Dr Tohme Tohme wants Money Money from MJ

First the murder him, now they want more money. What Tohme Tohme wants is control of Neverland along with Colony Capital the company he is affiliated with. JM & JM will have to put up a strong fight against all these sleazy characters that surrounded MJ. Yes, I still believe Jermaine is in the mist of all this somehow. His phony tears don't sway me whatsoever. He's been dying to get his hands on his brother's home so that he can profit from it. His name should be Joe Jackson, Jr!
I hope those leeches who had ever hurt michael would get paid one day.
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I just a second ago started to read and investigate who this Dr Thome Thome is. I was looking at videos on youtube with news segments from this dude and I am getting a creepy feeling about this guy. Everyone has been mentioning his name since 25th June but I never looked up who this guy is. I now know and understand his affiliation with Jermaine Jackson, and yes even though I thought Jermaine was milking Michaels death (check my signature link video) I am now slowly beginning to believe that Jermaine has something to do with Michaels death. Dont ask me why, I just find this situation incredibly disturbing and I cant put my finger on it. Jermaine seems to eager to do tribute shows, milk his name and those fake tears during his Vienna pressconference does not help either. There's a paparazzi video taken of two Jackson brothers driving in their car smiling and laughing and this video was shot two days after Michaels death. Who smiles and laughs like that when a sibling just died? I cant comprehend it.

Whether or not Jermaine had anything to do with Michaels death, he seems way too happy about it. I dont know why but everytime I see a recent interview with Jermaine he resembles more and more the face and eyes of Joe Jackson. I see Joe's face when I look at Jermaine's.
Agreed. I believed from the very beginning that Murray was the fall guy and that someone else was behind this. As far as Im concerned Murray is not the man to hunt for at this point, he did what he did but what about the rest, who was the brain behind his actions? Its he/or they we need to look out for.
1.Love your signature vncwilliam.

2.Could be that Thome paid Murray to harm MJ. And now Thome tries to get the cash back

Thome would be a much more believable suspect than AEG Sony Colony Capital or whatever. I'm not saying he did it! but considering the fact that he made threats agains Julien's Actions back in spring, this guy seems crazy enough and impulsive and just plain scary. and we still don't know anything about his past he's a shady character
Michael wanted this man out of his life! Michael wanted nothing to do with Thome Thome!

Yet, that rat is still hanging around him in some way.....
Why is this crook still hanging around? And why am I not shocked to hear he has filed against the estate for a creditors claim, urgh.
thome will be on larry king next week for an exclusive interview.

should be intersting. we should send some important questions to larry so he can ask them, i dont wanna waste this chance to get some answears from him.
First the murder him, now they want more money. What Tohme Tohme wants is control of Neverland along with Colony Capital the company he is affiliated with. JM & JM will have to put up a strong fight against all these sleazy characters that surrounded MJ. Yes, I still believe Jermaine is in the mist of all this somehow. His phony tears don't sway me whatsoever. He's been dying to get his hands on his brother's home so that he can profit from it. His name should be Joe Jackson, Jr!

I agree 1000% with this post.
Me thinks that Tohme sees how much the movie has made thus far and decided to "throw a penny in the wishing well," hoping that he gets lucky.

"Some" folks see how well the movie is doing and now dollar signs have appeared in their eyes. I mean, ain't it funny how Tohme is just NOW filing a claim.

Anyway, I leave him and all the rest to JOHN BRANCA AND COMPANY, they will most definitely know how to deal with any fools looking to line their pockets with ill gotten gain.

exactly exactly exactly. is there any claim that hasn't been made against the estate, when things were quiet on the box office front, or something similar? NOOOO.
I'm very happy Branca & McClain have been made executors.

Let Tohme yell & demand all he wants - he ain't gettin' A DIME.
thome will be on larry king next week for an exclusive interview.

should be intersting. we should send some important questions to larry so he can ask them, i dont wanna waste this chance to get some answears from him.

I'm sure he rehearsed all his answers over the past few months especially after hearing Michael speaking about him on tape
I wish someone could make a full background check on him
thome will be on larry king next week for an exclusive interview.

should be intersting. we should send some important questions to larry so he can ask them, i dont wanna waste this chance to get some answears from him.

What we SHOULD send Larry is a link to that video of the recording of Michael saying how he wanted Thome out of his life and that he feared Thome.

That way, Larry will already be in on stuff when he's interviewing.


I'll be sending it to him. We should all send it to make sure he sees it.

One more thing.....

So he turns in $5.5 million dollars to the estate, when he "knows" that Michael himself owes him money anyways...............

anyways, thought i'd share what questions I sent Larry.......sadly, i dont think Thome can handle them

Why did he continue to appear in Michael's life after Michael declared to BREAK ALL TIES with him??

What do you have to say about Michael having a bad feeling about you?

What does Thome have to say about Michael not trusting him?
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ok he was"promised" that means he had no document , and he was also "promised" to get"15% of the singer's "gross compensation within the entertainment industry" " but he wants only what he is owed from the first "promise" .

15 % Tohme , wow Ive never heard of such a percentage , maybe that for you and for jermaine right ? yeah that's it . who is the witness to that promise ? yeah you all guessed the one and only Jermaine .

Why would dr tohme ask for money for jermaine? you want to blame the jackson family for everything another person say or do, this have nothing to do with jermaine, jermaine knows dr tohme and ask him to help michael save neverland, jermaine is not tied to colony capital dr tohme is. (conspiracy)
Why would dr tohme ask for money for jermaine? you want to blame the jackson family for everything another person say or do, this have nothing to do with jermaine, jermaine knows dr tohme and ask him to help michael save neverland, jermaine is not tied to colony capital dr tohme is. (conspiracy)

1. jermaine and colony capital are the ones who wanted michael to be buried at neverland.
2. Jermaine was the one introduced tohme tohme to michael, although tohme had so many "fraud" lawsuits in the past and mystery background .
3. Jermaine is the one who still be friend and so close with tohme after michael's death.

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he claimed he is a dr but he's not
he claimed he is the ambassador at large but no one ever heard of him
there's definitely something shady going on.i don't believe mike had ever given that 5.5m to him.
he even said he's still in charge of mike's business after his death? alrighttt,i thought mike had FIRED you?
it's also strange that frank apparently know how shady this man is but still appeared in press conference with him.
What we SHOULD send Larry is a link to that video of the recording of Michael saying how he wanted Thome out of his life and that he feared Thome.

That way, Larry will already be in on stuff when he's interviewing.


I'll be sending it to him. We should all send it to make sure he sees it.

One more thing.....

So he turns in $5.5 million dollars to the estate, when he "knows" that Michael himself owes him money anyways...............

anyways, thought i'd share what questions I sent Larry.......sadly, i dont think Thome can handle them

Why did he continue to appear in Michael's life after Michael declared to BREAK ALL TIES with him??

What do you have to say about Michael having a bad feeling about you?

What does Thome have to say about Michael not trusting him?

Could you please let me know what day & time that interview will be on?
I would like to watch that.
I just a second ago started to read and investigate who this Dr Thome Thome is. I was looking at videos on youtube with news segments from this dude and I am getting a creepy feeling about this guy. Everyone has been mentioning his name since 25th June but I never looked up who this guy is. I now know and understand his affiliation with Jermaine Jackson, and yes even though I thought Jermaine was milking Michaels death (check my signature link video) I am now slowly beginning to believe that Jermaine has something to do with Michaels death. Dont ask me why, I just find this situation incredibly disturbing and I cant put my finger on it. Jermaine seems to eager to do tribute shows, milk his name and those fake tears during his Vienna pressconference does not help either. There's a paparazzi video taken of two Jackson brothers driving in their car smiling and laughing and this video was shot two days after Michaels death. Who smiles and laughs like that when a sibling just died? I cant comprehend it.

Whether or not Jermaine had anything to do with Michaels death, he seems way too happy about it. I dont know why but everytime I see a recent interview with Jermaine he resembles more and more the face and eyes of Joe Jackson. I see Joe's face when I look at Jermaine's.

:clapping::clapping::clapping:.......my thoughts exactly.....I have been posting this since ..like forever....Jermaine is FAR to happy all the time.
Agreed. I believed from the very beginning that Murray was the fall guy and that someone else was behind this. As far as Im concerned Murray is not the man to hunt for at this point, he did what he did but what about the rest, who was the brain behind his actions? Its he/or they we need to look out for.

you and I are on the same wave length....our minds think exactly the same....:clapping:.....Murray was only the one who was set up to take the fall..IMHO

Wait he is saying he wants a percentage of Michael's earnings from the entertainment industry? THATS BOGUS. Why the hell would Michael offer to give somebody like Tohme Tohme 15% of his earnings from his own job!? Thats crazy!
Another Jackal! Seriously, when will this trash end!!!. It's just a very sick and twisted tag team of MISFITS. Thome pulled that number from his old donkey rumpus. Whatever!! I want to see documentation as any lawyer or court will demand...Thome forget this number your quoting and stating he owed you...sounds like your trying to pull a quick one over and line your pockets and god knows who else..it stinks to high heaven and I hope we all get to the bottom of this nonscence! Wasn't Michael afraid of this character and told more than one person about his fears...I wonder if he threatend his life? What has Dileo said about this Thome.....anything?????????...it all makes me very ill.

I hope Jermiane and Randy dont have a stake in this mess...it will certainly be a tragedy to learn.
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Man, listen, if Tohme was "promised" money from the Neverland deal, why didn't he get said monies when the deal was completed.

I mean, wouldn't a deal like that included these types of fees?

All I can say is that Tohme (and all the rest) better have their PAPERS in order, and don't go in there talking about: "Michael promised me, but I don't have any papers to prove it."

Branca and Company ain't just gonna be handing money to folks. If they want something from the estate, they best have their papers in order, because Branca and Co. will be going over each and ever claim with a fine toothed comb, just know that.

I have a feeling the tangled tail of Tohme will be unravelling real soon becuz of the investigation into MJ's death..

Also Branca is sharp...I agree they won't be just handing out money just becuz....
ok, he had documents signed by mj that gives him 10 % of the fund generated to pay for the neverland loan which was 23 millions , he also got a documents signed by mj that allow him to collect 10% of total amount of money incase neverlan is sold .

he also got a document that entitled him to 15% of everything mj did after this guy was hired , in other words he is entitled to 15 % of everything mj made out of this is it before and after his death , not only the movie but EVRYTHING .

he had a power of attorney granted to him by mj . he wants the estate to pay for all legal fights he had over issues related to mj (comes to mind the whole thing about memorabilia )

he says he did not include the actual documents because the executors asked him not to do so.

well, i can't believe mj was signing documents like that . why mj ? he would grant a power of attorney to anyone who asked , why mj ?

he is gonna update his claims and the amount he is owed when he has the official amounts from the estate . the guy may end up with 50 millions if not more and if the executors sold neverland this man is gonna collect 10 % of the total amount , wow .
he was fired in march, so the movie is not him etc... He can not claim anything from the movie
About a year ago, on another forum, some mj fans and i were talking about who the hell thiis tohme tohme is. LoL, We came to the notion that he didnt exist and that the name tohme was actually me hot. I wouldnt go into the details as to what led us to that convo.. LMAO...But his case will be denied and the judge will prolly tell him to get the F*** outta here.