Dr Tohme Tohme wants Money Money from MJ

he also got a document that entitled him to 15% of everything mj did after this guy was hired , in other words he is entitled to 15 % of everything mj made out of this is it before and after his death , not only the movie but EVRYTHING .

Surely if he was fired in May/June though, his 'deal' would also end? I doubt MJ made much money at all up to that point.
Surely if he was fired in May/June though, his 'deal' would also end? I doubt MJ made much money at all up to that point.

Depends if there is a contract sign between them. A contract usually stays in place until a clause is broken or until the contract expires. If it was just a verbal argument, he has nothing.
I wish this Tohme creep would just disappear, there's something very VERU wrong with him.
the people who Randy plotted with in 2005 to steal the catalogue only asked for 5 % of the deal , it seems the people who plotted with jermaine wants more .
Maybe Jermaine wants 10% of it.

Originally Posted by MichaelMySoul
I just a second ago started to read and investigate who this Dr Thome Thome is. I was looking at videos on youtube with news segments from this dude and I am getting a creepy feeling about this guy. Everyone has been mentioning his name since 25th June but I never looked up who this guy is. I now know and understand his affiliation with Jermaine Jackson, and yes even though I thought Jermaine was milking Michaels death (check my signature link video) I am now slowly beginning to believe that Jermaine has something to do with Michaels death. Dont ask me why, I just find this situation incredibly disturbing and I cant put my finger on it. Jermaine seems to eager to do tribute shows, milk his name and those fake tears during his Vienna pressconference does not help either. There's a paparazzi video taken of two Jackson brothers driving in their car smiling and laughing and this video was shot two days after Michaels death. Who smiles and laughs like that when a sibling just died? I cant comprehend it.
I can only shake my head at this family. I was crying my eyes out and too depressed to see people after MJ's death. How did he as a sibling manage to laugh and smile just two days after his brother died? BTW, who's the other brother? Where's the video?
F' Tohme Tohme.

As far as Jermaine having a role in all of this, well we really can't say, but I to believe there is something seriously wrong here, and that he has a role in all of this. But of course, he's most likely not a target of the investigation and wont be prosecuted in anyway, but I will say this, judgement day comes for all of us, not only must he live with this on his concious, but when that day comes, he will suffer the wrath of a higher power.
the way he said he was the only person there when he came into Michael's life makes me believe he wanted to take advantage of MJ's vulnerability. it's not ok for someone like him to be in total control of your finances and I remember Michael used to sign papers without reading first
we stopped hearing from Raymone in mid 2008 that's when Tohme supposedly became MJ's manager, spokesperson etc
like crazy4umjackson said we thought he was fictional in the beginning a name made up my MJ, until we didn't see pictures of him we thought he didn't exist...when we realized he does exist we kept on wondering who is he and where did he come from. it was soon after that that he signed for the concerts, and Dileo said it was Tohme who arranged more than 2 concerts a week against MJ's wish
Its all about the money.....

It seems like nobody stand on Michaels side just for him.
Its so sad:(
you and I are on the same wave length....our minds think exactly the same....:clapping:.....Murray was only the one who was set up to take the fall..IMHO

Agreed. :clapping: It took me a while to be convinced but now I am absolutely convinced that Murray is not the man to hunt down. Jermaine makes me more and more suspicious as the days and weeks and months pass by.. :no:
Agreed. :clapping: It took me a while to be convinced but now I am absolutely convinced that Murray is not the man to hunt down. Jermaine makes me more and more suspicious as the days and weeks and months pass by.. :no:

If Murray was the fall guy, he would had be screaming that. He already used every excuse in the book already. Also Murray admitted himself to given Michael the drug that kill him. What fall guy do you know would do that? Before I hear he is being intimidating by Tohma, Murray already proven to having no loyalty after the threw Michael and 'other' doctors under the bus. If he knew anything, he would be singing to the LAPD to keep his butt out of jail.

Also, Tohma does not directly benefice from Michael's death. He can take advantage of the situation, but it is not like he gets any money from the estate. Unless you are telling me Tohma and Jermaine was hoping that Michael didn't have a will, this theory does not work.

Jermaine never challenge the will either. It was the other siblings, notably Randy, who directly challenge the executives and the will.

Tohma may be shady, but I doubt he had anything to do with Murray. There is simply not enough reward on a big 'what if' to justify murder.
ok, he had documents signed by mj that gives him 10 % of the fund generated to pay for the neverland loan which was 23 millions , he also got a documents signed by mj that allow him to collect 10% of total amount of money incase neverlan is sold .

he also got a document that entitled him to 15% of everything mj did after this guy was hired , in other words he is entitled to 15 % of everything mj made out of this is it before and after his death , not only the movie but EVRYTHING .

he had a power of attorney granted to him by mj . he wants the estate to pay for all legal fights he had over issues related to mj (comes to mind the whole thing about memorabilia )

he says he did not include the actual documents because the executors asked him not to do so.

well, i can't believe mj was signing documents like that . why mj ? he would grant a power of attorney to anyone who asked , why mj ?

he is gonna update his claims and the amount he is owed when he has the official amounts from the estate . the guy may end up with 50 millions if not more and if the executors sold neverland this man is gonna collect 10 % of the total amount , wow .

well if theres a contract there u go. and why the hell was mj yet again giving ppl power of attorney over him same as what happened with konitzer *sigh*. whether hes intitled to anything after june or when he was sacked i doubt. but did mj send him a proper your sacked letter which if common sense goes once you are sacked the agreements end.so he should be enitiled to nothing after he was fired. nice money maker forthome seeing as he worked for colony and took mj to them and he gets a nice cut from it it.wonder if jerm got a % seeing as he took mj to thome just like randy and the precident case
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ok, he had documents signed by mj that gives him 10 % of the fund generated to pay for the neverland loan which was 23 millions , he also got a documents signed by mj that allow him to collect 10% of total amount of money incase neverlan is sold .

he also got a document that entitled him to 15% of everything mj did after this guy was hired , in other words he is entitled to 15 % of everything mj made out of this is it before and after his death , not only the movie but EVRYTHING .

he had a power of attorney granted to him by mj . he wants the estate to pay for all legal fights he had over issues related to mj (comes to mind the whole thing about memorabilia )

he says he did not include the actual documents because the executors asked him not to do so.

well, i can't believe mj was signing documents like that . why mj ? he would grant a power of attorney to anyone who asked , why mj ?

he is gonna update his claims and the amount he is owed when he has the official amounts from the estate . the guy may end up with 50 millions if not more and if the executors sold neverland this man is gonna collect 10 % of the total amount , wow .

this is so terrible. this leech can get 15% of michael's hardworking money so easily. why michael signed those unfair contracts? greedy people seems so easy to take advantage of michael. it's like just let michael signed one paper, you will become the millionnaire without working. I am so mad now.
If you closely follow what happened to MJ all along, things fall into place and the picture of Michaels last years seem clearer.

It is said that John Branca quit working for Michael because of Michaels association with 'other' influences in his life. Remember that Branca is a lawyer and he worked on deals for Michael and he knew right from wrong and would have to deal with whatever Michael signed. I could easily understand why someone would fling their hands up in despair and back away from someone who lets these kinds of people into their life and signs contracts such as Michael did.

I can also see Michaels side of things. He was used to living the good life and he was no longer bringing in the same amount of money and needed to work on cash flow. It appears that he backed himself more and more into the corner and Tohme Tohme was not thinking of Michaels best interests here. He may be a financial wizard, but its funny how a lot of Michaels money went so quickly. Add to the mix that his own family is somehow involved here and it makes me angry and ill at the same time.

I think Michael was so upset and distraught about the accusations and the trials and the fallout and he just so desperately needed DOWN TIME and this man came along when he was most vulnerable to 'help him' deal with his financial situation and get him back on track. His family knew his weakness too and I think some of them were very resentful that MJ made it so big while they didn't.

Clearly, Michael went through a horrible emotional time and he wanted to be a good father and not have to deal with any more stress. So...when someone comes along who is going to 'save you' from that stress it looks appealing. I think he was not always capable of making sound decisions because he was so stressed out at the time and people took advantage of that.
If you closely follow what happened to MJ all along, things fall into place and the picture of Michaels last years seem clearer.

It is said that John Branca quit working for Michael because of Michaels association with 'other' influences in his life. Remember that Branca is a lawyer and he worked on deals for Michael and he knew right from wrong and would have to deal with whatever Michael signed. I could easily understand why someone would fling their hands up in despair and back away from someone who lets these kinds of people into their life and signs contracts such as Michael did.

I can also see Michaels side of things. He was used to living the good life and he was no longer bringing in the same amount of money and needed to work on cash flow. It appears that he backed himself more and more into the corner and Tohme Tohme was not thinking of Michaels best interests here. He may be a financial wizard, but its funny how a lot of Michaels money went so quickly. Add to the mix that his own family is somehow involved here and it makes me angry and ill at the same time.

I think Michael was so upset and distraught about the accusations and the trials and the fallout and he just so desperately needed DOWN TIME and this man came along when he was most vulnerable to 'help him' deal with his financial situation and get him back on track. His family knew his weakness too and I think some of them were very resentful that MJ made it so big while they didn't.

Clearly, Michael went through a horrible emotional time and he wanted to be a good father and not have to deal with any more stress. So...when someone comes along who is going to 'save you' from that stress it looks appealing. I think he was not always capable of making sound decisions because he was so stressed out at the time and people took advantage of that.

Michael was not as money strain as you think. He had already set up a plan to pay off his debt by 2011, but he was cash poor. So, I do not think he was that distress about money. He just had to go on an allowance. If he wanted and needed money, all he had to do is do a couple of shows and he would of had cash in his hand. Or, just release another album.

Also, he generally gave more control to people since he could not run a business, write and produce music, and take care of his kids. Something had to give, so he left his business in other people's hands. Granted, they were not the best hands at time, but this is hardly new for anyone who has a big business.
Michael was not as money strain as you think. He had already set up a plan to pay off his debt by 2011, but he was cash poor. So, I do not think he was that distress about money. He just had to go on an allowance. If he wanted and needed money, all he had to do is do a couple of shows and he would of had cash in his hand. Or, just release another album.

Also, he generally gave more control to people since he could not run a business, write and produce music, and take care of his kids. Something had to give, so he left his business in other people's hands. Granted, they were not the best hands at time, but this is hardly new for anyone who has a big business.

What plan to pay off his debt? Can you explain that? And where was he going to do a 'couple' of shows and make as much as he needed to come up to date on all his back loans? Who would have paid his living expenses?

What do you mean it is hardly new for anyone who is in big business? People in big business usually choose who they allow to sign contracts for them very carefully. That is why they are rich in the first place. They know how to manage their business and they choose competent people. The ones who don't pay attention are the ones who get into trouble.
What plan to pay off his debt? Can you explain that? And where was he going to do a 'couple' of shows and make as much as he needed to come up to date on all his back loans? Who would have paid his living expenses?
mj created some trusts around 07. where all the money he made from the sony/atv cat went directly into these trusts and the money went towards paying the debts off. he deal will have all the loans paid off by 2011. he couldnt touch any of this money so he basically had no income from the sony/atv that he could use himself.
What plan to pay off his debt? Can you explain that? And where was he going to do a 'couple' of shows and make as much as he needed to come up to date on all his back loans? Who would have paid his living expenses?

What do you mean it is hardly new for anyone who is in big business? People in big business usually choose who they allow to sign contracts for them very carefully. That is why they are rich in the first place. They know how to manage their business and they choose competent people. The ones who don't pay attention are the ones who get into trouble.

Michael set up his trust so the money from the Beetle Catalog goes directly into his debt. So, the debt would had been paid down every year until it is completely cleared by 2011. So, Michael's debt was taken care of, but it left him with little pocket money.

When I said "do a couple of shows", I meant if he wanted cash money. Those concert in London, despite popular belief, was not going to his debt. It was all cash to do whatever he was planning to do.

Michael knows how to manage a business. One hardly worth billions and supporting an entire family if he didn't have business sense. However, when you get so big you cannot watch everything. So, you hire people to look after your interest. That is what rich people do. Donald Trump hardly looks over every single business deal that get pass his desk. He has people look at it and decide if this is a good investment or not.

Michael might had paid attention to somethings, but he left others in the hands of the people he hire.
Michael knows how to manage a business. One hardly worth billions and supporting an entire family if he didn't have business sense. However, when you get so big you cannot watch everything. So, you hire people to look after your interest. That is what rich people do. Donald Trump hardly looks over every single business deal that get pass his desk. He has people look at it and decide if this is a good investment or not.

Michael might had paid attention to somethings, but he left others in the hands of the people he hire.

true. mjs problem was the con artists he got involved with who were making decisions or taking mj into making decisions that only helped them and not mj
true. mjs problem was the con artists he got involved with who were making decisions or taking mj into making decisions that only helped them and not mj

Anyone who get rich is going to have con artists. Just ask MC Hammer. The bigger you are, the bigger the leeches. Michael's leeches are just more well known than others.

I am certain even Donald Trump got screwed more than once from people given him bad business advice. It comes with the terrain.
true. but as i said mjs problems were the con artists he got involved with and allowing them things such as power of attorney which should never be given. german fans tried to warn him about deiter weisner because his activities were well known about in germany but got told by karen faye back in the day that mjs knows what hes doing.
It seems that tohme would get 10% of neverland sales for sure. how about the 15% from michael's earnings. does it include the earning after death? I felt so helpless. when everything came to michael, there is no justice. greedy leeches always get what they want from michael so easily.
does it include the earning after death? I felt so helpless
well mj sacked him around may time . so normally thats its. he wouldnt get anything made after may cause he doesnt work for him and any agreement is over and done with.thats common sense but who knows in mjs world
true. but as i said mjs problems were the con artists he got involved with and allowing them things such as power of attorney which should never be given. german fans tried to warn him about deiter weisner because his activities were well known about in germany but got told by karen faye back in the day that mjs knows what hes doing.

We will never know Michael's reason for doing certain things, but he did what he thought was best. I am not a business and I am hardly in any position to say what he should or should not have done.

However, simply saying he was naive is one-sided. Since we do not know the situation at the time and whatnot, we cannot say why Michael did what he did. However, all this is kind of a moot point now and is a circular argument.

Besides, he was worth billions when he died so he was not that naive.
there was alot of talk at the time that weisener was helping to peddle mj with painkillers and what not. whos knows wouldnt be surprised
there was alot of talk at the time that weisener was helping to peddle mj with painkillers and what not. whos knows wouldnt be surprised

Sound like another drug addict rumor. However, given that Michael's organs were not damage, this tells me that is most likely a myth. If he was heavily on drugs, his liver would not be normal.

Also, Michael had alot of medical issues. So getting painkillers would be justified and not usual.
its well known in the community mj had issues with medication in the early 00's MSG is a good example of that. so weisners connection prob comes from that as he was around mj at that time and because of how down right dodgy he was lol

Also, Michael had alot of medical issues. So getting painkillers would be justified and not usual.
no one is talking about anything illegal everyone knows about his issues with lupus arthritis etc just that he was having issues around that time
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its well known in the community mj had issues with medication in the early 00's so weisners connection prob comes from that as he was around mj at that time and becasue of how down right dodgy he was lol

no one is talking about anything illegal everyone knows about his issues with lupus arthritis etc just that he was having issues around that time

I did not say anything about anything illegal. I just said he had medical issues, so he had to take painkillers. I thought it was common knowledge he most likely had problems with is Lupus in 2000-2001.

However, I hardly think it was anything serious since Liz was around him during that time and would had done something for Michael if it was really bad.

To be fair, I hardly trust Weisners. This is the same guy that made Michael sound like a broken drug addict after the Bashir incident. Sounds like to me he just says what is popular. But, mangers in general tends to be dodgy.
I did not say anything about anything illegal. I just said he had medical issues, so he had to take painkillers. I thought it was common knowledge he most likely had problems with is Lupus in 2000-2001
yeah thats very true.ppl talked about issues through to mid 03. theres also the issues with his scalp that caused alot of his problems. yeah weisner is a crook