Dreams about MJ! (Merged)

“Since I've been sucking my thumb, she's been out of my life.” lol wtf? :blink:

I had this pretty sad MJ dream yesterday morning. I still can't seem to get it out of my head.
I was in a couple of different child bedroom scenes with Michael. Where there was a couple of MJ posters on the wall. He had looked and was dressed as he was during the alley scene of the Black Or White video. The piano instrumental version of Childhood was playing. All Michael did was just standing in the middle of the room. looking at me with such a sad look on his face. Like he really needed my help or something. But before I could ask him what it was he needed I suddenly woke up. And for a minute or so I had actually thought Michael was still alive. But then sudden reality had hit me and I just started to really cry over Michael again.
Haha, last night I had a dream that I was in my kitchen singing with the Jackson 5.
Aaaand then I proceeded to have two nightmares. :(
This was my dream I had about Michael last night.

Me and a bunch of other MJ fans were inside this courtroom. Michael was on trial because he was being sued by some people who said that he had stolen some of his songs and dance moves from them. And made them his own. Michael was dressed and look the way he did in the Barbara Walters interview. Well me and the other fans that were invited in to the courtroom to watch. We were all wearing Michael Jackson t-shirts. We really were not taking those people seriously. Neither was Michael, his lawyer, the judge, or the jury. And treated this like it was some kind of a big huge joke. We fans decided to blast some of Michael's music like Dangerous and Billie Jean. 2 of the songs Michael was being sued for. We all knew that those people just wanted Michael's money. Well while we were watching Michael's lawyer turn to us and ask us if we could play one of the songs cause we got the cds and a huge stereo with us. So we did we practically blasted his 2 songs Billie Jean and Dangerous. Because Michael told us too. So Michael who was on the stand just smiling and really just got in to his songs. After the songs was over. Michael told that was his songs that he did. And said those people just want his money. And those people finally admitted that is what they wanted from Michael. So the judge just dismissed the case. And Michael invited all of his fans to a party. So he could meet each one of us and to thank us. While we were at the party. Michael greeted all of his fans by hugging each one of us and thanking us in person. When Michael came to me he really hugged me and told me how he had heard it was my own idea to get the judge to allowed some of his fans in to the courtroom. To really support Michael even though he really didn't need it. He really thanked me and wanted to stay in touch with me.

That is where I had woke up from that dream. And for a little while I could still almost feel Michael's arms around me. That was such an amazing dream I had of Michael.
I've been having dreams about Michael I believe every night. I just can't remember them:( Well I had a dream a few nights ago that I made myself remember. I read a thread that day before going to bed about Michael's incredible musical ability and how when he wrote songs how he could just use his voice to mimic instruments and just record that. So in my dream I actually heard Michael and I saw him. I just basically saw his torso and I heard him doing I think Billie Jean or I don't remember but I don't remember if he had a tape recorder or not. But he was singing the song but not just the song but all the different instrumental stuff in the song and it was amazing! I got mad when I couldn't remember the song but BJ just keeps popping up so I think it might have been that. The other amazing thing was there was this light all around him. It kind of looked like he was in the clouds or something. I dunno but it was amazing!
Another dream last night:D

There's 2 parts to it. The first part was, it looked like the Kid's Choice Awards. There were a ton of kids around and it was an award show. Well they were announcing Artist of the Year and Michael won. The audience didn't really go as crazy as I thought it would and I think it was partly because of the fact that the person on the speaker said "This is the first time since Elvis died that someone has won the award but him!" For some reason he was really uncomfortable :(because a lot of the children and people in the audience weren't being nice to him and kept trying to interrupt him during his speech. Well I was right in front of the stage and I had one of my MJ bags that I tried to put up to show that someone in the audience cared. Well he got done speaking and started to walk off stage and out of no where I put my hand up and he couldn't really reach it so his large hand just cupped the tips of my fingers but when it did I could feel a strong warmth coming from his hands. It was amazing! In my dream I actually looked down to my hand and thought "Wow his hands are really warm!":D:D:wub:
Than Taylor Swift came on and started performing and so I tuned that out lol.

The 2nd part of it was actually here at my house. He was in the hallway and there was a ton of people here. It was like some type of get together I dunno. I watched a youtube video last night about some girl who got to meet MJ plenty of times and she made a video explaining "How to Meet Michael Jackson" so I think this is where my dream came from.
I was nervous to talk to him because I didn't want to freak him out or seem like some crazy screaming fan so I stayed calm and put out my hand again and he shook my hand again and this time my whole hand and I thought in my mind how amazingly big his hands were.
So he asked me my name and he said his name which made me laugh:lol: since well of course I knew his name! Well throughout the dream I kept getting pushed around in different situations where I was able to meet him again and talk some. The last part of the dream was kind of weird. We were in the woods and there was this HUGE rope swing hanging from a HUGE tree and people were swinging from it and I decided to do it myself. So when I got up Michael got on and it was tons of fun lol.
Wow, cool dreams, oldmoon20 :) But both about his hands for some reason, lol. I don't have as many dreams of Michael as before, but whenever I do it's like... ohhhh... no better beginning to a day. Like Beyonce says, it could be a sweet dream or a beautiful nightmare -- either way I don't wanna wake up :angel: I loved this sentence: "Then Taylor Swift came on and started performing and so I tuned that out lol." :lol: :lmao:

I had a dream the other night (Dec 2) and it was also about seeing MJ at an awards show. I posted in the psychics thread... here it is:

We had a bunch of video equipment hooked up to record a special show. It was an awards show like the Grammy's. MJ was there and there were lots of little tributes to him. He looked a little weak and reminded me of how he looked in the Geraldo interview in 2005. He won more than one award, at one point being on stage with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson. Later in the show they did one of those retrospective things which included lots of never before seen clips of the J5 hanging out, talking, etc. Then Michael came back on the stage again. I was soooo happy. I said something like, "You know, everytime I see him I think he still looks really great. And I'm not just saying that because of June. I felt this way before." (It was as if something terrible had happened in June but somehow he'd survived or had come back despite it.)
This dream does not have MJ in it, sadly.. but it´s MJ-related i think.. :lol: anyway, i was in this house and was staring at a door, and suddenly Miley Cyrus walk in wearing the silver Bad tour outfit :lol: weird, i know.. I´m not even a fan of her.
this one is an old dream,
i had this dream about 2 years ago,
but i loved it so much,
and was so happy when I woke up !

In my dream i was pregnant from michael, and was very worried,
of course i was very happy and wanted this baby very much,
but the problem was that we were not married and i was living with my parents,
and i was thinking my perents will kill me when they find out that i'm pregnant,

but suddenly michael came in my room,
i was lying on my bed and he kissed me on the belly and put his head on it...
i felt so calm,
than he promised that he will take me from here and we will live together!

when i woke up i was the happiest person in the world!
it's been more than 2 years since i saw this dream, but i remember everything very well,
how can any one forget dream like this?!

this is my favourite dream ever ! :wub:
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i rarely have MJ dreams but the other night i did, i just cant remember any of it :(
I haven't had much MJ dreams lately, sadly.:(
Well a few nights ago I was dreaming and Michael wasn't in it but what caught my attention is in the dream one of the friends I had during my childhood said she was getting married to Michael when in my dream I could clearly see the guy she was getting married to was the guy I also knew in childhood and somewhat in high school. I thought it was funny that I can see the guy and know he's not Michael but the girl in my dream said she was getting married to Michael. :lol:
Ok, I know I have a lot of dreams about Michael, but I don't remember them...Although, the other night I had this one dream and it was sooooo real while I was dreaming it, but all I remember in it was that me and Michael were in some sort of highschool I think, and we were hanging out by the vending machines and Michael was dancing and just sliding across the floor like he does when he gets really goofy....He was wearing this:


It was like we were best friends, just hanging out, goofing off....and I love this look so I remember it was almost like we were best friends, as I said, but then I started having deeper feelings for him....hahahaha....Not like I don't already in real life...Weird dream....It was really comforting though, like he was never gone....
this one is an old dream,
i had this dream about 2 years ago,
but i loved it so much,
and was so happy when I woke up !

In my dream i was pregnant from michael, and was very worried,
of course i was very happy and wanted this baby very much,
but the problem was that we were not married and i was living with my parents,
and i was thinking my perents will kill me when they find out that i'm pregnant,

but suddenly michael came in my room,
i was lying on my bed and he kissed me on the belly and put his head on it...
i felt so calm,
than he promised that he will take me from here and we will live together!

when i woke up i was the happiest person in the world!
it's been more than 2 years since i saw this dream, but i remember everything very well,
how can any one forget dream like this?!

this is my favourite dream ever ! :wub:

OMG that IS an unforgettable dream...I hope I dream something like that tonight...lol
2 days ago i dreamt that i was gonna buy Michael Jackson chocolate... :lol: I kept talking about Michael Jackson chocolate, and asked everyone where i could buy it :lol:

random dream, i know:p
2 days ago i dreamt that i was gonna buy Michael Jackson chocolate... :lol: I kept talking about Michael Jackson chocolate, and asked everyone where i could buy it :lol:

random dream, i know:p

bahahaha....That's hilarious....Mmmm...Michael chocolate would be yummy, I bet
I had a dream last night. It wasn't the best dream I've ever had.

All I really remember was I was standing next to MJ when a door opened and in came Janet and LMP. Michael ran up, he was really excited. I thought he was running up to hug Janet but he ran up and gave Lisa a really big hug. I saw her smiling and laughing because she wasn't expecting it.
:blush: After that all I heard from my mind was "Ooooh I hate you Lisa!"

I don't hate her but in my dream that just made me angry. :lol:
That sucks now Lisa is invading your dreams!! I thought the same thing that he would hug his baby sister!!
My sister had a dream the night we saw TII....She doesn't remember much detail, but she was sleeping in her dream and Michael came up to her and whispered in her ear, "God bless you...I am God" ....lol....She's not on this forum, but she wanted me to share her dream with you...lol..
My sister had a dream the night we saw TII....She doesn't remember much detail, but she was sleeping in her dream and Michael came up to her and whispered in her ear, "God bless you...I am God" ....lol....She's not on this forum, but she wanted me to share her dream with you...lol..
Well now that's... interesting, lol. I love it in dreams when you're sleeping while you're sleeping. I have those sometimes too. And I find the timing of your post weirdly funny because just earlier today I was talking about the movie 'Dogma' and at the end of it Alanis Morissette plays the role of God. I joked that as much as I loved her portrayal, "come on -- we all know that Michael Jackson is God." So that's the second time today I've heard that :lol:
i dreamt of michael many times. i feel i have a spiritual connection to him. i miss him so much. i dreamt many times of him singing speechless to me. i was sleeping and all of a sudden i felt my body entangled and then i clearly heared michael's voice with the speechless words. many fans have felt a strong connection with speechless. i adore michael i want him back
i dreamt of michael many times. i feel i have a spiritual connection to him. i miss him so much. i dreamt many times of him singing speechless to me. i was sleeping and all of a sudden i felt my body entangled and then i clearly heared michael's voice with the speechless words. many fans have felt a strong connection with speechless. i adore michael i want him back
Ah, yes, I agree. Thanks for sharing! :angel:I had an experience one night when I was crying and listening to Speechless. I felt like someone's fingers were pressing against my shoulder. I swear to God. I even stopped crying because the feeling was so real and I was thinking "Do I really feel that? OMG, what's that?" lol. I posted about it (in October, I think) in the psychics thread. Also, this summer I had a dream about this song. Here's a quote my July post:

Later, after a couple more songs he again came out into the audience and said something about how he wanted to pick one girl. Oooo!!! Me! Meeee!!!!!!!! I got his attention (told you the crowd was calm) and he had me come out into the aisle with him. OMG, I almost fainted. He asked my name and then took my hand! Ah! Held my hand! He was so sweet, ahhhh! And did I say gorgeous??! And then he said he'd sing a song for me, any of his songs, which song did I want him to sing? ....

My mind went blank. There are so many songs! He looked like he was about to just pick one for me, since I wasn't responding, lol. Then I blurted out "Speechless". OMG, and he sang right to me, while still holding my hand, "Your love is magical..." I think I almost died...:wub:
All these dreams are so cute and funny!
When i do dream about him, i dont really ever remember when i wake up, all i usually remember is that he's been there, that feels comforting even tough disappointing! When i do remember the dreams it always like we meet and im totally calm, which just wouldnt be the case with real life! he he
I had dreams about 2 weeks before he passed and He had his old look from the middle 70s with the big afro. Was it to tell me that he was leaving and to remember him as he was. After that I was still dreaming of him that same way. The last dream I had of him looking with the look he now has was when we were at a movie theater but we were not together. I remember I was angry with him and walked passed the room ,He saw me,ran to me and said no matter how people look at you or say things about you,I love you just the way you are. He had on a red shirt Black slacks and loafers and his hair was almost down to his shoulders but not too wiggy. When he said that to me ,I woke up and said That would have been something I would have said to him.
I cried after that. Then it happened,He passsed away and I couldn't help but think of that dream.A week and a half ago,I dreamed that He was in the bed. I saw him and reached up to kiss me and boy what a kiss that was.I wanted to keep dreaming but I had to wake up. DAM.At least he came to me in a dream and he made me feel relieved to tell me he was alright.
^^ Amazing dream michaelcomeback, Michael singing Speechless! Now thats a dream I wouldn't want to wake from.... *sigh*

I was feeling rubbish last night, and I cried myself to sleep, I was just missing Michael SO MUCH....I fell asleep tired and sad....


It's the history concert, Michael is wearing his full gold space suit, and standing really close to the edge of the stage. There are a handful of fans who are standing right infront of Michael, cheering etc. I'm in this crowd, really close to Michael. He's really happy, smiling and blushing, taking in the fans reaction.

Then I say out loud 'I love you' and he replies 'I love you too' :blush: while looking straight ahead (rather than directly at me). Then I move my hand close to his face and touch just above his right jaw very softly :D :swoon:
He doesn't mind, just continues smiling and blushing!!

I'm so overwhelmed that I just touched him...and half worried that I'm going to be escorted away :lol: so I move away from the front of the stage and back to where the audience are, all the while staring at the fingers that have just touched Michael's face... I'm so shocked, my fingers are tingling from his touch..and I'm thinking OMG, I can't touch anything with these fingers now...what do I do!! :lol:

Then I muster the courage to go back up to the front again and just watch Michael in awe, thinking 'I touched him'. He felt so soft, just like I imagined :blush: :wub:

I feel so lucky to have had this dream AND even more lucky that I remembered it. GOSH I LOVE HIM :wub:
i dreamt of michael many times. i feel i have a spiritual connection to him. i miss him so much. i dreamt many times of him singing speechless to me. i was sleeping and all of a sudden i felt my body entangled and then i clearly heared michael's voice with the speechless words. many fans have felt a strong connection with speechless. i adore michael i want him back

I wish I could have dreams like that. My dreams are usually funky or I get to see him but the only real connection we have is briefly touching each others hands.