Dr Tohme Tohme wants Money Money from MJ

However, simply saying he was naive is one-sided. Since we do not know the situation at the time and whatnot, we cannot say why Michael did what he did. However, all this is kind of a moot point now and is a circular argument.

Besides, he was worth billions when he died so he was not that naive.

He is worth more now than he was then. His estate has made a lot of money. The estate still has to pay off his debts. He was cash poor when he was alive and could not touch a lot of his assets because they were collateral and bank owned.
yeah thats very true.ppl talked about issues through to mid 03. theres also the issues with his scalp that caused alot of his problems. yeah weisner is a crook

Are you talking about the video in 2003 when Michael seemed drug out during a court hearing?

You know, a sever lack of sleep can actually cause the same problem. Given Michael's insomnia, it is entirely possible.
He is worth more now than he was then. His estate has made a lot of money. The estate still has to pay off his debts. He was cash poor when he was alive and could not touch a lot of his assets because they were collateral and bank owned.

He became cash poor mostly because he kept buying investments. His debt was taken care of when he was alive and he was going to do concerts that would had made $700 million, not including the DVD sells of the concerts and merchandise.

If he tour for two years, he would had mad billions. So actually, he would had been worth more alive in the short run.
Yes, I realize he was about to make a lot of money but there are many who say he was not 'fit' to do this. I was just stating the fact that he was aware of his finances and planning accordingly. Meaning, he was not stupid.
Yes, I realize he was about to make a lot of money but there are many who say he was not 'fit' to do this. I was just stating the fact that he was aware of his finances and planning accordingly. Meaning, he was not stupid.

That is all I meant as well. He was hardly stupid with business, but he was human and made mistakes. However, he was cash poor and his debt was a none issue with concerts.

Also, I think the autopsy proves he was fit for the concerts. Was he mentally ready, we may never know the answer to that. However, that is a circular argument and a moot point now.

However, going by TII he was ready, in my personal opinion.
re you talking about the video in 2003 when Michael seemed drug out during a court hearing?
no not that, u mean the tape from 93? which video from 03? theres one from the wisener depo that was taken in london around july 07 where mj talks about having issues other than that im not sure which one u mean
no not that, u mean the tape from 93? which video from 03? theres one from the wisener depo that was taken in london around july 07 where mj talks about having issues other than that im not sure which one u mean

I remember a video that media was using to say Michael was a drug addict. I think it was 2003.

You might remember best because that is when people said his nose was melting and about to fall off.

Although, anyone with eyes could tell it was a sunburn. :smilerolleyes:
youve lost me on this one. anyone else know which video it is?
youve lost me on this one. anyone else know which video it is?

I guess it was something only the American media showed. I saw it more than a couple times after his death as a prime example of him being a drug addict. I would look it up for you, but it is probably best if you never saw the video.

I just do not see what you mean about Michael's having a drug problem up to 2003. In the Bashire documentary, Michael was clearly sober the whole time. If he was ever drugged out, I am sure Bashir would had shown it.

He clearly had problems in 2001, when Michael did look strange in my opinion. However, he looked fine 2002 and 2003.
guess it was something only the American media showed. I saw it more than a couple times after his death as a prime example of him being a drug addict. I would look it up for you, but it is probably best if you never saw the video.
ah right ok yeah i dont think ive seen it then.sounds like i shouldnt! but if anyone knows the details of when it was from id be intrested in that.
actually he went on record and admitted that he was under the influence of medication in 2003 and did sign documents but didn't know what htey were. it was for the weisner case.

as for thome, if they can prove mike was scared of him and he was intimidating, then they can say he was coerced or forced to sign contracts.

if us ee him w/ mike, he's always pulling and pushing on him. in london at the oliver play and at the 02 when he made the announcement. usee him pulling on him and manhandling him.
actually he went on record and admitted that he was under the influence of medication in 2003 and did sign documents but didn't know what htey were. it was for the weisner case.

as for thome, if they can prove mike was scared of him and he was intimidating, then they can say he was coerced or forced to sign contracts.

if us ee him w/ mike, he's always pulling and pushing on him. in london at the oliver play and at the 02 when he made the announcement. usee him pulling on him and manhandling him.

I thought he said "maybe he was on drugs." I know Michael gave a vague answer about remembering signing contracts. That was another clip they were using to say he was an addict.
I swear someone said that mj was afraid of drinking when he was with weizner & konitzer because he always believed they were going to make him sign some documents . don't ask me where I heard that cus i don't remember , but I heard it and it was during the trial .
oh, i hope Jermaine never get involved in it.

Jermaine is very much involved, unfortunately. Jermaine was the one who brought Tohme Tohme to Michael and brought the Colony Capital investors.

So there is a lot of explaining Jermaine needs to do in terms of this, IMHO.
im not talking about a clip, im talking about actual testimony or his statement/sworn dep. rf had it. he says he was taking meds from some local doctor. in sm/los olivos.
yeah I remember that, they asked him whether that shady doctor from Miami was prescribing the meds but mj answered no it was a doctor from los olivos
I think you're talking about this deposition

here's another deposition that is very telling

karen faye did mention once that MJ would sometimes sign papers without reading just because he had so many things to take care of and his people did not necessarily have his best interest at heart. MJ he never had a real team around him his accountants lawyers managers were changing all the time

one more thing - I don't think Jermaine was directly involved in whatever it is that Tohme was doing, I think he brought him in the same way Joe tried to bring Rowe in MJ's team, he wanted to somehow be involved in MJ's career so he can gain something himself..I don't know it's just my humble opinion
uh well barrak is from cc....tohme worked for tb and then became mj'smanager and jermaine's wife is linked to thome. hmmmmmmmmmmm
Interesting how all this people claiming money from the Estate don't happen to have anything written down. No kind of contract. Mmm...

At least he's not asking for 40 or 50 million...
Umm. . . Tohme hid $5.5 million of Michael's money and then gave it back. There is no question that this guy has many more of Michael's millions hidden in some offshore bank account.

Anyone actually believe the tall tale that Michael told Tohme to hide this money?? Michael was afraid of Tohme!

I wonder how did Branca and McLain manage to get it back...
If you closely follow what happened to MJ all along, things fall into place and the picture of Michaels last years seem clearer.

It is said that John Branca quit working for Michael because of Michaels association with 'other' influences in his life. Remember that Branca is a lawyer and he worked on deals for Michael and he knew right from wrong and would have to deal with whatever Michael signed. I could easily understand why someone would fling their hands up in despair and back away from someone who lets these kinds of people into their life and signs contracts such as Michael did.

I can also see Michaels side of things. He was used to living the good life and he was no longer bringing in the same amount of money and needed to work on cash flow. It appears that he backed himself more and more into the corner and Tohme Tohme was not thinking of Michaels best interests here. He may be a financial wizard, but its funny how a lot of Michaels money went so quickly. Add to the mix that his own family is somehow involved here and it makes me angry and ill at the same time.

I think Michael was so upset and distraught about the accusations and the trials and the fallout and he just so desperately needed DOWN TIME and this man came along when he was most vulnerable to 'help him' deal with his financial situation and get him back on track. His family knew his weakness too and I think some of them were very resentful that MJ made it so big while they didn't.

Clearly, Michael went through a horrible emotional time and he wanted to be a good father and not have to deal with any more stress. So...when someone comes along who is going to 'save you' from that stress it looks appealing. I think he was not always capable of making sound decisions because he was so stressed out at the time and people took advantage of that.

That is true...

Also, let's remember Mez said that it seemd that during the trial Michael would have a new "guru" every day.
And Thome was brought in by his brother so he had motives to think he could trust him.

Not sayin Jermaine has anything to do with this... we don't know that, he could very well just have been fooled by Thome. It is weird how he was tehre with him when he announced Michael had died, but maybe he wasn't having much contact with michael so he didn't know of the problems... maybe Thome wasn't there "with" Jermaine either...
Well, he knows they will keep his butt out of jail.

How exactly are they going to keep his butt out of jail. The guy already admitted to given the drug that killed Michael and lying to police. He also most likely corrupted a crime scene.

If Murray just said he gave him the drug, he might had been charge with malpractice and loss his license. Instead, we have all the events after Michael stopped breathing that is going to get him all those high charges. I do not see how Tohma or anyone else can get him off the hook.

You also fail to mention that Murray already tried to throw others under the bus by passing guilt to other doctors to Michael himself. If he was set up, he would had told on every last one of them. The fall guy rarely stay silences, which is why they are usually killed right away.
Its funny how doctors are supposed to help people but Michael's doctors are trying to steal all this money????
kind of and also it looks as though murray may wanna file a claim agains tthe estate...im not lying...dude wants his $300K