Dr Tohme Tohme wants Money Money from MJ


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Jan 5, 2007
Dr. Tohme Tohme Wants Money Money from MJ

Posted Nov 13th 2009 1:39PM by TMZ Staff
Michael Jackson's former manager just filed a huge creditor's claim against the estate ... and it's mostly over the sale of Neverland Ranch in 2008.

In the documents, filed yesterday in L.A. County Superior Court, Dr. Tohme² says he was promised a certain fee from Michael if he could locate a company to save Neverland Ranch from foreclosure last year.

Dr. Tohme² claims he's the one who brought Colony Capital LLC to the table -- the company T² says forked over $23 million to save Neverland. Dr. Tohme² wants his cut of deal -- which he claims is approximately $2.3 million.

In July of 2008, Dr. Tohme² also says Michael promised him 15% of the singer's "gross compensation within the entertainment industry" -- but T² has no clue how much he's owed.

The doc wants in excess of $2.3 million.
Like I said, when you have money, you have to fight to keep money just as you fight to get money. Poor Kat. And there is more to come.
There is something really strange and sick about this Tohme.I have bad feelings for him.
I'm so tired of crooks and leeches, seriously I want all of them to go to hell and/or bug someone else. THing's that are happening with Michael/his estate are too surreal to be true.
Umm. . . Tohme hid $5.5 million of Michael's money and then gave it back. There is no question that this guy has many more of Michael's millions hidden in some offshore bank account.

Anyone actually believe the tall tale that Michael told Tohme to hide this money?? Michael was afraid of Tohme!
lol who is next? no end!!
Since the LAPD is refusing to arrest and charge Dr Murray, I wouldn't be surprised if we soon see a creditor's claim from him for his $ 150,000 per month salary he was supposed to get to take care of MJ in England
That's what someone posted on another board and I have to agree with the poster, I wouldn't be shocked either
Man, listen, if Tohme was "promised" money from the Neverland deal, why didn't he get said monies when the deal was completed.

I mean, wouldn't a deal like that included these types of fees?

All I can say is that Tohme (and all the rest) better have their PAPERS in order, and don't go in there talking about: "Michael promised me, but I don't have any papers to prove it."

Branca and Company ain't just gonna be handing money to folks. If they want something from the estate, they best have their papers in order, because Branca and Co. will be going over each and ever claim with a fine toothed comb, just know that.
ok he was"promised" that means he had no document , and he was also "promised" to get"15% of the singer's "gross compensation within the entertainment industry" " but he wants only what he is owed from the first "promise" .

15 % Tohme , wow Ive never heard of such a percentage , maybe that for you and for jermaine right ? yeah that's it . who is the witness to that promise ? yeah you all guessed the one and only Jermaine .
the people who Randy plotted with in 2005 to steal the catalogue only asked for 5 % of the deal , it seems the people who plotted with jermaine wants more .
Man, listen, if Tohme was "promised" money from the Neverland deal, why didn't he get said monies when the deal was completed.

I mean, wouldn't a deal like that included these types of fees?

All I can say is that Tohme (and all the rest) better have their PAPERS in order, and don't go in there talking about: "Michael promised me, but I don't have any papers to prove it."

Branca and Company ain't just gonna be handing money to folks. If they want something from the estate, they best have their papers in order, because Branca and Co. will be going over each and ever claim with a fine toothed comb, just know that.

Preach it! Sounds like this guy is trying to get money for verbal "promises":doh:
ok he was"promised" that means he had no document , and he was also "promised" to get"15% of the singer's "gross compensation within the entertainment industry" " but he wants only what he is owed from the first "promise" .

15 % Tohme , wow Ive never heard of such a percentage , maybe that for you and for jermaine right ? yeah that's it . who is the witness to that promise ? yeah you all guessed the one and only Jermaine .
You know WHAT? JErmaine was the first person that came through my mind as well, when I read Tohme is filing a claim.
There is something really strange and sick about this Tohme.I have bad feelings for him.

Umm. . . Tohme hid $5.5 million of Michael's money and then gave it back. There is no question that this guy has many more of Michael's millions hidden in some offshore bank account.

Anyone actually believe the tall tale that Michael told Tohme to hide this money?? Michael was afraid of Tohme!

exactly! people treat him like he's just another money grabber but there's something deeper about his relationship with Michael...poor Michael...and to think nobody cares
Me thinks that Tohme sees how much the movie has made thus far and decided to "throw a penny in the wishing well," hoping that he gets lucky.

"Some" folks see how well the movie is doing and now dollar signs have appeared in their eyes. I mean, ain't it funny how Tohme is just NOW filing a claim.

Anyway, I leave him and all the rest to JOHN BRANCA AND COMPANY, they will most definitely know how to deal with any fools looking to line their pockets with ill gotten gain.
I think we live in a VERY strange world... since the Weirdest people that actually needs to be really looked into it especially that THOME THOME, here he is.. suing the estate... wow... who's next?? doctor murray??

That Thome Thome needs to be investigated... how dare people do such a thing like that and think it's normal, i swear...
Me thinks that Tohme sees how much the movie has made thus far and decided to "throw a penny in the wishing well," hoping that he gets lucky.

"Some" folks see how well the movie is doing and now dollar signs have appeared in their eyes. I mean, ain't it funny how Tohme is just NOW filing a claim.

Anyway, I leave him and all the rest to JOHN BRANCA AND COMPANY, they will most definitely know how to deal with any fools looking to line their pockets with ill gotten gain.
Agree, I believe Branca knows how to deal with them.
so when is the deadline for the creditors claim? is there an actual date?

according to tmz : 120 days after the executors of the estate publish at a newspaper or make it known that they are accepting creditors claims.

they did not know the actual start date.
No comment. :( Murray will be claiming his $300,000 next.

Lord no. I still want to know from Randy Phillip's mouth if they were paying Murray or if it was Michael.

Umm. . . Tohme hid $5.5 million of Michael's money and then gave it back. There is no question that this guy has many more of Michael's millions hidden in some offshore bank account.

Anyone actually believe the tall tale that Michael told Tohme to hide this money?? Michael was afraid of Tohme!

Thank you. God only knows how much of Michael's money Tohme has stored around. That tale is :bs:. If there's anybody Mike would want to hid his money from, Tohme would be one of those people.

ok he was"promised" that means he had no document , and he was also "promised" to get"15% of the singer's "gross compensation within the entertainment industry" " but he wants only what he is owed from the first "promise" .

15 % Tohme , wow Ive never heard of such a percentage , maybe that for you and for jermaine right ? yeah that's it . who is the witness to that promise ? yeah you all guessed the one and only Jermaine .

God, please NO. If Jermaine comes as a "witness" for Tohme, I'll be SMDH. Tohme sounds like Joe "Michael promised me this...Michael promised me that." Unless they have paper evidence (ex. a contract) to show for it, too freaking bad. I don't see Branca and McClain giving away Mike's money like its toilet paper any time soon.
15%?! Riiight. I thought Tohme was brought in to *make* him money. No way an amount like that would be agreed upon. I'm suprised he's come into the spotlight at all. He better be prepared for them to look into why he was fired and why he pretended like he wasn't and all the other shady stuff he's been up to.
I never cared for this person Dr. Tohme Tohme. He always gave me a bad vibe. Also he had what, over 5 million dollars of Michaels money,etc. etc. I sometimes think that these people who ask for money with no none documents are doing so because not only to get some greedy money,but to cover up something,to look just like everyone else. I don't know if you guys get what i mean,but there seems to be tricks and illusions being pulled out of the black hat here.