Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG/AEG to Murray:Go Pound Sand

Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

He's being investigated for killing Michael and he's worried because he didn't get paid?
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Hmmm...what it looks like to me is this: Murray worked off and on for Michael and his children, as a personal physician anywhere from the last week of Dec. 2006 (when Michael returned to the USA - Las Vegas) til Michael left Vegas for Los Angeles in October 2008. The reason I say that is becuz once MJ was in L.A. and his kids got ill, Nurse Lee was called (she says she was told MJ's regular doctor was out of town). Since Dr. Murray was "allegedly" recommended by one of MJ's security staff and Murray was ALSO James Brown's personal physician, odds are Michael easily trusted Murray for those reasons alone. IF, in fact, they became friends, it could have been James and his death which got that friendship going. We know how much Michael loved and idolized James Brown.

As far as Murray holding AEG responsible...

If he can show that he recieved a contract from AEG, complete with the agreed terms, prior to the date of closing his practices, I think he may have a teeny tiny case.

Here's the problems with that tho.

1. Frank, IF one chooses to believe him, says negotiations went on til 2 weeks before MJ's death. That would put a final contract after Murray closed his practices. And if he closed his businesses before negotiations ended, that's on him. What if negotiations never came up with an amount he'd settle for? What was he going to do then, having closed his offices? Not exactly smart.

2. Why was the contract still unsigned, if it was, at the time of MJ's death? They were all right there in Los Angeles. Murray was in the house every morning according to the chef. His and MJ's signature should have been on the document immediately...especially IF he'd been working for 2 months unpaid.

3. If the contract was found in the car, why was it still in Murray's possession, signed by Murray or not? If Murray hadn't signed, why hadn't he? If he HAD signed, why wasn't the contract THEN in Michael's possession to be signed by Michael? Also, had ANYONE from AEG already signed it? It would be good to know what signatures were actually on that contract found in Murray's car. Was it a final copy or a draft of a previous and rejected copy?

Also, I feel this basically comes down to what's in the actual contract. Does the contract have a starting date for which Murray's employment would be covered by the AEG advance payments? If it specifically states its for his work "in London", then he's crap outta luck. If it in any way indicates that his employment includes work done in preparation for the shows, then he "may" be entitled to be paid. HOWEVER, if I were on a jury and knew the patient died becuz of the doctor's outrageously negligent behavior, I'd give him ZERO dollars for all his crappy "preparation" work. :angry:

Frank may not have fully known about whatever arrangements had been made with AEG to pay Murray? In my notes I have listed that Murray was hired in May, which would make it about two months, at $150,000 a month. Didn't Murray, or someone? say he'd been giving Michael Propofol for six weeks? Also, I believe Murray's contract with AEG was found in his impounded car (listed on some sort of police document, but I'd have to hunt up the reference)?

Supposedly, he "worked" for two months and is petitioning to get paid for it. That his patient died doesn't seem to occur to him as any sort of problem in getting payment? Amazing. . . . .

I think unless those 2 months are explicitly stated as being covered under the contract, Murray's looking at a pocket full of lint. lol And if he goes after MJ's estate for a dime, he could forget it. If he thinks his name is ish already.....!

on kop disussion board they are saying murray was hired after 15 june, the chef before Kai saw murray there with oxygen tanks and he worked for mj during may , then kai was rehired . so that makes it two months .

You know, this could be possible. The question is when did Murray's employment as Michael's personal everyday physican end and when did his personal-but-under contract-for-the-London shows-physican contract begin. It COULD be a matter of weeks or a matter of one day versus the very next...same as you can have car insurance one day but at the stroke of midnight, if you haven't renewed, you are suddenly uninsured.

This article shows different timing for when Murray was hired. As usual, there are multiple versions of events.

Michael Jackson's death: Jackson camp says concert promoter hired doctor [Updated]
June 26, 2009 | 2:43 pm

Dr. Tohme Tohme, a Jackson advisor, said that Los Angeles-based concert promoter AEG Live retained Murray and that the physician arrived in town less than two weeks ago.

Jackson and the rest of the company were set to depart early next week for England.

"I don't know the exact arrangements, but AEG paid him and he was going to go with [Jackson on tour]," Tohme said of Murray. Tohme said Murray treated Jackson for a cold when the singer was living in Las Vegas last year.


Well, Tohme states he doesn't "know the exact arrangements" so it's possible he hasn't a clue as far as payments UNLESS he actually cut a check for Murray out of advanced AEG money BEFORE he was fired. NOW, if Thome knows of a contract that precedes his firing (early May), then MAYBE Murray has documentation that AEG contracted him in May. THAT would put AEG under the bus, for sure. That document would be interesting to see if Murray has a copy in his records...and whether all parties, Michael included, ever finalized it BEFORE Murray closed his practices. This would also show that Frank has been untruthful or was severely out of the loop. I'd be shocked if Murray can produce a contract preceding the closing of his practices WITh all signatures.

Well, under the law the "employer" is the one who PAYS the employee, regardless of who chose the employee. It's not "just the one signing the checks." The one signing the checks is the one with the liability, if any. If Murray actually pursues this, his attorney would go after AEG as "employer" (As the attorney is doing as the ones who paid), and not the estate (even if Michael chose the doctor). Might not seem right, but that's how the law works in this instance.

Let's say I own rental property (I don't, but. . . whatever). My tenant wants me to hire a gardener and chooses and suggests the employee. The gardener then falls off a ladder. The gardener can sue the employer (myself, hypothetically) as the employer, but not the tenant who chose the gardener. That's just the way the law works. . . even though it often seems not to be common-sense.

Good example. However, if the gardener was supposed to start work on the 13th of July and it's stated as such in the contract...and he falls off the ladder on July 12th, you could be in the clear as the owner. Technically, the start date was for the 13th. And if he showed up a day early as a courtesy to the tenant, for whatever reason, and the gardner brought his own faulty ladder to do the work, fell off the ladder and landed on the tenant standing below (killing the tenant), I'd say the tenant should be in the clear, too. It was the gardener's own faulty ladder and negligence that caused his problems...not to mention a death. Translation: Crap outta luck.
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Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

He's an evil c*nt. (sorry for the language, but it's true...)
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

What...? Surely he should be lying low and keeping his mouth shut for the foreseeable future? Michael's DEAD...Murray didn't do his job; doctors are supposed to care for their patients, not be negligent!
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Murray is funny. He truly believes he deserves payment for "services rendered"? Yikes.

If AEG cuts him a check they'll catch hell from Michael's family and friends.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Had he not killed Michael perhaps he would still earn some money. Its pretty unbelivable how this man acts. He should be in jail and not be asking for money.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

"Dr. Murray needs the money and he's entitled to the money

people never stop to "amaze" me
he needs money and he thinks he is entitled to them
for what i wonder?

Murray and medical service??? rather burial service

oh yeah why doesnt he apply now to be graves digger? i think he would be offered a vacancy immediately
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Err, Murray? Theres a slight problem with this plan of yours.

You kinda...What was it again? Oh yeah...KILLED YOUR PATIANT!! MORON!!
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Could this possibly be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. He kills Michael, and is still looking to be paid!!! WTF! He didnt fulfill his obligations to look after and care for his patient, he ended up dead.

This is too ridiculous.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

hang on there....didn't Frank say in the interview with Raffles that the contract between the doctor and Michael wasn't signed???? So if Frank is saying the truth...then there is no contract is there? And if there was the contract it was only about that doctor being there during the London shows..and since the London shows didn't happen he has no foot to stand on does he??
Maybe i'm totally wrong on this, if somebody heard things differently please fill me in...

Thats what I heard Frank say too, there was no signed contract yet!

So Dr. Murray is scrapping the bottom of the barrel here.

I also find it so ironic that they claim not to be going after Mike's Estate. Would certainly seem tacky to be suing the Estate of the person you killed!
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Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

AEG to Murray: Go Pound Sand
Posted Nov 17th 2009 5:11PM by TMZ Staff

AEG will not pay Michael Jackson's troubled doctor a penny, sources tell TMZ.

As we first reported, Dr. Conrad Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 -- the money he claims he's entitled to under a contract he signed with AEG to provide MJ with medical services. But sources connected with AEG tell TMZ the contract was never signed.

We're told a contract was drafted but it required three signatures -- AEG, Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray. Sources say Dr. Murray signed the contract and sent it to AEG but neither AEG nor MJ ever signed it.
The contract, we're told, also said it expressly hinged on Jackson signing.

Sources say AEG is drawing a hard line. They will not pay Murray a penny.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X9sd2e52
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Thank you Ivy for updating this.. i'm having some connection issues at the moment.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

He really is a piece of work isn't he, and if anyone was in any doubt about what kind of filth he is, he has proved it. He murdered Michael now he wants to be paid for it, I personally think he is waiting for a fat paycheque from whoever got him to kill Michael.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

I think all of Murrays past history shows what kind of scum that he is, he has a lot of 'bones in his closet' so to speak.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Originally Posted by souldreamer7
"Dr. Murray needs the money and he's entitled to the money.."

people never stop to "amaze" me
he needs money and he thinks he is entitled to them
for what i wonder?

Originally Posted by Misio
Murray and medical service??? rather burial service

oh yeah why doesnt he apply now to be graves digger? i think he would be offered a vacancy immediately

Just to let people know that quote came from TMZ NOT me.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Murray, I don't know if you know this but your client is dead by YOUR own negligence and now you the REJECT wants to collect on services and a man is dead by your own hands...sick!! sick!!! sick!!!...he is so vile it's beyond words. Yes, sue AEG and let Katherine get every freakin dime back...your a worthless loser! I would sue you till there is no more. Streisand will take care of this... watch the brilliance!
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Hey, the crook needs to get his money somehow. He's got a $1000 dollar note to pay, plus a lawyer.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

umm u dipshit u killed the patient,u were being paid to make sure he was healthy and u failed! u dont do your job you dont get paid. I wish i cud bash his face in
Thank you!!!
You can't get paid for killing your patient. He should be paying Michael's family for wrongful death for the rest of his miserable life
besides, didn't frank say nobody signed the contract yet?
AEG to Murray: Go Pound Sand
Posted Nov 17th 2009 5:11PM by TMZ Staff

AEG will not pay Michael Jackson's troubled doctor a penny, sources tell TMZ.


As we first reported, Dr. Conrad Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 -- the money he claims he's entitled to under a contract he signed with AEG to provide MJ with medical services. But sources connected with AEG tell TMZ the contract was never signed.

We're told a contract was drafted but it required three signatures -- AEG, Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray. Sources say Dr. Murray signed the contract and sent it to AEG but neither AEG nor MJ ever signed it.

The contract, we're told, also said it expressly hinged on Jackson signing.

Sources say AEG is drawing a hard line. They will not pay Murray a penny.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

AEG to Murray: Go Pound Sand
Posted Nov 17th 2009 5:11PM by TMZ Staff

AEG will not pay Michael Jackson's troubled doctor a penny, sources tell TMZ.

As we first reported, Dr. Conrad Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 -- the money he claims he's entitled to under a contract he signed with AEG to provide MJ with medical services. But sources connected with AEG tell TMZ the contract was never signed.

We're told a contract was drafted but it required three signatures -- AEG, Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray. Sources say Dr. Murray signed the contract and sent it to AEG but neither AEG nor MJ ever signed it.
The contract, we're told, also said it expressly hinged on Jackson signing.

Sources say AEG is drawing a hard line. They will not pay Murray a penny.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X9sd2e52

"Go pound sand"? Never heard that one before. Wonder if that's like saying 'kick rocks.' TMZ is getting creative with these titles. Anyway I'm glad AEG is putting their foot down. Not a penny for Murray.

He really is a piece of work isn't he, and if anyone was in any doubt about what kind of filth he is, he has proved it. He murdered Michael now he wants to be paid for it, I personally think he is waiting for a fat paycheque from whoever got him to kill Michael.

Hmpf. I don't see him making the kind of money he made as a doctor, or working as a doctor ever again. We'll see if he doesn't get convicted and all of a sudden has a lot of money and is living well off overseas.

Honestly I think if he's convicted I won't be surprised if he is killed in jail.
um wil i didn't say that he was just hired or this or that. im saying that it could be that aeg paid him so much to make sure he gave mj what he wanted. knew it was bad for him but told him to go on and do it w/ reckless abandon, making them guilty of depraved indifference.

this couldbe his way of saying that if they don't pay him, he's gonna tellon them and they'll have one hell of a lawsuit from teh family as well as possible criminal charges
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

AEG to Murray: Go Pound Sand
Posted Nov 17th 2009 5:11PM by TMZ Staff

AEG will not pay Michael Jackson's troubled doctor a penny, sources tell TMZ.

As we first reported, Dr. Conrad Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 -- the money he claims he's entitled to under a contract he signed with AEG to provide MJ with medical services. But sources connected with AEG tell TMZ the contract was never signed.

We're told a contract was drafted but it required three signatures -- AEG, Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray. Sources say Dr. Murray signed the contract and sent it to AEG but neither AEG nor MJ ever signed it.
The contract, we're told, also said it expressly hinged on Jackson signing.

Sources say AEG is drawing a hard line. They will not pay Murray a penny.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X9sd2e52


This is one major ass circus unfolding here!
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

"Go pound sand"? Never heard that one before. Wonder if that's like saying 'kick rocks.'

To pound sand is something you do which is essentially pointless and will result in nothing happening, because the sand will just fall back into position again.

So the here they are telling him to go away because nothing he does will make AEG pay.
AEG to Murray: Go Pound Sand
Posted Nov 17th 2009 5:11PM by TMZ Staff

AEG will not pay Michael Jackson's troubled doctor a penny, sources tell TMZ.

As we first reported, Dr. Conrad Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 -- the money he claims he's entitled to under a contract he signed with AEG to provide MJ with medical services. But sources connected with AEG tell TMZ the contract was never signed.

We're told a contract was drafted but it required three signatures -- AEG, Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray. Sources say Dr. Murray signed the contract and sent it to AEG but neither AEG nor MJ ever signed it.
The contract, we're told, also said it expressly hinged on Jackson signing.

Sources say AEG is drawing a hard line. They will not pay Murray a penny.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X9sd2e52

I wonder when he sent in the contract to AEG. Days before MJ's death? Or did he get the bright idea to submit the one found in his car after Michael died? :blink: It's disgusting that's he asking to get paid but even if he were successful getting money out of AEG, Streisand might take it in an unlawful death suit on behalf of Mrs. Jackson and the kids.
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Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

It maybe AEG partial to blame, but Michael still was the one who hire him. Also if the contract was not complete, he would not be AEG employee. If he was under contract and he did something to break the clause, like killing the patient, it is void. We do not know the details of the contract or even if the contract was complete so it is all guess work.

There is also the fact that if AEG did a background check, which any company does before you are hire, then they are not held liable since nothing in his background would suggest it would do something so stupid. If they had found something, they would had question Michael's choice and perhaps suggested to him to pick someone else.

However, they does not change the fact that Tohma got a lot of detail wrongs and should be disregard as a creditable source. It is so obvious he was pushing the family's agenda.

so, who are you blaming for Michael's death?, though it's hard for me to ever believe anyone has all the facts, unless they were an insider's insider.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

You would be very surprised how many death cercificates simply show natural death because the death was not suspicious. Sometimes they find out it was murder, oftenly they don't.
You would be very surprised how many people were murdered - of course it can be a mistake but it's intentional more often than you'd ever wanna know.
You may think it is fiction and I know it is hard to take but it is cold reality. Perfectly understand that you refuse to believe me cause if average people would know they would stay away of hospitals etc.

that's a fair statement.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

AEG to Murray: Go Pound Sand
Posted Nov 17th 2009 5:11PM by TMZ Staff

AEG will not pay Michael Jackson's troubled doctor a penny, sources tell TMZ.

As we first reported, Dr. Conrad Murray may sue AEG for $300,000 -- the money he claims he's entitled to under a contract he signed with AEG to provide MJ with medical services. But sources connected with AEG tell TMZ the contract was never signed.

We're told a contract was drafted but it required three signatures -- AEG, Michael Jackson and Dr. Conrad Murray. Sources say Dr. Murray signed the contract and sent it to AEG but neither AEG nor MJ ever signed it.
The contract, we're told, also said it expressly hinged on Jackson signing.

Sources say AEG is drawing a hard line. They will not pay Murray a penny.

Read more: http://www.tmz.com/#ixzz0X9sd2e52

so..they say MJ didn't sign the contract...

Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

so, who are you blaming for Michael's death?, though it's hard for me to ever believe anyone has all the facts, unless they were an insider's insider.

I do not have all the facts, which I stated myself several times. However, you usually do not enter any kind of contract without a background check. Especially a doctor. I also do not know what is in the contract or even if the contract was sign. However, I doubt Murray is entitle to anything.

If AEG did a background check and told Michael what they had found and he still wanted him, then AEG was oblige to allow it. We do not know the whole situation with him killing a patient in the past, but it could not have been anything criminal since he was still allow to pratice.

Until proven otherwise by facts, the only person that is to blame for Michael's death is Murray. Although the murder conspirency sounds good, too many things does not make sense to support this theory, in my opinion. Maybe there were others, but I heavily doubt it.