Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG/AEG to Murray:Go Pound Sand

Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

well at least hes not sueing the estate. guess he need to get the 1k he has to pay a month in child suport from somewhere.so hes going after his "wage" first
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

No it wouldn't. It happended before, the have different banc accounts and maybe years later you know it because they still live in a huge villa...
Anyway, think what you want. Did you ever work with doctors? Do you know anything about medicine? For if you would, you must know what went wrong

I am not a doctor, but even someone with common sense can figure out if you want to make an OD scene, you do not use a hospital drug. Especially one that the patient cannot use themselves.

If Murray was a murder, he could had used painkillers, illegal drugs, or even Tylenol PM. He could had injected any of these into Michael, let him OD, and left the room and discover the body the next morning.

However, he didn't do that. He injected a cocktail of hospital drugs and screwed up CPR, which is impressive since he is a heart doctor. He couldn't even said he discover Michael dead because Michael was sleeping in his bed. Not to mention he screwed up the timeline and has been caught in a lie several times. Yeah, this really sounds like a hitman.

Also, if he suddenly have money at anytime, that is going to raise suspicion. He cannot go from broke to having money without people taking notice. Especially since he killed the most famous person in the world. If he did do it, he would never be able to touch that money in his lifetime. It would be like robbing a bank and thinking you can actually spend the money you stole.

You asked me what went wrong. To put it bluntly that doctor fucked up, plain and simple. There are too many holes to be any murder plot. He did something that he was not train to do and he screwed up. Instead of taking responsibility for his mistake, he try to cover his crime and pass guilt to everyone, including the dead patient. That is what I think happen and all current evident points to it. Unless something drastic happen to prove otherwise, this is the most likely outcome.

You are allow to thing however you like. But, I suggest you think to the final conclusion instead of just saying what you think happen.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Tohma is full of crap. It has been confirm by two witnesses the Murray has been working for Michael for weeks. Even if that 6 week timeline is crock, it has some merit since Murray had to be working for Michael for at least that long. Murray may be dumb, but he would not tell an obvious lie.

Yup. Murray came in May, Tohme was fired in May.

There is also the fact that AEG did not hire Murray. Michael chose him himself and AEG just paid him. It is the samething Michael did fore everyone TII. He picked the crew, the dancers, and everyone else. AEG was just the one signing the checks.

It's important to note that JOE JACKSON introduced and recommended Dr. Murray to Michael.

Given the date, this sounds around the time when the family was trying to pin Michael's death on AEG. This information has been proven false and has no merit.-p

AEG did not kill Michael, Murray (and possibly others) killed Michael. I truly believe that Murray is not the only hand in this tale.

Also, Murray treated Michael's kids when they were sick, not Michael. That is how they first met. Michael knew Murray for at least 2006 because Murray himself provided medical files for Michael that dates back to that time. The LAPD has already confirm that when they were collecting Michael's files. So, they most likely did have a patient/doctor relationship and maybe a type of friendship.

What I want to know is, if Murray is a cardiologist, why is he treating the MJ-3 for? Do any of them have a heart problem (God forbid?) Shouldn't the MJ-3 go to a pediatrician? And yes, Joe Jackson introduced Murray to Michael, maybe this was the reason. Babies were sick, grandpa recommended Murray.

We also do not know if he had sign the contract or if it was still in talks about it. In either case, given that he mostly killed the patient, I am certain it render the deal void.

Um, yeah.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

This lawsuit is actually significant and clears up confusion about who, exactly, hired Murray (i.e. was paying him). Assuming, of course, that Murray's attorney is not an idiot? If the employer was Michael (legally), then Murray would be suing the estate. But he's not. If the employer was AEG, then Murray would be suing AEG. Which, he apparently IS. This is a potentially lethal move in terms of Murray's so-called "PR," though. Implies he's financially desperate. Looks pretty bad to be suing for payment for services-rendered, when those "services" resulted in the death of the patient. Under the law he can sue for this. Morally and karmically, it's pretty bad news for him.

That a patient dies does NOT, under the law, absolve that patient's next-of-kin or the doctor's employer, from paying the bills. If it did, few doctors would remain in practice.

If Murray is financially desperate, who is paying his attorneys? Just wondering.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

In Murray's background check it would have been revealed that he had already KILLED one cardiac patient and his insurance company dealt with a malpractice suit. . . . . There is also his arrest record for domestic abuse. His past was truly sketchy. But, whatever.


Really, just really.....
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Yup. Murray came in May, Tohme was fired in May.

It's important to note that JOE JACKSON introduced and recommended Dr. Murray to Michael.

AEG did not kill Michael, Murray (and possibly others) killed Michael. I truly believe that Murray is not the only hand in this tale.

What I want to know is, if Murray is a cardiologist, why is he treating the MJ-3 for? Do any of them have a heart problem (God forbid?) Shouldn't the MJ-3 go to a pediatrician? And yes, Joe Jackson introduced Murray to Michael, maybe this was the reason. Babies were sick, grandpa recommended Murray.

Um, yeah.

Your information is intresting, because I heard another tale about how Michael met Murray. Although, it does seem that anyone who knows Joe has a shady background.

Although, I am curious why you think 'others' had a hand with Murray. At most, they maybe some who are guilty in the cover up for Murray, but not Michael's actual death. Look at my last post for detail of why I think this.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

no question AEG was the one that was going to pay murray not mj , but the contract was not signed so what is the point of suing AEG? you prepared a contract but it was not signed . they are not bound to give him anything
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Even if AEG wanted to do a background check, it didn't matter. Do you think that if AEG told MJ all that it would've mattered?

Michael always got what he wanted, despite what anybody said.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

You would be very surprised how many death cercificates simply show natural death because the death was not suspicious. Sometimes they find out it was murder, oftenly they don't.
You would be very surprised how many people were murdered - of course it can be a mistake but it's intentional more often than you'd ever wanna know.
You may think it is fiction and I know it is hard to take but it is cold reality. Perfectly understand that you refuse to believe me cause if average people would know they would stay away of hospitals etc.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Murray needs to back in his cave and wait for his arrest. Not sure how credible this article is from TMZ since they were careful in their wording by saying he was "setting the stage". Since no lawsuit has been filed, they could have waited on this story. We knew months ago that he asked them to pay him.

But what would TMZ would be without a Micheal Jackson story every day? They are certainly making money off of MJ so they keep 'em coming.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

no question AEG was the one that was going to pay murray not mj , but the contract was not signed so what is the point of suing AEG? you prepared a contract but it was not signed . they are not bound to give him anything

My understanding is that the signed, five-page, contract was found on the seat of Murray's impounded car, along with Randy Phillips' business card/contact info. (I'll have to look through my notes for that.) I don't know the history or competence of Murray's attorney, but am pretty sure he wouldn't take the time to sue if he was not reasonably certain he had a case? (Especially if Murray has no money to PAY him? Who is paying that attorney, anyway? I'd really like to know. . . .)

Really, just really.....

Yes. Really. Malpractice suit, and arrest for domestic abuse.

Carry on,

Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Even if AEG wanted to do a background check, it didn't matter. Do you think that if AEG told MJ all that it would've mattered?

Michael always got what he wanted, despite what anybody said.

Michael did not always get what he wanted. That is a tale told by the media when they wanted to paint him as an out of control addict.

We do not know 'how' he killed the patient. As a doctor, especially a heart doctor, you hold the life of a patient in your hand and sometimes crap happen. Even the best doctors can accidently kill a patient. Even whey they are extremely careful.

I am sure AEG took note of that and look into it and found nothing criminally. They had told Michael and he may had still said "I want this man." We really do not know either way.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

You would be very surprised how many death cercificates simply show natural death because the death was not suspicious. Sometimes they find out it was murder, oftenly they don't.
You would be very surprised how many people were murdered - of course it can be a mistake but it's intentional more often than you'd ever wanna know.
You may think it is fiction and I know it is hard to take but it is cold reality. Perfectly understand that you refuse to believe me cause if average people would know they would stay away of hospitals etc.

The problem with that is we know that Michael's death is suspicious and it was murder. Even the corona stated as much. So, that theory does not work. If Michael died of an overdose and that was the end, you could make that argument.

You also fail to tell me if Murray was a hitman, why did he chose the drugs that he did and the following action that leads all to him. Why would he set himself up to take the blame when he could had done what I suggested in my post.

But whatever, you refuse to listen to reason, so there is nothing left to say to you. I gave my reasons and you want to go in circles.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Your information is intresting, because I heard another tale about how Michael met Murray. Although, it does seem that anyone who knows Joe has a shady background.

Although, I am curious why you think 'others' had a hand with Murray. At most, they maybe some who are guilty in the cover up for Murray, but not Michael's actual death. Look at my last post for detail of why I think this.

Well, I have a theory that either Murray is one piece of a puzzle - or set-up by "others" who really killed MJ.

Because Murray is arrogant, sloppy, greedy and not too smart - despite the fact that he's a cardiologist. I think that Murray's routine was to go to MJs house, prepare him for the night, and take off to smoke, chat on the phone, sleep, whatever...then check on MJ and do whatever he wanted to do.

Someone who wanted MJ dead knew this about Murray and took advantage of Murray's shoddy work.

OR... told Murray to carry the murder out and to just hang tight for a couple of years, maybe even catch a few years behind bars & he'll get a big payout for it. Murray's that stupid & that greedy to believe this.

Because will all due honesty, there is no way that a cardiologist doesn't know how to administer proper CPR. That's like Gordon Ramsay not knowing how to boil an egg.

It's possible that during one of Murray's phone calls or smoke breaks, someone else came in and upped MJ's IV Drip Propofol dosage.

And with all the discrepancies in time of the phone calls made - and not 1 was made to 911 until noon, lividity in the body and temperature of the room (90+ degrees & a fireplace on in JUNE in LOS ANGELES???) - then the levels of Propofol found in MJ's body - there's too much data and motive (control of MJ's money and revenge) there that scream MURDER.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Michael did not always get what he wanted. That is a tale told by the media when they wanted to paint him as an out of control addict.

That's not what I wanted to imply. I meant in the sense that when MJ wanted a giraffe, he bought a giraffe. If he wanted FAO Schwartz to shut down just so he can shop in peace, it was done. Michael was gently persuasive in getting his way - whatever he wanted to do, he had it like that.

We do not know 'how' he killed the patient. As a doctor, especially a heart doctor, you hold the life of a patient in your hand and sometimes crap happen. Even the best doctors can accidently kill a patient. Even whey they are extremely careful.

I am sure AEG took note of that and look into it and found nothing criminally. They had told Michael and he may had still said "I want this man." We really do not know either way.

Exactly - because he was recommended by his dad. What was the story you heard on how MJ met Murray?
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

I stand corrected. Further research revealed that he's been sued at least a dozen times, but not technically for malpractice. The domestic abuse arrest is well-known, though, as are his florid and ridiculous self-created problems with women!

Carry on,

Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

It's possible that during one of Murray's phone calls or smoke breaks, someone else came in and upped MJ's IV Drip Propofol dosage.

This is what i been trying to say all along Murray didn't act alone trust me some one esle was there
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Let me tell you something.. The doctor is not working right now... he has not work since he last saw MJ.. So now he does not have money coming in.... Well he is broke.. Now how does he make money? ( snap) sue everyone that had ties in with MJ..( rolls eyes)...
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Well, I have a theory that either Murray is one piece of a puzzle - or set-up by "others" who really killed MJ.

Because Murray is arrogant, sloppy, greedy and not too smart - despite the fact that he's a cardiologist. I think that Murray's routine was to go to MJs house, prepare him for the night, and take off to smoke, chat on the phone, sleep, whatever...then check on MJ and do whatever he wanted to do.

Someone who wanted MJ dead knew this about Murray and took advantage of Murray's shoddy work.

OR... told Murray to carry the murder out and to just hang tight for a couple of years, maybe even catch a few years behind bars & he'll get a big payout for it. Murray's that stupid & that greedy to believe this.

Because will all due honesty, there is no way that a cardiologist doesn't know how to administer proper CPR. That's like Gordon Ramsay not knowing how to boil an egg.

It's possible that during one of Murray's phone calls or smoke breaks, someone else came in and upped MJ's IV Drip Propofol dosage.

And with all the discrepancies in time of the phone calls made - and not 1 was made to 911 until noon, lividity in the body and temperature of the room (90+ degrees & a fireplace on in JUNE in LOS ANGELES???) - then the levels of Propofol found in MJ's body - there's too much data and motive (control of MJ's money and revenge) there that scream MURDER.

I see where you are coming from, but I doubt this theory.

Who would spend time in jail and lose their lively hood when you can use more 'common' drugs to do the samething and it would look less suspicious. Even worst, he could not even said he discover the body, because it was in his bed. Also, they mess up CPR seems more of an act of desperation more than pre plan, since he would had went through the effect to make sure he did it right. People who plan murders usually over act everything to make sure everything is perfect. Which is usually how they get caught.

Also, if he was really set up without his knowledge, he would be screaming that to the top of his lungs. He already threw Michael and other doctors under the bus, so why not scream "I was set up!" He maybe stupid, but he obviously cares about saving his own skin.

There is also the problem about this 'payment'. If he got any sort of payment, it would catch someone's attention. You do not go from broke to suddenly having money. That is how they catch drug dealers and people doing other illegal underground work. Especially if you killed the most famous person in the world.

For this to work, Murray would have to be overly stupid. Also, who really benefices from Michael's death. Only the kids would get the big money and everyone else is fighting for change.

If you are going to say the ATV catalogue, I heavily doubt this. Considering, how were they going to guess that the estate would sell it after his death. No one knew what was in the will. His own family did not even know he had a will. Seem like a big risk over a big 'what if'. When murdering for money, you usually want to go with a sure thing. Especially with a doctor who would rat you out in a heartbeat.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

This is what i been trying to say all along Murray didn't act alone trust me some one esle was there

I agree with this.

Where are the security tapes?

Whoever has those, is the killer.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

Murray is financially desperate, who is paying his attorneys? Just wondering.
think his lawyer said yesterday at court he was doing it pro bono

no question AEG was the one that was going to pay murray not mj , but the contract was not signed so what is the point of suing AEG? you prepared a contract but it was not signed . they are not bound to give him anything
from whats been reported the contract for him to be his doctor in London wasnt signed. maybe this was seperate to him being paid as mjs doc while he was in L.A. the london job was something totally diff.so hes sueing for payment of working for mj in L.A

whats the evidence about joe introdcuing mj to murray. murray said he was working for mj since 2006 yet mj only came back to the usa at xmas 06
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

aaaaaaarrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!! When is this going to end?? Please........

Has this stupid man got no shame?
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

So Joe introduced them for real? If so I'm not shocked.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

think his lawyer said yesterday at court he was doing it pro bono

from whats been reported the contract for him to be his doctor in London wasnt signed. maybe this was seperate to him being paid as mjs doc while he was in L.A. the london job was something totally diff.so hes sueing for payment of working for mj in L.A

whats the evidence about joe introdcuing mj to murray. murray said he was working for mj since 2006 yet mj only came back to the usa at xmas 06

There is a court document detailing the contract found in Murray's car, but I'd have to take the time to hunt that up. (I'm just a bit BUSY wrapping things up before my departure as staff. . . . !) It seems as though it was to be continuous employment, by AEG, as Michael's doctor through rehearsals and in London. I believe that what he's suing for is only for the weeks in L.A., but not future income that would have been earned?

If the attorney is doing it pro-bono, he must smell yet another book-deal?

I've seen no evidence that it was Joe who introduced Murray to Michael. There are many conflicting reports about how Murray came into Michael's life. . so not sure about that one .. . . . .
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

I see where you are coming from, but I doubt this theory.

Who would spend time in jail and lose their lively hood when you can use more 'common' drugs to do the samething and it would look less suspicious. Even worst, he could not even said he discover the body, because it was in his bed. Also, they mess up CPR seems more of an act of desperation more than pre plan, since he would had went through the effect to make sure he did it right. People who plan murders usually over act everything to make sure everything is perfect. Which is usually how they get caught.

A doctor who is stupid, arrogant and desperate would. Murray's at the point where his life was already in the toilet with 7 babies to support, a business barely breaking even, and then the chance to care for a rich superstar (or to kill one), isn't that crazy to someone who's already desperate.

The botched CPR could've been staged to look like it was a mistake. But I really believe MJ was dead waaaay before that.

Also, if he was really set up without his knowledge, he would be screaming that to the top of his lungs. He already threw Michael and other doctors under the bus, so why not scream "I was set up!" He maybe stupid, but he obviously cares about saving his own skin.

Murray is scared & sitting tight for reasons that only he knows. Someone is telling him to stay quiet & remain on the down low until further notice.

There is also the problem about this 'payment'. If he got any sort of payment, it would catch someone's attention. You do not go from broke to suddenly having money. That is how they catch drug dealers and people doing other illegal underground work. Especially if you killed the most famous person in the world.

Precisely why he can't & won't get paid now.

For this to work, Murray would have to be overly stupid. Also, who really benefices from Michael's death. Only the kids would get the big money and everyone else is fighting for change.

Control of the children and/or control of the estate is the prize to be won, and who's been the one challenging & fighting for control?

If you are going to say the ATV catalogue, I heavily doubt this. Considering, how were they going to guess that the estate would sell it after his death. No one knew what was in the will. His own family did not even know he had a will. Seem like a big risk over a big 'what if'. When murdering for money, you usually want to go with a sure thing. Especially with a doctor who would rat you out in a heartbeat.

Anyone who is desperate for cash - or wanted revenge for being cut out of MJ's inner circle would do this.

MJ created a trust where he placed all his assets so that creditors wouldn't touch it. Everyone knew this - it came out in the papers!

And murdering MJ for money IS a sure thing since MJ's estate is a worth more than 1.5 billion dollars. Once someone has control over that, it's just a matter of liquidating and/or assigning $$$ amounts.

Anyway, those are my thoughts on this.
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG

I've seen no evidence that it was Joe who introduced Murray to Michael. There are many conflicting reports about how Murray came into Michael's life. . so not sure about that one .. . . . .

I was under the impression it was one of his security team that introduced him. Also vaguely remember something about somebody's sister...?
Re: Dr. Murray Gunning for AEG


why a heart doctor treat MJ's kids from cold???
why he accompanied MJ in many clincs in Las Vegas?
why leave LV to live with MJ in LA?
why Kenny,Philips and Dileo meet him in the same way the drug dealers meet in the movies?(accoding to Dileo interview)