Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

I have this really distinct memory of being eight years old and having a dream that I was toting around this life-sized cardboard cut-out of Michael Jackson like it was my best friend.

Haha, I developed a little crush on him shortly after that.
I have this really distinct memory of being eight years old and having a dream that I was toting around this life-sized cardboard cut-out of Michael Jackson like it was my best friend.

Haha, I developed a little crush on him shortly after that.
Hehe. How cute :D
i'm SOOOOOOOO devastated about his death and i'm dreaming about him EVERY SINGLE DAY but i just can't remember some of them....
I had another one:

I was at/watching MJ's 'This Is It' rehearsal footage and Micahel was talking about the 'Smooth Criminal' dacing and he said he wasn't going to perform it becuase it was too difficult. I was like NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!
I had woken up from a very sad MJ dream this morning. Remember this was my mind's version of Michael's funeral.

Me and hundreds of other MJ fans were at Michael's funeral. All of us were wearing the pretty much the same thing. Which was A black fedora, A MJ t-shirt, a MJ necklace, black pants, a white rhinestone glove, white socks, and black loafers. To represent our love for Michael. So me and a bunch of other MJ fans were inside this building with Michael's children. Prince and Blanket were holding up pretty well. But poor Paris she still wanted to be in denial. And had asked me where is her daddy. I just didn't have the heart to tell her. But she did saw the tears in my eyes and she got my answer. She started to really cry. She just couldn't believe that her daddy is really gone. My heart just broke all over again for her. And I went over to comfort her the best I could. After Michael was laid to rest. Me and a few other female MJ fans were staying in this one hotel room. We were in the room listening to Michael and talking. I was laying on the bed looking through this MJ book that Michael had written himself. And he also drew the pictures in it. When I had turn to page 7 and it said that Michael knew exactly he was going to die at the age of 50. I just couldn't believe it. Then when I turn to page 21 of the book it mentions and even showed a drawing of how Michael was going to die. I showed it to the other fans and they couldn't believe it either. And this book had just came out on the day of Michael's funeral. So there was really no chance that we could have saved him.

Thats when I had woken up from that dream.
Very interesting, thanks. That's something I've wondered a lot about... if he knew at all. I have books on experiences people have before death (both those in hospice and even those that go by accident) and so often people just know somehow, sometimes years before. Otherwise they often have dreams or visitations from those on the other side up to two weeks beforehand. I think Michael was quite intuitive, so I wonder what he knew.
I had a whole night of Michael dreams. They weren't particularly vivid, but it was so nice. Here are some of the pieces I remember:

While walking to a grocery store in a neighborhood I lived in as a child, I had to walk across my old park. It was as if some form of youtube existed in the park, like full 3-dimensional 'videos' playing out in front of us. I saw Michael standing there with a woman beside him (can't remember who, but it seemed like a sister or close friend) and then a young James Brown came walking toward him. It was kind of crazy to dream about JB because he seemed so real there and I have never had a dream about him before, lol. MJ smiled and they both hugged and then JB told him he has to dance with him now, lol. Then they were suddenly on a stage and there was a whole line of people dancing, with JB in the middle, all side by side across the stage. Nothing complex, just basic turn this way, arms this way, turn back, step forward, etc. Michael joined on the left edge and since he didn't know the steps he just had to kind of try to go along with them. And boy did he! I said, "Wow, watch him! He doesn't even know the steps, but he can still follow along, like only a fraction of a second behind the rest. That's just incredible. He is simply amazing." (Then I woke up. Argh!)

Next I dreamt of shows on tv about him and his passing, lots of tribute stuff and rare clips. Something weird I remember is some kind of very elaborately carved or detailed white pillars that were part of a gazebo or something. Strange.

After that I was looking back in time at 2000/2001 and heard Michael saying how he just wants to be loved, really loved and he looked sad and I felt this sadness that just broke my heart. I wanted to tell him is IS loved, in every time and place. I seemingly also existed back in time so I called him on the phone. (I seemed to be a casual friend of his.) I told him I really needed to talk with him and could I please come over. He agreed and so the next thing I knew I was at his door with him opening it. My intention, which made perfect sense in the dream, was to tell him how much he is loved and to give that feeling to him with a hug and then just stay like that however long as was necessary until he really understood. A hug not just from me, but from others. I wanted the hug to just go on and on, forever if needed, until he felt all the way through his being that he was loved no matter what. As he opened the door I saw him. I believe he was wearing a red shirt. One second he looked like he did in the mid-90's and then back to Invincible time. I was just entering his house when my darn alarm went off :mello:
I've had quite a few dreams since Michael passed but, I want to share one with you guys. In one dream I had, we were in a beautiful meadow filled with grass and flowers and Michael came up to me and said..."I'm in Neverland." and I think what he meant was..Heaven was like his Neverland..It was the ultimate serenity and peace that he longed for but rarely got when he was on earth. He took my hand and we skipped through the meadow and then he said to me, "I love you" Then he kissed me, and I woke up. That morning, when I woke up from that dream, I felt a happiness come over me because I felt that was his way of telling me that he was ok and happy where he was and for me not to be sad anymore. They say that when you dream of a person that has passed away, it is them visiting you and I believe that, that night when I went to sleep, Michael paid me a visit. The reason why I chose to share this dream with all of you on here is because I have been reading the posts on here and I saw that some people were questioning whether he was at peace or not..Maybe by me telling you about this dream, all of the you that are sad and feel that Michael is upset, will feel better and won't be so sad anymore. :) I believe Michael came to me that night to tell me that he was happy and at peace and I hope that everyone reading this finds peace and happiness in their lives as well. :)
Wow, love the meadow dream. I just about dropped my cup of tea when I read that because I had a meditation experience like this two nights ago that I was just going to write about in another thread! In it I found myself in a meadow with wildflowers everywhere (never been here before in a meditation), the sun shining and big fluffy white clouds, sort of iridescent somehow in the deep blue sky. There was a lone tree a ways away from me and I saw someone there, sitting beneath it. It was Michael :) I walked over toward him. He was sitting there reading a book. He smiled and invited me to sit with him. I got sleepy around at this point and started to lose my focus, so I can't remember many details, but I think I remember a kiss as well :wub:
Dream from this morning...

I was at an amusement park amidst large crowds. Michael was there and I saw him from a distance a couple of times, sort of getting mobbed in the middle of the excited crowds. I had with me some DVD of a kids' fantasy movie that I had watched just recently. I don't know what movie, but I remember one part where a woman transformed into a unicorn. The whole movie had a very Disneyland look and feel to the scenery.

At some point, and I don't know how, I ended up in a small private theater watching the extras on the DVD for a second time. Michael was there, sitting on a chair next to me. I was on a cushion on the floor to his left, quite close. I know at one point our hands touched by accident :wub: lol. While watching, the commentary guy on the DVD had said something and Michael and I both responded outloud with the same words at the same time, in unison (something like, "Oh yes it it!" or "You wanna bet?"). We looked at each other and laughed after this incident, like it was so cute how we thought alike. I felt great, like we were friends, but I also felt a bit of "OMG, I'm here with Michael and... geez, I have a total crush on him!" hehe. A short time later I realized I had been eating a big round loaf of bread (WTH?? lol... I have no idea why). I held it up to Michael and said something like, "Want another hunk of the bread?" He said "Oh, yeah" and pulled a big chunk off of the loaf and took a bite, lol. (Maybe this place had run out of popcorn? LOLOL:hysterical:) Then I woke up. So that was basically it... hanging out with Michael in a private theater watching DVD extras and eating bread. Not a bad way to spend dreamtime :wub::yes:
Wow, love the meadow dream. I just about dropped my cup of tea when I read that because I had a meditation experience like this two nights ago that I was just going to write about in another thread! In it I found myself in a meadow with wildflowers everywhere (never been here before in a meditation), the sun shining and big fluffy white clouds, sort of iridescent somehow in the deep blue sky. There was a lone tree a ways away from me and I saw someone there, sitting beneath it. It was Michael :) I walked over toward him. He was sitting there reading a book. He smiled and invited me to sit with him. I got sleepy around at this point and started to lose my focus, so I can't remember many details, but I think I remember a kiss as well :wub:

Michael sits under a tree in my dreams too. In fact, the first dream I had of him after he passed he was sitting with his back against the trunk of an old tree, surrounded by the greenest grass you've ever seen :). I often 'see' him in a garden, with the noise of children playing nearby....
Michael sits under a tree in my dreams too. In fact, the first dream I had of him after he passed he was sitting with his back against the trunk of an old tree, surrounded by the greenest grass you've ever seen :). I often 'see' him in a garden, with the noise of children playing nearby....
That's how he was sitting there in my meditation, relaxing with his back against the tree :yes: And for me too, everything was very vividly colored, the grasses and flowers of the meadow. I think he was wearing a red shirt and definitely his fedora, lol. The book he was reading was something by Khalil Gibran. I was like... ok, that was random if it was just in my mind. We had a passage by Mr Gibran read at our wedding some years ago, but I admit to not having read much of his stuff and haven't had any reason lately to think of that name. The title, if I got it right, was something with the word "muse" in it (although I'd consider similar words too, like "music" or "amuse"). Looked online today for works with the word "muse" and haven't really found anything. Don't know if that even meant anything, you know.

P.S. Whoa. I should have looked at Wikipedia first. His first published work was in 1905 and titled Nubthah fi Fan Al-Musiqa ("Music". Only published in Arabic, not that I think language barriers exist on the other side...)
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Interesting how a few of us have dreamt of him in a meadow with green grass and vivid colors. I guess that is what heaven looks like. :)
Well, I had the most amazing dream last night and just have to share it even though Michael is related to it only a little....

I was physically woken by foxes at about 2.30am, and went to the window to see if I could spot them in our garden. But I couldn't, so I went back to bed. The next bit felt as if I'd woken up again, but I realise now that it was actually an out-of-body experience... I heard the foxes again so returned to the window to take another look. I parted the curtains and looked out, but instead of seeing the gloom of the night, I saw the most WONDERFUL, bright and colourful scene! Our neighbourhood gardens had formed one massive, beautiful scene of lush green grass, leafy trees, flowers... it was heavenly. There were people everywhere, tending to it, working in it, playing and generally looking happy and relaxed. Then a small boy saw me and came to the window, placing his hand in the other side of the glass. I placed mine over his and could actually FEEL the window under my fingers. It was amazing! The boy smiled and seemed ecstatically happy to see me. It felt like we had connected in some way. Then.... I was back in my bed, and what followed was a series of very deep and convoluted dreams about spirits and souls who had just passed over, or were troubled in some way (my house was full of them, in my dream). These dreams were darker and more troubled and it was actually pretty scary in parts.

Then, before physically waking a second time about 5am, I became aware that although I had seen and spoken to dozens of spirits during my dream I hadn't seen Michael. So i asked why. And the thought that came to me was 'he was in the garden'! I believe this means he has 'moved on' as many have said already, and was one of the souls at peace in the first part of my experience...

Wow. I've been recovering from this all day (it left me tired)! Thanks for reading :)
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That's how he was sitting there in my meditation, relaxing with his back against the tree :yes: And for me too, everything was very vividly colored, the grasses and flowers of the meadow. I think he was wearing a red shirt and definitely his fedora, lol. The book he was reading was something by Khalil Gibran. I was like... ok, that was random if it was just in my mind. We had a passage by Mr Gibran read at our wedding some years ago, but I admit to not having read much of his stuff and haven't had any reason lately to think of that name. The title, if I got it right, was something with the word "muse" in it (although I'd consider similar words too, like "music" or "amuse"). Looked online today for works with the word "muse" and haven't really found anything. Don't know if that even meant anything, you know.

P.S. Whoa. I should have looked at Wikipedia first. His first published work was in 1905 and titled Nubthah fi Fan Al-Musiqa ("Music". Only published in Arabic, not that I think language barriers exist on the other side...)

This is fascinating and I'm sure the book is significant... I love it when something can be verified like this! I also googled the word 'muse' before I saw your 'PS' (too impatient, lol) and in ancient Greece, a muse was a spirit who inspired "the creation of literature and the arts". Very appropriate for Michael!
Interesting how a few of us have dreamt of him in a meadow with green grass and vivid colors. I guess that is what heaven looks like. :)

believe me , michael REALLY want us to be happy
at least we know he's happy :cry:
as you know
i LOVE reading
anyways , yesterday i read a book
and there's something REALLY intersting
i read that : if you had a dream and you saw the dead (person who you lost)
in a garden or park , grass , flowers -etc and happy
that means he's in heaven :)
smile :)
michael would never want us to be sad
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Michael was sitting down on the floor (his rented house) next to a woman talking about how long he had lived in L.A for. I was standing and listening. He was talking about renting a house. The woman asked if he would like to see the house they were sitting outside. Michael said ok. I didn’t go with them because there were dogs in the garden. I started to walk but then I walked back and I Said to Michael I love you. Then he said I love you too. :D :wub:I started to walk around the corner and I ended up at MJ’s rented house again. (different time period) I went into the house because I want to see what really happened when he died. I went into his room and opened the cupboard to find his white shirt covered in blood. :cry: I then looked down and I saw what looked like a body wrapped up in a grey bag. I touched it to see if it felt like a body. (thinking it would be Michael in there :cry: :cry: ) Then I woke up.
I had a really bad dream this morning, so you're forewarned. I stayed up late last night to catch an online stream of the Dateline show about the tapes Rabbi Boteach has. It made me feel quite sad and then I couldn't sleep for a quite a while.

When I woke up this morning I was having such a crappy dream. In it, for some reason I wanted to know what MJ had been wearing when he died. Then I was at a place where rehearsals for TII were taking place in the morning. Lots of folks were there: the band and dancers, Kenny Ortega, etc. Michael came in, wearing a black t-shirt with a design in the middle that may have been the moon and then over it were the big words MOON and WALK (walk was below moon, so like two separate words). I only saw him in the distance. At one point they were all dancing and MJ was singing and then he stopped and seemed very dizzy, like he was going to pass out. People rushed to him. He said he'd be ok, it's just the feeling in his chest that's the problem. I was sooo flooded with emotion, like Oh Michael, no, no, no. It was terrible. I felt so powerless and I wanted to just stop the future, stop the tape, stop time. "What? How long have you been feeling something wrong in your chest?!" exclaimed someone. Mj said, "For about 2 hours. I'm fine, I'll be fine." Everyone looked at each other like ohhhh God. I was about to burst out crying because I knew what was happening. And then... it happened... NOoOOoo.... he collapsed. His heart failed. It was so horrible to go through this again. Then later it was like he was buried someplace sort of under my bed. Weird, I know. Like his casket was sealed up and my bedroom just happened to be one story/floor over this place. I thought there's no way I can ever even go in there again and others thought too that I'd have to move my room, but then I laid down in bed anyway and slept there. I had this horrible sadness as I pictured MJ downstairs lying there lifeless in his moonwalk shirt, once again I was unable to stop fate, unable to save him. My only comfort (not like it was comfort, just some weird feeling of connection) was to sleep there above where he was placed. Ugh. I was so glad my husband woke me up early from this one...

Something to add - Nov 10th: I realized after seeing TII he was wearing the Curls for my Girls t-shirt that last night, June 24th. If you had asked me in September if I remembered anything about that shirt, I think I'd have remembered the words 'curls for my girls', but certainly not what it looked like, having only seen it once back in June. And of course, we didn't know that he had worn it ever, let alone on his last night. So anyway, in this dream above he was wearing a black t-shirt and the design (the big block letters MOON and right below it WALK) created a pale/white squarish design in the center of the shirt (not chest at the top, but in the middle), which is the same basic look of the 'curls' shirt (and I would say it's not so typical to have a big white square in the center of a black shirt). I don't know if it's neat or spooky or amazing or what. Personally, I don't think it's entirely coincidence, but who knows. :scratch:

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When MJ was alive I was often dreaming he was singing some beautiful new songs that were not released anywhere, some days ago I again dreamed MJ was singing something new.
I had a really bad dream this morning, so you're forewarned. I stayed up late last night to catch an online stream of the Dateline show about the tapes Rabbi Boteach has. It made me feel quite sad and then I couldn't sleep for a quite a while.

When I woke up this morning I was having such a crappy dream. In it, for some reason I wanted to know what MJ had been wearing when he died. Then I was at a place where rehearsals for TII were taking place in the morning. Lots of folks were there: the band and dancers, Kenny Ortega, etc. Michael came in, wearing a black t-shirt with a design in the middle that may have been the moon and then over it were the big words MOON and WALK (walk was below moon, so like two separate words). I only saw him in the distance. At one point they were all dancing and MJ was singing and then he stopped and seemed very dizzy, like he was going to pass out. People rushed to him. He said he'd be ok, it's just the feeling in his chest that's the problem. I was sooo flooded with emotion, like Oh Michael, no, no, no. It was terrible. I felt so powerless and I wanted to just stop the future, stop the tape, stop time. "What? How long have you been feeling something wrong in your chest?!" exclaimed someone. Mj said, "For about 2 hours. I'm fine, I'll be fine." Everyone looked at each other like ohhhh God. I was about to burst out crying because I knew what was happening. And then... it happened... NOoOOoo.... he collapsed. His heart failed. It was so horrible to go through this again. Then later it was like he was buried someplace sort of under my bed. Weird, I know. Like his casket was sealed up and my bedroom just happened to be one story/floor over this place. I thought there's no way I can ever even go in there again and others thought too that I'd have to move my room, but then I laid down in bed anyway and slept there. I had this horrible sadness as I pictured MJ downstairs lying there lifeless in his moonwalk shirt, once again I was unable to stop fate, unable to save him. My only comfort (not like it was comfort, just some weird feeling of connection) was to sleep there above where he was placed. Ugh. I was so glad my husband woke me up early from this one...

OH , GOD!!!!! i can imagine that .nightmare. HORRIBLE!!! try to not think about it
....before you go to bed , remember the (good memories) you had and michael was in it :)
and just forget that nightmare, believe me , that always happen to me...
I had this really weird dream last night. Michael wasn't in it, but it was about him. It makes no sense, but here it is

I was looking at the psychic thread on this site and it had gotten several pages longer. Someone had posted a video of Michael talking to some man. It looked kind of like the “Making of Thriller” video so the man could have been John Landis. I was watching it and you could see this scar flashing on Michael's face, then the video was slowed down and you could see John Landis drawing the scar on Michael's face. Underneath the video the lyrics to Billie Jean were posted. There was supposed to be some hidden message in the lyrics or something. Then I read that people were speculating whether or not Michael might be an alien from another planet. I thought that was preposterous, but as I was reading people's stories I started questioning it. Then I started falling asleep in the dream and had a dream within the dream. I found myself in a big square room with a wooden floor. There was nothing on the walls or floor, but a bunch of people were standing around the sides. I was at some Michael Jackson party. They were playing covers of his music like one was for “Off the Wall.” A man standing in the middle asked the people with red shirts to come stand by the door. I had on a red shirt so I went over there. I got into teams with some girls. We started to play this game where two teams compete and roll water balloons and try to hit each other. I decided to participate, but then afterwards I really wanted to get out of the dream and get back to reading the psychic thread, but they wouldn't let me leave. That was the end.
I had this really weird dream last night. Michael wasn't in it, but it was about him. It makes no sense, but here it is

I was looking at the psychic thread on this site and it had gotten several pages longer. Someone had posted a video of Michael talking to some man. It looked kind of like the “Making of Thriller” video so the man could have been John Landis. I was watching it and you could see this scar flashing on Michael's face, then the video was slowed down and you could see John Landis drawing the scar on Michael's face. Underneath the video the lyrics to Billie Jean were posted. There was supposed to be some hidden message in the lyrics or something. Then I read that people were speculating whether or not Michael might be an alien from another planet. I thought that was preposterous, but as I was reading people's stories I started questioning it. Then I started falling asleep in the dream and had a dream within the dream. I found myself in a big square room with a wooden floor. There was nothing on the walls or floor, but a bunch of people were standing around the sides. I was at some Michael Jackson party. They were playing covers of his music like one was for “Off the Wall.” A man standing in the middle asked the people with red shirts to come stand by the door. I had on a red shirt so I went over there. I got into teams with some girls. We started to play this game where two teams compete and roll water balloons and try to hit each other. I decided to participate, but then afterwards I really wanted to get out of the dream and get back to reading the psychic thread, but they wouldn't let me leave. That was the end.
Ok, wow, yeah that's a weird one alright. :scratch:I'm glad to read, though, that other people also fall asleep in dreams and have dreams in the dreams, lol. That happens to me sometimes as well.
I had this really weird dream last night. Michael wasn't in it, but it was about him. It makes no sense, but here it is

I was looking at the psychic thread on this site and it had gotten several pages longer. Someone had posted a video of Michael talking to some man. It looked kind of like the “Making of Thriller” video so the man could have been John Landis. I was watching it and you could see this scar flashing on Michael's face, then the video was slowed down and you could see John Landis drawing the scar on Michael's face. Underneath the video the lyrics to Billie Jean were posted. There was supposed to be some hidden message in the lyrics or something. Then I read that people were speculating whether or not Michael might be an alien from another planet. I thought that was preposterous, but as I was reading people's stories I started questioning it. Then I started falling asleep in the dream and had a dream within the dream. I found myself in a big square room with a wooden floor. There was nothing on the walls or floor, but a bunch of people were standing around the sides. I was at some Michael Jackson party. They were playing covers of his music like one was for “Off the Wall.” A man standing in the middle asked the people with red shirts to come stand by the door. I had on a red shirt so I went over there. I got into teams with some girls. We started to play this game where two teams compete and roll water balloons and try to hit each other. I decided to participate, but then afterwards I really wanted to get out of the dream and get back to reading the psychic thread, but they wouldn't let me leave. That was the end.

that's weird!!!!
and sometimes i fall asleep in the dream...
i'm making no sense am i ?! :lol:
Michael was sitting down on the floor (his rented house) next to a woman talking about how long he had lived in L.A for. I was standing and listening. He was talking about renting a house. The woman asked if he would like to see the house they were sitting outside. Michael said ok. I didn’t go with them because there were dogs in the garden. I started to walk but then I walked back and I Said to Michael I love you. Then he said I love you too. :D :wub:I started to walk around the corner and I ended up at MJ’s rented house again. (different time period) I went into the house because I want to see what really happened when he died. I went into his room and opened the cupboard to find his white shirt covered in blood. :cry: I then looked down and I saw what looked like a body wrapped up in a grey bag. I touched it to see if it felt like a body. (thinking it would be Michael in there :cry: :cry: ) Then I woke up.

Aww hun :hug: that end part of ur dream must of been scary :(
A dream I had about two years ago suddenly came back to me the other day. In the dream, I went to see a film of a new Michael Jackson concert at the movie theater. After I woke up, I thought, that was odd, showing a concert at the theater like a feature film?

When I was reading about This Is It recently, the memory suddenly came back to me. A coincidence, yes, but the similarities startled me.
Wow, love the meadow dream. I just about dropped my cup of tea when I read that because I had a meditation experience like this two nights ago that I was just going to write about in another thread! In it I found myself in a meadow with wildflowers everywhere (never been here before in a meditation), the sun shining and big fluffy white clouds, sort of iridescent somehow in the deep blue sky. There was a lone tree a ways away from me and I saw someone there, sitting beneath it. It was Michael :) I walked over toward him. He was sitting there reading a book. He smiled and invited me to sit with him. I got sleepy around at this point and started to lose my focus, so I can't remember many details, but I think I remember a kiss as well :wub:

How do you meditate? :)
Well, i remember that i dreamt of MJ about a month ago, but i dont remember what i dreamt.. But I think it was very emotional (cause i woke up crying :( ).. But anywhoo, i fell asleep with my ipod in my hand the night before ( i was playing games) , and the next morning i heard a voice.. i didt know where the sounds were coming from, but i realized that it was my ipod. And Earth Song was on :(