but really upset me, lol. In some weird subliminal way I think this almost colored the whole Invincible period for me with this odd feeling like Michael wasn't quite himself and had yelled at me, lol. Although we 'made up' in dreams again late last year, lol.
Doh! Wow, that reminds me a bit of one I had back in late 2000/early 2001! It seemed real and kind of lucid, like I realized this was some other plane of consciousness or something. I suddenly found myself walking down an alley and I heard music coming from a door that was slightly ajar. As I got closer I realized it was MJ's music, like something new he was working on. I thought wow, I haven't talked with Michael for ages and I wanted to just have to peek in real quick to say hi and that I've really missed him. He'd always been so sweet to me in dreams like this in the past, lol.

I approached the door and could see it was a recording studio. MJ was sitting behind the board and seemed to be alone. I tried to knock gently and say hello without startling him. He looked over at me with NO recognition at all on his face, kind of like 'WTF?' I told him I didn't want to disturb him, but I was walking by, blah, blah, just wanted to say hi and that I hope he's doing well. He looked at me with a blank look and said, "Who are you?" :mello: Everything inside me just sunk. I was totally confused. How could he not know me??? I said, "Michael, it's ME..... um.... don't you remember me?" :no: I was thinking, God, I know we don't know each other personally in regular life, but geez... you know who I am from all the other times we've met in dreams! He still looked at me like WTF. And I said, "Well, I'm sorry, I didn't want to bother you. I just... you.... you don't remember me at all?" And then he yelled at me, "GET THE HELL OUT!!!!" :bugeyed I almost stumbled backwards and fell. I said I'm sorry, sorry, and backed out quickly and I was just like... HUH? How can he not remember me??? I think I even woke up crying. It was "just" a dream, but really upset me, lol. In some weird subliminal way I think this almost colored the whole Invincible period for me with this odd feeling like Michael wasn't quite himself and had yelled at me, lol. Although we 'made up' in dreams again late last year, lol.

:( aw
I'm sorry.
I had a dream with MJ in it a couple of nights ago. :) It was SO NICE. :wub: I think it was the first one after his passing where I actually "saw" him and was able to touch him. I've had a couple of MJ related ones lately (where he was mentioned but I did not see him) but I just can NOT remember what they were about...can't remember a thing. I hate it. I wake up and remember it was MJ related, and go "I need to remember everything!!" and by the time I'm in the bathroom taking a shower and brushing my teeth it's all gone and I can't remember a thing! :sad: It's so frustrating! But I remember this last one I had with MJ in it. :) Not all of it...only one part...I guess I remember it because I felt so good and so happy and so comforted, that it got burnt into my mind and memory. :lol: Anyways, what happened was that I got to hug MJ in my dream. :wub: I can not remember a THING about what the dream was about and why MJ was there and why I was close enough to hug him (I just remember it was not a fan type of meeting, I was somehow friends with him in the dream). Anyways I only remember that we hugged and it felt so good and I kept thinking "Gosh, he gives the best hugs!" because the hug was like a real "bear hug", which are the best ones. Like, he hugged me tightly and held me for such a long time. Aaawww! :wub: And I remember I was thinking "Ah, I really needed a hug...how did he know?!! He's so sweet!" in the dream. Anyways, that's all I can remember of the dream. It was not much, but it was enough to make me smile. :)
That's sweet, Summer :) I also had a dream with MJ in it last night. It was very early in the morning and so I can't remember anything specific, just that I saw him in person up close and I sort of half woke up with an "ohhhh, he's ok!" feeling. :wub:

Just for the future's sake, I want to state here (because we'll forget what date this happened) that last night the site went down and we lost LOTS of posts all over the board. Everything after Oct 2nd was lost. I'm confused, though, because I swear that we were on page 31 long before last week, or am I just confusing the page count with another thread? Anyway, if you have copies of of your dreams from the last few days, can you re-post please? I can't even think of what posts of mine may be gone. Pity I hadn't backed up this thread since September.
Last night I was dreaming that it was Halloween. I was working on something (ugh, like organizing stuff? fixing something? I can't really remember what) in some big old house in a wooded neighborhood. It was getting near sunset and something happened that meant I'd have to stay and work longer and I was really stressed out because I didn't want to miss this night! Why? Because just before that I had seen Michael briefly with Prince (when he was about 3 years old or so) and he was getting him dressed up in a costume and telling him all about trick-or-treating. Michael said he really wanted to have fun tonight because, "This will be my last Halloween." (Because he was going to die soon after :cry:) I didn't want to miss being there.
I had amazing dream on the morning of Michael's birthday. Saw him smiling from the photo dressed in red sitting on the stair in Rome. He was so happy and cute. And could i heard his minds. Michael said me - it's okay, everyting is okay, don't worry.I waked up with the heart full of hapiness.When i remember this dream I feel so many love and power from his words.
I had amazing dream on the morning of Michael's birthday. Saw him smiling from the photo dressed in red sitting on the stair in Rome. He was so happy and cute. And could i heard his minds. Michael said me - it's okay, everyting is okay, don't worry.I waked up with the heart full of hapiness.When i remember this dream I feel so many love and power from his words.

oww , that's SOOO sweet
I've had many more dreams of MJ I just can't remember them. :(
I do remember a weird dream about TII though, I remember I walked into the movie theater and everything was packed and I was thinking "Wow! I didn't expect it to be this packed so soon" and I found a seat kind of to the side. Well than the dream shifted to another place I don't even remember lol.
I had another: Michael was up on stage doing what he does best, performing :)
This morning I dreamt that I was at the theater to see TII, but the theater was huge, more like a mini arena. The film played and it was actually quite odd. We didn't see or hear MJ in it at all for at least the first 10 minutes and then they'd show Michael for a few seconds here and there (like watching rehearsals, etc) and he looked wonderful and the whole audience sort of gasped with joy and many cried. But the only clips of his voice we'd hear were these odd voice-over things that didn't match up with anything we were seeing. At one point he sang a few lines of a song that began with a "P" (I thought for a second it was about pirates maybe, lol) and everyone was like, "OMG!" because this was something we'd never heard before, but had heard about many times and we were like in rapture to hear these few lines of this song that was like a legend ;) But the whole film had this weird, surreal quality which was getting frustrating. Have you ever seen a documentary that keeps flashing around and being all vague about everything, like jumping from one thing to the next, leaving you sort of bewildered about exactly what you're supposed to be getting out of it? You want to just scream at the filmmaker "Can't you just tell the freakin' story instead of trying to be all artsy and cool???!" Well, it was like that. A full two hours had passed and we still hadn't heard hardly anything from MJ and it was time for intermission (they do this in Germany when movies are long -- there's a break in the middle). After that at times I ended up sort of being IN the film and close to Michael while he was rehearsing :swoon:, but that was about the time the alarm went off and it all got too strange and I woke up. You know, in the end I just love to have him in my dreams, kind of no matter what they're about at this point :)
The other night I dreamt I was in a library looking at psychic books and as I walked along there was a gap between the books on one of the shelves. Just as I got to it Michael stuck his head through it from the other side of the isle. Lol! He made me jump so much I woke up! Good to see him though :D
i had a very strange dream actually a few weeks ago, but i can still remember it vividly:it was a party where all of my relatives participated and there were some gipsys who made a fountain and one of them (a very handsome guy:))invited me to see it closely-it was very beautiful, and then i looked on the sky and i saw 26 moons, i did count them and saw some stars which turned red and suddenly they started to fall and become bombs, everybody was running after that-it was war! and i got out of it, and in one moment i stared at Michael, he sang and i went to him (he had his thriller jacket on, he was very beautiful) and i felt that i need to hug him, really tight, and it felt so good, and i felt a strange peace in my heart, we talked about Hitler, he said maybe we had to join his tribe,i felt that i did not know what to think about it, and then he suddenly disappeared.The dream continued on, but that feeling that i got to hug him was so good and so touching, that when i woke up i realized that i was crying!
Its very disturbing, that i still can remember this dream, usually i dont remember them, i dont know what the 26 moons may suggest, please if anybody has an explanation, please share it with me!
thanks for reading this :)
The other night I dreamt I was in a library looking at psychic books and as I walked along there was a gap between the books on one of the shelves. Just as I got to it Michael stuck his head through it from the other side of the isle. Lol! He made me jump so much I woke up! Good to see him though :D
Wow, that's actually a way cool dream. I mean, maybe some would see it differently, but to me it was like a message that he's, um... reachable. You know, you were looking at books about psychic experiences and Michael popped his head out between them like "hello!!!!!" That's how I take it, anyway. Or it was just a dream ;). I love dreaming about him, too. All he has to do is just show up for a short time and then waking up in the morning doesn't feel quite as bad, lol.

i had a very strange dream actually a few weeks ago, but i can still remember it vividly:it was a party where all of my relatives participated and there were some gipsys who made a fountain and one of them (a very handsome guy:))invited me to see it closely-it was very beautiful, and then i looked on the sky and i saw 26 moons, i did count them and saw some stars which turned red and suddenly they started to fall and become bombs, everybody was running after that-it was war! and i got out of it, and in one moment i stared at Michael, he sang and i went to him (he had his thriller jacket on, he was very beautiful) and i felt that i need to hug him, really tight, and it felt so good, and i felt a strange peace in my heart, we talked about Hitler, he said maybe we had to join his tribe,i felt that i did not know what to think about it, and then he suddenly disappeared.The dream continued on, but that feeling that i got to hug him was so good and so touching, that when i woke up i realized that i was crying!
Its very disturbing, that i still can remember this dream, usually i dont remember them, i dont know what the 26 moons may suggest, please if anybody has an explanation, please share it with me!
thanks for reading this :)
Whoa. Noemike, where do you live? Do you or your loves ones live in a place where you could imagine a war occuring sometime soon? Just asking. It's really an amazing dream, both beautiful and scary at the same time. To me "26 moons" could be a reference to time passing. You can count time like that in a lunar calendar, so 26 moons would be approximately 2 years. I also considered that the moon could represent women or even just emotions. Unfortunately, though, they turn into bombs and fall. I mean, one could take it as something more literal and prophetic (a war coming), or it could be a personal thing, like a battle over something in your own life or an internal struggle within your own psyche. The part about maybe having to join a tribe with Hitler... now that's a weird one, I have to say, lol. :doh: Have you read anything lately that could have influenced this, like parts of Shmuley Boteach's book or articles about it? MJ mentioned H. in the tapes, so that was a thought. I liked how Michael was a comfort in your dream, bringing peace to your heart :)
thanks for helping me with this weird dream, i live in romania, i hope there wont be any war!
wow, i newer thought that the 26 moons are actually 2 years!
I have 2 more years to finish the university and i want to study further in another country, possibly in the US, but my parents wont let me, so there will certainly be a war :) and yes, i think the hitler thing is from shmuleys book! I wish all my dreams would be so clear like this one :(
I have dreamt many times about MJ but usually I cannot remember them. Three things happened though that I want to share with you: I was dreaming about MJ again and suddenly this song started playing inside my head but really loud "Another Part of Me". I woke up startled. It felt like I was receiving a message from him. Something similar happened another night and then Thriller started playing really loud in my dream, waking me up with a start. And last night I was in a forest, it was dark and I was sitting under a tree and MJ was close but I couldn't see him but feel his presence and then a young but big owl sat in my lap and looked at me with its huge eyes. I could tell it was a young owl because the feathers were still not grown, and then I woke up startled.

I really feel that there is a special message in this last dream but i cannot figure it out. Does anyone have an idea ? Please help me!
noemike: Yeah, I hope there won't be a war in Romania either, eeek! (Well, or anywhere of course, but one around these parts would mean something pretty seriously changed in the world). That's wild about finishing school in two years. I hope your parents change their minds if that's what you really want to do. Do they even object to places closer, like in other countries in Europe?

I have dreamt many times about MJ but usually I cannot remember them. Three things happened though that I want to share with you: I was dreaming about MJ again and suddenly this song started playing inside my head but really loud "Another Part of Me". I woke up startled. It felt like I was receiving a message from him. Something similar happened another night and then Thriller started playing really loud in my dream, waking me up with a start. And last night I was in a forest, it was dark and I was sitting under a tree and MJ was close but I couldn't see him but feel his presence and then a young but big owl sat in my lap and looked at me with its huge eyes. I could tell it was a young owl because the feathers were still not grown, and then I woke up startled.

I really feel that there is a special message in this last dream but i cannot figure it out. Does anyone have an idea ? Please help me!
Whoooooooooooa. :swoon: Trippy! I didn't post one of my dreams in this thread, but did in the psychics thread four days ago. It started with a dream about zombies being everywhere (ummm... like Thriller?) and then there was a message about Another Part of Me!

My dream from Oct 10th link to full dream post in psychics thread I had a weird dream last night about zombies everywhere (not really a nightmare because it wasn't that hard getting away from them). At one point there was a huge army that came into town (maybe to save us all from the zombies?) and guess who was leading it? LOL, yep! I don't know what happened to the zombies at this point, but Michael was leading his Army of Love through the streets, reminiscent of the HIStory promo and it felt like everything would be ok. I think I saw him, but the dream was one of those that went poof the second I woke up. One of the last things I remember was seeing words in front of me, like verses of a poem on a black background, that were supposed to be some explanation of or addition to Another Part of Me. Wish i could remember some words from it, but I woke up singing APoM :)
To me it was the same kind of thing... like a message! I had been having a regular dream, half woke up and then fell back asleep and as I was in a light dream things just changed and I saw a black screen in front of me and there was white text with words, spaced like stanzas in a poem that had something to do with APoM. I felt like MJ was adding this or telling me that it had been missing or something. W-E-I-R-D! Wow, if you remember more, please post :cheeky:

I have dreamt many times about MJ but usually I cannot remember them. Three things happened though that I want to share with you: I was dreaming about MJ again and suddenly this song started playing inside my head but really loud "Another Part of Me". I woke up startled. It felt like I was receiving a message from him. Something similar happened another night and then Thriller started playing really loud in my dream, waking me up with a start. And last night I was in a forest, it was dark and I was sitting under a tree and MJ was close but I couldn't see him but feel his presence and then a young but big owl sat in my lap and looked at me with its huge eyes. I could tell it was a young owl because the feathers were still not grown, and then I woke up startled.

I really feel that there is a special message in this last dream but i cannot figure it out. Does anyone have an idea ? Please help me!

oh,boy!! now i'm scared
noemike: Yeah, I hope there won't be a war in Romania either, eeek! (Well, or anywhere of course, but one around these parts would mean something pretty seriously changed in the world). That's wild about finishing school in two years. I hope your parents change their minds if that's what you really want to do. Do they even object to places closer, like in other countries in Europe?

yes, they`ll let me,they thought maybe germany or france, but i want to get away as far as i can! i want to be left alone and make my own decisions, if i stay here i have to be a trainee doctor for at least 5 years and the payment is so low that i have to depend on them and i dont want that, so i must act fast:no:,I dont know what to do...maybe thats why i have such strange dreams:D
About the dream I mentioned earlier, particularly about the owl, I googled the symbolism of the owl and it said "the owl was honored as the keeper of spirits who had passed from one plane to another. Often myth indicates the owl accompanying a spirit to the underworld - winging it's newly freed soul from the physical world into the realm of spirit". Native Americans associated the meaning of owl with wisdom, foresight, and keeper of sacred knowledge.

As for 'Another Part of Me' - when studying the lyrics it tells me that we are all connected, more so than we realize, and it is more apparent in the spirit world.
I do feel a very strong spiritual connection to Michael.

I haven't figured out Thriller....
Haven't had any dreams of Michael lately that I can remember (I've had a lot on my mind), but sometime last week I had a dream that the Jackson family sold their Encino home for $500,000. Kinda weird. :blink:
now that he's gone..I hate waking up from MJ dreams because now it will always just stay with the dream. :( anyway,

I dreamt that I was sitting on his lap watching beat it in this huge movie theatre..and I felt his curls hanging down in my face because I was laying my head on his shoulder..
I said: this is my favorite song of yours michael!!
and he said: one of mine aswell :) and smiled .. it was too cute

It felt SO ,so real. amazing